Books by Hans-Liudger Dienel
Papers by Hans-Liudger Dienel
Linde, 2004
The late 1970s seemed to promise the continuation of a stable economic upswing. The economic bala... more The late 1970s seemed to promise the continuation of a stable economic upswing. The economic balance was still positive in 1979. In fact, with a growth of 4.5 per cent in the gross national product, Germany was the international leader. However, in 1979 oil prices increased again, causing worldwide infl ation and throwing Germany into a three-year deficit for the first time in decades.1 While deficits are normal in the United States, they caused a great deal of insecurity in German politics and in the German public sphere. Developing countries, however, faced even graver problems. As a result of the recession, the price of raw goods – with the exception of oil – sank, and deprived many thirdworld countries of their incomes. At the same time, industrialized countries restricted the importation of inexpensive industrially manufactured goods from developing countries, and, in addition, an unexpected infl ation of the US dollar sharpened the global debt problem. At the beginning of the summer of 1982, the Falkland crisis and the related inability of Argentina to make debt payments were the forerunners of an international debt crisis. Mexico’s declaration of a moratorium on its interest and debt payments, which was followed by other Latin American countries, posed a menacing threat to the international finance system.2 The private bank industry was overwhelmed by the recession, the turbulent foreign exchange market, and especially the debt crisis. The banks were strained by the inverse credit structure: short-term interest rates were higher than long-term interest rates. Commerzbank, for example, faced a severe crisis in the early 1980s.
Standardisierung und Integration europäischer Verkehrsinfrastruktur in historischer Perspektive, 2009
Linde, 2004
The rise of the National Socialists took place against the background of the world economic crisi... more The rise of the National Socialists took place against the background of the world economic crisis of 1929–33; after a period of relative economic consolidation in the mid-1920s the worldwide economy collapsed. The German Reich – already economically weak during the Weimar Republic – was particularly impacted by this economic disturbance. Private assets were heavily hit by the infl ation of 1919–23. There has been a long-term debate over the role that reparation payments played in amplifying the crisis.1 The finance and sales crises at the end of the 1920s led to dramatic cuts in industrial production, resulting in mass unemployment, above all in the industrialized regions of Germany and particularly in the big cities.2 There were almost 6 million people unemployed in 1932. Considering the limited unemployment benefits at the time, this amounted in practical terms to poverty for a large sector of the population.3 Linde was not spared by the economic crisis either, despite the fact that sales of investment goods such as mechanical and plant engineering were delayed in terms of their response to this crisis. The crisis impacted the Linde Company ‘to its full extent’ first in 1931; contracts dropped, profits in all departments decreased substantially and there was a shortage of work.
Linde, 2004
At first glance 21 June 1879 seemed a very bad time to start a business. The young German empire,... more At first glance 21 June 1879 seemed a very bad time to start a business. The young German empire, called to life in the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles in January 1871 at the end of the Franco-Prussian war, had just got through the hardest part of an economic crisis that was to last in a less extreme form until 1894. Despite everything, this was the day that after a failed attempt and a year of planning the 37-year-old college teacher Carl Linde with five partners decided to bring the ‘Linde Ice Machine Company’ to life in Wiesbaden. Linde needed first of all to believe in his own talents. This belief was built on the fact that at that point 20 refrigeration machines – Linde’s only product at the time – had already been built according to his patent. The young company believed it would be successful even without advertising. Linde demonstrated his confidence in his new undertaking by giving up his tenure as a college lecturer before the company was formally founded.1 His example shows how the successful founding of businesses, or spin-offs as universities like now to call them, is determined more by inner qualities than external conditions.
Linde, 2004
At the turn of the millennium Linde acquired AGA, its Swedish competitor in the gas business. It ... more At the turn of the millennium Linde acquired AGA, its Swedish competitor in the gas business. It was the most important acquisition in the company’s history. As in its early days, the global market for industrial gases was still an oligopoly, with the seven largest producers supplying 70 per cent of the world market. As of 1998, the truly dominant companies, however, were Air Liquide (with 17 per cent market share), BOC and Praxair (each with 14 per cent), and Air Products (9 per cent). AGA (6 per cent), Linde (5 per cent), and Messer (5 per cent) were the smaller players among the big seven. In the European gas market, too, Air Liquide had the largest market share (26 per cent), followed by Linde (13 per cent) and AGA and Messer (each with 11 per cent); BOC and Air Products each had 10 per cent market share, and Praxair 5 per cent. In the North and South American markets, Praxair had the strongest presence with 31 per cent, followed by Air Products with 15 per cent, Air Liquide with 14 per cent, and BOC with 11 per cent. Here, AGA (6 per cent), Messer (3 per cent), and Linde (2 per cent) ranked among the next-smallest suppliers. These international market structures had developed gradually over many years.
Linde, 2004
Laden as he was with the move to Munich in 1890 and with his duties as chairman of the board of d... more Laden as he was with the move to Munich in 1890 and with his duties as chairman of the board of directors in Wiesbaden, Linde shifted his engineering interests from refrigeration to cryogenic engineering. A new field for him, cryogenic engineering was technologically less discovered than refrigeration engineering at that time. Originally, the company was to finance small-scale research for the next five or so years. However, after 1895, when Linde began to make pioneering discoveries in cryogenic engineering, it became clear not only that the company would delve further into this field, but also that technology development would become a core competence. Indeed, competition for Linde was to evolve less around price than technological competence. This department of gas liquefaction and separation in Munich grew increasingly following the turn of the century. By 1920, it had become in many ways more important than the older Department A for refrigeration machines in Wiesbaden. This chapter recounts the founding of this area of operations, which, up until the end of the 1970s, constituted the core and identity of the company. Organizationally, this department, as an engineering department for technological development, was similar in some ways to Department A of the 1880s in Wiesbaden. The following describes the foundation, expansion and inner structure of the department up to 1930.
Zusammenfassung: Die "Bürgerausstellung" ist durch ihre Verbindung sozialwissenschaftli... more Zusammenfassung: Die "Bürgerausstellung" ist durch ihre Verbindung sozialwissenschaftlicher, partizipativer und künstlerischer Elemente ein Umsetzungsbeispiel angewandter performativer Sozialwissenschaft. Die Methode entstand in den 1990er Jahren bei der Vermittlung qualitativer Methoden und gemeindespsychologischer Ansätze an Studierende der Psychologie. Die Bürgerausstellung kombiniert qualitative Methoden wie Interview und Textinterpretation mit künstlerisch-ästhetischen Methoden wie Fotografie und Film zu einem Gesamtkonzept. In der Tradition der Aktionsforschung stehend wird das Verfahren bei der Erforschung gesellschaftlicher Problemstellungen eingesetzt. Die Bürgerausstellung unterstützt durch die Präsentation unterschiedlicher Sichtweisen den Dialog und weiterführende Kommunikationsprozesse zwischen den Akteuren und Akteurinnen. Die Inszenierung der Ausstellungseröffnung hat dabei besondere Bedeutung. Der vorliegende Beitrag über die Bürgerausstellung stellt in sei...
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research
Der vorliegende Prototyp QUESSY.ti bietet eine solche Schnittstelle zum QDA-Programm ATLAS.ti. QU... more Der vorliegende Prototyp QUESSY.ti bietet eine solche Schnittstelle zum QDA-Programm ATLAS.ti. QUESSY.ti erlaubt die Formulierung einer Anfrage (Query) an einen Datensatz in einer Datenbank; die Datenbank-Attribute (Feldnamen) des Datensatzes konnen anschliesend in einem MappingVerfahren in die "Sprache" von ATLAS.ti ubersetzt und in das QDA-Programm importiert werden. In diesem Beitrag wird nach Einfuhrung in die Problematik die Arbeitsweise von QUESSY.ti beschrieben und es werden Ergebnisse einer internationalen online-Befragung von ATLAS.tiNutzern zum Bedarf und Einsatz von Datenbanken dargestellt. Abschliesend werden potenzielle Anwendungsfelder der QUESSY-Technologie diskutiert.
Der Beitrag beschaeftigt sich mit den Hintergruenden, Zielsetzungen und Inhalten des derzeit im A... more Der Beitrag beschaeftigt sich mit den Hintergruenden, Zielsetzungen und Inhalten des derzeit im Aufbau befindlichen Forschungs-Informations-System Verkehr, Staedtebau, Raumordnung und Wohnungswesen (FIS). Hauptziel von FIS ist es, zu den wichtigen und aktuellen Fragen der politischen Handlungsfelder Verkehr-Bauen-Wohnen den Stand und die Positionen der Forschung in uebersichtlicher Form zu praesentieren. Damit soll der Zugriff auf das kontroverse aktuelle Forschungswissen erleichtert und dessen Anwendbarkeit im politischen Alltag verbessert werden. Darueber hinaus soll dieses Wissen in einer solchen Weise dargestellt werden, dass es von politischen Akteuren einfach in entsprechende Handlungen und Entscheidungen umgesetzt werden kann. Der Beitrag gibt im Einzelnen einen Ueberblick ueber die Entstehung und Umsetzung des geplanten Projektes, das bis November 2003 einen einjaehrigen Probe- und Wachstumsprozess durchlaufen soll. Danach soll deutlich werden, inwieweit das System die in es...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
Regarding the sharp growth rate of ICT (information and communication technology)—based mobility ... more Regarding the sharp growth rate of ICT (information and communication technology)—based mobility services like ridesourcing, it is essential to investigate the impact of these new mobility services on the transport mode choices, particularly on active mobility modes like cycling. This impact is more important in the MENA context (the Middle East and North Africa), where cycling does not constitute the main mobility mode in the modal split of most MENA cities. This paper studies the relationship between the regular use of ICT-based mobility services like ridesourcing and the tendency to cycle to near destinations. This paper contains the analysis of 4431 interviews in two large cities of the MENA region (Cairo and Tehran). This research uses logistic regression to analyze and compare the odds of cycling among regular and non-regular users of ridesourcing by considering the socio-economic, land use, and perception variables. The findings indicate that the odds of cycling among the reg...
Page 1. Wissenschaftliche Debatten über die Zukunft der Politik: Politische Regulierungsformen, G... more Page 1. Wissenschaftliche Debatten über die Zukunft der Politik: Politische Regulierungsformen, Government und Governance und Netzwerkstrukturen auf der globalen, europäischen und nationalen Ebene Überblicksstudie ...
Im Maerz 1999 wurde ein Aufruf zur Einsendung von Projektideen im Bereich Freizeitverkehr initiie... more Im Maerz 1999 wurde ein Aufruf zur Einsendung von Projektideen im Bereich Freizeitverkehr initiiert. Dadurch wollte das Bundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) einerseits detaillierte Erkenntnisse ueber die individuellen Einflussfaktoren in konkreten Bereichen des Freizeitverkehrs erhalten. Andererseits sollten beispielhaft innovative Ansaetze zur nachhaltigen Gestaltung der Freizeitmobilitaet in konkreten geografischen Raeumen auf den Weg gebracht werden. Ausgerichtet wurde das Thema raeumlich auf Deutschland und zeitlich auf Kurzurlaubs- und Tagesfreizeitverkehr. Vorgestellt werden alle Themen und ausgewaehlte Ergebnisse der Projekte. Themen waren unter anderem Freizeitverkehrssysteme fuer den Event-Tourismus, Freizeitmobilitaet aelterer Personen, Untersuchungen zu den Beziehungen zwischen Ballungsraeumen und komplementaeren Zielregionen des Freizeit- und Urlaubsverkehrs etc.
Books by Hans-Liudger Dienel
Papers by Hans-Liudger Dienel