Mobile robot merupakan salah satu kategori robot yang memiliki fungsi untuk berpindah tempat. Pen... more Mobile robot merupakan salah satu kategori robot yang memiliki fungsi untuk berpindah tempat. Pengembangan dari mobile robot yaitu implementasi perubahan lintasan mendatar¸ tanjakan serta turunan. Ketika robot berjalan terdapat gangguan tak terukur dari luar yang mempengaruhi respon sistem. Hal ini menyebabkan kecepatan robot berubah-ubah, sehingga dibutuhkan suatu mekanisme yang mampu membuat mobile robot menjaga stabilitas dan kemampuan jelajah untuk kestabilan kecepatan mobile robot. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode PID untuk mengatur servo berdasarkan input dari gyro Z, sehingga membuat mobile robot berjalan tanpa keluar dari lintasannya dengan nilai konstanta Kp = 5, Ki = 0 dan Kd = 1. Respon sistem mencapai stedy state dengan nilai servo 90°, dari detik ke-8 sampai detik ke-13,5. Mobile robot dapat menjaga kestabilan kecepatan ketika melewati lintasan mendatar, tanjakan serta turunan dengan mene rapkan metode fuzzy logic controller dan kontrol PID dengan nilai konstanta Kp = 1,5, Ki = 0 dan Kd = 0,2. Respon yang diberikan oleh sistem mencapai steady state nilai kecepatan 0,88 pada detik ke-16,4. Sensor yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kemiringan lintasan yaitu sensor MPU6050 nilai gyro Y dan sensor rotary encoder. Kata-kunci: mobile robot, MPU6050, rotary encoder, fuzzy logic controller dan kontrol PID.
In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world has been attacked at this time, food delivery ro... more In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world has been attacked at this time, food delivery robots are one of the solutions to reduce connectivity between people in restaurants. Droplet is the transmission of Covid through coughing, sneezing, talking and also breathing out of the mouth and nose. This research has developed a prototype of a waiter robot that can run autonomously without markers to replace the role of humans in delivering food. A waiter robot can pass a previously mapped path. Track mapping is formed by moving the robot manually throughout the work area. The robot can generate path nodes and robot coordinates (x, y) from rotary sensors both encoder and odometry. After all trajectories of the work area have been mapped, the robot can determine the shortest path using Dijkstra's algorithm. The optimization of the movement of the autonomous waiter robot is built using three omni-directional. The results obtained through a series of tests with Dijkstra are that it is able to work well in finding the destination node from the origin node even though there are changes in the work area and the smooth movement generated by the three omnidirectional trajectories.
Herbal chili plants are very beneficial from a health and economic perspective. In the process of... more Herbal chili plants are very beneficial from a health and economic perspective. In the process of cultivating herbal chili plants, there are still many problems that need to be faced, including unfavorable climatic conditions and less intensive cultivation processes. Based on this description, to overcome these problems, technological innovation is needed that can be implemented directly in the cultivation of herbal chili plants. This situation can be achieved by applying a drip irrigation system. This system makes it possible to control the water supply requirements of chili herbs efficiently. System stability can run optimally when combined with a method that can make a decision quickly. Fuzzy logic is used in research because it is able to provide appropriate decisions on temperature and soil moisture data in chili herbs. This research is expected to overcome the problem of water shortages in barren areas. And increase people's interest in the cultivation of herbal chili plants. This research is also an overview and framework for developing the agricultural sector in Madura in the technology field. The results of this study indicate that technology can be designed and integrated with the fuzzy logic control method, then the results of testing the tool also show a 99,98% success rate. This is shown by the results of testing in the morning, afternoon, and evening. The contribution of this study is the control of temperature and humidity which in other studies only focused on the soil, not on the temperature and humidity of the air around the herbal chili plants with a system that has been controlled using the fuzzy method.
Sumenep is a district located in the eastern part of the island of Madura. Sumenep Regency has ma... more Sumenep is a district located in the eastern part of the island of Madura. Sumenep Regency has many islands that are still within its scope. Sea transportation is an essential means of traveling to Sapudi Island. Therefore, the increase in passengers needs to be considered in sailing safety. To make the prediction process for the number of sea transportation passengers, the Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) method is used as a method in deep learning that is capable of making predictions. The data obtained is passenger data for the years 2020-2023 with a seasonal data type. The suitable parameters during the GRU method testing were the number of neurons, epochs, and learning rates of 64, 200 and 0.1 with a MAPE error of 9.93. With an error value < 10%, then GRU can be ascertained as an excellent method for predicting the amount of sea transportation passenger data in Sumenep towards Sapudi Island. To carry out the prediction process, the application is based on WEB so that all users can use and find out the results of passenger predictions using the GRU method.
Today the development of robots has increased a lot. Over time the robot can used as a medium of ... more Today the development of robots has increased a lot. Over time the robot can used as a medium of learning and education. The maze mapping system can be used as educational media in robotics. In this study, the idea was obtained to design a robot moving objects that are able to move on a flat striped plane like a line tracer robot. Robot it adopts a maze mapping system to find the fastest path in moving objects. These objects are in the form of mini objects that have been given a color consisting of red, yellow, green, and blue. The four colors are used as a reference for the robot to detect objects based on the color that will be moved from the object detection start point to the available finish point. The method to be used on the robot is A*. The A* algorithm is able to find the fastest route on the path traversed by the robot, by adding up the actual distance with the estimated distance thus making it optimal in the search for the route. The microcontroller used on This robot is an Arduino Due which functions to enter data from the results of sensor readings is on the robots. The sensors consist of an infrared module that functions as a detector line and TCS34725 color sensor to detect the object to be moved. This wheeled robot using a DC motor with a voltage of 12V to drive the two wheels. Than 10 times experiment to determine the fastest path with 1 type of color, obtained success with 70%. The results of this study can be used as a comparison material for the A* method with the A* method another fastest path search.
Energy access is crucial for rural development in developing countries, as electrification drives... more Energy access is crucial for rural development in developing countries, as electrification drives economic growth, creates employment opportunities, and enhances the quality of life for rural communities. This study aims to determine the feasibility of powering a remote community with a hybrid energy system (HRS) combining solar photovoltaic, wind, and biogas to generate electricity and meet the energy needs of the rural area. West Waru Village was selected as the case study area due to its abundance of renewable energy sources. The HOMER tool was employed to model and optimize the HRS, providing a detailed analysis of its technical, economic, and environmental aspects. Furthermore, the study's findings were analyzed through a sensitivity analysis, considering uncertainty factors such as village load consumption, solar radiation, wind speed, and biomass availability. The best configuration for an on-grid scheme included a 2,284 kW photovoltaic (PV) system, 388 unit vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT), and a 500 kW biogas generator, resulting in a net present cost (NPC) of $8,506,090, a cost of energy (COE) of $0.054/kWh, and a payback period of 5.79 years. This configuration also reduced carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 67.2% compared to grid electricity. The optimal configuration for an off-grid scheme consisted of a 5,491 kW PV system, 954 VAWT, a 500 kW biogas generator, and 4,850 batteries, with an NPC of $20,162,390 and a COE of $0.1601/kWh, reducing CO2 emissions by 99.993%. These findings can serve as a baseline for the government to develop renewable energy systems in West Waru.
Perancangan Sistem Kendali Dan Navigasi Berbasis Stereo Vision Untuk Obstacle Avoidance Pada Three Wheels Omnidirectional Robot, Jul 24, 2012
Obstacle avoidance merupakan salah satu permasalahan sistem navigasi pada robot yang sampai saat ... more Obstacle avoidance merupakan salah satu permasalahan sistem navigasi pada robot yang sampai saat ini masih terus dikembangkan. Sistem navigasi dinilai sangat penting karena robot harus dapat dikendalikan dari posisi awal hingga sampai ke tujuan tanpa mengalami benturan. Ada dua point yang menjadi acuan yaitu, robot harus dapat menghindari halangan dan robot harus sampai pada tujuan. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya lebih banyak difokuskan pada halangan diam yang telah ditentukan, ini mengakibatkan hasil penelitian menjadi sulit untuk diaplikasikan dalam kondisi lingkungan nyata, padahal dalam kondisi nyata, halangan dapat bersifat diam maupun bergerak yang disebabkan oleh perubahan lingkungan tempat berjalan (area kerja). Dalam menghadapi permasalahan yang kompleks seperti yang telah diuraikan sebelumnya, maka dirancang sebuah sistem kendali menggunakan Neuro Fuzzy agar robot dapat menghindari halangan saat robot bergerak menuju target (tujuan). Untuk menunjang pergerakan robot agar lebih fleksibel dan halus dalam menghindari halangan serta dapat mengidentifikasi obyek secara real-time, maka digunakan robot three wheels omni-directional yang dilengkapi dengan stereo vision sensor. Setelah dilakukan 15 kali pengujian dengan posisi halangan yang berbeda, robot berhasil menghindari halangan saat jarak halangan berkisar antara 173 – 150 cm dengan rata-rata kecepatan Vy 274 mm/s. Dalam proses menghindari halangan, robot tetap memperhitungkan arah hadap robot terhadap target sampai sudut target bernillai 0.
Rekayasa: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Eksakta dan Teknologi, Dec 17, 2022
Presensi adalah sebuah daftar yang digunakan untuk mencatat kehadiran seseorang serta tingkat ked... more Presensi adalah sebuah daftar yang digunakan untuk mencatat kehadiran seseorang serta tingkat kedisplinan dari anggota dalam suatu instansi, institusi atau perusahaan. Sistem yang digunakan dalam presensi juga mengalami banyak perkembangan yakni mulai dari sistem presensi yang memakai kertas, sistem mesin check clock, sistem smart cards (RFID), hingga sistem yang paling terbaru ialah sistem presensi biometrik (fingerprint recognition, retina recognition, dan face recognition). Dalam penelitian ini, sistem yang digunakan pada alat presensi adalah salah satu dari sistem biometrik yaitu sistem face recognition. Hal ini, dikarenakan sistem biometrik face recognition dinilai paling efektif dari pada menggunakan sistem presensi lainnya dan juga untuk meminimalisir kecurangan dalam presensi, seperti titip tanda tangan dan titip kartu. Sebelum proses pengenalan wajah dilakukan, terdapat proses deteksi wajah atau face detection yang akan terlebih dahulu mengindikasikan bahwa dalam gambar tersebut terdapat wajah manusia atau tidak. Untuk melakukan hal tersebut face detection memerlukan sebuah metode, yakni Skin Color Segmentation yang dapat memberikan indikasi secara spesifik pada sebuah gambar atau image, dengan cara mengidentifikasi jumlah pixel yang ada dalam persegi saja dan bukan nilai setiap pixel yang ada pada keseluruhan image. Kemudian hasil dari proses face detection ini, akan diolah untuk proses face recognition, yang mana dalam proses ini juga memerlukan metode yakni Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
This paper addresses the problem of obstacle avoidance in mobile robot navigation systems. The na... more This paper addresses the problem of obstacle avoidance in mobile robot navigation systems. The navigation system is considered very important because the robot must be able to be controlled from its initial position to its destination without experiencing a collision. The robot must be able to avoid obstacles and arrive at its destination. Several previous studies have focused more on predetermined stationary obstacles. This has resulted in research results being difficult to apply in real environmental conditions, whereas in real conditions, obstacles can be stationary or moving caused by changes in the walking environment. The objective of this study is to address the robot’s navigation behaviors to avoid obstacles. In dealing with complex problems as previously described, a control system is designed using Neuro-Fuzzy so that the robot can avoid obstacles when the robot moves toward the destination. This paper uses ANFIS for obstacle avoidance control. The learning model used is ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018)
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has many uses, including aerial photography, aerial mapping and mon... more Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has many uses, including aerial photography, aerial mapping and monitoring activities. Quadcopter is a type of UAV that uses four rotors. The speed of each rotor has a considerable influence on the movement. The quadcopter movement can be done in this research, namely the process of arming, taking off, hover, and landing on decisions made by the system (autonomous). How the quadcopter achieves a balance in its movement to be stable and responsive requires a method. One method that is suitable for processing stability is the method (PID). The PID method has three main parameters, namely Proportional (Kp), Integral (Ki), Derivatives (Kd), with the determination of the constant through the trial and error process to obtain the optimal stability value as the purpose of this study. But the load of the quadcopter and the wind tightness around it is very influential to get the quadcopter movement to survive in stable conditions. Through a series of experimental processes carried out to produce the best constant values, at Kp = 1.3, Ki = 0.04, and Kd = 18, where the quadcopter is able to survive for 20 sec at the same relative point from the time of departure. The addition of GPS sensors in advanced research will be able to make this quadcopter move stable with the monitored position.
Objek wisata merupakan suatu tempat yang mengandung unsur nilai budaya, sejarah, pendidikan, rekr... more Objek wisata merupakan suatu tempat yang mengandung unsur nilai budaya, sejarah, pendidikan, rekreasi dan sebagainya. Beberapa objek wisata di Provinsi Jawa Timur telah tersebar diberbagai daerah, salah satunya di Kabupaten Jember. Kabupaten Jember memiliki berbagai macam potensi pariwisata alam seperti wisata pemandian, wisata air terjun, dan wisata pantai. Namun, kurangnya informasi yang lengkap sehingga membuat beberapa obyek wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Jember belum begitu dikenal oleh masyarakat secara luas. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini telah merancang sebuah sistem informasi berbasis multimedia sebagai media yang dapat membantu para wisatawan untuk mengenal berbagai macam objek wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Jember beserta rute-rute yang harus dilewati untuk menuju ke atau dari tempat objek wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Jember. Perancangan sistem pada penelitian ini digambarkan dalam Unified Modeling Language (UML) dan Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Tujuan dari penel...
Abstrak: Kebutuhan bahan bakar fosil untuk pembangkit listrik semakin meningkat, sehingga cadanga... more Abstrak: Kebutuhan bahan bakar fosil untuk pembangkit listrik semakin meningkat, sehingga cadangan bahan bakar semakin menipis. Energi listrik merupakan energi yang sangat mudah untuk dipergunakan, karena sangat mudah dikonversi menjadi bentuk energi lain dengna mudah dan efisien. Pemerintah telah mencanangkan untuk berhemat energi dan memberikan program program perancangan energi terbarukan melalui perubahan energi matahari, angin, air dan biomassa. Penelitian energi terbarukan pada solar cell, micro hydro dan biomassa telah banyak dilakukan, isu terkini pada energi terbarukan adalah pemanfaatan panas buang (waste heat), pada dunia industri dan permesinan seperti automobiles, boilers dan radiator pada mobil dan kapal banyak menyumbang panas yang terbuang. Thermoelectric generator (TEG) merupakan jenis semikonduktor yang dapat menghasilkan tegangan berdasarkan perbedaan temperatur yang melewati kedua sisi alatnya. Perancangan media ajar energi terbarukan dengan memanfaatkan Thermoel...
Pendeteksian target merupakan salah satu bagian yang sangat penting dan merupakan titik tolak ker... more Pendeteksian target merupakan salah satu bagian yang sangat penting dan merupakan titik tolak kerja sistem Robot Pengikut Manusia. Penelitian ini membahas sistem pendeteksi target dengan mengkombinasikan pendeteksian badan bagian atas (upper body) dan warna pakaian target. Sistem pendeteksian upper body menggunakan Haar Cascade Classifiers. Sensor yang digunakan dalam pendeteksian adalah dua buah kamera yang disusun secara stereo. Sensor akan menangkap citra yang berada di depannya. Setelah upper body terdeteksi proses berikutnya melakukan pengenalan terhadap warna pakaian. Warna yang jadi referensi adalah warna merah sesuai hasil pengambilan sample yang telah di normalisasi. Pendeteksian warna dilakukan pada daerah bagian bawah dan setengah bagian dari lebar upper body. Setelah itu jika target ditemukan, kemudian target akan ditandai. Langkah terakhir adalah mencari titik pusat target. Pengujian dilakukan dalam beberapa skenario. Masing-masing skenario dilakukan dengan pose dan kon...
Salt processing commonly conducted by using heat energy from solar. Process begins with heating s... more Salt processing commonly conducted by using heat energy from solar. Process begins with heating salt water from sea on the embankment with a period approximately 30 to 40 days. In the rainy season the quantity of salt produced decreases due to weather. Some salt farmers prefer not to produce in the rainy season because it's a high risk percentage. The aim from this research is to help them, we create greenhouse technology that can optimize the process of evaporation of old salt water into salt. This technology allows salt farmers to produce salt without regard to the influence of the weather, both dry and rainy seasons. This technology maintains indoor temperatures according to the best temperature of the evaporation process using heating elements. Technology in the form of a greenhouse with a prism-shaped roof. If the temperature in the room exceeds the optimal temperature, then the heat in the room will be released through the exhaust air until the temperature becomes optimal ...
2020 6th Information Technology International Seminar (ITIS), 2020
Bioethanol is an alternative fuel for sugarcane extract fermentation which can also be used in in... more Bioethanol is an alternative fuel for sugarcane extract fermentation which can also be used in internal combustion engines. The content of the calorific value of bioethanol is very low when compared to gasoline, so in its application to internal combustion motors, namely the time required for bioethanol fuel injection must be made longer, by reducing the amount of air naturally resulting in the mixture becoming rich. The electric supercharger functions as an addition to combustion air so that the mixture becomes ideal for combustion. Tests carried out on a K15 engine with a compression ratio of 12.5. Variation of electric supercharger voltage changes from 6 to 12 volts in 2 volt increments at engine speed 2000 to 8000 rotations per minute with an interval of 1000 rotations per minute. Experimental results of air addition effect on exhaust gas K15 engine using bioethanol fuel, get the value of CO, CO2 and HC emissions respectively by 3.96%, 7.26% and 21.36%.
Shrimp farming becomes the main commodity of society in Madura Island East Java Indonesia. Becaus... more Shrimp farming becomes the main commodity of society in Madura Island East Java Indonesia. Because of Madura island has a very extreme weather, farmers have difficulty in keeping the balance of pond water. As a consequence of this condition, there are some farmers experienced losses. In this study an adaptive control system was developed using ANFIS method to control pH balance (7.5-8.5), Temperature (25-31°C), water level (70-120 cm) and Dissolved Oxygen (4-7,5 ppm). Each parameter (pH, temperature, level and DO) is controlled separately but can work together. The output of the control system is in the form of pump activation which provides the antidote to the imbalance that occurs in pond water. The system is built with two modes at once, which are automatic mode and manual mode. The manual control interface based on android which is easy to use.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
Ship stabilizers are still an interesting issue to develop. The ship changes a lot like the rolli... more Ship stabilizers are still an interesting issue to develop. The ship changes a lot like the rolling motion caused by the waves. The scrolling effect of the ship causes passenger inconvenience and collisions. Therefore, a stabilizer is needed to reduce rolling so that the ship stays balanced. This stabilizer is mounted on the center of the ship to effect the rolling ship effect. This research developed an anti-roll stabilizer by utilizing the flywheel. The flywheel rotates on the stabilizer shaft producing Direction force and value magnitude. To control the flywheel speed, a fuzzy logic controller is used. The results of the study showed that the Anti-roll stabilizer was able to reduce rolling vessels by 26% from the front and rear directions of the ship, and 56% from the left and right directions.
Mobile robot merupakan salah satu kategori robot yang memiliki fungsi untuk berpindah tempat. Pen... more Mobile robot merupakan salah satu kategori robot yang memiliki fungsi untuk berpindah tempat. Pengembangan dari mobile robot yaitu implementasi perubahan lintasan mendatar¸ tanjakan serta turunan. Ketika robot berjalan terdapat gangguan tak terukur dari luar yang mempengaruhi respon sistem. Hal ini menyebabkan kecepatan robot berubah-ubah, sehingga dibutuhkan suatu mekanisme yang mampu membuat mobile robot menjaga stabilitas dan kemampuan jelajah untuk kestabilan kecepatan mobile robot. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode PID untuk mengatur servo berdasarkan input dari gyro Z, sehingga membuat mobile robot berjalan tanpa keluar dari lintasannya dengan nilai konstanta Kp = 5, Ki = 0 dan Kd = 1. Respon sistem mencapai stedy state dengan nilai servo 90°, dari detik ke-8 sampai detik ke-13,5. Mobile robot dapat menjaga kestabilan kecepatan ketika melewati lintasan mendatar, tanjakan serta turunan dengan mene rapkan metode fuzzy logic controller dan kontrol PID dengan nilai konstanta Kp = 1,5, Ki = 0 dan Kd = 0,2. Respon yang diberikan oleh sistem mencapai steady state nilai kecepatan 0,88 pada detik ke-16,4. Sensor yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kemiringan lintasan yaitu sensor MPU6050 nilai gyro Y dan sensor rotary encoder. Kata-kunci: mobile robot, MPU6050, rotary encoder, fuzzy logic controller dan kontrol PID.
In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world has been attacked at this time, food delivery ro... more In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world has been attacked at this time, food delivery robots are one of the solutions to reduce connectivity between people in restaurants. Droplet is the transmission of Covid through coughing, sneezing, talking and also breathing out of the mouth and nose. This research has developed a prototype of a waiter robot that can run autonomously without markers to replace the role of humans in delivering food. A waiter robot can pass a previously mapped path. Track mapping is formed by moving the robot manually throughout the work area. The robot can generate path nodes and robot coordinates (x, y) from rotary sensors both encoder and odometry. After all trajectories of the work area have been mapped, the robot can determine the shortest path using Dijkstra's algorithm. The optimization of the movement of the autonomous waiter robot is built using three omni-directional. The results obtained through a series of tests with Dijkstra are that it is able to work well in finding the destination node from the origin node even though there are changes in the work area and the smooth movement generated by the three omnidirectional trajectories.
Herbal chili plants are very beneficial from a health and economic perspective. In the process of... more Herbal chili plants are very beneficial from a health and economic perspective. In the process of cultivating herbal chili plants, there are still many problems that need to be faced, including unfavorable climatic conditions and less intensive cultivation processes. Based on this description, to overcome these problems, technological innovation is needed that can be implemented directly in the cultivation of herbal chili plants. This situation can be achieved by applying a drip irrigation system. This system makes it possible to control the water supply requirements of chili herbs efficiently. System stability can run optimally when combined with a method that can make a decision quickly. Fuzzy logic is used in research because it is able to provide appropriate decisions on temperature and soil moisture data in chili herbs. This research is expected to overcome the problem of water shortages in barren areas. And increase people's interest in the cultivation of herbal chili plants. This research is also an overview and framework for developing the agricultural sector in Madura in the technology field. The results of this study indicate that technology can be designed and integrated with the fuzzy logic control method, then the results of testing the tool also show a 99,98% success rate. This is shown by the results of testing in the morning, afternoon, and evening. The contribution of this study is the control of temperature and humidity which in other studies only focused on the soil, not on the temperature and humidity of the air around the herbal chili plants with a system that has been controlled using the fuzzy method.
Sumenep is a district located in the eastern part of the island of Madura. Sumenep Regency has ma... more Sumenep is a district located in the eastern part of the island of Madura. Sumenep Regency has many islands that are still within its scope. Sea transportation is an essential means of traveling to Sapudi Island. Therefore, the increase in passengers needs to be considered in sailing safety. To make the prediction process for the number of sea transportation passengers, the Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) method is used as a method in deep learning that is capable of making predictions. The data obtained is passenger data for the years 2020-2023 with a seasonal data type. The suitable parameters during the GRU method testing were the number of neurons, epochs, and learning rates of 64, 200 and 0.1 with a MAPE error of 9.93. With an error value < 10%, then GRU can be ascertained as an excellent method for predicting the amount of sea transportation passenger data in Sumenep towards Sapudi Island. To carry out the prediction process, the application is based on WEB so that all users can use and find out the results of passenger predictions using the GRU method.
Today the development of robots has increased a lot. Over time the robot can used as a medium of ... more Today the development of robots has increased a lot. Over time the robot can used as a medium of learning and education. The maze mapping system can be used as educational media in robotics. In this study, the idea was obtained to design a robot moving objects that are able to move on a flat striped plane like a line tracer robot. Robot it adopts a maze mapping system to find the fastest path in moving objects. These objects are in the form of mini objects that have been given a color consisting of red, yellow, green, and blue. The four colors are used as a reference for the robot to detect objects based on the color that will be moved from the object detection start point to the available finish point. The method to be used on the robot is A*. The A* algorithm is able to find the fastest route on the path traversed by the robot, by adding up the actual distance with the estimated distance thus making it optimal in the search for the route. The microcontroller used on This robot is an Arduino Due which functions to enter data from the results of sensor readings is on the robots. The sensors consist of an infrared module that functions as a detector line and TCS34725 color sensor to detect the object to be moved. This wheeled robot using a DC motor with a voltage of 12V to drive the two wheels. Than 10 times experiment to determine the fastest path with 1 type of color, obtained success with 70%. The results of this study can be used as a comparison material for the A* method with the A* method another fastest path search.
Energy access is crucial for rural development in developing countries, as electrification drives... more Energy access is crucial for rural development in developing countries, as electrification drives economic growth, creates employment opportunities, and enhances the quality of life for rural communities. This study aims to determine the feasibility of powering a remote community with a hybrid energy system (HRS) combining solar photovoltaic, wind, and biogas to generate electricity and meet the energy needs of the rural area. West Waru Village was selected as the case study area due to its abundance of renewable energy sources. The HOMER tool was employed to model and optimize the HRS, providing a detailed analysis of its technical, economic, and environmental aspects. Furthermore, the study's findings were analyzed through a sensitivity analysis, considering uncertainty factors such as village load consumption, solar radiation, wind speed, and biomass availability. The best configuration for an on-grid scheme included a 2,284 kW photovoltaic (PV) system, 388 unit vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT), and a 500 kW biogas generator, resulting in a net present cost (NPC) of $8,506,090, a cost of energy (COE) of $0.054/kWh, and a payback period of 5.79 years. This configuration also reduced carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 67.2% compared to grid electricity. The optimal configuration for an off-grid scheme consisted of a 5,491 kW PV system, 954 VAWT, a 500 kW biogas generator, and 4,850 batteries, with an NPC of $20,162,390 and a COE of $0.1601/kWh, reducing CO2 emissions by 99.993%. These findings can serve as a baseline for the government to develop renewable energy systems in West Waru.
Perancangan Sistem Kendali Dan Navigasi Berbasis Stereo Vision Untuk Obstacle Avoidance Pada Three Wheels Omnidirectional Robot, Jul 24, 2012
Obstacle avoidance merupakan salah satu permasalahan sistem navigasi pada robot yang sampai saat ... more Obstacle avoidance merupakan salah satu permasalahan sistem navigasi pada robot yang sampai saat ini masih terus dikembangkan. Sistem navigasi dinilai sangat penting karena robot harus dapat dikendalikan dari posisi awal hingga sampai ke tujuan tanpa mengalami benturan. Ada dua point yang menjadi acuan yaitu, robot harus dapat menghindari halangan dan robot harus sampai pada tujuan. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya lebih banyak difokuskan pada halangan diam yang telah ditentukan, ini mengakibatkan hasil penelitian menjadi sulit untuk diaplikasikan dalam kondisi lingkungan nyata, padahal dalam kondisi nyata, halangan dapat bersifat diam maupun bergerak yang disebabkan oleh perubahan lingkungan tempat berjalan (area kerja). Dalam menghadapi permasalahan yang kompleks seperti yang telah diuraikan sebelumnya, maka dirancang sebuah sistem kendali menggunakan Neuro Fuzzy agar robot dapat menghindari halangan saat robot bergerak menuju target (tujuan). Untuk menunjang pergerakan robot agar lebih fleksibel dan halus dalam menghindari halangan serta dapat mengidentifikasi obyek secara real-time, maka digunakan robot three wheels omni-directional yang dilengkapi dengan stereo vision sensor. Setelah dilakukan 15 kali pengujian dengan posisi halangan yang berbeda, robot berhasil menghindari halangan saat jarak halangan berkisar antara 173 – 150 cm dengan rata-rata kecepatan Vy 274 mm/s. Dalam proses menghindari halangan, robot tetap memperhitungkan arah hadap robot terhadap target sampai sudut target bernillai 0.
Rekayasa: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Eksakta dan Teknologi, Dec 17, 2022
Presensi adalah sebuah daftar yang digunakan untuk mencatat kehadiran seseorang serta tingkat ked... more Presensi adalah sebuah daftar yang digunakan untuk mencatat kehadiran seseorang serta tingkat kedisplinan dari anggota dalam suatu instansi, institusi atau perusahaan. Sistem yang digunakan dalam presensi juga mengalami banyak perkembangan yakni mulai dari sistem presensi yang memakai kertas, sistem mesin check clock, sistem smart cards (RFID), hingga sistem yang paling terbaru ialah sistem presensi biometrik (fingerprint recognition, retina recognition, dan face recognition). Dalam penelitian ini, sistem yang digunakan pada alat presensi adalah salah satu dari sistem biometrik yaitu sistem face recognition. Hal ini, dikarenakan sistem biometrik face recognition dinilai paling efektif dari pada menggunakan sistem presensi lainnya dan juga untuk meminimalisir kecurangan dalam presensi, seperti titip tanda tangan dan titip kartu. Sebelum proses pengenalan wajah dilakukan, terdapat proses deteksi wajah atau face detection yang akan terlebih dahulu mengindikasikan bahwa dalam gambar tersebut terdapat wajah manusia atau tidak. Untuk melakukan hal tersebut face detection memerlukan sebuah metode, yakni Skin Color Segmentation yang dapat memberikan indikasi secara spesifik pada sebuah gambar atau image, dengan cara mengidentifikasi jumlah pixel yang ada dalam persegi saja dan bukan nilai setiap pixel yang ada pada keseluruhan image. Kemudian hasil dari proses face detection ini, akan diolah untuk proses face recognition, yang mana dalam proses ini juga memerlukan metode yakni Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
This paper addresses the problem of obstacle avoidance in mobile robot navigation systems. The na... more This paper addresses the problem of obstacle avoidance in mobile robot navigation systems. The navigation system is considered very important because the robot must be able to be controlled from its initial position to its destination without experiencing a collision. The robot must be able to avoid obstacles and arrive at its destination. Several previous studies have focused more on predetermined stationary obstacles. This has resulted in research results being difficult to apply in real environmental conditions, whereas in real conditions, obstacles can be stationary or moving caused by changes in the walking environment. The objective of this study is to address the robot’s navigation behaviors to avoid obstacles. In dealing with complex problems as previously described, a control system is designed using Neuro-Fuzzy so that the robot can avoid obstacles when the robot moves toward the destination. This paper uses ANFIS for obstacle avoidance control. The learning model used is ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018)
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has many uses, including aerial photography, aerial mapping and mon... more Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has many uses, including aerial photography, aerial mapping and monitoring activities. Quadcopter is a type of UAV that uses four rotors. The speed of each rotor has a considerable influence on the movement. The quadcopter movement can be done in this research, namely the process of arming, taking off, hover, and landing on decisions made by the system (autonomous). How the quadcopter achieves a balance in its movement to be stable and responsive requires a method. One method that is suitable for processing stability is the method (PID). The PID method has three main parameters, namely Proportional (Kp), Integral (Ki), Derivatives (Kd), with the determination of the constant through the trial and error process to obtain the optimal stability value as the purpose of this study. But the load of the quadcopter and the wind tightness around it is very influential to get the quadcopter movement to survive in stable conditions. Through a series of experimental processes carried out to produce the best constant values, at Kp = 1.3, Ki = 0.04, and Kd = 18, where the quadcopter is able to survive for 20 sec at the same relative point from the time of departure. The addition of GPS sensors in advanced research will be able to make this quadcopter move stable with the monitored position.
Objek wisata merupakan suatu tempat yang mengandung unsur nilai budaya, sejarah, pendidikan, rekr... more Objek wisata merupakan suatu tempat yang mengandung unsur nilai budaya, sejarah, pendidikan, rekreasi dan sebagainya. Beberapa objek wisata di Provinsi Jawa Timur telah tersebar diberbagai daerah, salah satunya di Kabupaten Jember. Kabupaten Jember memiliki berbagai macam potensi pariwisata alam seperti wisata pemandian, wisata air terjun, dan wisata pantai. Namun, kurangnya informasi yang lengkap sehingga membuat beberapa obyek wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Jember belum begitu dikenal oleh masyarakat secara luas. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini telah merancang sebuah sistem informasi berbasis multimedia sebagai media yang dapat membantu para wisatawan untuk mengenal berbagai macam objek wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Jember beserta rute-rute yang harus dilewati untuk menuju ke atau dari tempat objek wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Jember. Perancangan sistem pada penelitian ini digambarkan dalam Unified Modeling Language (UML) dan Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Tujuan dari penel...
Abstrak: Kebutuhan bahan bakar fosil untuk pembangkit listrik semakin meningkat, sehingga cadanga... more Abstrak: Kebutuhan bahan bakar fosil untuk pembangkit listrik semakin meningkat, sehingga cadangan bahan bakar semakin menipis. Energi listrik merupakan energi yang sangat mudah untuk dipergunakan, karena sangat mudah dikonversi menjadi bentuk energi lain dengna mudah dan efisien. Pemerintah telah mencanangkan untuk berhemat energi dan memberikan program program perancangan energi terbarukan melalui perubahan energi matahari, angin, air dan biomassa. Penelitian energi terbarukan pada solar cell, micro hydro dan biomassa telah banyak dilakukan, isu terkini pada energi terbarukan adalah pemanfaatan panas buang (waste heat), pada dunia industri dan permesinan seperti automobiles, boilers dan radiator pada mobil dan kapal banyak menyumbang panas yang terbuang. Thermoelectric generator (TEG) merupakan jenis semikonduktor yang dapat menghasilkan tegangan berdasarkan perbedaan temperatur yang melewati kedua sisi alatnya. Perancangan media ajar energi terbarukan dengan memanfaatkan Thermoel...
Pendeteksian target merupakan salah satu bagian yang sangat penting dan merupakan titik tolak ker... more Pendeteksian target merupakan salah satu bagian yang sangat penting dan merupakan titik tolak kerja sistem Robot Pengikut Manusia. Penelitian ini membahas sistem pendeteksi target dengan mengkombinasikan pendeteksian badan bagian atas (upper body) dan warna pakaian target. Sistem pendeteksian upper body menggunakan Haar Cascade Classifiers. Sensor yang digunakan dalam pendeteksian adalah dua buah kamera yang disusun secara stereo. Sensor akan menangkap citra yang berada di depannya. Setelah upper body terdeteksi proses berikutnya melakukan pengenalan terhadap warna pakaian. Warna yang jadi referensi adalah warna merah sesuai hasil pengambilan sample yang telah di normalisasi. Pendeteksian warna dilakukan pada daerah bagian bawah dan setengah bagian dari lebar upper body. Setelah itu jika target ditemukan, kemudian target akan ditandai. Langkah terakhir adalah mencari titik pusat target. Pengujian dilakukan dalam beberapa skenario. Masing-masing skenario dilakukan dengan pose dan kon...
Salt processing commonly conducted by using heat energy from solar. Process begins with heating s... more Salt processing commonly conducted by using heat energy from solar. Process begins with heating salt water from sea on the embankment with a period approximately 30 to 40 days. In the rainy season the quantity of salt produced decreases due to weather. Some salt farmers prefer not to produce in the rainy season because it's a high risk percentage. The aim from this research is to help them, we create greenhouse technology that can optimize the process of evaporation of old salt water into salt. This technology allows salt farmers to produce salt without regard to the influence of the weather, both dry and rainy seasons. This technology maintains indoor temperatures according to the best temperature of the evaporation process using heating elements. Technology in the form of a greenhouse with a prism-shaped roof. If the temperature in the room exceeds the optimal temperature, then the heat in the room will be released through the exhaust air until the temperature becomes optimal ...
2020 6th Information Technology International Seminar (ITIS), 2020
Bioethanol is an alternative fuel for sugarcane extract fermentation which can also be used in in... more Bioethanol is an alternative fuel for sugarcane extract fermentation which can also be used in internal combustion engines. The content of the calorific value of bioethanol is very low when compared to gasoline, so in its application to internal combustion motors, namely the time required for bioethanol fuel injection must be made longer, by reducing the amount of air naturally resulting in the mixture becoming rich. The electric supercharger functions as an addition to combustion air so that the mixture becomes ideal for combustion. Tests carried out on a K15 engine with a compression ratio of 12.5. Variation of electric supercharger voltage changes from 6 to 12 volts in 2 volt increments at engine speed 2000 to 8000 rotations per minute with an interval of 1000 rotations per minute. Experimental results of air addition effect on exhaust gas K15 engine using bioethanol fuel, get the value of CO, CO2 and HC emissions respectively by 3.96%, 7.26% and 21.36%.
Shrimp farming becomes the main commodity of society in Madura Island East Java Indonesia. Becaus... more Shrimp farming becomes the main commodity of society in Madura Island East Java Indonesia. Because of Madura island has a very extreme weather, farmers have difficulty in keeping the balance of pond water. As a consequence of this condition, there are some farmers experienced losses. In this study an adaptive control system was developed using ANFIS method to control pH balance (7.5-8.5), Temperature (25-31°C), water level (70-120 cm) and Dissolved Oxygen (4-7,5 ppm). Each parameter (pH, temperature, level and DO) is controlled separately but can work together. The output of the control system is in the form of pump activation which provides the antidote to the imbalance that occurs in pond water. The system is built with two modes at once, which are automatic mode and manual mode. The manual control interface based on android which is easy to use.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
Ship stabilizers are still an interesting issue to develop. The ship changes a lot like the rolli... more Ship stabilizers are still an interesting issue to develop. The ship changes a lot like the rolling motion caused by the waves. The scrolling effect of the ship causes passenger inconvenience and collisions. Therefore, a stabilizer is needed to reduce rolling so that the ship stays balanced. This stabilizer is mounted on the center of the ship to effect the rolling ship effect. This research developed an anti-roll stabilizer by utilizing the flywheel. The flywheel rotates on the stabilizer shaft producing Direction force and value magnitude. To control the flywheel speed, a fuzzy logic controller is used. The results of the study showed that the Anti-roll stabilizer was able to reduce rolling vessels by 26% from the front and rear directions of the ship, and 56% from the left and right directions.
Papers by Faikul Umam