Hermeneutical epistemology is an important subject in understanding the Bible. This article aims ... more Hermeneutical epistemology is an important subject in understanding the Bible. This article aims to show the epistemological basis of hermeneutics to help Pentecostals interpret the Bible. The writer uses literature analysis on hermeneutic and Pentecostal epistemology. The conclusion is that hermeneutic epistemology is a way to research and understand the biblical text in an essential and accountable manner. The main point of Pentecostalism hermeneutics lies in emphasizing supernatural experiences through the Holy Spirit, not on proportional cognitive which causes them to be trapped in practical and pragmatic aspects. Pentecostals need to reconstruct their hermeneutic approach so that there is a balance between experience and knowledge. This will help to be able to distinguish self-projection and place epistemologically between individual experience and collective experience and not be too hasty to build a doctrine on it, and moreover claim to be the most biblical truth. Every teaching that comes from the results of biblical hermeneutics must be justified and not only believed.
Authority is always attached to a leader, including church leaders. However, the problem is that ... more Authority is always attached to a leader, including church leaders. However, the problem is that there are some leaders who abuse authority for their own interests. There are also other leaders who cannot use an authority in determining doctrinal and ethical matters. Therefore, this study aims to explain the authority of the disciples to bind and release the law in Matthew 16:19 and its implications for today's church leaders. This research method is qualitative with a hermeneutic approach based on a literature study. The results of the study show that the authority was given by God to expand His kingdom on earth so church leaders must use this gift for His glory and improve the quality of the congregation that God has entrusted to him.
This writing is motivated by the problem of the lack of church members who use the house as a pla... more This writing is motivated by the problem of the lack of church members who use the house as a place of spiritual formation. This is due to the lack of family skills in carrying out coaching tasks both practically and theologically. Another problem is that many coaching programs are centered in the church, thus consuming family time. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, it was necessary to attend church from home in accordance with government recommendations. By using a qualitative approach, and using a descriptive analysis study research method, accompanied by a descriptive analysis study it was found that the house can be used as a place for the formation of church members. Optimization of the house as a place for fostering church members is done by expanding the dimensions of the function of the house that is not only a place to live but as a place to educate, a place of worship and the ongoing community of faith. AbstrakTulisan ini dilatarbelakangi adanya masalah minimnya warga gereja y...
SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen, 2021
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Internati... more This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Tulisan ini memberikan paparan tentang strategi pembelajaran transformative, sebuah pendekatan da... more Tulisan ini memberikan paparan tentang strategi pembelajaran transformative, sebuah pendekatan dan metode yang tidak hanya mengimplementasikan kemampuan guru dalam mengajar serta memperhatikan gaya belajar murid, melainkan mengedepankan faktor kuasa Roh Kudus dalam menyelesaikan tugas mengajar. Pembelajaran transformative dilakukan di kelas bertujuan membawa perubahan karakter peserta didik, guru atau dosen bukan saja bertindak sebagai pribadi yang mentransfer knowledge tetapi juga figur yang menginspirasi perubahan. Strategi ini dapat dilakukan dengan efektif bila interaksi guru atau dosen dengan peserta didik dalam situasi yang kondusif dalam pimpinan Roh Kudus
MAGNUM OPUS: Jurnal Teologi dan Kepemimpinan Kristen, 2020
This paper aims to explain the essence of transformative leaders carried out by Christian leaders... more This paper aims to explain the essence of transformative leaders carried out by Christian leaders in the field of education both formal and informal. This research is based on the background of the problem of the minimal changes made by leaders due to competent competence. The research method used in this paper is a literature study by examining various literatures related to the topics discussed. Leadership basically explains a number of skills and abilities of leaders in carrying out leadership tasks. Specifically for Christian leaders, this task is done not with mere ability but based on gifts and talents given by God. The results of transformative leadership in education create breakthroughs, changes in values and systems and have an impact on themselves and the people they lead. and bring them to recognize the work of God in their lives and leadership. Tulisan ini bertujuan menjelaskan esensi dari pemimpin transformatif yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin kristen dalam bidang pendidik...
Christian education in Indonesia has not fully taken the role of educating the young generation t... more Christian education in Indonesia has not fully taken the role of educating the young generation to know God's will, changing its paradigm, and pursuing change, personal, group, and national reform. Sekolah Cahaya Cemerlang (SCC) is a Christian educational institution that was built in order to take on a role and fulfill its vocation, with the aim of raising the next generation of leaders who bring transformation to the Indonesian nation. The research focus in this qualitative descriptive study is to describe a Christ-centred learning model at SCC in terms of policy principles, objectives, curriculum, and learning methods, involving 19 teachers,155 students, and their families. Some of the new findings from the principles of the learning process at SCC are the use of the Bible Based curriculum, the principle of partnership with families and communities, training places for young missionaries, and SCC as a learning and knowledge-sharing community. The new findings are also a holis...
CSRID (Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal), 2021
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi situasi dan kondisi pada masa covid-19 mengharuskan setiap orang ... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi situasi dan kondisi pada masa covid-19 mengharuskan setiap orang melakukan kegiatan di rumah. Pemerintah telah menetapkan policy bahwa semua masyarakat stay at home, termasuk kegiatan belajar, bekerja dan beribadah pun dilakukan dari rumah. Dengan instruksi di atas implikasi bagi kegiatan pembelajaran memerlukan disain pemnbelajan online untuk memastikan berlangsungnya pendidikan dengan baik. Metode penelitian dalam tulisan ini ialah studi kepustakaan dengan fokus menemukan model-model disain pembelajaran yang efektif dan dapat di gunakan pada era dan pasca covid-19. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan pilihan-pilihan model disain pembelajaran online kepada dosen sehingga mampu menyajikan pembelajaran secara efektif dan berkualitas.
This research is base on the problem of the pastor’s inability the church to implement an effect... more This research is base on the problem of the pastor’s inability the church to implement an effective community development program. Moreover, if this judged based on implementation of the chuch’s vision and mision, many churches are not accurate incarrying out spiritual formation properly. Another problem is the lack of time the congregation participates in a coaching program implemented in the church will affect the congregation’s lack of knowledge and understanding of God’s word, this will affect the spiritual quality of the congregation. The research method used in this paper is a descriptive qualitative study of literature by examining various literatures relating to subject matter discussed. Through in-depth study and analysis, it is hoped that the pastors will provide concrete steps in planning and conducting effective coaching of church members. The result of this reseach to provide strategic steps and models of spiritual formation that are accurate and measurable and are abl...
One of the problems for spiritual formation is finding and determining a sustainable coaching mod... more One of the problems for spiritual formation is finding and determining a sustainable coaching model. The church must have sustainable spiritual formation models for carried out mature spirituality church members. The program of Church Community Development often does not reach the final goal, namely faith maturity which is marked by changing in character, this is due the absence of consistent, planned and measurable model spiritual formation. Starting from this issue, this research seeks and describe ideas about discipleship as a model sustainable spiritual formation for church growth. Discipleship as a model of sustainable church formation is carried out not only in the form of classical teaching but also individually. The research method in this paper is a qualitative study with a literature analysis approach. The final result of this research shows design nurturing by consistent and continuous discipleship is able to achieve measurable spiritual maturity.
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi situasi dan kondisi pada masa covid-19 mengharuskan setiap orang ... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi situasi dan kondisi pada masa covid-19 mengharuskan setiap orang melakukan kegiatan di rumah. Pemerintah telah menetapkan policy bahwa semua masyarakat stay at home, termasuk kegiatan belajar, bekerja dan beribadah pun dilakukan dari rumah. Dengan instruksi di atas implikasi bagi kegiatan pembelajaran memerlukan disain pemnbelajan online untuk memastikan berlangsungnya pendidikan dengan baik. Metode penelitian dalam tulisan ini ialah studi kepustakaan dengan fokus menemukan modelmodel disain pembelajaran yang efektif dan dapat di gunakan pada era dan pasca covid-19. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan pilihan-pilihan model disain pembelajaran online kepada dosen sehingga mampu menyajikan pembelajaran secara efektif dan berkualitas.
Tulisan ini dilatarbelakangi masalah rendahnya pemahaman dan implementasi pembelajaran berbasis t... more Tulisan ini dilatarbelakangi masalah rendahnya pemahaman dan implementasi pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi komunikasi di sekolah-sekolah teologi kristen, secara khusus dalam pemanfaatan berbagai resource dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. Selain itu belum maksimalnya dosen-dosen menggunakan teknologi informasi komunikasi secara massive disebabkan minimnya sarana dan prasarana, serta belum akuratnya kemampuan teknis dalam menggunakannya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini ialah studi kualitatif kepustakaan. Peneliti menggali sumber-sumber yang berkenaan dengan topik yang dimaksud serta menganalisis pokok terkait dengan judul penelitian. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini memberikan input dan strategi pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran teologi demi tercapainya kualitas pembelajaran.
This research has motivated by the fact in the field that to balance the job and the family is p... more This research has motivated by the fact in the field that to balance the job and the family is problem of the most people today, especially of the servant of God (pastor, priest, lecturers, etc). The are faced with the choice of priority between family and work. Research by Keene and Quadgno’s explain that 60% of working adults find it difficult to achieve work balance with the family. The research method used to discuss this topic is a qualitative research study with a literature study approach by discussing various literatures related to the research topic. The researcher read, analyzed and found the issues that caused the imbalance between work and family. The final results of this study after alternatives and strategies to balance job with family life.Keywords: Job; Family; BalanceAbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi fakta di lapangan bahwa keseimbangan pekerjaan dengan kehidupan keluarga merupakan persoalan mayoritas masyarakat masa kini secara khusus para hamba Tuhan (pend...
This research is base on the problem of the pastor’s inability the church to implement an effect... more This research is base on the problem of the pastor’s inability the church to implement an effective community development program. Moreover, if this judged based on implementation of the chuch’s vision and mision, many churches are not accurate incarrying out spiritual formation properly. Another problem is the lack of time the congregation participates in a coaching program implemented in the church will affect the congregation’s lack of knowledge and understanding of God’s word, this will affect the spiritual quality of the congregation. The research method used in this paper is a descriptive qualitative study of literature by examining various literatures relating to subject matter discussed. Through in-depth study and analysis, it is hoped that the pastors will provide concrete steps in planning and conducting effective coaching of church members. The result of this reseach to provide strategic steps and models of spiritual formation that are accurate and measurable and are abl...
Hermeneutical epistemology is an important subject in understanding the Bible. This article aims ... more Hermeneutical epistemology is an important subject in understanding the Bible. This article aims to show the epistemological basis of hermeneutics to help Pentecostals interpret the Bible. The writer uses literature analysis on hermeneutic and Pentecostal epistemology. The conclusion is that hermeneutic epistemology is a way to research and understand the biblical text in an essential and accountable manner. The main point of Pentecostalism hermeneutics lies in emphasizing supernatural experiences through the Holy Spirit, not on proportional cognitive which causes them to be trapped in practical and pragmatic aspects. Pentecostals need to reconstruct their hermeneutic approach so that there is a balance between experience and knowledge. This will help to be able to distinguish self-projection and place epistemologically between individual experience and collective experience and not be too hasty to build a doctrine on it, and moreover claim to be the most biblical truth. Every teaching that comes from the results of biblical hermeneutics must be justified and not only believed.
Authority is always attached to a leader, including church leaders. However, the problem is that ... more Authority is always attached to a leader, including church leaders. However, the problem is that there are some leaders who abuse authority for their own interests. There are also other leaders who cannot use an authority in determining doctrinal and ethical matters. Therefore, this study aims to explain the authority of the disciples to bind and release the law in Matthew 16:19 and its implications for today's church leaders. This research method is qualitative with a hermeneutic approach based on a literature study. The results of the study show that the authority was given by God to expand His kingdom on earth so church leaders must use this gift for His glory and improve the quality of the congregation that God has entrusted to him.
This writing is motivated by the problem of the lack of church members who use the house as a pla... more This writing is motivated by the problem of the lack of church members who use the house as a place of spiritual formation. This is due to the lack of family skills in carrying out coaching tasks both practically and theologically. Another problem is that many coaching programs are centered in the church, thus consuming family time. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, it was necessary to attend church from home in accordance with government recommendations. By using a qualitative approach, and using a descriptive analysis study research method, accompanied by a descriptive analysis study it was found that the house can be used as a place for the formation of church members. Optimization of the house as a place for fostering church members is done by expanding the dimensions of the function of the house that is not only a place to live but as a place to educate, a place of worship and the ongoing community of faith. AbstrakTulisan ini dilatarbelakangi adanya masalah minimnya warga gereja y...
SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen, 2021
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Internati... more This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Tulisan ini memberikan paparan tentang strategi pembelajaran transformative, sebuah pendekatan da... more Tulisan ini memberikan paparan tentang strategi pembelajaran transformative, sebuah pendekatan dan metode yang tidak hanya mengimplementasikan kemampuan guru dalam mengajar serta memperhatikan gaya belajar murid, melainkan mengedepankan faktor kuasa Roh Kudus dalam menyelesaikan tugas mengajar. Pembelajaran transformative dilakukan di kelas bertujuan membawa perubahan karakter peserta didik, guru atau dosen bukan saja bertindak sebagai pribadi yang mentransfer knowledge tetapi juga figur yang menginspirasi perubahan. Strategi ini dapat dilakukan dengan efektif bila interaksi guru atau dosen dengan peserta didik dalam situasi yang kondusif dalam pimpinan Roh Kudus
MAGNUM OPUS: Jurnal Teologi dan Kepemimpinan Kristen, 2020
This paper aims to explain the essence of transformative leaders carried out by Christian leaders... more This paper aims to explain the essence of transformative leaders carried out by Christian leaders in the field of education both formal and informal. This research is based on the background of the problem of the minimal changes made by leaders due to competent competence. The research method used in this paper is a literature study by examining various literatures related to the topics discussed. Leadership basically explains a number of skills and abilities of leaders in carrying out leadership tasks. Specifically for Christian leaders, this task is done not with mere ability but based on gifts and talents given by God. The results of transformative leadership in education create breakthroughs, changes in values and systems and have an impact on themselves and the people they lead. and bring them to recognize the work of God in their lives and leadership. Tulisan ini bertujuan menjelaskan esensi dari pemimpin transformatif yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin kristen dalam bidang pendidik...
Christian education in Indonesia has not fully taken the role of educating the young generation t... more Christian education in Indonesia has not fully taken the role of educating the young generation to know God's will, changing its paradigm, and pursuing change, personal, group, and national reform. Sekolah Cahaya Cemerlang (SCC) is a Christian educational institution that was built in order to take on a role and fulfill its vocation, with the aim of raising the next generation of leaders who bring transformation to the Indonesian nation. The research focus in this qualitative descriptive study is to describe a Christ-centred learning model at SCC in terms of policy principles, objectives, curriculum, and learning methods, involving 19 teachers,155 students, and their families. Some of the new findings from the principles of the learning process at SCC are the use of the Bible Based curriculum, the principle of partnership with families and communities, training places for young missionaries, and SCC as a learning and knowledge-sharing community. The new findings are also a holis...
CSRID (Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal), 2021
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi situasi dan kondisi pada masa covid-19 mengharuskan setiap orang ... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi situasi dan kondisi pada masa covid-19 mengharuskan setiap orang melakukan kegiatan di rumah. Pemerintah telah menetapkan policy bahwa semua masyarakat stay at home, termasuk kegiatan belajar, bekerja dan beribadah pun dilakukan dari rumah. Dengan instruksi di atas implikasi bagi kegiatan pembelajaran memerlukan disain pemnbelajan online untuk memastikan berlangsungnya pendidikan dengan baik. Metode penelitian dalam tulisan ini ialah studi kepustakaan dengan fokus menemukan model-model disain pembelajaran yang efektif dan dapat di gunakan pada era dan pasca covid-19. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan pilihan-pilihan model disain pembelajaran online kepada dosen sehingga mampu menyajikan pembelajaran secara efektif dan berkualitas.
This research is base on the problem of the pastor’s inability the church to implement an effect... more This research is base on the problem of the pastor’s inability the church to implement an effective community development program. Moreover, if this judged based on implementation of the chuch’s vision and mision, many churches are not accurate incarrying out spiritual formation properly. Another problem is the lack of time the congregation participates in a coaching program implemented in the church will affect the congregation’s lack of knowledge and understanding of God’s word, this will affect the spiritual quality of the congregation. The research method used in this paper is a descriptive qualitative study of literature by examining various literatures relating to subject matter discussed. Through in-depth study and analysis, it is hoped that the pastors will provide concrete steps in planning and conducting effective coaching of church members. The result of this reseach to provide strategic steps and models of spiritual formation that are accurate and measurable and are abl...
One of the problems for spiritual formation is finding and determining a sustainable coaching mod... more One of the problems for spiritual formation is finding and determining a sustainable coaching model. The church must have sustainable spiritual formation models for carried out mature spirituality church members. The program of Church Community Development often does not reach the final goal, namely faith maturity which is marked by changing in character, this is due the absence of consistent, planned and measurable model spiritual formation. Starting from this issue, this research seeks and describe ideas about discipleship as a model sustainable spiritual formation for church growth. Discipleship as a model of sustainable church formation is carried out not only in the form of classical teaching but also individually. The research method in this paper is a qualitative study with a literature analysis approach. The final result of this research shows design nurturing by consistent and continuous discipleship is able to achieve measurable spiritual maturity.
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi situasi dan kondisi pada masa covid-19 mengharuskan setiap orang ... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi situasi dan kondisi pada masa covid-19 mengharuskan setiap orang melakukan kegiatan di rumah. Pemerintah telah menetapkan policy bahwa semua masyarakat stay at home, termasuk kegiatan belajar, bekerja dan beribadah pun dilakukan dari rumah. Dengan instruksi di atas implikasi bagi kegiatan pembelajaran memerlukan disain pemnbelajan online untuk memastikan berlangsungnya pendidikan dengan baik. Metode penelitian dalam tulisan ini ialah studi kepustakaan dengan fokus menemukan modelmodel disain pembelajaran yang efektif dan dapat di gunakan pada era dan pasca covid-19. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan pilihan-pilihan model disain pembelajaran online kepada dosen sehingga mampu menyajikan pembelajaran secara efektif dan berkualitas.
Tulisan ini dilatarbelakangi masalah rendahnya pemahaman dan implementasi pembelajaran berbasis t... more Tulisan ini dilatarbelakangi masalah rendahnya pemahaman dan implementasi pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi komunikasi di sekolah-sekolah teologi kristen, secara khusus dalam pemanfaatan berbagai resource dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. Selain itu belum maksimalnya dosen-dosen menggunakan teknologi informasi komunikasi secara massive disebabkan minimnya sarana dan prasarana, serta belum akuratnya kemampuan teknis dalam menggunakannya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini ialah studi kualitatif kepustakaan. Peneliti menggali sumber-sumber yang berkenaan dengan topik yang dimaksud serta menganalisis pokok terkait dengan judul penelitian. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini memberikan input dan strategi pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran teologi demi tercapainya kualitas pembelajaran.
This research has motivated by the fact in the field that to balance the job and the family is p... more This research has motivated by the fact in the field that to balance the job and the family is problem of the most people today, especially of the servant of God (pastor, priest, lecturers, etc). The are faced with the choice of priority between family and work. Research by Keene and Quadgno’s explain that 60% of working adults find it difficult to achieve work balance with the family. The research method used to discuss this topic is a qualitative research study with a literature study approach by discussing various literatures related to the research topic. The researcher read, analyzed and found the issues that caused the imbalance between work and family. The final results of this study after alternatives and strategies to balance job with family life.Keywords: Job; Family; BalanceAbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi fakta di lapangan bahwa keseimbangan pekerjaan dengan kehidupan keluarga merupakan persoalan mayoritas masyarakat masa kini secara khusus para hamba Tuhan (pend...
This research is base on the problem of the pastor’s inability the church to implement an effect... more This research is base on the problem of the pastor’s inability the church to implement an effective community development program. Moreover, if this judged based on implementation of the chuch’s vision and mision, many churches are not accurate incarrying out spiritual formation properly. Another problem is the lack of time the congregation participates in a coaching program implemented in the church will affect the congregation’s lack of knowledge and understanding of God’s word, this will affect the spiritual quality of the congregation. The research method used in this paper is a descriptive qualitative study of literature by examining various literatures relating to subject matter discussed. Through in-depth study and analysis, it is hoped that the pastors will provide concrete steps in planning and conducting effective coaching of church members. The result of this reseach to provide strategic steps and models of spiritual formation that are accurate and measurable and are abl...
Papers by Purim Marbun