We had a day of appointments for Art and other chores so Art and I decided to stop by our local Zippy's Restaurant to grab a quick breakfast between stops. We'd been there a few months ago and thought they took COVID safety seriously so we felt comfortable going there. I wondered if they were still maintaining their safety measures. Hawaii has been relaxing its COVID mandates in recent months, but now our numbers are once again climbing, especially with Omicron in the mix.
Entering the restaurant, friendly servers cheerfully called out greetings. It felt good to be remembered even with our masks on. They checked our vaccination card and state ID, took our temperatures and had us sanitize our hands.
The booths had high plexiglass barriers surrounding three sides and the menus were disposable paper. We placed our order which came with individually wrapped salt, pepper, cream and sugar.
We noticed that once restaurant guests left their table, a cleaning person came, sanitized the entire booth (table and sitting area), and left a little placard to pronounce the area safe for occupancy.
I wonder if all restaurants are following the same sort of procedures. I've heard on the news that political leaders feel COVID is spreading not through restaurants so much as people having holiday parties. Our present COVID spike is probably due to the Thanksgiving get-togethers. I'm wondering what will happen now after the Christmas/New Year celebrations.
I already know some people who have been affected by Omicron.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that our numbers don't reach the 500 a day mark they are projecting by the end of the December.
I wrote this post more than a week ago because I knew I'd be up to my ears with this and that around now, which I am.
We had just started taking mom to an Adult Day Care on December 6th for just one morning a week to get some extra socialization and she was absolutely loving it. The COVID case count in Hawaii then was 90. She made a new friend who had taught Japanese for many years. So the 90 infection number on the 6th wasn't perfect, but we figured she'd be safe. I sewed new pants for her as well as some nice new masks that I thought would be comfortable to wear and stay on her face.
When we took mom for her 3rd Monday morning session, the Hawaii COVID cases had jumped to 840. I told the center that we would be stopping the following Monday unless the numbers dropped substantially.
Yesterday's Hawaii COVID infection number was 2,205!!! 😫
We will not be sending mom today. This is CRAZY! I now have several friends whose children and grandchildren have tested positive and true... most were not vaccinated.
It's scary.