Go for it! Stylish epipen & auvi-q holsters

Accessories to carry epinephrines with medical alert symbol.
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Man carrying epineprhines auto-injectors. Discreet #Epipen Carrier LegBuddy. #FoodAllergy
#Auvi-Q #LegBuddy concealed leg holster by omaxcare.com
LegBuddy concealed holster to carry Epipen's or Auvi-Q auto injectors.
LegBuddy epipnephrine holster. Techno Black by OmaxCare.com
Dazzle Pink LegBuddy with Swarovski Crystals by Omaxcare.com. Holds two #Epioen's or two #Auvi-Q's.
Epipen Carrying Cases | Holders | Athletic Cool Style
LegBuddy Techno Black by OmaxCare. Sold at amazon, etsy, epicarriers.com, and omaxcare.com
LegBuddy Dodger Blue by OmaxCare.com
Epipen Carrying Cases | Holders | Athletic Cool Style
LegBuddy Scarlet Red by Omaxcare.com
Dazzle Pink LegBuddy with Swarovski Stones
LegBuddy Dodger Blue with Swarovski Stones
Scarlet Red LegBuddy with Swarovski Stones
Legbuddy techno black holds two auvi-q or epipens