Halloween EYEBALLS

8 Pins
Gorey Eyeballs
<3 How to make a gory eyeball. Build up the gore, then progress to making the optic nerve tendrils by letting the hot glue drip. Let each step dry before proceeding for best results.
Halloween Forum
Realistic Eyeballs: Tutorial-This ladies talent is beyond me. There is a 9min video on this site where she constructs a female vampire prop...very cool
Monster Tutorials is getting a spooky makeover!
www.monstertutorials.com - Great and easy DIY tutorial to make eyes that follow you. Eyes 2 - Cool and creepy eyes that follow you in less than 10 minutes: http://www.monstertutorials.com/eyes2
First Time sculpting
The famous Terra's famous Halloween Eyes! If I'd known about these when I did my original eyeball necklace (http://pinterest.com/pin/250935010457290808/), I would have used them instead.