Tuesday Tip (Real Estate investment Tip)

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Investment Tip: Maximum income with minimal hassle and risk
Strategy Goal: Turn existing equity into investments that produce maximum income with minimal hassle and risk
Investment Tip: Grow Your Net Worth
Investment Tip: Grow Your Net Worth
Investment Tip: Save Save Save
Investment Tip: Save Save Save
Investment Tip: Survival & Stability Strategy Goal: Earn extra income, learn, and avoid losses
Investment Tip: Survival & Stability Strategy Goal: Earn extra income, learn, and avoid losses
Investment Tip: Choose a Specific Real Estate Investing Strategy
At this stage, you could create a 30-page business plan that even an MBA would be proud of. But remember, the goal is just to get started. So, let’s begin with something quicker. You can create a big, detailed plan later if you want. For now, just choose ONE real estate strategy that will help you move from your current financial stage to the next stage.
Investment Tip: Identify Your Financial Stage
Real estate investing is simply a vehicle to improve your finances. So, before we get into the details of real estate, let’s think about your overall financial picture. Most new investors eventually want to reach financial independence. You can think of this like the peak of the mountain where your living expenses are all covered by income from investments.
Investment Tip: Avoid Getting Emotional
Investment Tip: Avoid Getting Emotional Having a plan and sticking to it can help you avoid mistakes and impulsive decisions.
Investment Tip: Avoid Flipping Stocks.
Trying to “beat the market” by frequently buying and selling stocks is a losing proposition. In fact, nearly 82 percent of daily traders lose money.
Financial Tip: Avoid Holding Only One Investment.
Diversify. Changes in markets can happen quickly — before you even can begin to react. Diversifying your portfolio will help protect you during these swings, giving you time to make informed decisions.
Financial Tip: Avoid Borrowing to Invest.
If your investment doesn’t pan out, then you still will owe the money you’ve lost to the lender. Rather, stick to your investment goals and set aside savings that you specifically designate for investing.
Financial Tip: Avoid the Fairy Tales.
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Red flags should go up if anyone promises a large guaranteed return on an investment.
Avoid Trusting Others Blindly.
This is your money. Think for yourself and research the expertise of anyone offering advice before you follow it.
Steer Clear of Trouble
Do your homework before investing so you feel comfortable with your decisions.
Follow a Detailed Plan
Develop a plan to eliminate the urge to buy or sell investments without careful thought. Write it down and set dates to review it periodically. Establishing your plan will help you in good times and bad, and it will help you scrutinize those wild tips you get from your favorite family member.
If you want to go fast, you have to go slow
There’s a saying in construction: Go quickly slowly or work quickly slowly. It’s all about thoroughness. There’s a level of impatience today that seems to be part of the atmosphere and it seems more present than the air that I breathe. Impatience will not serve you, to get further faster: Remember to Go Slow