Papers by Marianne S de Wolff
Sensitivity as pedagogical concept: An attempt to clarification Ainsworth 's sensitivity construc... more Sensitivity as pedagogical concept: An attempt to clarification Ainsworth 's sensitivity construct refers to the parental ability to respond appropriately to the infant's signals. However, it is unclear what exactly is an appropriate response. An appropriate response needs to fulfil the following conditions: The response satisfies the infant's need, is well attuned to the infant, follows immediately the infant's signal, and constitutes a harmonious interaction. We suppose such behavior to be of formative importance in the development of a secure attachment. For the sake of clearness the term 'responsiveness' should be restricted to a quantitative interpretation (frequency or promptness of response). Voordat kinderen kunnen praten, spreken ze een taal waarmee 'het prangen der behoeften wordt uitgedrukt' stelde Rousseau reeds in 1762 vast (geciteerd uit Rousseau 1980, p. 86). Rousseau adviseerde de opvoeder daarom 'de verborgen bedoeling uit gebaar of kreet van het kind af te lezen' (Rousseau 1762, p. 87). Mary Ainsworth, een van de grondleggers van de gehechtheidstheorie, geeft in feite hetzelfde advies: opvoeders moeten openstaan voor de signalen van hun baby en daarop adequaat en snel reageren, zodat het jonge kind ervaart dat de opvoeder beschikbaar is (Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters & Wall 1978). Deze openstaande houding en gepaste wijze van reageren duidde Ainsworth aan met de term 'sensitiviteit'. Het vermogen van de opvoeder sensitief te reageren op signalen en behoeften van het jonge kind achtte Ainsworth van levensbelang in de ontwikkeling van een veilige gehechtheidsrelatie tussen kind en opvoeder (Ainsworth et al. 1978). Door in het eerste levensjaar sensitief te reageren ontstaat bij het jonge kind namelijk een gevoel van vertrouwen in de beschikbaarheid van de opvoeder. Het kind leert dat de opvoeder bescherming en veiligheid biedt in tijden van nood. Vanuit deze 'veilige haven' kan het kind de omgeving verkennen en contact aanknopen met anderen.
Infant Behavior and Development, 1996
Family Relations, Dec 1, 2008
Triple P is a parenting program intended to prevent and to provide treatment for severe behaviora... more Triple P is a parenting program intended to prevent and to provide treatment for severe behavioral, emotional, and developmental problems in children. The aim of this meta-analysis was to assess the effectiveness of Triple P Level 4 interventions on parenting styles and parental competency. Level 4 is an intensive training program of 8-10 sessions for parents of children with more severe behavioral difficulties. The results indicated that the Tri ple P Level 4 interventions reduced dysfunctional parenting styles in parents and also improved parental compe tency. These effects were maintained well through time and appear to support the widespread adoption and implementation of Triple P Level 4 interventions that is taking place in an increasing number of countries around the world.
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation
Purpose Supervisors play a crucial role in sustainable employment of employees with a work disabi... more Purpose Supervisors play a crucial role in sustainable employment of employees with a work disability. The ‘Mentorwijs’ (literal translation: Mentorwise) training was developed to train supervisors in knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to guide these employees. This study evaluated the effect of ‘Mentorwijs’ on employees’ employment and supervisors’ behavioral outcomes. Methods Register- and questionnaire data were obtained from 73 employees and 1,526 matched controls to measure employment (≥ 1/month, ≥ 12 h/week and ≥ 3 consecutive months (≥ 1 h/month)) during a 12-month follow-up period. Questionnaire data were obtained from 127 supervisors who followed the ‘Mentorwijs’ training, to assess their knowledge, self-efficacy, intention to adopt and applied behaviors. Results Employment for ≥ 1 h/month did not significantly improve after 3 (β = 0.05; CI=-0.07-0.16), 6 (β = 0.07; CI=-0.04-0.18), 9 (β = 0.08; CI=-0.02-0.18) and 12 (β = 0.01; CI=-0.08-0.10) months among employees whose...
Safety and Health at Work
Supplemental material, ESM_1and_2 for Psychometric Properties of the Dutch Strengths and Difficul... more Supplemental material, ESM_1and_2 for Psychometric Properties of the Dutch Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in Adolescent Community and Clinical Populations by Jorien Vugteveen, Annelies de Bildt, Marike Serra, Marianne S. de Wolff and Marieke E. Timmerman in Assessment
Background: Validated questionnaires help community pediatric services to identify psychosocial p... more Background: Validated questionnaires help community pediatric services to identify psychosocial problems. Our aim was to assess which of three short questionnaires was most suitable for this identification among pre-school children. Methods: We included 1,650 children (response 64 %) aged 3–4 years undergoing routine well-child health assessments in 18 services across the Netherlands. Child healthcare professionals (CHPs) interviewed and examined children and parents. Parents were randomized regarding filling out the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) or the KIPPPI, a Dutch-origin questionnaire. In addition, all filled out the Ages and Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional (ASQ:SE) and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). We assessed the internal consistency and validity of each questionnaire, with CBCL and treatment status as criteria, and the degree to which each questionnaire could improve identification based solely on clinical assessment. Results: The internal con...
published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point
The early detection of psychosocial problems in children aged 0 to 6 years by Dutch preventive ch... more The early detection of psychosocial problems in children aged 0 to 6 years by Dutch preventive child healthcare: professionals and their tools
In de adolescentie, de leeftijdsperiode tussen de kinderjaren en de volwassenheid, nemen psychoso... more In de adolescentie, de leeftijdsperiode tussen de kinderjaren en de volwassenheid, nemen psychosociale problemen vaak toe. Dat kunnen emotionele problemen zijn zoals somberheid, maar ook gedragsproblemen of sociale problemen met leeftijdgenoten. Emotionele problemen zoals somberheid, zich terugtrekken of piekeren komen tijdens de adolescentie vaker bij meisjes voor dan bij jongens. Wat is de Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)? De Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is een korte vragenlijst waarmee psychosociale problemen bij jeugdigen gemeten kunnen worden. De SDQ kan gebruikt worden door de Jeugdgezondheidszorg (JGZ) voor jeugdigen in de leeftijd van 3-17 jaar. De SDQ kent verschillende versies, namelijk een voor leerkrachten, een voor ouders en een voor de jeugdige zelf. Deze verschillende versies van de SDQ zijn te vinden op de website
BMC Pediatrics, 2020
Background Questionnaires to detect emotional and behavioral problems (EBP) in Preventive Child H... more Background Questionnaires to detect emotional and behavioral problems (EBP) in Preventive Child Healthcare (PCH) should be short which potentially affects validity and reliability. Simulation studies have shown that Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) could overcome these weaknesses. We studied the applicability (using the measures participation rate, satisfaction, and efficiency) and the validity of CAT in routine PCH practice. Methods We analyzed data on 461 children aged 10–11 years (response 41%), who were assessed during routine well-child examinations by PCH professionals. Before the visit, parents completed the CAT and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Satisfaction was measured by parent- and PCH professional-report. Efficiency of the CAT procedure was measured as number of items needed to assess whether a child has serious problems or not. Its validity was assessed using the CBCL as the criterion. Results Parents and PCH professionals rated the CAT on average as good. The...
Assessment, 2018
This study assessed the factor structures of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) a... more This study assessed the factor structures of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) adolescent and parent versions and their measurement invariance across settings in clinical ( n = 4,053) and community ( n = 962) samples of Dutch adolescents aged 12 to 17 years. Per SDQ version, confirmatory factor analyses were performed to assess its factor structure in clinical and community settings and to test for measurement invariance across these settings. The results suggest measurement invariance of the presumed five-factor structure for the parent version and a six-factor structure for the adolescent version. Furthermore, evaluation of the SDQ scale sum scores as used in practice, indicated that working with sum scores yields a fairly reasonable approximation of working with the favorable but less easily computed factor scores. These findings suggest that adolescent- and parent-reported SDQ scores can be interpreted using community-based norm scores, regardless of whether the...
Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 2018
BackgroundEarly detection of mental health problems in childhood is important. However, studies o... more BackgroundEarly detection of mental health problems in childhood is important. However, studies on screening instruments for preschool children are rare. The aim of this study was to validate the Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social‐Emotional (ASQ:SE) with teacher reports and examine its screening accuracy in a preschool population.MethodsA total of 1428 children, aged 18 months – 5 years, attending child‐care centers were recruited in Norway. Their teachers completed a survey including the ASQ:SE and the Caregiver‐Teacher Report Form (C‐TRF). The Spearman's correlation was calculated for the convergence between the ASQ:SE and the C‐TRF and the screening accuracy of the ASQ:SE was assessed using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis with the criterion of a score at or above the 90th percentile for the C‐TRF total problem score.ResultsThe Spearman's correlation between the total scores for the ASQ:SE and the C‐TRF were from .49 to .72. The ROC analyses demonstrate...
JGZ Tijdschrift voor jeugdgezondheidszorg, 2014
Kind & Adolescent Praktijk, 2017
Papers by Marianne S de Wolff