The UK government categorically denies this exchange ever happened. My latest.
And some brief observations. /1…
If the UK wanted transition to Dec 31 2021, that would be two years, nine months. Also inadequate. /3
“The period’s duration will be strictly time-limited, and should be determined simply by how long it will take to make these
changes.” /5

The hard Brexiteers should indeed worry if the government was really capable of delivering Brexit in 21 months - in which case the changes will be 'modest' indeed. /7
Recall that at the point of Brexit in Mar 2019 we may only have broad terms of a future trade deal. Negotiations don't start til April 1 2019.
They should by lobbying for slow and steady, not quick and chaotic in my view. /11
Without greater honesty on all sides - on transition, trade-offs etc- I fear Brexit will go bang. 12/ENDS