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Feb 14 126 tweets 166 min read
This thread is

Chapter 7, titled,

“Cellular Experience & Creation of the World:

“Beginning with Sperm & Ovum Arising Out of No-Formness, Our Experiences & Biology Constitute Our Human Reality”

of “Dance of the 7 Veils I”

by M. Adzema

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-…

D7V1 7/1
“Dance of the Seven Veils I” by Michael Adzema

is subtitled,

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

Which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #prenatal #anthro

D7V1 7/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “We can’t know what we can’t know, but we cannot unknow what we are.” []

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D7V1 7/3
[*Chapter 7 text begins:*] My contention is that these early, these periconceptional, experience-memory templates are especially related to fundamental constructions of our worldview.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception

D7V1 7/4
“In the next 2 chapters, we take a look at a few salient aspects of that, including our perceptions of duality, gender, sexuality, self-confidence, cooperation, interconnectedness, nonsatisfaction, work & play, guilt, & disillusionment.”

THREAD wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ

D7V1 7/5
“The influence of this time is hardly limited to these, however. We will expand on this under Veil Seven on spiritual grids & cellular experience near the end of this work.”

READ/DWL BOOK> drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal

D7V1 7/6
“*Conception & Duality in World*

“We have templates arising from many types of cellular experience—including our experiences as a blastocyst, a zygote, & of being a single sperm & ovum in our parents’ bodies.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology #prenatal

D7V1 7/7
“However, let us take the experience of conception itself, for starters. We’ll get to the rest, later.

“Remember that our existences as a sperm & an ovum coming together to create another individual is a truly unique experience for one’s life.”


D7V1 7/8
“We have nothing like it [conception] afterwards. Even in marriage, its closest correlate, there is not such a combining as to *actually* have “two become one” as some marriage vows relate.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 7/9
“So it is that at conception, the sperm-ovum dichotomy of self led us ever afterward to perceive duality in the Universe, where there is not, in actuality.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview

D7V1 7/10
“Our universal human experiences of these events at conception cause us to see the world, ever afterward, this way. That is, as dual & separated.”

THREAD wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview #duality

D7V1 7/11
“You might ask does duality come from an experience of being a sperm & an ovum at the same time? Meaning, do we experience sperm & egg as dual when it happens, prior to conception, & thr4 construe the world as dual & separated? Probably not.”


D7V1 7/12
“However, being as we are barely removed from Divinity at that point, there might be some of that going on. Still, I think we probably do not have a consciousness of the experience of the sperm & of the egg simultaneously b4 they have joined.”


D7V1 7/13
“However, ever afterward, from conception on, we are aware that what we are comprises 2 things coming together. Additionally, we have memory, from that time on, of 2 different lines of experience...2 separate histories...around the same event.”


D7V1 7/14
“Think of it as a couple coming together in marriage, & ever after, the family history they will relate will include that of both of them.”

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D7V1 7/15
“However, each spouse will lean toward one family narrative over the other. In the same way a trivial difference in one chromosome of the fertilized egg, or zygote, will determine ever after the gender of that person to be.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology

D7V1 7/16
“We have a memory of having been 2 separate entities, so, in a sense, we have 2 parts to ourselves. That has us thinking we have a dual nature, as adults—having a physical, bodily, material self (ovum);& a mental, soul, spiritual self (sperm).”


D7V1 7/17
“It also means that we will see Reality as being constructed of two parts coming together: There is a physical world, & there is a mental world.”

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D7V1 7/18
“*Yet Unity Is Reality*

“The point of knowing this is that we might use this to help us see that our dichotomous view of our Reality is a false conception based on early early experience [periconceptional experience.]”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psyche #prenatal

D7V1 7/19
“That in fact there is only one world, it is just that it is viewed from two different perspectives. & there is not even just a within or without, those two distinctions are incorrect.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception

D7V1 7/20
“There is actually just *direct & indirect* perception of Reality...much as there may be direct & a mirrored perception of the same thing. They are different, perceptually, but the Reality is one.”

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psyche #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 7/21
“Having assumed dualism as well as having assumed separation—both of which are byproducts of our experience around conception—we assume we are separate from each other.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro

D7V1 7/22
“We create the boundaries of self, which we call our bodies. & we leave off direct perception of each other, which would amount to experience-sharing.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview

D7V1 7/23
“Ultimately, that would be experience-identity: That is, all experience is “owned” by one “being”—God—& that totality of experience constitutes that being’s identity.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb

D7V1 7/24
“On any level less than ultimate, direct perception of each other means shared experience with another, & it is akin to an empathy that is nearly as profound as an identity with another. It also means telepathy.”

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psyche #prenatal

D7V1 7/25
“These realities are our common, basic experiences, yet we repress & deny them. For they do not fit with our “assumption”—arising from our experiences at the time of conception—that we are dual...and separate.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #prenatal

D7V1 7/26
“*Our Divine Choice to Be Dual*

“But then why would we even want to let go of that assumption of duality that arises from our experiences prior to conception?”

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D7V1 7/27
“This is something about which no one ever thinks: Might there be darn good reasons to and/or even a *desire* to not see Reality correctly as it is? Or more correctly, than we could if we wanted?”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 7/28
“Are there reasons for the “stupidity”...the ignorance, the illusion, the forgetting involved...of coming into Form?

“At this point, we might even be crossing over into the way God would view it.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 7/29
“Might we *want* to re-create the experience of duality, perhaps ever after in life, for reasons not having to do with retreating from trauma & pain, making a “mistake,” or “sinning”—as *Genesis* phrases it?”

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psychology #prenatal

D7V1 7/30
“Or for some other reason implying a bad choice or an unfortunate understanding or simply ignorance? Or because of bad karma as the *Tibetan Book of the Dead* sees it?”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb

D7V1 7/31
“For having those assumptions of duality, might there not be other reasons—Divine or Godly ones perhaps? Ones, which involve us apprehending Reality in a lesser or more diminished way, that are actually decided by us? That are *intentional*?”


D7V1 7/32
“Consider that, after all, that experience of duality of being a sperm & an ovum made for quite an exciting & profound “story” with an ending that hollywood could not match: The coming together of “worlds”!”

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psychology #prenatal

D7V1 7/33
“I believe there are such reasons & such intentions; & at this point I believe we are bumping up against the very reasons for existence itself as a separate living, breathing being, or for becoming human.”

READ sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psyche #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 7/34
“You see, there are often good reasons to come to lesser, more constrained, apprehensions of Reality.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview #duality #cellular #experience #periconception #psyche

D7V1 7/35
“One might be that by assuming a dualism, or a separation into parts, of Reality, there is, what comes with that, more *fun*...at least at times, in the experiencing of it.”

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal

D7V1 7/36
“Just as we might arbitrarily accept the rules of a board game (or make them up) for exactly that result—for *fun*.”

READ &/or dwl entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #worldview #duality

D7V1 7/37
“& by “fun,” I mean a more interesting, engaging story or experience that is illustrative or illuminating of the nature of Reality (or Divinity) in others of its qualities...other than simply Truth.”

THREAD wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 7/38
“…if we, as God, wanted to manifest the experience of love, in Reality, might we not create separation into parts—separate human bodies, in our case—in order to bring out & glorify the nature of Reality (God) which includes love?”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-…

D7V1 7/40
“Might God not want a duality involving ugliness to make known, to make experienced, the nature of God (Reality) as actually being Beauty?

“The same for creating pain, to glorify pleasure; & so on.”

THREAD wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 7/41
“*Conception & Duality in Self*

“Another way our experience of sperm & ovum contributes to fundamental constructions of our worldview has to do with the possibility that..”

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D7V1 7/42
“…the event of a duality of sperm & egg coming together & comprising us at conception might cause us, ever afterwards, or at least as adults, to conceive of self as dual.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro

D7V1 7/43
“In the instance just related above, it was that we were led to assume that Reality is dual, containing us & others...that there are parts, with boundaries.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview

D7V1 7/44
“We are imprinted to think, wrongly, that our experiences of life are not shared or identical; rather that they are like each one of us having different movies playing inside the different “theaters” of our skulls,..”

READ/DWL BOOK> drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psychology

D7V1 7/45
“…with the only connection between [our separate “theaters” of ourselves inside our brains] coming about through *external* communication between beings, necessarily flawed or at least not exact.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 7/46
“However, in the idea I am presenting, the experience of duality at conception might contribute to a sense, not just that there is a duality in existence in that there is us & others, but that one’s very self is dual:”

THREAD wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psyche #prenatal

D7V1 7/47
“That is, that we have a conscious & an unconscious self, for example. Or in primal cultures, that there is a “this world” self & a “that world” self, associated with the state after death.”

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D7V1 7/48
“Or more simply, that humans have a *body & a soul*. Or even more commonly, that we have a *mind & a body*, which are separate entities & must *interact*.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview

D7V1 7/49
“Note, in relation to this, that going beyond this delusion or early template, which construes & constricts our view of Reality, is vastly important for comprehending the overstanding presented in this book & its companion volumes,..”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ

D7V1 7/50
“in *Cells with a View* and, especially, in *The Cosmic Overstanding* (forthcoming), as well as in Part Three of *Experience Is Divinity* (2013) & in “The Mind’s True Liberation” part (also Part Three) of *Funny God* (2015).”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I…

D7V1 7/51
“*Scientists Don’t See Themselves*

“Yet achieving this overstanding—requiring a defiance of or a transcendence of those earliest templates, as it does—has traditionally been nearly impossible for any humans to do...”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psyche #prenatal

D7V1 7/52
“…except for mystics & very advanced shamans. It is extremely difficult for contemporary humans to do...even, or especially, scientists.”

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D7V1 7/53
“I have discovered it is *damn hard* for people to see this, understand this, & go beyond their preconceptions of mind-body duality, even when they are claiming to do that.”

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D7V1 7/54
“For example, in science these days, we say there is no mind-body duality. We hear that in psychology & behavioral sciences, in particular. Yet, most often what these academics are asserting amounts to eliminating the mind part of the duality.”


D7V1 7/55
“We eliminate subjectivity—a person’s lived experience in every moment—out of existence.”

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D7V1 7/56
“We think we have solved the Newtonian-Cartesian dichotomy of body & mind by saying one part of that duality simply does not exist, without changing our understanding a wit!”

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D7V1 7/57
“For what this claim of non-duality really means is we focus only on the changes in brain & body & thus say no dichotomy, because...abracadabra!...no mind!”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview

D7V1 7/58
“Similarly, when we *do* talk about experience or mental events, we see them as arising *out of* a physical basis.”

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D7V1 7/59
“We say no duality because we acknowledge only one, the physical, & we paint the other, the mental, as a unique & strange outgrowth of that one reality.”

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D7V1 7/60
“We as scientists assume that consciousness is a rare & unusual aspect of the physical world & that, in some imagined future, it will be seen to be just as much “physical” as everything else we study & measure.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology #prenatal

D7V1 7/61
“But what that does not understand about itself is that it is still creating two categories that are separate & that only magically, as it were, interact.”

THREAD wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview

D7V1 7/62
“Scientists know intuitively that mind is not exactly like body, but in order to eliminate having to deal with mind, they assume what they would like to be the truth. Their model becomes elegant, however wrong”

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D7V1 7/63
“*Moon & Reflection...Direct & Indirect Perception*

“Whereas what I am saying is quite simple, however hard to grasp: Mind & body are merely two ways of viewing the same thing. Not even two sides of a coin.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 7/64
“No. They are *exactly the same “thing,”* viewed from either inside the individual or outside the individual, & with one, the direct, being a more accurate take on It;”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb

D7V1 7/65
“Which world of matter is the intentionally “corrupted” perspective we decide to collectively believe in for the purpose of The Game.”

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D7V1 7/66
“So, any difference between mind & matter has to do with direct (mind) & indirect (matter) perception, as well as reality as It is, or as It is truer (mind), & Reality shrouded, or hidden from us, or reflected (matter).”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology

D7V1 7/67
“It is analogous to the moon being directly perceived, which would be our apprehension of our inner experience or Reality directly experienced within the self;”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #womb #worldview

D7V1 7/68
“& the moon being seen reflected as on the surface of water, which would be Reality perceived as matter, as physical, as inanimate, & as outside us.”

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D7V1 7/69
“That would include the persons outside us, by the way. This last analogy of the moon & its reflection is sometimes used in spiritual texts to point to this problem of one Reality *seeming* to be two.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psyche #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 7/70
“Basically what *direct & indirect* mean is that some knowledge-awareness-experience is accessible & “at hand” & others of It are forgotten or “hidden” from us.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb

D7V1 7/71
“We have split off from direct experience of them...we see them not to be us. Hence we project them into a different category, & “outside” of us, which is our experience of the physical world.”

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D7V1 7/74
“There is not a physical world & an inner world; there is just the stuff we know & the stuff we have forgotten, projected outside ourselves, which beckons us, every & always, to re-member it as *us*.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 7/75
“To remember It as I. To realize the identity of Atman & Brahman, in Hindu terms”

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D7V1 7/76
“That the supposedly “external” reality is outside of us & “not us” & we need, ultimately, to reclaim it as comprising merely facets of ourselves in order to be liberated from the illusion of Form is exactly the message of the *Tibetan Book*…”


D7V1 7/77
“[*Tibetan Book] of the Dead*, in fact. Over & over again, in that book, the deceased person is guided to relinquish believing in the after-death phenomena being encountered as real.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal

D7V1 7/78
“Instead the person, recently passed, is told, incessantly, to interpret everything seen & occurring to her or him to be aspects of one’s self in order to be liberated & not have to return, to be reincarnated, in this world of Form.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ

D7V1 7/79
“The soul is entreated to see the lights & entities...representing outside knowledge, experiences, & events...as emanating from *oneself*, from, as it says, “the deepest parts of oneself.””

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 7/80
“One might say that when one can realize one’s identity with Cause, one is no longer buffeted within the winds of the world of Effects—*this* world.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview #duality

D7V1 7/81
“For now, let me get away with phrasing it that we know our existence through our direct *experience* of it. That is, our subjectivity tells us of our reality.”

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D7V1 7/82
“However, we know of others through our *perception* of them, through our senses, or by indirect means...not subjectively, therefore, but *objectively*. We have created this subject-object dichotomy as per the above.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psyche #prenatal

D7V1 7/83
“However, direct perception is constant. The moon, in the analogy above, remains the same. However, its reflection is distorted by the surface movements of the water—which ripples & waves, btw, are another way of saying the Veils.”

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D7V1 7/84
“Another way of looking at it: We might not understand ourselves, & we might have different emotional states,..”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview #duality

D7V1 7/85
“…but what underlies everything of the contents of consciousness & what we come back to & what they are contained within is a constant apprehension of self.”

THREAD wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview

D7V1 7/86
“That self is the experience we always retain & find a home in, regardless what we do & even if we go into nonordinary or even drugged states.”

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D7V1 7/87
“There are all sorts of people & other beings indirectly manifesting to us infinitely varied experiences of themselves...which we perceive as bodies & external events...yet there is only one “I”.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 7/88
“Inner & outer are not separate, therefore. They are simply general areas of a continuum of our awareness, with what is known being considered inner,..”

READ BOOK wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview

D7V1 7/89
“…& what we are hiding or forgetting for the purpose of our game (the unconscious) being perceived, nevertheless, but as outer...as shrouded & distorted by our unknowing & our forgetfulness.”

READ/DWL BOOK> drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 7/90
“This is how we create a “physical” world, other people, & an “outer.””

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D7V1 7/91
“*We *Choose* Dualism for the Fun of It*

“I understand this is practically impossible to grasp the way I am meaning it. However, as you continue with this book & the works following it, you will have quite a bit more ability to envision it.”


D7V1 7/92
“For I peel back the conventions of thought we humans hold that keep us from seeing it. & if you have not yet read the previous volume, *The Secret Life of Stones*, you should.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception

D7V1 7/93
“[*The Secret Life of Stones*] lays out the beginning procedures for removing such constraints within our ability to see Reality.”

READ &/or dwl entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb

D7V1 7/94
“If not, an overview of that work [*The Secret Life of Stones*] is had in the next part of this book, Veil One, which sets up the process of the removal of all remaining Veils across Naked Reality.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 7/95
“Additionally, this might help: One of the implications of this is that if we wanted to view another person *directly* we would experience *their* experience…”

READ/DW BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb

D7V1 7/96
“…& not get second-hand information from the set of defenses that is their body (their current incarnation) as observed from outside of them. Theoretically, one could do this, as we are all One.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness

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“Yet one does not want to do this. For why else would we be here in Form except to play the game of dualism?”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview #duality #cellular #experience #periconception

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“*Unchoosing Dualism for the Liberation of It*

“What follows from this as well is that as long as you have separate people, you have duality of at least that sort.”

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro

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“& to truly transcend duality one needs to eliminate the duality of separate experiences & see that there is one experience;”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview #duality #cellular #experience

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“just as the scientists are wont to say that there is only one physical world, with mind being some strange appendage to that material world which pops up magically in evolution...and not for all species, mind you.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psyche #prenatal

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“I wish also to point out that this view fits in with my theory of Falls from Grace. In my theory, in a way similar to that of the *Tibetan Book of the Dead*, all stages of the descent into Form involve a constriction of awareness.”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I…

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“That diminution of self continues & advances that reduction of consciousness at conception experience, again through painful womb experiences, again at birth, then the primal scene, & finally the identity-adolescent phases.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psyche

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“Thus, we view subjectively the truth of existence through the lens of all our experiences—cultural & otherwise.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview #duality #cellular #periconception

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“However, the experiences that are painful cause us to retreat from the truth (or reality) of existence. Hence, they act as *reductive lenses*.”

READ &/or DW entire BOOK free AT SITE... READ BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception

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“And yes, within one’s subjectivity one does have *direct access* to the Other, the other person, the other anything in the physical universe.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview #duality

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“Indeed one can even identify with other beings & things, as happens on entheogens or in modalities of nonordinary experience such as holotropic breathwork & shamanism.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro

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“Two more fundamental constructions of our worldview arising from our earliest experiences as cells—our separate ones of being sperm & ovum—might be: One, the overstanding we hold of the physical world, the nature of Reality.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I…

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“The second might be the nature of Life. The first one would make a case for a non-material view of the Universe in which Experience is the fundamental monad.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #worldview

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“Whereas the second would be an overstanding of us as God & what the Cosmic Game is for us. More on those, later.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb

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“For now, we look at how, not just our physical world & our self-conceptions are formed here, but also our very attitudes to much of the elements of our lives.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb

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“We are psychologically predisposed to particular orientations in life, out of which we create our beliefs & within whose outlines we formulate our various cultures.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb

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“& regarding this, we take into consideration, next, the formative experiences of other aspects of our lives as cells. What did you learn as a blastocyst? This will surprise you, I’ll bet.”

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception

D7V1 7/113
This has been a thread of the entire Chapter 7, titled,

“Cellular Experience & Creation of the World:

“Beginning with Sperm & Ovum Arising Out of No-Formness, Our Experiences & Biology Constitute Our Human Reality”

READ/DWL BOOK> drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psychology

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…of my book,

“Dance of the Seven Veils I” by Michael Adzema

is subtitled,

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

Which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology

D7V1 7/115
The complete book is available online at the links

you can read the book, posted on the blog, or you can follow the directions there & download a free copy of *Dance of the 7 Veils I: Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self*.


D7V1 7/116
This is the completed document for “Dance of the Seven Veils I: Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, and Your Real Self”

It is a pdf file & looks exactly as the book looks.

To read and/or download a copy, click link:


#psyche #prenatal

D7V1 7/117
If you like & agree w these ideas & want more attention on them, feel free to download the book & pass it around, as you wish; use it to share this perspective.

If you like it, I encourage you to comment on it at Amazon, for others’ benefit


D7V1 7/118
It is time now to regain the primal legacy of belongingness in Divinity & Nature which we lost when we claimed ourselves “crown of creation” & peak of the evolutionary pyramid. This book is a powerful aid in regaining one’s authentic self.


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“…if we do not regain our truer & underlying humanity, & instead, coming forth as we normally do, we continue acting out of our pain grids, we are not going to have a ‘human’ experience or even an Earthly life experience…”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I…

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“…[if we do not regain our truer & underlying humanity, we are not going to have a ‘human’ experience or even an Earthly life experience] to be detailing & exploring, in the future, let alone people to hear about them.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology

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In looking at these matrices embedded in us through our cellular & womb & birth experiences, it will be possible to have our best chance to get a look at existence outside of these matrices—the No-Form State.

THREAD… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #prenatal #consciousness

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& please send any comments/reviews of the book to me at

[email protected]

The idea being I might be able to use your comments in describing it in my own sharing on social media.

READ/DWL BOOK> drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception

D7V1 7/123
Finally, if what you prefer are paperback or ebook/Kindle versions, you may acquire them at the links below.

Also, these are the Amazon links where you could comment on the book:

Paperback: amazon.com/Dance-Seven-Ve…


#psychology #consciousness #conception #primal

D7V1 7/124
Up next,

in “Dance of the Seven Veils I: Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, and Your Real Self”

by Michael Adzema, is

Chapter 8, titled,

“Cells with a View:”

READ/DW BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro

D7V1 7/126
Chapter 8 is subtitled,

“The Experience of Conception Results in Fundamental Patterns of Experience & Attitudes to Life”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psyche #prenatal #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview #duality #cellular #experience

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Feb 12
This is a threaded version of Chapter 20, titled,

“Prenatal Earth, Life in Gaia’s Womb:

“Pollution as a Psychedelic?

“Will We Be Born?

“Can You Look Your Belly in the Face?”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #environment #anthro #climate #ecopsychology

PA 20/1
of the book, *Psychology of Apocalypse:

*Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #environment #anthro #climate #prenatal #ecopsychology #pollution

PA 20/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “We continually re-create the discomforts we have not faced. There is no escape from the things we have ‘put out of our mind.’ That is the closest thing to hell that exists, though there is redemption in it.” []

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG…

PA 20/3
Read 110 tweets
Feb 10
This is a threaded version of Chapter 12:

“The Eleventh Descent—Sedentary Life...

"Sickness & Suffering:”

of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*

by Michael Adzema.

READ CHAPTER THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK...

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/prodig… #psychology

PH 12/1
Chapter 12 is subtitled,

“Eden Scorned—

“With Sedentary Living & Its Restricted Options for Sustenance, We Forego Perfect Assistance for Health of Body & Mind,

"Which Has Horrible Consequences”

THREAD wp.me/pwMlb-3in #psychology #devo #health #civilization

PH 12/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “Human Instinct, Comfort Feeding, & the Suffering Ape:

"Why would we “eat the apple”...

"that is, go it on our own with agriculture?

"Why would we defy Divine Providence in making our lots more painful or difficult?”


PH 12/3
Read 167 tweets
Feb 9
This thread is

Chapter 6, titled,

“Womb with a View:

Our Concepts-Feelings About the Spiritual & Religious Have Roots in Our Prenatal Experiences”

of “Dance of the Seven Veils I”

by Michael Adzema

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/dance-… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 6/1
“Dance of the Seven Veils I” by Michael Adzema
is subtitled,

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

Which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series

THREAD wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #womb #consciousness

D7V1 6/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…these foundational events shape & inform the myths by which we live, the motives that inspire us,..” []

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #spirituality #primal #religion #womb #anthro #myth #archetype

D7V1 6/3
Read 138 tweets
Jan 28
This thread is

Ch 5, titled,

“The Prenatal Matrix of “Human Nature”:

“Third Trimester Experience Configures Our “Evil”...

“the Roots of War, Bigotry, Pollution, & Our “Oliver Twist” Economies”

of “Dance of the 7 Veils I”

by Michael Adzema


D7V1 5/1
“Dance of the Seven Veils I” by Michael Adzema

is subtitled,

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

Which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series

READ BOOK… wp.me/pwJJl-1bZ #psychology #OriginsOfEvil

D7V1 5/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…there are other important characteristics of this time which affect us for life. I have detailed four, in particular.”” []

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1poVJ7I… #psychology #prenatal #OriginsOfEvil #primal #consciousness #HumanNature #PMEs

D7V1 5/3
Read 194 tweets
Jan 26
This is a threaded version of Chapter 4, titled,

“The Doors of Perception:

“Each of Us Is Potentially Mind At Large... When Perception Is Cleansed, All Kinds of Nonordinary Things Happen”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/11/experi… #psychology #psychedelic #science #MindAtLarge

ED 4/1
of the book, *Experience Is Divinity: Matter As Metaphor*

by Michael Adzema

READ CH THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK... wp.me/p2cSxz-aR #psyche #psychedelic #science #MindAtLarge #perinatal #shamanic #consciousness #prenatal #metaphysics #pantheism #paradigm

ED 4/2
Chapter 4 is the beginning of “SECTION TWO: TRANSCENDING WORLDS”

& it explains: “Why Everything Appears Infinite when the Doors of Perception Are Cleansed: “Mind at Large” & The Awakening”

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1kLQ7jT… #psyche #psychedelic #science #MindAtLarge

ED 4/3
Read 52 tweets
Jan 25
This is a threaded version of Chapter 19, titled,

“Our “Prenatal” Air:

“Prenatal “Pollution” Become Toxic Environment, Worldwide Oxygen Insufficiencies...

"People *Are* Dying from Oxygen Deprivation”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology #climate #prenatal

PA 19/1
of the book, *Psychology of Apocalypse:

*Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #psychology #climate #prenatal #environment #anthro #pollution #womb #Earth #FetalMalnutrition #GreenHouseEffect

PA 19/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…there are reasons, deeply rooted in our psyche, that would make us the penultimate Prometheans on Earth.” []

READ BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #psychology #climate #prenatal #environment #anthro #pollution #womb #Earth #FetalMalnutrition

PA 19/3
Read 147 tweets

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