"Denying a woman an abortion creates economic hardship and insecurity which lasts
for years."
Read that again.
"Women turned away from getting an abortion are more likely to stay in contact with a
violent partner. They are also more likely to raise the resulting child alone."
Violence from partners decreased when women had an abortion but not when they were turned away.
If you aren't horrified...?
Are you horrified?
💔Are you as stunned as I am to find yourself STILL living in a world where women do not have the right to make all decisions about their own bodies and welfare?
💔STILL today, most leaders of most religions, businesses, companies, and most political bodies are MEN! Even though women are equally capable.
Please! Don't tell me that your church has a female leader. That is irrelevant.
💔Republican politicians are openly talking about limiting access to contraception.
It is 2022!
Republicans want women barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen!?!
Is there a crisis of masculinity because too many man can't feel masculine unless women are without power?
Is that what the swing to the right is about?
Rarely do I think about masculinity or femininity. And, I cannot even imagine what it is like to worry about one’s “masculinity.”
The answer is obvious, but I missed it.
Grown men – very successful men – have thrown away their reputations to grovel after a buffoon. They will not be able to brag about their lives or accomplishments to their grandchildren.
The planning for the #Insurrection began ~40 years ago:
1. The .@GOP cynically married Evangelicals/The Religious Right
2. They created the “single issue voter:” Abortion
3. They came up with the best tag-line ever: “Pro-life” – even though they are just anti-abortion.
4. Republicans began a concerted attack on "Liberal" professors, teachers, higher education, local education and are starving public education of funding
5. They have been attacking the press, newspapers, TV/radio news for over 30 years: The "Liberal Press" became evil
6. Now, Republicanvoters brag about not reading newspapers and believe in bizarre conspiracies
7. Right Wing Republicans distinguished themselves with a "firearms fetish" which eventually
became a tolerance or adultaion of violence.
Dedicated to @SenRonJohnson
President Trump wasn’t that bad, other than when
he incited an insurrection against the government, and
mismanaged a pandemic that killed nearly half a million Americans, separated children from families and lost those children in the bureaucracy,
2/ (DJT) tear-gassed peaceful protesters on Lafayette Sq so he could hold a photo op holding a Bible in front of a church,
tried to block all Muslims from entering the country,
got impeached,
got impeached again,
had the worst jobs record of any president in modern history,
3/ pressured Ukraine to dig dirt on Joe Biden,
fired the FBI director for investigating his ties to Russia,
bragged about firing the FBI director on TV,
took Vladimir Putin’s word over the US intelligence community, diverted military funding to build his wall,