#JOY: "Do you still want to do your party?" #EVELYN: "We can do whatever we want."
[Everything Everywhere All at Once]
Wikipedia: As Deirdre talks, Evelyn's attention is momentarily drawn to her alternate selves and the multiverse, before she grounds herself back in her home universe.
staring at the ripe fig that says "dipping out of PKM because hands hurty from typing"
note-taking is economic for conveying thought i guess but you can 100% overdo it
constantly revising your atomic notes or constantly making permanent notes means that you're moving away from the rough pre-writing of true outlining and into "regular writing".
what's the line between pre-writing and writing in note-taking? be alert
a converse to the PKM ideal of "maximum viable recursive indexicality, per fundamental unit":
only the whitespace determines intrinsic, intra-note/intra-concept navigation
atomization brute-forces whitespace and distance between ideas/concepts/models where there isn't naturally any, for the sake of maximizing the degrees of freedom by which the user navigates the knowledge base
atomization is the equivalent of shredding a contiguous Minecraft world into a Skyblock map, IN SURVIVAL.
imagine the time and energy it would take to shred a biome down to bedrock, and then arrange those blocks as randomly as possible throughout the entire map. holy cow:
sequences and radial branches of notes are intrinsically related. all sequences can be read as radial branches of a larger/prime idea. all radial branches can be read in a linear, unidirectional sequence.
talking to myself aloud and i wonder if atomization actually IS the ultimate solution--should we perfectly atomize our individual notes? i feel like we need some "sweetner" and light context around each atomized context, so that it's understandable by itself. 🧵
the organizational idea of "atomization by dispersion" stands on the implicit notion that we *can* perfectly atomize ideas, into discrete containers of notes. in perfect atomization, context does not exist in a note; context exists outside a note, in the linked notes around it.
we can interpret this a couple of ways
- atomization by dispersion is a great model for the stream of consciousness
- atomization by dispersion shreds and crushes context that we normally use every day