I am ready to talk about the #silencing of over 25,000 psychologists in Australia with regards to the safeguarding of children. We are threatened, harassed, coerced to provide only one #therapy to children or else! They tried to force me into this I said NO. Any journalists???
I am ready to talk to journalists, lawyers, bloggers and am now writing a book on this topic/issue. I am ashamed of my colleagues and the board who wilfully ignore the immature prefrontal cortex, the autistic brain, and their own ethics and guidelines #rogd#gender#transgender
I have not been able to speak openly about this until now as I have been continually #silenced, harassed, threatened, coerced by other #psychologists#therapists, my board, governing agencies and other professionals. It’s time to reveal what is happening to clinicians worldwide
The Australian #gender clinic is a children’s hospital in Perth, Australia. More information coming soon. It’s not the professionals fault. They are losing their careers, their licenses, their reputations, their relationships with colleagues who judge them. They are excluded…
They are reported to their boards by #transactivists, their colleagues, other professionals, for #safeguarding young children. Doctors and other professionals are being #silenced which misleads the public that there is only 1 therapy for #kids#unethical#biased and against…
…the very #ethical principals on which we are trained in undergrad & grad school, our ethics courses & trainings, our internships & post grad trainings, child development trainings, the neuroscience of the immature prefrontal cortex in children external internships & supervision
It’s time to let the worldwide public know whats really going on when professionals express their ethical concerns to colleagues, their licensing boards, their supervisors, and their peers. How they treat #ethical professionals is truly #unethical#biased and against the evidence
My book is a documentation of the history of how gender ideology overtook the Medical and health industry and specifically on the fallout and treatment of professionals who were or are being mistreated and sanctioned for questioning being ethically concerned about children…
This book will outline how gender ideology captured science, health, medicine, education and psychology, but specifically in relation to the fall-out 👉🏻 the moral and ethical dilemmas and the mistreatment and wilful ignoring of #ethical concerned professionals who raised…
…their concerns with their licensing boards, their bosses, their organisations, their #genderclinics, their colleagues, their peers, their supervisors and were either and/or: ignored, excluded, sanctioned, coerced, silenced, cancelled, lost their jobs and/or reputation…
…for having the “audacity” to question the prevailing narrative, to ask “what about ethics?”, “what about morals”, what about the immature prefrontal cortex”?, “what about full #gillick informed consent?”, “what about proper diagnosis?”, “what about undiagnosed autism?”…
…”what about previous trauma”?, “what about prior or current sexual abuse?”, “what about a history of #sexoffending?”, “what about addiction to porn?”, “what about social contagion?”, “what about an obsession with ‘sissy’ porn?”, “ what about extreme gender stereotypes?”…
…”what about our training?”, “what about biology”, “what about developmental disorders?”, “what about therapy first?”, “what about lawsuits”?, “what about caution”?, “what about safeguarding?”, “what about ‘at first do no harm’”? “What about the effects on physical health?”…
… “what about excessive use of social media and/porn?”, “what about the long-term effects of Puberty blockers and cross sex hormones?”, “what about gender researchers who are paid by the very companies that produces these drugs”?, “what about the surgeries?”…
…”what about the ‘hijacking’ of a rite of passage - puberty”?, “what about the long-effects of drugs and surgery”?, “what about autogynephilia?”, “what about sexual addiction?”, “what about fetish?”, what about cross-dressing”?…
…”what about the social influence of the sexualization of children?”, “what about ‘grooming’?, “what about teaching kids to self regulate?”, what’s wrong with the exploration of gender and sexuality from an ‘unbiased’ framework”?, “what about ‘ethical’ and ‘unbiased’ therapy?”
“What about full #gillick informed consent?”, “what about the brain of a child or an #autistic child”?, “what about the neuroscience of the teenage brain?”, what about #adhd?”, “what about the spikey IQ profile of a child?”…
…”what about a child who has a higher IQ but a lower social and emotional IQ?”, “what about the parents of this child?”, “what about the child’s future?”, “what about the child’s capacity for ‘mentalising?”, “what about the child’s capacity for ‘theory of mind?”…
…”what if the child has ‘context blindness’”?, “what if the child has learning disabilities?”, “what if the child is experiencing dissociation”?, “what if the child has sensory processing disorder?”, “what if the child is a literal concrete black and white thinker”?…
“What if the child has ‘synaesthesia’? “So what if a girl is a #bmx racer and a boy is taking ballet”?, “what if the child has ‘Alexythymia’”? Ask these questions and professionals worldwide are at risk of losing their careers. THIS is why they cannot speak up about this issue
Those of us do speak up because we can. These are questions to be asked, to be thought about, to be debated civilly, to be pondered and reflected upon in a thoughtful careful way, to be researched ethically, to be considered and to be written about….
…the stories of #ethical professionals who have been punished for being ethical are being shared and their voices deserve a space and to be heard. I have been contacted by hundreds of professionals who message, DM, email me about their experiences and the discrimination…
…these professionals all share common themes of ethical and moral dilemmas, abuse, coercion & the complete failure to safeguard children, which has led to the #kierabell case, Finland, Sweden, the UK & now Australia either backing away from #WPATH and/or judges having to decide
…this is a global systemic failure to Protect and safeguard children by the very agencies organisations, licensing boards, non-profits, the Healthcare systems and the ever increasing amount of gender clinics who, at the same time, spout how much they care about children’s…
…welfare yet silence and/cancel the very professionals (who have specific education, training and experience in child development, therapy, mental health, autism, trauma, psychopathology, sexual abuse, developmental disorders, child protection, neuroscience)…
…telling them they need to be “re-educated”, have “supervision”, lose their funding or grants, lose their positions, lose their livelihoods, for adhering to #ethics and their own training…the training by the fields of psychology, medicine, therapy, counselling, psychiatry…
Psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, therapists, counsellors, clinicians are to be trained in ethical practice (not seen in reality), which includes practicing in an unbiased way, free of the therapists own biases and agendas. Free of pushing their agenda onto the…
…client. The client is allowed to have their biases, opinions, religion, politics, etc. but it is the therapists job to focus on helping the client explore their mind, their world, their struggles…it’s NOT about the therapist ever, which is #unethical…
Yet now in 2021, #ethical therapists who leave their biases and agendas at home, as they were trained. Are being punished for doing so? For practicing how they were trained? For asking questions? For being concerned? For raising serious safeguarding issues? Really?…
…and because we are silenced, the world get to see and hear one narrative…And that narrative is there is only one therapy for children and it’s called ‘affirmation’ and it is the only choice that is given to children and parents. No, there is more than 1 therapy and people…
…have a right to know this, a right to choose, a right to full informed consent, a right to hear from ALL sides, a right to hear from all therapists, in order to make an informed decision. Silencing professionals is about taking that freedom away from you, a member of the public
Silencing professionals is about not allowing you (the public) the options to consider in making full informed consent, not allowing you to know there IS more than 1 therapy out there, and at it’s worst, it is designed to not allow children the right to ethical therapy
This is one of the worst unethical medical and healthcare crises of our time and it must be exposed fir what what it is, and professionals will have a voice in this. It is not optimal healthcare. It is not cautious healthcare. It is not ethical healthcare. It is not ‘do no harm’
It is not ‘do no harm’ healthcare. It is an area in serious need of fixing and the lawsuits are happening. This is why Australia has decided (for now) for new children at the WA gender clinic will now have to get permission from a judge, with their own independent lawyer
Why do you think professionals, lawyers, the courts, judges, are all involved? Because it’s a safeguarding issue. It’s a child protection issue. It’s a prefrontal cortex issue. It’s a life changing issue. It’s an ethical and moral issue for some of us, who are being silenced.
To be clear, this issue is not about adults. It’s not about those who truly do meet full #gillick competency, which is an entirely different thread. The issue is not those who would truly benefit. We recognise that. The issue is about the silencing of #ethical professionals…
… and the consequences of this on the larger society and culture, the public perception of psychology boards and other boards/ agencies who participate and perpetuate in the silencing of professionals and the control of information (and the ramifications of this)…
…it’s time for therapists and other professionals stories, experiences, and concerns to be allowed, to be heard and to be made public. It’s time for the public to hear them and make their own minds up. I would like a separate thread to speak about the increasing…
…amount of #detransitioners who contact me to share their stories, who deserve to be heard, the silencing of their voices is unacceptable. If U have been silenced, want 2 be in my book (confidentially or otherwise), want to interview me, please DM me. Thank you. Abuse = BLOCK
I am available for interviews by journalists, the media, to organisations and/or otherwise who wish to know this aspect of this issue, who wish to have the truth heard. The issue of health professionals being silenced, cancelled, fired, losing their careers…
…losing their livelihoods, losing support from their colleagues and peers, being booted out of professional psychology support Facebook groups (yes, the groups are designed for psychologists to support and learn from each other) for raising a question…for wanting to discuss…
…for wanting and needing support from their own peers, to discuss the latest research, therapy, for collegial support, to discuss de-identified cases, & so on But this issue is not allowed to be discussed even among professionals working within the field, who are now divided…
…it is antithetical to healthcare and dangerous for the public for health professionals to be divided and warring amongst themselves, silencing and cancelling each other, reporting each other rather than allowing open and honest debate and open discussion conducive to learning…
…this thread is not pro or anti affirmation. Its not about adult clients. It’s about the state of affairs within healthcare on a global scale It’s about children, but more-so, its about professionals who have committed to doing no harm, yet silence, harass, cancel, coerce peers
…it’s about the ‘silencing’ of the biggest medical scandal of the century. It’s about the history of this scandal, the involvement of the professionals, the censorship, exclusion, bullying and harassment, the deception within the medical field and supported by the Medical boards
It’s about the hundreds and hundreds of trained, experienced, educated professionals within mental health, in all countries who want to speak up, who want to discuss this issue, who want to be a part of the conversation, and why they cannot speak up and why they are silenced
This is the story of the experiences of a large group of caring professionals who are coerced to be silent, who cannot speak, cannot offer their clinical opinion, cannot share their clients stories and themes, who cannot contribute to the knowledge and research & the reasons why
This is about the stories of professionals who cannot speak, their experiences, their ethical and moral dilemmas, how they have been/are treated by society, their colleagues, their licensing boards, their professional groups, their colleagues and how they are controlled\censored
This issue is so critical to discuss & it is important not to demonise health professionals, in any of the professions. This is not what that is about. This is about the silencing & censorship that is happening that the public is not privy to and the inherent dangers of this
I have yet to discuss my personal experience. It mirrors the professionals who have or are being silenced. These professionals include but are not limited to: doctors, psychologists, social workers, counsellors, lawyers, therapists, psychiatrists, paediatricians and mental health
If you are a concerned professional, journalist, a publisher, a lawyer, an influencer, please DM me or email me at [email protected] If you are a professional & want to share your story, it will be kept confidential. Thank you. ABUSE = BLOCK
These are the stories of censored & silenced caring health professionals who have experienced serious ethical & moral dilemmas #dutyofcare due 2 being silenced & censored at the same time & the consequences to mental health, spiritual health, their professional and personal lives
To be more clear: the censoring and silencing of the Heath profession, not specifically psychologists, although I will point you to this 👇🏻 Again, I am ONLY referring to children here
To be clear: I am committed to reading & staying up to date on ethical unbiased evidence-based research, free of agenda. Both research & therapy should be bias-free, ethical, free of agenda & conflicts of interest, in an ideal world. These complex factors play into this issue
I can no longer remain silenced and censored on this issue. Every day I am contacted via DM’s, texts, emails from other health professionals, all around the world. Their stories and experiences matter. Their voices matter. Their health matters. Their safeguarding concerns matter
I speak with health professionals in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United States, Europe, the UK, Sweden, Finland, amongst others. Their stories deserve to be heard.
I’m doing this because no health professional should be censored, silenced, coerced, manipulated, shamed, cancelled, controlled or threatened for voicing concern about #safeguarding and it’s NOT transphobic to say so
Whether children can be #gillick competent and strictly focused on this competence, the ethical and moral implications, what healthcare providers are faced with and challenged by, day in and day out
To be clear, the Gender clinic Service in Australia in unknown and will still refer to court even where the child has demonstrated #Gillick competence, age meaning aged 16 +, parents both supportive, and clinicians support treatment. It appears the Review started in January 2021
• • •
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Thank you @KLBfax for your #bravery and standing up for vulnerable children who deserve #safeguarding, should have been given full #gillick informed consent and should have had their immature prefrontal cortex, as a consequence of child development, taken into consideration
This decision supports the UK, Finland, and Sweden in an international shift towards caution for #children and safest ethical medical practice. The Australian #gender clinic remains unidentified at the moment
This is why I’m training professionals what to look for, the questions to ask, social camouflaging, the different subtypes and how 2e gifted kids improve over time.
The teenage brain is under reconstruction. The prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until minimum aged 25. A bit longer for males. The prefrontal cortex is largely responsible for: decision making, planning, organisation, focusing, impulsivity, aka executive functions
Managing emotions, predicting consequences of one’s choices and moderating social behaviour. This is #science#facts Anyone who says otherwise is brainwashed by #ideology Shame on any professional who ignores this #gender#trans#detrans#shame