In response to the @BBC defamation campaign in which @chloehadj is suggesting that I am a "Russian agent", a claim now amplified by #Syria "regime change" promoter, Michael Weiss - photo below, embedded with extremist armed groups #Aleppo.
2. @chloehadj took information from Paul McKeigue emails given to her by CIJA sting op managers. This alone suggests some collusion on part of @BBC to entrap McKeigue. In the emails McKeigue made a claim that I can be contacted through a Russian diplomat in Geneva.
3. This claim was repeated by @chloehadj in a @BBC front page article & in Mayday audio episode. CH claimed I had not responded to claim. This is a lie. CH never contacted me to verify claim. See emails below dated back in March 2021.
McKeigue also emailed CH to retract claim.
4. The Daily Beast then ran an article, also making the claim that originated at #BBC. They also failed to contact me to verify. So, @chloehadj is effectively running a defamation campaign based entirely on falsehood. BBC allow this?
5. This campaign by .@BBC is indicative of UK FCDO & UK Intelligence agencies desperation to discredit those who are exposing the criminal destabilisation campaign waged against #Syria for 10 years, planned well before 2011. #OPCW#Douma will be their downfall 🙏
6. Last night McKeigue again contacted @ChloeHadj to ask for a retraction of his false claim. A claim that has never been verified by CH, @BBC or Daily Beast. This is what CH deems "rigorous journalism".
7. A reminder that @BBC emails are [email protected] should anyone wish to contact Chloe Hadjimatheou, Emma Rippon, Hugh Levinson, directly to highlight this egregious & vindictive campaign. This is not journalism & the BBC is publicly funded, they work for YOU!
Peter Ford, former UK Ambassador to #Syria - "British Policy in Syria is based on 2 principles:
1. The declared but hollow support for a political 'solution' that would be suicide for the Syrian government and for the current secular nature of Syrian society.
2. An undeclared but ferocious economic war.
Both principles are designed to prevent #Syrian government & Russians fm 'enjoying'military success. They are nothing but vindictiveness dressed up as 'policy' - because UK & US governments have failed in their regime-change policy.
The cruel sanctions against the population of #Syria are at core of British policy towards Syria. The other plank in British policy is information warfare. Information warfare is necessary in order to 'justify' the brutal sanctions policy, & that information warfare against..
1. When I asked @chloehadj to check if #BBC researcher had worked wth child beheader fm formerly US-sponsored extremist armed group, Nour Al Din Zinki - she sent me email by mistake which demonstrated extent of "journalism" involved in her research:
2. This was CH's response to her colleagues, I was copied in by mistake:
"I just checked wth Habak again & he has never worked for any armed group - not FSA or any other "rebel" group. He was only ever freelance, selling his footage to #BBC#C4 & other external outlets"
3. CH pushes her line manager at #BBC to "say something to back" Habak. CH feels "this is quite important ethically". So, a #BBC "journalist" is presented wth video evidence that her researher & witness has worked wth the actual child beheader fm Zinki but her "fact check"...
Dear @chloehadj would you please cease & desist from history revisionism for #BBC#UKFCO & #WhiteHelmets. You insist on claiming I have not spoken to WH members - that is an outright lie as you well know because I have informed you that I have & my articles disprove your lie.
Just one example below. I hve also interviewed former #WhiteHelmets still inside #Syria. Remind me, you have never been inside Syria since the war started if I remember correctly. In fact your "rigorous journalism" is based entirely on the testimony of #WhiteHelmets
and child-beheader-linked researchers. You rely entirely on the very people who created, promoted & equipped #WhiteHelmets in order to criminalise Syrian govt, army & allies for your "evidence" that WH are the good guys. Brazen conflict of interest.
The war that Pompeo is drooling over will not be against #Iran directly, it will be against Iranians fighting #AlQaeda in #Syria & #ISIS in #Iraq. Last night #Israel bombed close to #Iraq border. In effect, #Syria will be targeted to "weaken Iranian influence"...
2... and to continue the destruction of #Syria both economically & militarily, leaving #Israel dominant power in region alongside NATO member, Turkey. Muslim Brotherhood, Zionist supremacy. This will bring US into direct confrontation with #Russia that now has military bases... Syria. I believe, if it comes to war on this scale, Russia will protect her interests & military presence in #Syria. US is playing with fire & the madmen are paving the way for the lunatics.
1. FLASHBACK: #BBC researcher, Abd Alkader Habak, for #Mayday#WhiteHelmet war-crime-cover-up @BBCRadio4 series, was cameraman in @Channel4News terrorist-glorifying report "Aleppo: Up close with the "rebels". Channel4 actually removed this video because...
2. the armed group featured in this video report was none other than Nour Al Din Zinki - torturers & beheaders of child victim, Abdullah Issa, 2016. Habak is seen filming next to one of the beheaders in video. Channel4 distanced themselves fm report when content was condemned.
3. Nour Al Din Zinki beheaded 12 yr old Issa in Al Ansari square in Al Qaeda dominated East #Aleppo, 200 metres fm #WhiteHelmet center featured in Oscar-nominated promo "Last Men in Aleppo". A #WhiteHelmet also features in #Channel4 report:
"... Intellectual, spiritual, and artistic initiative is as dangerous to totalitarianism as the gangster initiative of the mob, and both are more dangerous than mere political opposition."
2. "The consistent persecution of every higher form of intellectual activity by the new mass leaders springs from more than their natural resentment against everything they cannot understand. "
3. "Total domination does not allow for free initiative in any field of life, for any activity that is not entirely predictable."