Proponents of it usually argue that modern Western states should be defined through (liberal) values. But detractors point out that most immigrants, particularly Muslims, aren't really liberal.
So I decided to have a closer look.
To that end, I took the Global Gender Gap index from the (2018) Global Gender Gap report and used the percentage of #Muslims per country as a predictor. (Note the confusing fact that a high index means a small gap)

In addition, Antisemitism is a half-way decent proxy for out-group hostility in general (e.g., #racism).
To that end, I took the 2014 ADL data.

I couldn't get decent polling data, so I took the Wikipedia data on country-level support for #LGBT
rights at the United Nations.
This means, it's main aim is not to reflect reality but to provide a (costly) signal of support for one's own peer group.
That's it so far. Good-faith feedback and criticism is highly welcomed.