It is also incredible - knowing all this evidence and having reports from the Information Commissioner and a Judgment on illegal coordination between the Vote.Leave and Be.Leave campaigns, as well as overspend- that both UK and EU continued Brexit negotiations.
The result of the 2016 Referendum was cited by Mrs May in her Article 50 letter of 29 March 2017 as the basis of her Decision to start
The illegal breaches of Electoral Law, by both the Vote.Leave and Be.Leave campaigns, would have seen the result declared 'Null and Void' - EXCEPT for the fact that the Referendum
Parliament could have quashed the result; instead, it was and still is, treated as the "Will of the People".
It is heresy to suggest that the result should not be relied upon.
In practice, the PM using Royal Prerogative was allowed to start
Millions of people directly affected by Brexit were excluded from the Referendum franchise: 3.8 Million EU nationals living in the UK, and most of the 2Million Brits living in EU27 countries were #DeniedMyVote.
To pursue #Brexit - against
In GE2019, 16+ million (53%) people voted for parties calling for a Confirmatory Vote to allow the people to decide whether to Leave with the
Currently, 66Million people resident 8n the UK are imminently about to lose their #EUCitizenship rights - without specifically having been consulted on this.
Is this something that the @Europarl_EN should allow to happen, without question?
Citizens' lives and livelihoods are at stake - for a generation, or more.