ﺻﻭﻣﻭﺍ ﻟﺮﺆﯾﺘﻪ ﻮ ﺍﻔﻄﺭﻮﺍ ﻟﺮﺆﯾﺘﻪ
Fast at its sighting, and break (end) the fast at its sighting. (Muslim)
Do not fast until you sight the crescent and do not break (end) the fast until you sight it. (Buhari).
Some Islamic organizations internationally like Turkey, Fiqh council of North America (FCNA) ,
Sighting of the crescent is an act of worship and therefore not rationalizable, Ramadan may only begin with the sighting of the crescent.
” صُومُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ، وَأَفْطِرُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ،”
”Fast at its sighting, and break (end) the fast at its sighting
“ﻻﺘﺻﻭﻤﻭﺍ ﺤﺘﯽ ﺘﺭﻮﺍ ﺍﻟﻬﻼﻝ ﻮ ﻻ ﺘﻓﻃﺮﻮﺍ ﺤﺘﯽ ﺘﺭﻮﻩ “.
The following observations are important. Linguistically, the word “hilal” means a crescent, which is something visible.
" إِنَّا أُمَّةٌ أُمِّيَّةٌ، لاَ نَكْتُبُ وَلاَ نَحْسُبُ الشَّهْرُ هَكَذَا وَهَكَذَا ".
“We are an unlettered nation, we do not write or calculate. The month is such-and-such or such-and-such “ (Narrated by Buhari 1814; Muslim, 1080).
The Prophet (ﷺ) for example, did not say, “We are an illiterate nation,because of that,
5- Another claim is that Muslims all over the world, especially in the West, suffer a great deal of hardship due to physical sighting .
2- Sun rise and Sun set of any location can be accurately calculated and same applies to Moon rise and set can be accurately calculated too,
3- The crescent azimuth, altitude are accurately calculated. The azimuth is the location of an object in the sky in a circle of 0-360 ° , 0 ° is true north.
In conclusion for over 1400 years Scholars have maintained the natural, sacred and communal way of determining beginning of Islamic lunar months ,
May Allah bless our most beloved Prophet (ﷺ) with the purest of blessings. And may He guide us all, through His most beloved,to what is most beloved to Him ameen.