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Kyle Orton
, 5 tweets, 3 min read Read on Twitter
More details on the schism between the Hazimis and lesser-extremists in #IS: Abu Anisa al-Dagestani, an Azeri commanded and Hazimi, blames the caliph's insufficiently stern position on takfir for the loss of land and men last year.
According to Abu Anisa al-Dagestani, the caliph reversed the May 2017 expansion by the Delegated Committee of the takfir ruling after his wife had a dream in which Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, and Abu Muhammad al-Furqan came to his house and ignored him. #pt
The caliph reversed the May 2017 takfir ruling by a deft institutional manoeuvre: he invited its author, Ismail al-Ithawi (Abu Zayd al-Iraqi), to a meeting in August 2017 and threatened to kill him if he didn't reverse himself. #pt
Final interesting point: if Abu Anisa al-Dagestani is telling the truth that the expansive-takfir fatwa was withdrawn after the caliph threatened Ismail al-Ithawi (Abu Zayd al-Iraqi) at a meeting in August 2017, then it means al-Ithawi's testimony to the @WSJ contains lies #shock
Al-Ithawi says the last time he saw Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was May 2017 (he also distances himself, claims disillusionment, and that the caliph is at death's door: all red flags, lies he knows his captors want to hear):
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