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“Quando parlo di avversari, mi riferisco ai leader europei” Joel #Harding.


[thk @FrancoFracassi1 - link all'articolo a fine 🧵] Image
Joel #Harding, berretto verde, ha contribuito contribuito a pianificare le invasioni di #Haiti, #Iraq e #Afghanistan, aveva fatto parte dello Stato Maggiore per le operazioni speciali J2 dell’Esercito.

2/19 Image
Era il collegamento del J2 per le Information Operations (le operazioni psicologiche e di disinformazione militare) con #Cia, #Dia, #Nsa, #Disa altre agenzie di #Washington.

3/19 Image
Read 19 tweets
Go is a programming language that comes with a rich standard library containing many useful packages and modules. In this, I provide an overview of the standard library modules in Go.
#golang #library
1️⃣. fmt - This package provides formatted I/O with functions like Println, Printf, and Scanf.
#golang #println
2️⃣. net - This package provides a set of network-related functions like dialing a network address, establishing a connection, and listening to a network port.
#network #http #port #golang
Read 21 tweets
Io, a World around Jupiter a few hours ago

Full size Video:…

Orbit (Perijove) 49
Alt: 64994 to 52515 km
Time: 2023-03-01

#Space #Astronomy #Jupiter #Io
NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS /AndreaLuck
This was partially stabilised at 51525 km

Here's the video link in case the one above doesn't work:

And the full image sequence is here:
This was the previous approach... Io is getting closer!

Read 3 tweets
Live from #GartnerIO | Mission (Nearly) Impossible: Attracting and Retaining IT Talent with Mark Margevicius, Gartner VP Analyst. Follow along for key #GartnerInsights ⬇️
Why is finding, attracting and retaining #talent so difficult in 2022 for I&O leaders? #GartnerIO
"1 in 3 employees are looking for jobs. For every employee in tech looking for a new role today, there are about 10 open roles for them to apply to. You need to be competitive." #GartnerIO #ITtalent #IO
Read 16 tweets
Live from #GartnerIO | Turning Data Streams Into Business Value at the Edge with Paul DeBeasi, Gartner Distinguished VP Analyst. Follow along for key #GartnerInsights ⬇️
Real-time edge stream analytics is the key to situational awareness and improved decision quality. #GartnerIO #IO
What are some common edge stream analytics use cases? 3 examples 🔽 #GartnerIO #IO
Read 13 tweets
Live from #GartnerIO | Leadership Vision for 2023: Infrastructure and Operations with Arun Chandrasekaran, Gartner Distinguished VP Analyst. Follow along for key ⬇️ #GartnerInsights
Why is this topic crucial for I&O leaders? "#CIO and tech leaders must support the CxO response to macroeconomic disrupters." #GartnerIO
What are the top challenges facing the infrastructure and operations leader?

"Funding continues to be a challenge." #IO #GartnerIO
Read 15 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 02/04/2022…
Hard barriers and soft power: Study assesses outsider perceptions of border walls…
#BorderWalls, #SoftPower, #InternationalRelations, #NationSecurity, #PersonalPerception
Individually optimal choices can be collectively disastrous in COVID-19 disease control | BMC Public Health | Full Text…
#IndividualOptimalChoices, #PublicHealth, #InterventionNoncompliance, #SpreadSuppression, #ResearchResults
Read 20 tweets
#Espace - Les bonnes raisons d'y aller
🌿À l'heure de la #COP26, pourquoi dépenser de l'énergie et des finances pour aller dans l'espace. #Thread de quelques éléments de réponses du côté optimiste de la force 🤞
#espace #écologie #spacegeek Space final frontier - illustration Elite Dangerous
1. Pour trouver notre place dans l'#univers, #explorer, #rêver.
Historiquement, l'observation des étoiles a interrogé, fait rêver. Domaine des dieux, sphère céleste, on étudie le ciel nocturne et l'évolution de soleil en journée qui rythme les vies.
#astronomie #histoire #Science
🔭Les #philosophes déblayant les principes de la mécanique céleste posent les bases de l'#astronomie moderne, s'égarant parfois dans des interprétations erronées. Les briques sont posées et ainsi naîtra les #science, #physique, #astrologie, ...
Read 29 tweets
Teknik (hazinecilere özel) 🥋
Şurada mini bir beyin fırtınası yaptık. Faizler artınca fiyatı artabilen bir tahvil tipi genel mekaniğe ters. Böyle bir şey ancak negatif ortalama vade #durasyon ile mümkün (short hariç olanaksız?). Standart ürünlerde yok; yan yoldan ulaşılıyor...
Yatırımcılara satılmak üzere paketlenen mortgage havuzlarına #CMO deniyor. Bunların faiz ve anaparaları dilimlenip, ayrı ayrı satılabiliyor. Sadece faiz geliri elde eden tipi #IO interest only. Bu ürünü fiyatlarken ev kredilerinin ne kadarının erken kapanacağı da tahmin ediliyor. Image
Faizler azcık artarsa, bu kredi kapamalar doğal olarak azalıyor. Böylece, paketin nakit akışı fazla oluyor ve faizlerle artan iskontoya rağmen değerleniyor. Yani; artan faiz, fiyatını artırıyor! Ama sadece bir süre... sonra #prepayment yataya bağlıyor ve faizden ters etkileniyor. Image
Read 4 tweets
I am thrilled to share our new paper out in @ScienceMagazine! We show that transient disruption of CAR signaling, or "rest", can reinvigorate exhausted CAR-T cells and boost anti-tumor functionality #CART #immunotherapy #IO

Thread 1/…
This project began with a simple question: if persistent CAR signaling alone can promote exhaustion, what happens if you turn the CAR off? To test this, we first teamed up with Tom Wandless to create a drug-regulatable CAR system (DD-CAR) that enabled tunable CAR expression
Using a DD-CAR targeting GD2, which exhibits antigen-independent tonic CAR signaling, we observed that "hiding" the CAR during ex vivo expansion dramatically improved CAR-T cell activity, underscoring the importance of preventing tonic CAR signaling to preserve function
Read 15 tweets
Mini tweetorial about ICPi related kidney toxicity #irAE2021 #Nephtwitter #IO
AKI is common overall...only a small portion is truly an irAE. #irAE2021 #Nephtwitter #IO
Clinical features: variable and often long latency. Almost a third of patient have bland urinalyses! #irAE2021 #Nephtwitter #IO
Read 19 tweets
THREAD 21 of writing against the 🪖-coup is a thread in which I will look at what the so-called “international community” can/might/won’t do for the #CivilDisobedienceMovementMyanmar #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar #March3Coup #RejectTheMilitary #UN #EU @UNHumanRights @coe @RapporteurUn Image
1. The calls for “action” are getting louder. And rightly so! From the moment 19-year old Mya Thwet Thwet Khine was shot, the police/military has continued committing the most serious crimes. To shoot, beat, and arrest peaceful protestors is against national and international law
2. Since #Feb28Coup the day of #MilkTeaAlliance protests we have seen an escalation in violence by the military which no longer targets protestors but bystanders. It is also clear that people are getting executed: shot in the head.Result is instant incapacitation and likely death
Read 31 tweets
1/ Today we published our first Inauthentic Behavior (IB) report. This report details how we tackle various forms of IB and offers some examples of recent enforcements to illustrate notable trends and tactics we’ve seen…
2/ For 3+ yrs we’ve publicly reported our removals of CIB networks. These are like the APTs of #IO. But deceptive tactics are not limited to CIB — spammers and scammers often rely on similar behaviors. We tackle both threats, but we tackle them differently.
3/ CIB actors tend to be unrepentant deceivers — if you’re running a network of fake accounts, you know you’re being misleading. IB violators want to push the boundaries, but may not intend to break the rules.
Read 7 tweets

A few more thoughts

I spoke to voters in Venice, Sarasota, St Armands (just across the water) and Longboat Key. Mostly retirees.

The bulk of the conversations reflected the polarized times: people knew who they were supporting and had strong feelings about the race.

But there were nuances...
Biden supporters would shoot a look that said "how could you even ask, ya dope" when asked why they were supporting Read 14 tweets
Orthopedic pre-op embo, transradial axillary flush arteriogram before next day reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. Catheter selection, embolic selection, outcome images to follow:
What is your preferred embolic in this case? Feel free to elaborate below! #IRad #IR #IO #OrthoIR #PalliativeIR #Embolization
Read 7 tweets
I'm going to purchase a #flowcytometer. Had 8 colors, and want ~15. Need a stable easy to use and learn workhorse. Have been recommended these instruments to various degree; please vote and motivate your pick! Will buy respondents drinks! #promise #io
Surprised not more people vote for the Aurora or Northern Lights, but maybe spectral flow is just not that common yet?
Thank you all for voting and commenting! This is really valuable to us when we decide which instrument to purchase.
Read 4 tweets
Missed #COVID19nCancer plenary in #AACR20 @AACR?
Here’s a thread to catch up on all the fascinating global research presented by:
@AACR @AACRPres #AntoniRibas #LiZhang @marinagarassino @barlesi #CarlosGomez #LouisVoigt #HongbingCai cc:@OncoAlert @COVID19nCCC @ASCO @ASH_hematology
#1: Chinese Experience by #LiZhang and #HongbingCai

More evidence of increased prevalence of #Cancer among #COVID19, ~2% similar to what we found in our #metanalysis @ASCO_pubs #JCOGO here:…
#LiZhang described 35.7% required mechanical ventilation and significant risk factors for severe outcomes on #multivariate analysis was recent #cancertreatment and #consolidation on CT
Read 12 tweets
How about a #Tweetorial on immunotherapy in quiz and answer form? Let’s try it! I’ll post a quiz in one tweet and then the answer in the next, and so on. Scroll down to follow the thread!

#pathology #pulmpath #ihcpath #pdl1 #Immunotherapy #pathtweetorial
First question. When PD-1 on T cells binds PD-L1 on tumor cells, what happens to the T cells?
The correct answer is that the binding of PD-1 to PD-L1 INHIBITS T cell killing of tumor cells.

See nice tweet on this by @kis_lorand

Read 35 tweets
And the shortlist for #AmericasNextDiscoveryMission has been announced!

@NASA has picked four missions for detailed, 9-month studies under the Discovery-class cost cap; one or two mission finalists will be actually selected for flight around the end of the year.

Read on!

The first is DAVINCI+ (Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging Plus), which is a mission to take detailed chemical measurements as it plunges through the Venus atmosphere!

Next is Io Volcano Observer (IVO), which will visit (as the name suggests) #Io, the super-volcanically active moon of #Jupiter!

Read 7 tweets
If any of you haven’t yet seen @thegreathackdoc grab your 🥤 and 🍿 get comfy in front of Netflix and remember you are only seeing a tiny sliver of the full global #cambridgeanalytica story when you watch. There’s a lot more coming in my upcoming book.
If you haven’t yet seen it do, it’s a very good introduction to the problems of #datamisuse and our elections, propaganda and #disinformation and why I argue we need to be thinking about independent regulation of social media platforms and the #influenceindustry #stratcom #IO
And now there’s the added excitement that it’s shortlisted for the #Oscars2020! I could not be more amazed that a project I was involved with as a researcher has made it this far! But raising awareness isn’t enough we need to continue the fight for policy reform.
Read 11 tweets

5/16/19: URN Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens—inv’n focused on Ukrainian

9/9/19: 3 House cmtes inv Trump, Giuliani pressure on URN to hurt Biden's campaign

9/18/19 WBC broke

9/19/19 Biden op broke = disinfo, sources = GRU/TeamTrump

Get it?

Anyone who ran with the Biden aspect re WBC was dupped by TeamTrump front-facing much worse scandals.

The Biden disinfo is not an ‘urgent’ NatSec issue, duh! It’s old news.

@nyt @washingtonpost @wsj @cnn @msnbc: You just aided GRU/Trump’s Biden smear campaign.

Biden aspect of the WBC disinfo — meant to smear Biden. RT hyped fake vid.

WBC may not be about URN, but cd re URN PP #Crimea #Sanctions

Did Trump pass doxxing info re US spies, Smolenkov & more key intel related to 2016 elex to Putin? #IO #Helsinki #G20 #G7
Read 48 tweets
@DrDenaGrayson @VP @jaketapper In the U.S. at least, air pollution is down since 1992 for every single pollutant the EPA measures. And our CO2 emissions are down since the mid-1990s, yet #ClimateCatastrophists claim NONE of that improvement has slowed global, or U.S. #ClimateChange.…
@DrDenaGrayson @VP @jaketapper For more than forty-five years the Clean Air Act has cut pollution as the U.S. economy has grown.
Carbon dioxide is not pollution. It’s colorless, odorless, and tasteless.… #ClimateAlarmism #ClimateChange
@DrDenaGrayson @VP @jaketapper Watch the animated version & see how average global temperatures continually vary and move around erratically with no relationship or response to any nation’s #GlobalWarming prevention policies or actions.
#GlobalWarmingism #ClimateAlarmism #AlGore
Read 63 tweets
Preparing for AWS exams?
Read this thread:
The user can configure SQS, which will decouple the call between the EC2 application and S3. Thus, the application does not keep waiting for S3 to provide the data.
Auto Scaling enables you to follow the demand curve for your applications closely, reducing the need to manually provision Amazon EC2 capacity in advance.
Read 554 tweets

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