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The lies 2020:

Don’t Panic, we go for #herdimmunity, #children can’t spread it and won’t be harmed

What was really
And use #schools as a tap for controlled spread. No transparency, no testing no mask

Lets spread the lie that mask simply don’t work

Here #polarisation starts driven by misinformation and intransparancy by your government. Everybody could see that the measures were nog in line with urgency.

What were they hiding? Why no #zerorisk #zerocovid with borders closed. It could be done

2020: wait we know this will
Lead to many many deaths but the #vaccin is almost here, working hard, we know the #SPIKE is a big thing, hold on #Hopium being built.

Meanwhile lets keep up the lie of children not important to monitor😢 we know from SARS they build less #antibodies lets presume they just not
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Citing the previous tweet
and adding more information hoping to help get a clear panoramic on increasing #foodprices and the increasingly looming narrative of #recession 👇
A massive backlog of #grains is piling up in #Ukraine to the tune of nearly 25 million tons due to "#infrastructure challenges" and blocked #ports in the #BlackSea, including #Mariupol - @Reuters reports 📰…
#Ukraine was the fourth-largest corn exporter in the 2020/21 season and the sixth-largest #wheat exporter in the world, according to the #IGC (International #Grains Council).…
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1. United States

The real GDP of the #USA is estimated to be $20,953 trillion. The services sector of the US is much more developed and technologically sophisticated. This fact accounts for about 80% of the total output.

#economy #GDP
2. China

The Chinese economy has witnessed astonishing growth over the last few decades. This fact has helped the country capture the much coveted second place in the list of top 10 economies of the world. The real GDP of #China in 2020 was $14,723 trillion.

#economy #GDP
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1/24) @AuroryProject is a turn-based tactical RPG #game that is being developed in the @solana #Blockchain.

Aurory’s Team goal is to set the standard for the #playtoearn games by creating innovative and attractive gameplay that also cultivates the virtual ingame #economies.
2) There was some hype when we made this analysis.

We know these times are though and nobody likes a sea of red, although we never get distracted by the sentiment and instead keep doing our #duediligence on quality #crypto projects such as the one we are about to cover⬇️
As you can imagine we barely scratch the surface in this thread, if you want to read the full analysis please refer to our medium article:…
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1/9) 🧵
On #PetroleumPrice hike:
#Fuel prices r giving headaches both to ppl & govt of #Pakistan. Former are finding it difficult to cope with #food & #fuel inflation; the later despite losing PDL & GST #revenue, finding it difficult to reduce the impact of expensive #fuel import
2/9) Quicker than expected increased demand for #energy amidst #Covid19 has triggered 🌎energy prices. coal 🇿🇦, Brent crude, & gas prices increased by 150%, 102% & 500% since Aug 2020.
3/9) Depreciation of value of #rupee against #US$ is also turning imported #fuel more expensive for us. But then artificially stabilising (thru SBP intervention) value of rupee has its own implications
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Excerpts from "'America’s Post-Pandemic Geography' - Covid-19 is transforming all types of communities, from big cities to suburbs to rural areas" - from the Summer 2021 Issue of @CityJournal - by @Richard_Florida & @joelkotkin. A #Thread.

The article →…
1. "The #Pandemic will pass...But in geographic terms, today’s Covid-precipitated crises may well prove to be the most transformative event that #America has experienced since the great migration to the suburbs after World War II."
2. "....centrifugal forces pull some people out of #Cities: families seek more #Affordable space, backyards, and access to better schools. With the wider scope of choice that #RemoteWork affords, some are casting their nets wider and moving farther afield..."
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[#Info ou #Intox ?🤔]

Le passage à l'#heuredete permet de réaliser des #économies d'#énergie. 👇
C'est vrai ! ✅

Mais les #économies d'#énergie sont minimes, c'est l'une des raisons pour lesquelles la @EU_Commission songe à abolir le changement d'heure. 🕑
En revanche, ce qui peut VRAIMENT vous aider à faire des #économies c'est de changer de #fournisseur ! Pour cela, rendez-vous ici 👇
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#PakistanArmy #COAS Gen Bajwa: #NationalSecurity in the age of #globalization, #information & #connectivity has now become an all-encompassing notion. Surely it is not solely a function of the #ArmedForces anymore.
#IslamabadDialogue #IslamabadSecurityDialogue
#PakistanArmy #COAS Gen Bajwa: #NationalSecurity also includes providing a conducive environment in which aspirations of human #security, national #progress & #development could be realized.
#IslamabadDialogue #IslamabadSecurityDialogue
#PakistanArmy #COAS Gen Bajwa: #NationalSecurity has now become an all-encompassing notion, wherein besides various elements of national power, #global & #regional environments also play a profound role.
#IslamabadDialogue #IslamabadSecurityDialogue
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I am humbled and privilleged to note that my #Research paper; "Sources of #Unemployment in #Lesotho" is now available and can be accessed via the People's Republic of #China's National #Science and #Technology #Library - #NSTL. I give thanks 😎 Image
So far this year, I have successfully published three #Research articles in #Macroeconomics & #Finance, with another two in press. I am currently hammering away at a handful of working papers which will most certainly find a home in reputable #Journals, come 2021 🙏🏽🙂 Image
Im currently internalising the very insightful reviewer comments on my latest #Research paper titled; "Investigating Determinants of Commercial Bank Spreads in #Lesotho", from the good folks over at the globally reputable #International #Journal of #Finance & #Economics #IJFE 😊 ImageImage
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What are the implications of excess global financial market volatility on economic growth? Are there threshold effects in the relationship between growth & excess global volatility for individual countries? How should we model the nonlinear effects in a multi-country setting? 1/n
We answer these questions in recent work with Alexander Chudik @DallasFed, M Hashem Pesaran @USCDornsife @TrinCollCam, @mraissi80 @IMFNews & @arebucci1 @JHUCarey @cepr_org @nberpubs:… #TGVAR 2/n
The #Covid19 #pandemic has been a shock like no other, initiating simultaneous demand and supply disruptions. In addition, it led to a sharp tightening in global #financial market conditions during the first quarter of 2020. 3/n Image
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In a recent paper, with Alexander Chudik @DallasFed, M Hashem Pesaran @USCDornsife, @mraissi80 @IMFNews & @arebucci1 @JHUCarey, we develop a threshold-augmented dynamic multi-country model (#TGVAR) to quantify the #macroeconomic effects of #Covid19:… 1/n Image
Key challenges with the empirical #economic analysis of #Covid19 include the following: how to identify the shock, how to account for its non-linear effects, & how to quantify its effects while accounting for spillovers, common global factors, network effects and uncertainty. 2/n
We contribute to the literature by addressing these issues in a coherent multi-country framework. We offer an identification strategy for the #Covid19 shock considering that a synthetic control method cannot be applied in the context of a global #pandemic. 3/n
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The #deficit #myth #deficitmyth by @StephanieKelton #MMT modern monetary theory
Myth N. 1: The #state should budget like a #household
#RealityCheck : unlike a household, a #SovereignNation, which owns its national #centralbank, issues the #currency it spends
Myth N. 2: #deficit is evidence of #overspending
#RealityCheck: look to #inflation for evidence of over spending
The purpose of #taxes is not to pay for #government expenditures but to help rebalancing the #wealth distribution #MMT
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📢New Initiative!

We are thrilled to announce 𝗘𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗜𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 #𝗘𝗧𝗜 in partnership with the New Emerging & Strategic Technologies (NEST) Division of @MEAIndia and the Office of the PSA @PrinSciAdvOff

ℹ️▶️… Image
The vision of #𝗘𝗧𝗜 is to understand, analyse & anticipate the impact of #emerging #strategic #disruptive #futuristic & #critical technologies on #economies #social_equity #security & #international_relations

Further, identify opportunities and prepare action-oriented roadmaps Image
Participants from diverse fields including but not limited to #Technology #Innovation & #SocialSciences are encouraged to form #multidisciplinary, multi-institution teams and get involved in the #ETI

If you are interested, contact us:
📩[email protected]
Read 8 tweets
The race is on to find a #COVID19 vaccine. We’ve conducted an in-depth review of the development pipeline and immunization and demand scenarios. What might a #vaccine mean for the #pandemic—and society? Here are 11 tweets about what we’ve learned. (1/11)
So when could we get a #vaccine? Globally, scientists are working on more than 250 potential ‘candidate’ vaccines; 30 have reached clinical study stage; around 25 are poised to enter human trials in 2020.… (2/11)
There is growing optimism: Scientists and governments are reporting timelines for emergency use of candidate #vaccines between Q4 2020—Q1 2021 (although we are unlikely to see vaccines for broad population use until later in 2021).… (3/11)
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.#Markets keep pivoting off of a great deal of noise running through the #media, but as we’ve indicated for some time, it’s worth taking a step back to consider the power behind #monetary rescue programs and their influences.
Critics of the efficacy of quantitative easing (#QE) often contend that asset purchase proceeds remain stranded in the #financial #economy
but the transfer of #capital to #MainStreet actors; amounts to the first direct payment of money creation from the #Fed into the real #economy since WW2, catalyzing broad #money and incremental #NGDP growth, and Chair Powell also indicated those purchases won’t run off.
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As we’ve argued many times in the past, the #CashFlows generated by today’s #economy are accruing to fewer and fewer corporate players, which is why it’s not surprising that the top 5 companies in the $SPX by market cap comprise nearly 21% of the index total.
And contrary to the many commentaries speculating on the hypothetical differences between pre- and post- #Covid #economies, we’re fairly certain that this is a trend that’s likely to accelerate. Especially when the @Nasdaq just added the equivalent of two Russell 2000s this year!
Revenues, cash flows and ultimately #market #capital flows are in motion at an astounding speed, as #investors attempt to distinguish between winners/losers in sectors, industries and individual companies: that amazing structural evolution is key to #investment success today.
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The #IMF says the "Great Lockdown" recession will likely be the worst since the Great Depression. Global economy projected to shrink by 3% in 2020. By contrast, in January, the IMF had forecast a global GDP expansion of 3.3% for this year. Details in chart below. Table: @IMFNews
IMF: Partial global rebound to 5.8% in 2021 “assumes the #pandemic fades in the 2nd half of 2020, & that policy actions taken by countries are effective in preventing widespread firm bankruptcies, extended job losses, & system-wide financial strains.” #WEO
How does your country fare in the latest #IMF projections for 2020 & 2021?… @IMFNews #economies #GDP #finance
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Lets talk about how important it is to frequently #Review #CentralBank #MonetaryPolicy #Frameworks...
I will set things off by pointing out that the various facets of #BusinessCycles (early, mid, late / boom & busts) consistently keep reminding us that what goes up, must come down. We might find ourselves in a prolonged #expansion, but eventually it decelerates into a #recession
As part of #Macroeconomic management (counter cyclical), a #CentralBank's objective (through its #MonetaryPolicy) is to maintain #PriceStability & #FinancialStability & in other cases, to promote #FullEmployment. It does this hand in hand with #FiscalPolicy...
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We’ve argued that understanding the dynamics of total global #liquidity is more important than merely focusing on central bank #rate moves, yet when it comes to both rates and liquidity measures, global central banks have made an important pivot toward #PragmaticEquilibrium. Image
Indeed, we estimate the peak-to-trough contraction in our measure of total global #liquidity was about $1.6 trillion over a span of nearly 20 months, and that corresponded to a flattening in the U.S. #Treasury curve and growing anxiety about growth prospects.
However, we estimate that between now and the end of 2020, the @federalreserve will inject near another $350 billion, the #ECB another $250 billion, and should global FX reserve growth remain steady as it has, it will represent another $350 billion in liquidity growth.
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There’s an excessive attention paid by #markets to the minute movements in aggregate averages, yet it’s hard to argue against the fact that the past decade of extraordinary monetary policy did indeed lift most economic boats all at once, aiding beta and momentum #investing.
We think that’s changing in important ways now, such that greater dispersion between #economies, industries and #markets are likely to be the name of the game in the years ahead and taking advantage of this will be vital to #investment success!
We think this dispersion in #markets can be well described as being a series of “wedges” that are being driven between different components of broader averages, which can be seen vividly in the dismal state of durable goods consumption versus the brighter outlook in #housing. Image
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The @worldbankgroup conducted a series of private sector stakeholder consultations with 254 private sector representatives of #Pakistani exporters in the manufacturing, agro processing, and services sectors to identify key challenges to #exports competitiveness. Image
1. Identified the need to put a cap on the gas and #electricity tariffs faced by exporting entities to cut energy costs to reverse the effect on cash flows, especially in comparison with competitor #economies (Bangladesh, India, Vietnam)
2. Need to rectify distortions in the #tax regimes; reduce #GST, #tariffs and regulatory duties on imported intermediate goods. Documentation related complexities also need to be simplified to encourage #SMEs.
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4 things about #China's #financial supply-side structural reform:
1. It focuses on the supply side, not the demand side of #credit expansion. Stressing the role of finance in serving real #economies doesn't mean flooding the economy with #liquidity.
2. It stresses the service role of #finance and calls for improving #service quality & efficiency, not extensive #management.

3. It calls for “targeted” #supply which can match #demand precisely and effectively,
rather than ineffective and inefficient supply growth.
4. It focuses on institutional & mechanism reform, not simply policy implementation and regulation. #Monetary & credit & macro policies are constantly adjusted in accordance with #economic and #financial situation.

By Xiao Gang, former #CSRC Chairman:…
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#demographics #militaries #economies #currencies
- Best demographics
- Largest military
- Largest economy
- Most used currency
- Liquid financial markets
- Open capital account
- Rule of law
- Best geography
- Can be self sufficient if required
- Not trade dependent
Top trade partners as of 30 June 2018:
- China: 15.2% (strategic competitor)
- Canada: 15.1%
- Mexico: 14.6%
- Japan: 5.1%
- Germany: 4.4%

The next 10 years could result in the below:
- Mexico (25%)
- Canada (20%
- Japan (7%)
- South Korea (5%)
- Great Britain (4%)
Bring the manufacturing (jobs) home while negatively impacting China's economy.………
Read 338 tweets

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