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Belajar sejarah yuk...!!!
2. video part2
3. video part 3
Read 4 tweets
- Fat Arab Refuses Arrest -

Oh, my dear comrades, allow me to regale you with a tale of a powerful scene from the early days of the Syrian civil war, before the advent of ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the Nusra Front.

1/ #Resistance Image
A time when the uprising was a spontaneous and righteous public movement, consisting of individuals from all religious sects - Shiite, Sunni, Christian, and many more.

Mostly students and adults, these brave souls would emerge after Friday prayers,

2/ #Anarchists Image
emboldened by the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood. Yet, as the days wore on, and a year had passed, other groups arose, heavily armed and backed by the likes of Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

3/ #Free Image
Read 13 tweets
Don’t think what I think you’re all thinking, Just because I said A certain name does not mean what you’re thinking …

This is the part of the BIRDHOUSE #TheEnd where 1 of the 2 Skateboarders falls right before the ramp off the end of the pier !

It was always
Miscommunication every other time we were here making it this far ..

The reason why, is because I took the time to see one of the babies before I left. Spending time with her took me away from here, when I could have just cleared it up easily but never did .. You all remember
The last time & that is what you’re going off of.. I’m not mad atcha, not one bit ..
Read 4 tweets
ജഘനവും നിതംബവും
ഡോ. ഡേവിസ് സേവ്യർ #പദശുദ്ധികോശം പംക്തിയിലൂടെ നമ്മെ പരിചയപ്പെടുത്തിയ ജഘനം, നിതംബം എന്നീ പദങ്ങളുടെ നിരുക്തം പരിശോധിക്കാം.

സ്ത്രീയുടെ അരക്കെട്ടിന്‍റെ മുന്‍ഭാഗമാണ് ജഘനം. എന്തുകൊണ്ടാണ് ജഘനം എന്ന് ഈ ഭാഗത്തിന് പേരുവന്നതെന്നു നോക്കാം:

"ഹന്യതേ ഇതി ജഘനം"
അർഥം: പ്രഹരിക്കപ്പെടുന്നതുകൊണ്ട് ജഘനം.

സുരത സമയത്ത്(Sexual Intercourse) പുരുഷന്മാരാല്‍ പ്രഹരിക്കപ്പെടുന്നതുകൊണ്ട് ഈ ഭാഗത്തിന് ജഘനം എന്ന് പേരുവന്നു.
This happens when having Sex in the Missionary Position(Men-On-Top).

ജഘനഭാരംകൊണ്ട് ശകുന്തളയുടെ ഉപ്പൂറ്റിയുടെ ഭാഗം താണിരുന്നു എന്ന് കാളിദാസന്‍ ശാകുന്തളം നാടകത്തിന്‍റെ മൂന്നാമങ്കത്തില്‍ വിശദീകരിക്കുന്നു.
സന്നതമായ് പിന്നിടം ജഘനഭാരാല്‍
പെണ്മണിയുടെ ചുവടിവിടേ
വെണ്മണലില്‍ കാണ്മതുണ്ടു...
(വിവ. കേരളവർമ വലിയകോയിത്തമ്പുരാന്‍)
Read 9 tweets
1/ Three years of destroyed economies, social isolation and deep social splits call for another anniversary ⬇️𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱⬇️ to celebrate the RT-qPCR manuscript by Christian Drosten (@c_drosten) & Victor Corman (@vmcorman), submitted on 21st Jan 2020 to @Eurosurveillanc.
2/ Before this publication, virologists were neither treated like superstars nor considered icons or half-gods. In 2009, Drosten almost succeeded in installing the false premise virology could supersede holistic medical sciences as discussed in this…
3/ Drosten is a virologist. He neither has any background in epidemiology nor has he ever worked in the civil service. He also doesn’t have an experience in public health. Yet he affected our daily lives to the level of whom to trust, meet up with or how to flush the toilet.
Read 25 tweets
Hakuna pesa hutoka mbali kama ya wakili,it’s literally a juakali job but in suits.
A thread 🌚
Client comes in with a dispute and you realize it is a winnable case. You draft the demand letter .
It is ignored for 2months .
Client agrees to sue. You incur costs to file a case,costs to serve documents,pay for filing of affidavits and pleadings.
You get a ruling in your favor or judgement is entered in your favor ex parte.
You try to execute.
The other side now hires a lawyer 😅 The lawyer comes in record and applies to have judgement set aside. As usual they are allowed so that principle of natural justice prevails
Read 13 tweets
Happy #VotingDay to all US citizens!

These #Midterms have so many things to focus on that it is truly overwhelming. Here are some of the things I will be focusing on. #Thread 🧵
1. It is broadly expected that the Democrats will lose the House. If this happens, expect the House to oppose and sabotage the Biden admin in the next two years. Also expect endless Impeachment procedures against Biden and others.
2. The real question about the House, assuming Dems lose it, is how many new openly anti-democratic Republicans (election deniers, QAnon supporters, etc.) will join the already significant faction of them in the House.
Read 23 tweets
Over the weekend I had drinks with a friend whose wife left him. In summary this was his advice to me:

1. Listen to your spouse. Actually listen. Don’t dismiss their concerns.
2. Don’t make jokes about or light of your spouse. Treat your spouse with reverence.
3. Remember your wedding vows and look at your wedding and honeymoon photos monthly to remind you why you are married.
4. Give thanks for your spouse. Imagine if they died and the void they would leave. That void is like separation or divorce.
5. Don’t argue with your spouse in public or in front of the children. Don’t raise your voices. Talk as if you were in the office of a professional.
6. Don’t bring your bad temper or negativity home, your family is not a punching bag.
Read 6 tweets
#Sweden was never special. It was just a few decades behind the European curve. Radical right #SwedenDemocrats will support right-wing coalition, which already adopted many of its frames and issues. A few quick thoughts. 🧵…
1. Support for a minority government does not necessarily lead to full participation or long-term mainstreaming. DF in Denmark never entered government formally, while PVV because ostracized after support for Rutte 1.
2. Influence of radical right is often more before than during coalition. Point is not just whether coalition agreement reflects current Moderates more than current SD. Current M reflects previous SD!
Read 11 tweets
Abbiamo visto per te il film Rocco's 4Cams 📹 POV Beatrice Segreti di #RoccoSiffredi con @beaeroticbreath ed ecco qui la fotorecensione.

Guarda qui 👉 👈 la scena completa (43'10")

Si inizia con i convenevoli...

#BeatriceSegreti 1/n ImageImageImageImage
Bea si presenta e rivela a Rocco il primo #segreto

👉 👈 2/n ImageImageImageImage
#BeatriceSegreti fa 👅 conoscenza con il 🌽 cazzo di #RoccoSiffredi

👉 👈 3/n ImageImageImageImage
Read 28 tweets
#longthread su #energia e #gas

Stiamo vivendo sulla pelle e sulle nostre tasche questa situazione di rincari su materie prime, in particolare su quelle energetiche.
Certo l’invasione russa in Ucraina ha peggiorato la situazione…
E politici nostrani e non si stanno arrovellando
su come fare a calmierare i prezzi, su fantomatici tetti su forchette (se la situazione non fosse seria sarebbe esilarante).
Ma nessuno o quasi che si è seduto a tavolino ha analizzato i consumi per settori e si è preso la responsabilità di dare un indirizzo.
Già perché la cosa
Più ovvia da fare è quella di razionare, di risparmiare non di cercare di creare assurde soluzioni.
Il mercato (odiato) si regola sempre su domanda e offerta, minore è la domanda maggiore sarà l’offerta e i prezzi calano.
Come fare a far diminuire la domanda?
Semplice o forse no.
Read 12 tweets
I've seen enough. Worst possible #Lula victory in first-round of #brazilianelections today. Much more worried now for second round for the following reasons.

#Eleicoes2022 #Thread 🧵
1. #Lula wins 47%-48%, which is in line with average of polls. So, this is good, but...

His lead over Bolsonaro is just 3-4%.
2. #Bolsonaro wins 43%-44%, which is 5-10% more than most polls predicted.

@BrazilBrian had said that some experts had been skeptical about the polls. I doubt they expected such a difference.
Read 11 tweets
I am getting a lot of emails about "the rise of the far right in Europe" the last days. That generally means that there are two countries that gained broader attention in which the far right does well. But how significant is this "rise" really? #thread 🧵
In Sweden 🇸🇪, #SwedenDemocrats gained 3% compared to 2018. Taking into account slightly lower turnout, it was actually 2%.

2022: 20.5% x 84.2% = 17.26%
2018: 17.5% x 87.1% = 15.24%
In France, Marine Le Pen gained effectively (% of electorate) just o.6% in 1st round and 4.6% in 2nd round.

2022: 23.2% x 73.7% = 17.2%
2017: 21.3% x 77.8% = 16.6%

2022: 41.5% x 72.0% = 29.9%
2017: 33.9% x 74.6% = 25.3%
Read 11 tweets
With this bang on the gong 22 scholars, including me, were officially inducted into the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science or @_knaw , joining roughly 600 others. Sadly, I had to do it online.

An enormous honor after a not very traditional career. A quick #thread 🧵 Image
1. I never thought about, or wanted to, become an academic. I never excelled at, or enjoyed, school and even had to repeat 5th class in high school. I mainly entered university to avoid military service (then still compulsory in the Netherlands).
2. I graduated high school with five 6s and two 7s (out of 10) and profited from the fact that universities in the Netherlands are not competitive and allow anyone with the proper high school degree to enter (irrespective of their grades). 🙏
Read 26 tweets
Ik ben nog nooit zo diep gegaan om een boek te illustreren- dat ik binnenkort zal aankondigen- dus het is weer tijd voorrr… de ongevraagde #fauteuildetective! Vandaag: een klein nuchter draadje over statement analysis nav een artikel in het Nieuwsblad
Het artikel in kwestie gaat over de cold case van Ingrid Caeckaert. Heel jammere zaak, maar daar gaat het nu niet over. Het gaat over een misdaadauteur die naar eigen zeggen ‘de FBI helpt om cold cases op te lossen’ dmv statement analysis.
Het lijkt me erg sterk dat een Belgische misdaadauteur een volwaardig lid is van de Cold Case Unit van de US federale politiedienst- een kijk- en luisterstage lijkt me waarschijnlijker, maar dat terzijde. #fauteuildetective
Read 16 tweets
#PDJ181 - Saviez-vous que certaines plantes carnivores utilisent des pièges à nasse ? Ce sont des pièges dont on peut rentrer... mais jamais sortir. Aujourd'hui je vous parle du genre Genlisea. (Photo : Wikicommons, Denis Barthel)
On trouve dans ce genre une vingtaine d'espèces, réparties entre l'Afrique du Sud et l'Amérique Centrale/Sud. En 2020, les botanistes ont encore découvert une nouvelle espèce : Genlisea hawkingii, nommée en l'honneur du physicien Stephen hawking.…
En termes évolutifs, le genre fait partie de la famille des Lentibulariaceae, dans laquelle on retrouve d'autres plantes carnivores comme les utriculaires ou les pinguicuila (ou grassettes)
Read 17 tweets
I finally read the whole book by @A_SHEKH0VTS0V on the relationship between Russia and the Western far right. It is essential reading for academics, journos, and think tankers working/writing on the topic.

Some quick thoughts. 🧵…
1. For me personally, it was more insightful on Russia's position on the far right than the far right's position on Russia. This is not just because I know the far right better, but because Anton's analysis of the Kremlin and Russian politics is excellent.
2. He highlights how Russia prefers mainstream political actors ("Putin Versteher") but is kind of forced to rely increasingly on "radical" actors because of Russia's increasingly toxic image in the West.
Read 7 tweets
I feel like @HillaryClinton should drop an album tonight. 💫
🎶 One, two, three to the fō… no-knock warrant the @FBI is at da dō. 🎶

-@HillaryClinton said in her @SnoopDogg voice
When he heard the commotion downstairs Trump said, 🎶holllld up, wait a minute” in his #DJSmurf voice.

Read 9 tweets
You'll be just fine.

A thread...
Marriage is the only union where two people, born of different parents, belonging to different cultures, circumstances
maybe even different countries are expected to suddenly bond, live in the same space and have no quarrels.

This is a strange expectation as even people born of the same monogamous parents, in the same house, who have blood ties , have their regular tiffs.

Read 11 tweets
Fox News does not need to spread the Great Replacement "Theory" (GRT) anymore as we have all been doing it the last days, giving more exposure to a dangerous conspiracy theory than the terrorist could have ever hoped for.

A personal reflection. 🧵…
1. I have been studying the far right for almost 30 years now, having published academically on it, but also given interviews to media since graduate school. I have made many mistakes along the way, some I know about, many I don't. So, clearly, treat everything with care.
2. I strongly believe academics should share their insights to a broader audience - particularly those working at public institutions or (partly) funded by taxes.

Although this has become more broadly shared view today, and universities encourages it, no one trains you for it.
Read 33 tweets
Thanks bro and sis, sampe juga 1000 tweet nya
and sebelum gw mulai, izin kan saya perkenalkan diri dulu buat yg blum kenal.

Pertama :
gw bukan pakar atau ahli security kalau ada yg bilang gw begitu, itu mereka yg ngomong, media, jurnalis nya, bukan gw.…
Kedua :
sorry nih kalo yg belum kenal ngarep nya ketinggian, gw cuma lulusan SMA, bukan sarjana.

dan gak ada sertifikasi apapun yg gw punya
kalau pun ada, lsg gw robek2x kertas sertifikasi nya

karena 2 alasan di atas, maka apapun yg nanti gw sampaikan, kalian para netizen
kalian netizen jadilah cerdas
"don't trust anything, do your own research"

alias jgn lsg percaya kata nya kata nya
verifikasi / pembuktian itu wajib dan ini termasuk jgn lsg percaya apa kata gw

kita sepakat yah, dan intro threads ini saya akhiri
dan lanjut chapter berikut nya
Read 19 tweets
Terrifying! Also, watch the slide show. First, the creepy UF president who refrains from any critique of the bill and then lies that faculty can still teach freely. Second, some of the slides, which clearly make no sense. 🧵
HB7 criminalizes old-school overt racism as cover to outlaw critique or even discussion of new racism, ie covert, implicit, unintended, institutional.

Many academic studies have shown existence of "privileges" and "oppressions" linked to race, color, national origin & sex in US!
Again, many academic studies have shown that several of these "neutral" and "objective" policies and principles were explicitly created to discriminate against non-whites and women. EXPLICITLY!
Read 10 tweets
Just did my (one) media interview, which allowed me to gather my thoughts a bit. Here they are. 🧵

#presidentielles2022 #Presidentielles #FrenchElection2022 #France #France2
1. On a personal level, huge relief. Not that I didn't THINK this would happen, but I also thought Brexit and Trump would NOT happen, so...
2. YES, there was MUCH at stake in this election. A Le Pen victory would have thrown France into probably gridlock (cohabitation) and would have been frightening for targeted communities -- irrespective of which actual policies would have followed.
Read 26 tweets
This should not be/remain a local story. There will be many more Kim Morissons soon, across “red” America, while many others will self-censure. Students, schools and whole country will suffer. 🧵…
My state, Georgia, just passed an “anti-CRT” law. Obviously, it is not about Critical Race Theory, it is about racism. More specifically, it is about limiting “racism” to a very specific, personal, ideology, overtly expressed and supported by just a minority of Americans.
The sentiment is perfectly captured in this banner: “Don’t Make Me Into A Racist”.

The assumption is not just, “I” am not racist but that racism is not a real problem (ie limited to a few stereotypical “baddies” everyone can agree on denouncing).
Read 24 tweets

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