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Most recents (6)

1. A thread analysis of #Argentina-#China relations through our previous reports, reports from our on-ground reporters, and SM influencers.

Argentina already has a base operated by the #Chinese military in the province of #Neuquén. Image
2. Now plans to add a port for #Beijing in the #RíoGrande, on the continent's southern tip.

The location of Rio Grande is of extreme strategic importance and crucial for the world in general. Image
3. Since 2018, #Chinese fishing vessels have spent 1 million hours fishing between #Argentina’s maritime border and the high seas, yet spent 600,000 hours ‘in the #dark,’ suspected of illegal fishing within #Argentine waters in the South Atlantic.
Report:… Image
Read 22 tweets
Para algunos medios y sectores políticos atacar a la provincia de #TierradelFuego se ha convertido en uno de sus principales objetivos. En los últimos días hemos visto una nueva operación que ha pretendiendo desarticular una de las principales iniciativas para el desarrollo 🧵
de la provincia en los ultimos años, como lo es una millonaria #inversión en una zona próxima a la ciudad de #RíoGrande. La mal intencionada "Base China" es el nuevo “cuco” que agitan cada vez que #TDF y #China avanzan en distintos proyectos que beneficiarían a nuestros pueblos.
No mintamos a la gente, estas críticas infundadas están basadas únicamente un sesgo ideológico y una connotación con fines únicamente electoralistas en un año como este.
Read 16 tweets
Rivers carry the living impressions of civilisations that have settled on their banks since the dawn of time, are home for unique flora and fauna. How can we better understand and protect them? #Vigilife has launched the #30sentinelrivers program with #eDNA. A thread 1/n ImageImage
By building an international network of partners and sharing #eDNA know-how, #Vigilife is establishing long term #monitoring programs, which will become a precious tool for safeguarding freshwater biodiversity.
1. The #Amazon: born out of the drying up of an inland sea, I am one of the longest rivers in the world. Together with my tributaries, I contain nearly 20% of the #biodiversity of all the rivers on earth and play an essential role in the global water cycle. Image
Read 33 tweets
Sen Blasts FAA Decision To Ground Drones Filming #Texas Border Chaos | Sep 17
-Sen. John Kennedy said Friday that the FAA’s grounding of all drones near that Texas bridge is fulfilling the Biden admi’s goal to hide the “lunacy” of its “open border” policy.… Image
"There is no southern border, it's pure chaos" -US Congressman | 23 hrs ago
Congressman visits U.S. border, releases images of thousands gathered in southern #Texas. Video Credit: Office of U.S. Congressman Tony #Gonzales (TX-23)…
Read 7 tweets
Over the weekend, @readonaldtrump renounced a 3-mile private border wall in South Texas, and @USAttyPatrick called it a “vanity project” & a “scam.” 1/8…
(Know anything about #borderwall contracts, pending investigations or the inner workings of the IBWC? please reach out to us: [email protected] / [email protected]) 2/8
.@FisherSanG leveraged the project to showcase the “Lamborghini of border walls” and received a $1.28 billion contract to build more segments of the fence in AZ, the largest ever awarded. 3/8…
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Federal law makes the act of providing a #falsestatement to the government a #crime.

You know what this looks like:

FBI Agent [to a person of interest, after appropriate warnings]:

"Were you at First Central Bank between 10 and 11 am on Tuesday, August 3rd, 2016?"

Person of Interest: "Not at all! I was in South Carolina, boarding the Big M Riverboat, for a day of gambling with friends."
FBI Agent: "Let me show you a video taken inside the bank on the date and time in question." [shows video clearly depicting the person of interest in the bank, video date, and time stamp confirms date and time].
Read 31 tweets

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