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Let me tell you a story...
In the military, we were taught that in case of chemical warfare, we MUST be able to continue to do our jobs. So we're given a "Chem Suit".
#Velshi #AMJoy #msnbc
The most important part of that gear is the "Gas Mask". Now this is a REAL mask! Not the thin shit you people are crying about.
The mask MUST be "sealed" around your face properly, to ensure you do not inhale any chemicals.
As a final test that you've learned to seal your mask correctly, you're taken into a small building and gas is released.
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#wtpBlue #Resistance #VoterSuppression #TrumpCoupPlot
🔥🔥‼️One of a nbr of disturbing articles-DT is having GOP set up conditions in which he can lose the Election-but still remain in office.I’ll post more later. Input appreciated-articles
by/from interviews
w/ Constitutional lawyers👇…
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BTW The Affordable Care Act isn’t just for the uninsured. It’s also why people with employer-provided insurance get free cancer & heart screenings (ACA mandated them) and why our kids are on our health insurance until they turn 26. If Obamacare goes, we lose all of that. #AMJoy
Kids on parents plan til 26
ALL paid for pre-screenings
ALL vaccines that are free
ALL pre-existing condition protections
ALL prescription drug coverage incl Medicare
ALL medicaid expansion
ALL women's health services
ALL essential benefits
Lifetime limit caps
Everybody FOCUS!
If SCOTUS strikes down the ACA/Obamacare on 11/10 EVEN those on employer insur will be effected. ALL protections the ACA provides ALL of us vanish instantly!
Trump has NO PLAN! He can't write a new law! VOTE & MAKE FREAKING CALLS!
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For the 1st time in disgust I turned off @JoyAnnReid's old show #AMJoy as @DrJasonJohnson took a swing at the one chance we have to turn Kentucky blue Amy McGrath I for one had wished Mr. Booker had won but he did not, McGrath did and for the producers and @TiffanyCross NOT
to even invite Candidate McGrath on this program is journalistic malpractice X12 it is disappointing because up till today I had hoped Tiffany would be the host to replace Joy my hope was apparently misplaced after the weak excuse of there was not enough room
@CeasarConde_ the new head of @MSNBC has said he wants diversity and I applaud and support that but not to invite the Democratic Candidate for The Senate in Kentucky and allowing a guest to take a swipe at her is disgraceful. There is an alternative to Ms. McGrath -> McConnell
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🤨"No one ever told me"—Insane @RudyGiuliani tells @CapehartJ he didn't know Derkach was a Russian agent. Then claims he already had "evidence" of "Biden bribery of Ukraine" & "Democrat collusion" in 2016. Of course Soros was involved, and Mueller obstructed justice, Rudy says🙄 Image
@RudyGiuliani @CapehartJ @amjoyshow 😜GIULIANI: I wasn't working w/ a Russian agent. Your words are very deceptive. I was interviewing him. He had info on missing foreign aid & well-known crook Pororshenko. I already knew Biden—a common criminal—took money from Ukraine, Iraq & China. Your station is covering it up. Image
@RudyGiuliani @CapehartJ @amjoyshow lol #Giuliani regrets his #AMJoy interview already, and is now attacking the journalist. Poor Rudy got caught being part of a known Russian disinformation campaign against Biden. Trump needed Putin's help to demonize the Democrat in 2016, and it's clearly his only hope in 2020.
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NEW: Trump admin admits it has expelled 8,800 migrant kids from U.S. with little legal oversight or due process, skirting anti-human trafficking law.

Using COVID as excuse, he’s accomplishing what he hoped family separations would force Congress to do.
That figure is for unaccompanied kids. They’ve also expelled 7,600 who came as part of a family group. And 159,000 people total since March.
Undermining their own public health justification of the practice, last month @lomikriel and @DLind reported the Trump administration is “only expelling kids who’ve tested negative.”…
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As you just heard on #amjoy, the Republican National Convention begins on the one-year anniversary or the Aurora, Colorado police killing of Elijah McClain. It’s not hard to imagine what the convention and Trump’s message will be about American policing.…
And apparently, part of the way the @GOPconvention will address Black Lives Matter will be to hand the mic to the couple who pointed an AR-15 and a handgun at them, and Trump going to Minneapolis to use the George Floyd memorial as a prop.…
... over pretty much everyone’s objections.…
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Is there ONE FUCKING PERSON in this administration who isn't corrupt?

Hey, remember when, in previous administrations, we didn't know the name of the head of the USPS?

DeJoy reportedly owns millions of stock in mail processor.


This is going on now outside USPS Postmaster General DeJoy's house.

via @Meg4Congress
#saturdaymorning #AMJoy #SaturdayMotivation

If you can't protest in person, please consider emailing the USPS Board of Governors. Tell them to stop DeJoy.

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]… ImageImage
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1/Hillary Cinton was magnificent on #AMJoy today. Here’s a thread of great things she said: “Basically, he (trump) signaled he’s going after Social Security&Medicare. I don’t know if he understood that. You never know what he knows&doesn’t know about how government operates.”
2/Hillary on trump trying2eliminate payroll tax by Exec Order: “It was a stunt. Most likely unconstitutional...but he sent a signal2voters that if you’re unfortunately unlucky enough2have him be President* again you’ve seen what he’s going2do to Social Security&Medicare.” #AMJoy
3/Hillary: “Any of us in the press or who have any kind of platform should be ready to speak out and defend the woman who Vice President Biden picks. They’re going to go after whoever he puts on the ticket, whichever matter how accomplished.” #AMJoy
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Interesting strategy in a state whose population is barely over 50 percent white and nearly one-third black (and 6% Latinx) and that contains Atlanta and Columbus. Also, if Kelly Loeffler (@KLoeffler) is so hostile to the idea that Black Lives Matter, why invest in the @WNBA?
These southern politicians; the Loefflers, Brian Kemps, DeSantis, Abbots, Tom Cottons & Cyndi Hyde-Smiths seem to have decided that digging in on trying to incite a yearning among white voters for an antebellum or at least pre-civil rights order is the way to retain power.
It's definitely weird that New Yorker Donald Trump seems to be the most enthusiastic; playing Bull Connor mixed with George Wallace daily, but he's hardly the only "return to the pre-1964 society" politician operating at high levels in the GOP. Add Lindsey Graham & McConnell too.
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Thank you #AMJoy family for the last four AMAZING years! I hope you’ll all join me Monday for the launch of #TheReidOut. We’re going big on night one w/ former U.S. Senator, Secretary of State and the winner of the popular vote for president — by 3 million votes: @HillaryClinton Image
But we won’t stop there! We’ll have not one but two of the country’s most important and vocal mayors: @KeishaBottoms of Atlanta and @chicagosmayor Lori Lightfoot, to discuss the battle against coronavirus and against political Tom Foolery. But wait that’s not all...! Image
The great @Lawrence will take a break from his @TheLastWord prep to join us! Image
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“I think the Russians are running a strategic political warfare against the United deject it influence their preferred candidate”
@MalcolmNance #flashback four years ago this week on #AMJoy

(Watch @JoyAnnReid eviscerate Boris first 🔥🔥🔥)
“I think it was @selectedwisdom that may have said the most dangerous period in American history might be from Nov 4th until Jan 21, 2021. Who knows what a cornered autocrat will do...”
@MalcolmNance #AMJoy
“He owes some debt to Vladimir Putin that will not allow him to discredit him or speak badly about him at all. As I like to say, when you’re in debt, you never talk bad about your bookie...

Pandering to an exKGB officer is utterly disgraceful.”
@MalcolmNance #AMJoy
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I'm happy for #AMJoy and her move to prime time. I am also happy to hear that the new MSNBC boss is all about diversity but I also feel some kind of way because that very same network did another black woman who once held the a.m. joy spot, Melissa Harris-Perry, so dirty.
I feel sad that the majority of #AMJoy doesn't know or don't care that if it wasn't for #Nerdland paving the way, none of what has come to pass would be possible.
#Nerdland was innovative, informative, educational while being entertaining. Not a easy combo to juggle but MHP did it and did it amazingly well. She drew up the blueprint and she is still missed #AMJOY
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If you’re not following @DrPhilGoff you’re missing out. 🔥🔥🔥

Dr. Goff on Atlanta Police Chief resignation. 👇🏽
.@DrPhilGoff on Crime & Policing
More @DrPhilGoff on Atlanta Chief resignation & terminated officer
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“It needs to be reaffirmed today that [West Point Grads] are the line that defends the constitution. Problem is the person giving that speech is a walking paragon of violations of the basic honor code of West Point...”
@MalcolmNance #AMJoy
“When the President issues an order, it comes in 2 flavors: lawful or unlawful...

It may be a lawful order [to assemble the cadets at West Point] but there are 2 types of lawful orders: stupid & dangerous. In this case they are both stupid & dangerous.”
@MalcolmNance #AMJoy
“That speech was dull as dishwater. It was like a 5th graders Memorial Day speech in front of the parents...

There was nothing to remember from this speech. There was very little for the service members to take away from it...

I’m just glad it’s over.”
@MalcolmNance #AMJoy
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TW: Another black man was shot and killed by Atlanta PD last night.

Cops say he grabbed their taser so they had no choice but to shoot him.

Here he is, running away from the cops right before they kill him.

Someone is lying, and it ain't this video.
I'm not sharing this as entertainment.

I'm sharing this because the cops are already lying about what happened when there is VIDEO of this man being shot while running away.

You can see them picking up their own shell-casings.

GBI is investigating.

Details are scarce, but here's an article about the video above: Man dead after being shot by Atlanta police, GBI investigating #saturdaymorning #saturdaythoughts #AMJoy via @ABC
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The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secretary of the Army & many Generals came forward to say they’re not playing this game. There’s been a revolution of the Generals & he no longer has control. Thats why he went over to Bill Barr & brought in Secret Police
“There are two types of orders that are given in the armed forces of the United States: lawful orders & unlawful orders...The armed forces will not obey and have an obligation to disobey unlawful orders.” @MalcolmNance #AMJoy
“This is unbridled lust of power that Donald Trump, Tom Cotton & Lindsey Graham are all espousing. They are essentially saying they’d rather kill American citizens than defend the constitution.”
@MalcolmNance on Tom Cotton’s NYT Op-ed. #AMJoy
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.@FrankFigliuzzi1 saying now that the "global anarchy" movement may be moving into American cities to wreak havoc in these protests, along with the "boogaloo boys" -- white nationalists who are hoping to spark a race war, and domestic anarchists.
Frank repeated that the antifacists are "loosely organized groups" and not an "organization." Same info he has helpfully been giving on @msnbc for days, including on #amjoy.
More on the "boogaloo boys"…
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So now, the attorney general, Bill Barr, is attempting to pin the anarchy and infiltration, which is already documented as coming from white nationalist groups, on "left leaning" ANTIFA groups. The goal is to force the media to repeat that. What is his proof?
Bill Barr is not exactly the most trustworthy voice, to put it mildly. He is Trump's "Hand of the King," and has already made it clear he will do anything -- ANYTHING -- to serve Trump's interests. Journalists need to focus on what the state governments are saying.
What I heard from Minnesota officials -- all of them -- was that white nationalist groups are planning online, to blend into the protests and stir chaos, "using the legitimate protesters as a human shield." What logical reason would LEFTwing groups have to burn black communities?
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1/?Biden won the Democratic Primary without money and almost no campaigning. His strength is people underestimate him or dismiss him entirely because he’s not a great public performer.

The difference that matters between Biden and Trump? #AMJoy @TheView
2/ Narcissistic Trump doesn’t realize his own severe mental and emotional limitations but nonetheless surrounds himself with lesser people who don’t threaten him. Biden surrounds himself with experts who augment and supplement his weaknesses like any real leader knows to do.
3/ Put in simpler terms: Trump is all hat and no cattle. Biden is all cattle and no hat.
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1/ Reza Aslan accurately described white Evangelical trumpers as a racist “doomsday cult” on #AMJoy today. Thread of quotes: “Some 81% of white Evangelicals voted for donald trump. That’s more white Evangelicals than voted for George W. Bush,who was actually a white Evangelical.”
2/ Reza Aslan: “67% of Evangelicals of color voted for Hillary Clinton. These are ppl who more or less believe the same things&hold the same theology, but just have a different skin tone. I don’t think we should pretend that the white part of the sentence doesn’t matter.” #AMJoy
3/ Reza Aslan: “There was this wonderful article in Christianity Today not long after the (2016) election that said, ‘White Evangelicals acted more white than Evangelical.’” #AMJoy
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The daily briefings are his new TV show: a version of The Apprentice where he can go off on reporters and receive praise from the other administration "characters." He's back in his comfort zone as a performer, untroubled by the fear among the HUT (Households Using TV / Nielsen).
The legendary @CaroleSimpson7 said something on #amjoy today that blew my mind: Trump could actually block people's ability to get information on what coronavirus is doing to their communities by pre-empting local evening news with what amount to daily campaign briefings.
And if you click on Trump's tweet note that it is not just a one-off comment--it's an entire thread. He is fixated on the ratings. That's what he cares about. Not one word about those who are sick or who have died. @marcorubio claimed the media is "gleeful"? Dude-note your POTUS.
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A one-off $1,200 will not help most Americans who are about to get mowed down economically in the coronavirus recession. @SenSchumer told me on #AMJoy Saturday that Democrats are fighting for a MONTHLY cash benefit for average Americans and no no-look bailouts. Let's do that
Tell your reps and Senators what YOU think is fair. What about:
- Federally funded paid leave
- Extended unemployment benefits
- Cash grants -not loans- to small business hit by the pandemic
- No bailouts for big corps without strings: no stock buybacks, layoffs or CEO bonuses.
- Grants to states to build hospital capacity & buy the WHO test, contingent on expanding medicaid and testing the incarcerated
- Halting deportations and extending DACA to prevent moving the virus south
And if they're worried re cost-where'd they get $1.5 trillion for the banks?
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BUT OF COURSE someone in Trump's orbit is profiting off the #coronavirus.

Exhibit A: Joshua Kushner (Jared's brother) & CEO of OSCAR Health. 1/

#AMJoy @JoyAnnReid #SundayMorning #COVIDミ19 #CoronaVirusUpdates #StayHome
Trump rejected the test kits already developed by the #WHO (made in Germany) instead insisting they be made domestically -- which delayed availability.

These kits have serious sensitivity flaws and a 10% margin of error -- quite large given the population at risk. #COVIDミ19
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