Papers by Titin Kurniasih
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
Introduction Mahseer fish Tor soro was classified as one of Indonesia's endemic species distribut... more Introduction Mahseer fish Tor soro was classified as one of Indonesia's endemic species distributed in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Java islands [1]. Currently, among the 18 assessed Mahseer fish species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 50% are classified as threatened to critically endangered. However, the T. soro and T. douronensis species, originating from Indonesia are not included in the IUCN Red List [2]. The Mahseer fish population is declining primarily due to the ongoing dependence on wild captures to fulfill consumer demands. Moreover, anthropogenic activities on deforestation, land conversion, and pollution of river or lake can disrupt crucial habitat conditions and environmental quality for Mahseer fish [1]. Addressing this issue necessitates the implementation of cultivation activities
Berita Biologi, 2013
The high cost of fish feed is a main problem in aquaculture industries, and the effort to improve... more The high cost of fish feed is a main problem in aquaculture industries, and the effort to improve the cost efficiency of feed is the main focus for nutritional research program all over the world. Research is needed to identify less expensive and more sustainable ingredients within fish feeds, while maintaining nutritional quality equal to those based mainly on fish meal and soybean meal. Leucaena leaf meal (LLM) is a potential alternative plant protein source because of its high protein content and low cost compared to soybean meal. The Leucaena leaf was soaked in freshwater for 3 days prior to use. This study was a 60-day trial and aimed to examine the replacement of soybean meal with LLM at various level in practical feed for Nile tilapia. This trial used a Completely Randomized Design which was carried out in 15 aquarias sized of 60 x 60 x 50 cm. Triplicate group of nile tilapia (initial body weight 12,04 ± 0,38 g fish-1) were fed five isonitrogenous and isocaloric feeds. The control feed was containing soybean meal, whereas in other four feeds, LLM directly replaced soybean meal with the inclusion level of 8, 16, 24 dan 31 % within the feed formulation. Result showed that the growth performance and feed efficiencies of feed containing 8, 16, 24 and 31 % LLM on the formulation were significantly lower compared to control feed. LLM was able to consumed by nile tilapia although there was a tendency of decrease of the feed consumption with the increase of LLM inclusion. It suggested that the additional treatment is needed to improve the quality of LLM, and to increase the inclusion level of LLM in feed.
The high cost of fish feed is a main problem in aquaculture industries, and the effort to improve... more The high cost of fish feed is a main problem in aquaculture industries, and the effort to improve the cost efficiency of feed is the main focus for nutritional research program all over the world. Research is needed to identify less expensive and more sustainable ingredients within fish feeds, while maintaining nutritional quality equal to those based mainly on fish meal and soybean meal. Leucaena leaf meal (LLM) is a potential alternative plant protein source because of its high protein content and low cost compared to soybean meal. The Leucaena leaf was soaked in freshwater for 3 days prior to use. This study was a 60-day trial and aimed to examine the replacement of soybean meal with LLM at various level in practical feed for Nile tilapia. This trial used a Completely Randomized Design which was carried out in 15 aquarias sized of 60 x 60 x 50 cm. Triplicate group of nile tilapia (initial body weight 12,04 ± 0,38 g fish-1) were fed five isonitrogenous and isocaloric feeds. The control feed was containing soybean meal, whereas in other four feeds, LLM directly replaced soybean meal with the inclusion level of 8, 16, 24 dan 31 % within the feed formulation. Result showed that the growth performance and feed efficiencies of feed containing 8, 16, 24 and 31 % LLM on the formulation were significantly lower compared to control feed. LLM was able to consumed by nile tilapia although there was a tendency of decrease of the feed consumption with the increase of LLM inclusion. It suggested that the additional treatment is needed to improve the quality of LLM, and to increase the inclusion level of LLM in feed.
Harga pakan ikan terus meningkat disebabkan karena tingginya harga bahan baku sumber protein utam... more Harga pakan ikan terus meningkat disebabkan karena tingginya harga bahan baku sumber protein utama seperti tepung ikan dan tepung bungkil kedelai (TBK). Upaya pencarian sumber-sumber protein alternatif dan optimasi potensinya serta minimalisasi faktor antinutrisinya merupakan hal mendesak yang harus dilakukan. Tepung daun lamtoro (TDL) merupakan salah satu alternatif sumber protein pakan, karena kandungan proteinnya cukup tinggi (24-28%), profil asam aminonya mendekati TBK dan memiliki kandungan vitamin A dan â-karoten yang cukup tinggi. Namun pemakaiannya dalam formulasi pakan ikan dibatasi oleh keberadaan beberapa zat antinutrisi seperti asam fitat, mimosin dan tanin, juga kandungan serat kasar yang cukup tinggi. Perlakuan kombinasi antara perendaman dan pengovenan terbukti dapat menghilangkan kadar mimosin dan tanin TDL hingga 95%, sedangkan asam fitat dapat dikurangi dengan pemberian enzim fitase. Keberhasilan upaya eliminasi zat-zat antinutrisi dalam TDL akan meningkatkan level...
Ketika dipapar media tinggi amonia, ikan nila mengalami perubahan metabolisme asam amino yang cuk... more Ketika dipapar media tinggi amonia, ikan nila mengalami perubahan metabolisme asam amino yang cukup signifikan, dan suplementasi asam glutamat berguna untuk memperbaiki perubahan yang merugikan akibat paparan amonia. Akan tetapi informasi mengenai aspek metabolisme asam amino pada ikan nila yang dipapar amonia rendah masih sangat terbatas. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh suplementasi asam glutamat pada ikan nila merah yang dipelihara pada media budidaya rendah amonia terhadap respons fisiologis dan kinerja pertumbuhan. Ikan nila dengan bobot rata-rata 9,97 ± 0,38 g ditebar sebanyak 20 ekor pada setiap akuarium (padat tebar 1,0 g L-1). Empat jenis pakan isoprotein (kadar protein 28%) dan isoenergi (4245 ± 22,48 kkal kg-1) disuplementasi asam glutamat masing-masing sebanyak 0% (Glu 0), 0,75% (Glu 0,75), 1,5% (Glu 1,5) dan 2,25% (Glu 2,25). Setiap perlakuan diberi empat ulangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 60 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian p...
The isolation, selection, and identification of probiotic bacteria as candidate isolated from the... more The isolation, selection, and identification of probiotic bacteria as candidate isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of African catfish Clarias gariepinus. By: Titin Kurniasih, Widanarni, Mulyasari, Irma Melati, Zafril Imran Azwar, and Angela Mariana Lusiastuti The use of dietary probiotics in fish and shrimp diets is well documented and appeared to be effective to improve fish and shrimp production. In order to obtain candidate bacteria that can be use as probiotics, which play an important role on the digestive tract of fish, a selective isolation from gastrointestinal tract of the fish is suggested. This research aimed to obtain candidate bacteria as probiotic that were collected from the gastrointestinal track of African catfish followed by isolation, selection, and identification of the selected candidate bacteria. The stomach and intestine were crushed, diluted, and inoculated onto agar medium. The growing colonies were purified, and then selected based on their maximum cl...
The high cost of fish feed is a main problem in aquaculture industries, and the effort to improve... more The high cost of fish feed is a main problem in aquaculture industries, and the effort to improve the cost efficiency of feed is the main focus for nutritional research program all over the world. Research is needed to identify less expensive and more sustainable ingredients within fish feeds, while maintaining nutritional quality equal to those based mainly on fish meal and soybean meal. Leucaena leaf meal (LLM) is a potential alternative plant protein source because of its high protein content and low cost compared to soybean meal. The Leucaena leaf was soaked in freshwater for 3 days prior to use. This study was a 60-day trial and aimed to examine the replacement of soybean meal with LLM at various level in practical feed for Nile tilapia. This trial used a Completely Randomized Design which was carried out in 15 aquarias sized of 60 x 60 x 50 cm. Triplicate group of nile tilapia (initial body weight 12,04 ± 0,38 g fish-1 ) were fed five isonitrogenous and isocaloric feeds. The ...
Detrimental pleitropic effect of the growth of certain color morphs are reported in some previous... more Detrimental pleitropic effect of the growth of certain color morphs are reported in some previous papers. This study's objective is to elucidate relationships between color morphs and the growth of common carp in the nine experimental floating net cages. The color morphs in this study are green, blue and red, with standard length of 14 em, density 3 kg/m3 and daily fed 3% of body weight. Observation of growth was conducted on standard length and body weight every ten days during 50 days of rearing period. The results showed that blue color morph has tendency to be the best followed by green and red one. However, statistically they are not significant different (P>O.OS).
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan strain ikan mas yang memiliki keragaan pertumbuhan yan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan strain ikan mas yang memiliki keragaan pertumbuhan yang baik sebagai spesies kandidat untuk program seleksi. Tiga strain ikan mas (majalaya, lokal Bogor, dan rajadanu) dipelihara dalam jaring yang diletakkan di kolam Instalasi Penelitian Cijeruk, Bogor selama 6 minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan nyata untuk parameter pertambahan bobot dan sintasan dari 3 strain ikan mas yang diuji, sedangkan untuk pertambahan panjang individual (mm per bulan) ada perbedaan yang sangat nyata (P<0,05). Strain ikan mas rajadanu memiliki pertambahan panjang terbaik (16,0 ± 1,41) dan berbeda dengan majalaya (10,3 ± 4,50) serta lokal (10,8 ± 2,06). Objective of this study is to produce good performance of common carp by comparing three promising strains majalaya, local, and rajadanu. The study was carry out using floating net cages placed in earthen pond at The Cijeruk Germ Plasm Research Station. During the study, growth and surviv...
Media Akuakultur, 2007
Upaya peningkatan produksi, yang merupakan target utama pembangunan subsektor perikanan dapat dic... more Upaya peningkatan produksi, yang merupakan target utama pembangunan subsektor perikanan dapat dicapai antara lain melalui perbaikan teknik budi daya dan penyediaan benih yang cukup dan berkualitas. Hibridisasi atau teknik kawin silang, yang bertujuan untuk memperbaiki laju pertumbuhan, menunda kematangan gonad, dan meningkatkan ketahanan terhadap penyakit adalah salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk mendapatkan benih unggul. Di Indonesia, teknik hibridisasi telah berhasil meningkatkan laju pertumbuhan antara lain terhadap ikan-ikan cyprinid, cichlid, clariid, dan pangasiid.
The objective of the present study was to obtain good populations of Oreochromis niloticus based ... more The objective of the present study was to obtain good populations of Oreochromis niloticus based on their growth performances. Four populations, i.e GIFT-6, Tempe, Local, and GIFT-3 were used in this study. Sixteen 16 cages laid in four earthen ponds in the Cijeruk Research Installation, Bogor, were used as replication. The results showed that there were no significant difference among four populations for biomass, but a significant difference among populations was observed on length parameter (F < 0.01),in which the local population was the best.
This research aimed to obtain information on the variability of crossbred resulted from three sto... more This research aimed to obtain information on the variability of crossbred resulted from three stocks of red claw (Cherax quadricarinatus von Martens). This research was performed at Research and Develepment Institute for Freshwater Aquaculture.Nine population consists of tree true breed and six reciprocal breed were resulted from the crossbreeding between the three stocks from Jakarta, Bali and Sukabumi.Results showed that the crossbred between Bali female parent and Jakarta male parent had the highest number of larvae / kg weight of female parent compared to the other crossbred. Between the female parent category, the Bali female parent showed the highest number of the larvae yielded, and between the male parent category, the Sukabumi male parent did. There was no significant different between the crossbred on the respon of growth performance. The highest heterosis on the number of larvae was achieved by the crossbred between Bali and Jakarta (25.8%) while the crossbred between Bal...
The improvement of feed quality and growth performance of nile tilapia using the addition of bact... more The improvement of feed quality and growth performance of nile tilapia using the addition of bacterial protease to formulated feed. By: Titin Kurniasih, Nur Bambang Priyo Utomo, Zafril Imran Azwar, Mulyasari, and Irma Melati This research aimed to evaluate the effect of supplementation of bacterial protease to formulated feed on nutrient digestibility, feed efficiency, and growth performance of nile tilapia. A sixty days feeding study was conducted using 5 treatments with 3 replicate groups of nile tilapia (average weight of 4.07±0.25 g), reared on 15 aquarias Perbaikan kualitas pakan dan kinerja pertumbuhan ..... (Titin Kurniasih)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat kesegaran IABS dalam formulasi pakan t... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat kesegaran IABS dalam formulasi pakan terhadap pertumbuhan ikan nila dibandingkan dengan formulasi pakan standar (pakan berbasis tepung ikan). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Ikan nila yang digunakan memiliki berat rata-rata 5,23±0,02 gram dengan padat tebar 20 ekor per akuarium. Perlakuan pakan yang diberikan yakni pakan berbasis tepung ikan tanpa IABS, pakan mengandung IABS segar dan pakan mengandung IABS kurang segar. Parameter yang diukur adalah laju pertumbuhan spesifik (LPS), jumlah konsumsi pakan (JKP), efisiensi pakan (EP), tingkat kelangsungan hidup (SR) dan parameter kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan nyata (P<0,05) di antara perlakuan untuk parameter LPS dan EP, tetapi tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) untuk parameter JKP, SR dan kualitas air. Tingkat kesegaran bahan ikan asin sangat berpengaruh terhad...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui level inklusi optimal tepung ikan asin bawah st... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui level inklusi optimal tepung ikan asin bawah standar dalam formulasi pakan ikan Nila sebagai pengganti tepung ikan. Perlakuan terdiri atas penggunaan tepung ikan asin bawah standar dengan dosis 0%, 4%, 8%, 13%, dan 17%. Laju pertumbuhan spesifik, efisiensi pakan, konsumsi pakan, tingkat kelangsungan hidup, dan kualitas air telah dievaluasi. Kisaran laju pertumbuhan spesifik, konsumsi pakan, efisiensi pakan, dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup adalah 2,50-2,58%, 56,84-60,69%, 292,44-297,45 g, dan 97,78-100,00%. Tepung ikan asin bawah standar sebagai pengganti tepung ikan dalam formulasi pakan dapat mengganti sebanyak 17%. Kata kunci: Tepung ikan asin bawah standar, substitusi, Ikan Nila, pertumbuhan, efisiensi pakan, konsumsi pakan
Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada
Research to find out the effect of oral administration of estradiol 17-β on feminization of Oreo... more Research to find out the effect of oral administration of estradiol 17-β on feminization of Oreochromis sp. (GIFT) fry was carried out at Cibalagung Research Station. Five different concentrations of estradiol 17-β i.e.: 60, 80, 100, 120 and 0 mg/kg feed, were given to larvae of 6 days old twice a day for 21 days in triplicates. The result indicated that there was significant difference of average percentage of female between control and treatments.The highest percentage of female was obtained from fish treated with 100 mg estradiol /kg feed (86.6%), whereas the lowest was obtained from fish control (51.7%). The survival rate and length growth were not significantly different. Survival rate of larvae ranged from 94 to 97.7% and the average of length growth ranged from 10.08 to 13.32 mm.
This research was aimed to determine the optimum level of inclusion of blood flour in feed formul... more This research was aimed to determine the optimum level of inclusion of blood flour in feed formulaton of Nile Tilapia as a substitute for fish meal. The materials of this research are a feed and Nile Tilapia with an average weight of 17 g of a total of 120 fingerling. The experiment design has been conducted were completely random design with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments are the substitution of fish meal with the blood flour of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. Spesific growth rate, the mount of feed consumption, food efficiency, survival rate, and water quality has been evaluated. The results of research showed that spesific growth rate and food efficiency were significantly different between treatments (P<0.05), and the highest of spesific growth rate and food efficiency there are on treatment D (the substitution of fish meal with the blood flour of 75%) each 1.75% and 63.45%. The lowest of spesific growth rate and food efficiency there are on treatment A (...
Papers by Titin Kurniasih