Yeah, for right now anyway, we're keeping these two blogs separate. Bullwinkle's Travels is about the places we go. We think of it as our travel blog. The Great RV Escape is about what we're doing: fulltiming.
This will be the place where we tell you the honest to goodness truth about life on the road. Throughout our fulltiming preparations, I remember devouring each and every fulltimer's blog I could find. I had interest in the sights they were seeing, of course. But, what I really wanted to get the scoop on was how it was to be a fulltimer. So, for those of you with a unquenchable thirst for inside info about this lifestyle, this is your place. We'll provide links to Bullwinkle's Travels from time to time so you can check in on the places we go. And, if you're more interested in where we go than how we're living, that's OK, too. Bullwinkle's Travels is the perfect place for you.
Is maintaining two blogs a little nuts? Maybe. But, heck. For once, we have the time! If we could do this when we were toasty workaholics we can definitely do it now.
That said, the topics for this blog are piling up. There's so much to share! Now that we're here in Port Orford for more than just a couple of nights, I'm eager to catch up.
Much more very soon.