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The name or term "Shrapnel" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Shrapnel (disambiguation).
Zaptraps are Decepticon Insecticons from the Generation 1 continuity family.
I think I stepped on something.

Zaptraps (alternatively known as Skrapnels) are clones of the Insecticon Shrapnel. Though they have extremely limited intelligence and are largely operated by Shrapnel's control-beams, in large numbers they are fairly capable hunter-seeker units, capable of producing powerful electric bolts from their horns. Though they're fairly sturdy, should Shrapnel's control-beams be interrupted, they will instantly crumble into a pile of component parts.[1]



The Transformers cartoon

Technically, Zaptraps never actually appeared in any episode of the cartoon, as this specific coloration has never been used to represent them. However, the "Zaptrap" designation can be considered retroactive, so any appearance of the Shrapnel-model clones can be considered a Zaptrap appearance.



Due to quantum instability, a number of Waruder troops were transported to Axiom Nexus's distant past when they migrated over to its universe. They formed a hive, and spent the next 20,000 years undisturbed, evolving and building an elaborate hive deep underground. Cybertron's Most Wanted

Beet-Chit, desiring a new body to pilot, found a lost Zaptrap drone in Cybertron's lower levels and, noting its similarity to his previous Kuwagatrer mech, converted it into an partially organic suit for him to control. Zaptrap and Beet-Chit bio

Zaptrap/Beet-Chit came to lead his soldiers when one of them signaled that intruders had come upon their hive. Identifying C-81 and his band of criminals as "SPACE. RO-BOTS. EN-E-MY.", Zaptrap/Beet-Chit pursued the group with a full squadron of Waruder soldiers, intent on destroying the Cybertronians. Despite more "SPACE. RO-BOTS." joining the fray against them, the Waruders were on the winning side, overpowering their foes with sheer numbers. The battle came to an end when C-81 ripped Beet-Chit out of Zaptrap, and forced the Waruder leader to negotiate peacefully. It is not known whether the Zaptrap mech was brought along when the Waruders migrated off-planet via an interuniversal gate afterwards. Cybertron's Most Wanted


Transformers Roleplaying Game

Zaptrap drones were clones of Shrapnel, and shared his mastery over electricity. However, without a leader, they were prone to running amok. Decepticon Directive


Collector's Edition

G1-toy Zaptrap.jpg
  • Insectron Clone Army (Multi-pack, 2004)
Collector's Edition Zaptrap is a redeco of the original Shrapnel mold, transforms into a mechanical stag beetle. Its colors are based on the mold's original pre-Transformers "Waruder Kuwagatrer" Diaclone release. The "control seat" in the insect-mode back / robot-mode chest can open up and store one of the three energon cubes that come with the set, but of course you can chuck in anything that'll fit if it makes you happy.
This release uses the original rifle variation without the fins on the back end, though the set's stock photography shows the later finned rifle.
Zaptrap was only available in an e-HOBBY exclusive three-piece set with Salvo and Shothole.
This toy was repurposed as the Shattered Glass incarnation of Shrapnel.


  • Zaptrap (Legends Class, 2015)
Timelines Zaptrap is a red, black, gray, and blue redeco of the Thrilling 30 Skrapnel toy. He is roughly the size of a Cyberverse Commander Class toy and transforms into a robotic interpretation of a stag beetle.
He was only available at BotCon 2015 as an attendee-only bonus figure, and came packaged with Spy-Eye and Beet-Chit. Both smaller figures can be wielded by Zaptrap in Waruder soldier mode via their 5 mm post, or mounted on his back in insect mode.
His bio card identifies hims as "Zaptrap" while his instructions call him "Decepticon Zaptrap".
This mold was also retooled into Combiner Wars Chop Shop.


  • Collector's Edition Zaptrap's bio card claims they are also armed with grenade launchers. Where on their bodies these launchers are, who knows.
  • Zaptrap and Beet-Chit's manner of speaking in "Cybertron's Most Wanted" is based on the synthesized speech samples heard in early arcade games like Wizard of Wor and Gorf.
  • As it happens, the 2014 Kre-O incarnation of Skrapnel (pictured at right) was color-matched to some original character wavemates, with the result bearing a passing resemblance to e-HOBBY Zaptrap.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Zaptrap (ザップトラップ Zapputorappu)


  1. e-HOBBY Collector's Edition Zaptrap bio
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