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Ultra Magnus (G1)

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This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. See Ultra Magnus (disambiguation), Ultra Mammoth.

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Ultra Magnus is an Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Just a soldier, with a soldier's courage.

Ultra Magnus (aka Magnus and Ultra Mammoth) feels he is a soldier and nothing more. He very much prefers taking orders to giving them, and even avoids opportunities for higher responsibility. But when he is forced into those opportunities, he betrays his real talent for the job. He's strong, resolute, dependable, selfless, and courageous. Sadly, Ultra Magnus is the only Autobot who doesn't realize this.

Believing he is nothing but a soldier, Ultra Magnus is perfectly willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good if need be. He knows he's more powerful than the average Autobot, and will throw himself at larger threats accordingly. He is respected by both the Autobots and Decepticons, due to his courage and self-sacrifice. There is a special enmity between him and Galvatron for this reason, for Galvatron may be the most deadly foe of all. (Also, Galvatron, given his mental state, probably doesn't approve of people he's had blown up getting back up afterward. This can be seen as a sore point for Magnus, too.)

As I've tried to teach you, undisciplined thinking can make even the simplest task impossible.

Ultra Magnus gives his life philosophy to Rodimus Prime, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4"



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

This feels strangely vindicating.

Ultra Magnus was appointed Commander of Autobot City some time before 2005. During the Battle of Autobot City, he could not prevent many of his troops and the reinforcements being slaughtered, including Optimus Prime. Still, honoring Ultra Magnus for his efforts, Optimus handed him the Matrix of Leadership and command of the Autobots. The Matrix had other ideas though, choosing Rodimus Prime as its bearer instead. Ultra Magnus was okay with that and became Rodimus Prime's trustworthy second-in-command.

Despite not being the Prime, Ultra Magnus became a second archenemy to the Decepticon leader Galvatron. The two had many, many fights, and in between, Ultra Magnus also had to deal with the archrival he found in Galvatron's second-in-command Cyclonus.

During the Hate Plague outbreak in 2006, Ultra Magnus was one of the infected. He was cured when a revived Optimus Prime unleashed the energy of the Matrix. With everything back to normal and leadership passed back from Rodimus to Optimus, Ultra Magnus became somewhat of a second-in-command to the latter. He was taken out of commission by a grand scale Decepticon assault on Cybertron, but survived to see the next Cybertronian Golden Age.

In a splinter timeline, Ultra Magnus met his end in 2011 at the hands of Sixshot and was subsequently buried on Earth. He was eventually revived to deal with the menace of Galvatron II, a powerful dimension-hopping lunatic. Magnus was then summoned by Alpha Trion to assist alternate reality versions of the Autobots in another dimension, though Magnus found his efforts embroiled in bureaucratic red tape, as the dueling robot factions were in fact corporate rivals in this new universe.

Ladybird Books continuity

Ladybird magnus.jpg

Following the mysterious disappearance of Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus travelled to Earth from Cybertron to take over leadership of the Autobots. Under his leadership, the Autobots established Metroplex as a city to live in, and yet were still able to keep their existence a secret from humanity at large. Nice work, Magnus!

With the Autobots' supply of cybernite running low, Ultra Magnus organized a salvage operation to potentially recover a supply of the material from wreckage strewn about an old battlefield that Kup would lead them to. Magnus's concerns grew when the Decepticons attacked the salvage team, apparently having known of their movements in advance, and the Autobots soon deduced that the villains had a network of spy satellites in orbit, watching them. Following Kup's advice, Magnus had Huffer and Wheeljack build a power generator that beamed false messages to the satellites, tricking them into colliding with each other and exploding. Magnus congratulated the Autobots on their team effort, declaring that teamwork was the only way to ultimately triumph over the Decepticons. Galvatron's Air Attack

When a small Decepticon attack force was able to penetrate Metroplex's security perimeter, Ultra Magnus had Bumblebee follow them upon their retreat in hopes of learning how the breach occurred. Bumblebee discovered that the Decepticons had been able to progressively sneak through the Autobots' spy screen and set up a base within a nearby industrial estate. Magnus led the Autobots in an attack on the Decepticon hideout, during which he faced off with Galvatron himself. Magnus stumbled and fell before the Decepticon leader, but Spike Witwicky saved him by downing Galvatron with a wrecking ball. Decepticon Hideout

Marvel Comics continuity

Words often used to describe Ultra Magnus: "Raw" and "Naked".

S.T.A.R.S. pack-in flyers

From the less-popular "Your Adventure Has Been Chosen For You" series.

Ultra Magnus personally chose a new S.T.A.R.S. Commander, to whom he sent a message inviting them to take up the role. This message guided the recipient through an exercise using "the special power you humans call 'imagination'" to visualize what it would be like to be several different Transformers, Autobots and Decepticons included. After that, the recipient was given the opportunity to "requisition" those Transformers for their "Command" via a form marked with the following address:

P.O. Box 7050, Dept. T10
North Hollywood, CA 91609

You Have Been Chosen.

Transformers in 3-D

STOP! Collaborate and listen!

Ultra Magnus left Hot Rod in charge of Cybertron while he took off in Fortress Maximus to check out a strange energon reading they'd detected on an asteroid. When Lightspeed discovered a small alien, Magnus reminded him that they were Autobots and sworn to protect all life. Lightspeed's tests determined that the creature converted its food into Energon, leading Magnus to send Searchlight out in search of more of the creatures. Not long after, the Autobots were found by Ratbat, and they pursued the small Decepticon until they ran into more Decepticons, resulting in a pitched battle. The Test

Following Galvatron's destruction of Cybertron's Energon supply, Optimus Prime contacted Ultra Magnus in Metroplex and ordered him to take a team to find Metascan Alpha. Magnus took Kup, Doublecross, Grotusque, and Repugnus with him, using Sky Lynx as transport. They eventually reached a desolate moon, on which they were attacked by Cyclonus and the Terrorcons, but Magnus insisted they ignore the Decepticons and continue with their mission. Retreating to Sky Lynx, they flew down to the planet to find a rapidly-evacuating city under attack from the Destructons.

The Autobots engaged the enemy, only to find themselves outclassed. Ultra Magnus was blasted by Lord Imperious Delirious and fought the confusion the Delirious Fire brought to his mind in order to sound a retreat. Kup sacrificed himself to allow the rest of the Autobots to escape, but Sky Lynx only had enough energy to reach the moon, and the Destructons were able to catch up. Faced with a superior foe, Ultra Magnus was forced to consider the unthinkable, and made an alliance with Cyclonus to attempt a combined attack. The War Against the Destructons, Chapter 1 of 3

Beehive Books continuity


Ultra Magnus came upon Castle Decepticon while piloting a shuttle. His approach activated the Decepticon base's defenses, and Ultra Magnus was forced to eject from the shuttle in an escape pod. Ultra Magnus was then able to find his way back to his downed shuttle, only to be confronted by Starscream. Ultra Magnus's shuttle had been repaired by the Decepticons'automated robots, who had mistook it for one of their own. The advantage lay with either Starscream or Ultra Magnus depending on what changes the drones had implemented in the shuttle.

At this point in the book, the narrative is overtaken by a game of chance. The game determines which of the following outcomes plays out.
  • Ultra Magnus managed to escape Starscream in his shuttle, or
  • Starscream managed to vaporize Ultra Magnus before the Autobot could escape in his shuttle, or
  • Starscream managed to wing Ultra Magnus, focing the Autobot to stop and blow Starscream out of the sky before proceeding in his shuttle, or
  • Unable to take off in the reprogrammed shuttle, Ultra Magnus was forced to stay and fight Starscream, who vaporized the Autobot, or
  • Unable to take off in the reprogrammed shuttle, Ultra Magnus was forced to fight his way out and blew Starscream away.

Transformers Pop-Up Book

PDTF Comic

PDType-Ultra Magnus strike.jpg

Ultra Magnus and Optimus attempted to trick Starscream into thinking a bomb was a Blackball, and succeeded, much to their surprise. Don't Cry! Megatron!! Ultra Magnus later reported that the Autobots had run out of ammo, and as a result, they were forced to throw rocks at Deathsaurus instead. Good Job! Deathsaurus!! He also pointed out that God Ginrai's "Chōkon Fire Guts" attack was just a normal punch, and was asked to keep quiet because the Decepticons hadn't realised that yet and were still rolling around in agony. Now! Deliver the Finishing Blow! God Ginrai!! Magnus and Rodimus Prime enjoyed many victories against the Decepticons, but who was that in the background? No One Knows When he's Come or Gone. Greatshot...

At one point, the Blackball was left in the safekeeping of Ultra Magnus. Galvatron, catching Magnus by surprise, managed to blow him up with a powerful energy blast from his fusion cannon. Recovering the Blackball, Galvatron began to gloat about his victory. That's when Magnus' body hurled his head at Galvatron like a bowling ball, causing the Emperor of Destruction to fall over like a set of pins and drop the Blackball. That's using your head, Magnus! *sigh*Improve Yourself! Ultra Magnus!

Sticker Adventures books

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Galvatron Attacks

Marvel coloring books

In Rod We Trust

When Hot Rod informed Ultra Magnus that the Dinobots were engaging the Decepticons just outside of Autobot City, Ultra Magnus quickly assembled a small team of Autobots. He led them into battle to serve as reinforcements for the Dinobots. Once Ultra Magnus and his troops defeated Galvatron and his troops, he and the other Autobots were cheered on by the nearby Oil rig workers as they drove back to Autobot City. Battle at Oil Valley

After Springer was injected with a cerebro-shell and began shooting up Autobot City, Ultra Magnus quickly deduced it was the work of Bombshell. He led the Autobots to attack the Decepticon base-camp and faced off with Galvatron. Fortunately Ultra Magnus is "the fastest laser on Cybertron" and stunned Galvatron with a quick draw. The Invasion of the Decepticon Camp

Ultra Magnus was approached by Blurr who attempted to tell him something important. Unfortunately, Ultra Magnus could not understand him as Blurr was talking too fast. When a more articulate Autobot informed him that the Decepticons had learned of a lost Autobot shipment of Energon and were planning to unearth it from the Ark's crash site, Ultra Magnus held a brief conference to figure out how to deal with the situation. He then headed a team to St. Mt. Hillary, only to find the Decepticons already there, digging for the Energon shipment. The two factions began to fight. When the Energon stash was uncovered, it was completely gobbled up by Starscream who proclaimed himself the most powerful Decepticon. With nothing left to fight over, Ultra Magnus and the Autobots left Galvatron and Starscream to their squabble. The Lost Treasure of Cybertron

Ultra Magnus and Springer poked fun at Hot Rod's youthful enthusiasm, causing the lad to storm off and try and prove himself. Ultra Magnus led the Autobots in assisting Hot Rod after he got into a fight with Scourge and the Sweeps. After the day was won, Ultra Magnus praised a prideful Hot Rod for his brave actions. Hot Rod's Escape

Big Looker storybooks

As the Autobots were finishing their day's work in Metroplex city, Ultra Magnus was startled by Kup and Hot Rod zooming past him. When he asked the pair what was going on, Hot Rod informed him that he was excited to head to a car show, where the humans would be showing off a new kind of robot car. Later in the day, Hot Rod came up to Ultra Magnus once more, this time to inform him that the Decepticons were planning on attacking the very same Colosseum in which the car show was taking place that day. Even more alarming, Kup was supposed to have returned by now. Hot Rod concluded that the Decepticons had done something to him. Ultra Magnus led a convoy of Autobots in a rescue mission. Remaining in their vehicle forms, they paraded themselves in the Colosseum as the human onlookers admired their sleek forms. Elsewhere, Kup managed to make Galvatron trip through a window onlooking the show, sending him flying into the arena. Transforming, Ultra Magnus and his troops took the Decepticon leader hostage. But the Decepticons still had Kup as a hostage of their own, and demanded Galvatron's release, lest they open fire on the human crowd. While Ultra Magnus debated on what to do, Hot Rod freed Kup, and the Autobots managed to overpower the Decepticons. Though they defeated the Decepticons, Galvatron managed to escape in the chaos, not that Ultra Magnus was too worried over the fact. Car Show Blow Up

Toy pack-in material

Ultra Magnus participated in a tumultuous battle on a moon base. He and Defensor stood their ground against Bruticus and Trypticon. Decipher the Decepticon

When the Creation Matrix was stolen by the Decepticons, Ultra Magnus called upon his fellow Autobots to help retrieve it. Thanks to an army of decoys created by First Aid, the Autobots successfully infiltrated the Decepticon base and retrieved their sacred relic. Start Your Own Decoy Collection

Find Your Fate Junior

The following summarizes one or more multipath adventures. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Autobot Alert!

The bachelor party started well...

Ultra Magnus assigned Kup to be in charge of a secret mission. As the Autobot leader was making his rounds of Metroplex, he dropped by Kup's station to check in on him, but was interrupted by an Autobot Alert before he could do so. Cosmos informed Magnus of Decepticons encroaching upon Earth orbit. After Cosmos's transmission was cut short, Bumblebee came rushing into the room to inform Ultra Magnus that the television broadcast signal had been hijacked by the Decepticons. Putting two and two together, Ultra Magnus deduced that the Decepticons had taken over Earth's communication satellites. Soon afterwards, Blurr came back prematurely from the mission being organized by Kup, informing that the Decepticons had gotten their hands on an important coded message. Despite this, Ultra Magnus considered the Decepticons’ attack on the satellites to be of greater importance.

If Ultra Magnus decided to prioritize the Decepticons’ orbital attack, he first began to organize an operation to rescue Cosmos. After ordering Ratchet to ready the Autobots’ shuttle for take-off, Ultra Magnus nominated Jazz, Mirage, Swoop, Powerglide and Prowl to join him on the mission. After donning special space gear for solar protection, the team took off and headed towards Cosmos's last coordinates. Though they quickly spotted Cosmos, Ultra Magnus also caught sight of Galvatron's spaceship, Cyclonus, looming nearby. Ultra Magnus ordered his troops to pull Cosmos aboard before they were spotted by the enemy forces. Using the shuttle's high-powered sensors, Ultra Magnus and Mirage discovered that Cyclonus himself was acting as the Decepticons’ signal-jamming device. Deciding on an immediate plan of action, Ultra Magnus ordered his troops to train all their weapons on Cyclonus, and prepare for a full-frontal assault. Though Mirage exhibited doubts that this strategy would work, Ultra Magnus stood by his decision.

If the Autobots went ahead with Ultra Magnus's plan, soon after the Autobots had begun their assault, Galvatron emerged from Cyclonus, leading into battle an army of multiwing jet fighter Decepticons. Faced against such overwhelming odds, Ultra Magnus attempted to retreat, only for their shuttle to be hit by a blast from Galvatron himself. With their shuttle falling apart around them, Ultra Magnus and his troops were defeated by the Decepticons.

If instead Powerglide and Swoop went about their own way of defeating the Decepticons, Cyclonus's transmission device was successfully destroyed and the entire crew of the Autobot shuttle presumably returned to base safely.

In a completely different possible sequence of events, if Ultra Magnus instead decided to prioritize the theft of the coded message, he allowed for Kup to divulge to the rest of the Autobots the top secret nature of the mission at hand. After Kup explained that the mission involved an ancient Autobot formula that could boost a Cybertronian's strength tenfolds, Ultra Magnus and his troops took off towards the Autobots’ desert research centre. Once there, the Autobots learned that the cybertite sphere had crashed on Earth in a nearby crater, but was later moved by humans during the 16th century.If the Decepticons had decoded Springer's message, they would be searching off the coast of California, where the ship containing the sphere had sunk. If they hadn't decoded the message, the Decepticons would still be digging in the nearby crater. Springer was for heading towards the crater first.

If Ultra Magnus decided to assume that the Decepticons had already decrypted the message, he ordered his forces to split up to more efficiently address the situation. Ultra Magnus led the main force heading towards the California coast. Just as Ultra Magnus and his troops arrived at the coast, they were signalled by Powerglide that he had discovered the sunken ship containing the cybertite sphere, and caught up by Blurr who informed them of the Decepticons headed in their direction. The Autobots then needed to decide whether they would raise the ship themselves, or try and ambush the Decepticons after they had done so.

Ultra Magnus ultimately came up with three separate plans. The first involved Sludge raising the ship by encircling it cables, then allowing Hot Rod to search the ship. The second plan relied on Seaspray searching for the sphere while the ship remained underwater. The third plan counted on Grapple, Hot Rod and Bumblebee working together to retrieve the sphere.

If Ultra Magnus decided on the first plan, he soon began doubting himself as the dimwitted Dinobot displayed difficulty in following through with the orders given to him. Though Sludge and Hot Rod eventually succeeded in retrieving the sphere, Ultra Magnus made it clear to his troops that there was no time for celebration, as he noticed incoming Decepticons. Tasking Blurr with taking the sphere to Metroplex, Ultra Magnus ordered the rest of his troops to hide. As the Decepticons arrived, Ultra Magnus then led the ambush that left the Decepticons defeated that day.

If Ultra Magnus decided on the second plan, Seaspray successfully retrieve the sphere and presented it to his commander. Ultra Magnus then ordered his troops to return to base before the Decepticons ever arrived at the California coast.

If Ultra Magnus decided on the third plan, the Autobots were unable to retrieve the sphere in time, and it was destroyed by the Decepticons, who had finally reached the California coast. Without the formula contained within the sphere, the Autobots would be forced to continue their war at a disadvantage, if they survived the current Decepticon onslaught currently raining down upon them.

If Ultra Magnus decided to have his troops lie in wait while the Decepticons retrieved the sunken ship, whether the Autobots came out victorious that day or not depended entirely from that point forward on the decisions other Autobots made. In one possible scenario, the sphere was safely brought back to Metroplex, and Ultra Magnus looked on as Perceptor created the first batch of the power-booster. Autobot Alert!

Project Brain Drain

...Everybody had a good time...

In one possible scenario, Ultra Magnus was frustrated to hear that Bumblebee was breaking every single one of Metroplex city's streets laws in order to rush to him. His anger quickly vanished when Bumblebee and Sparkplug informed him that they had done so to inform him of a Decepticon plot they had uncovered. The Decepticons were planning to use a Brain Drain device to syphon away the intelligence of hundreds of thousands of people who would be attending a rock concert later in the day. Thinking hard on the task at hand, Ultra Magnus came up with two different possible plans the Autobots could enact to stop the Decepticons. The first plan was to create a diversion at the Decepticons’ headquarters, forcing them to abort their ploy before it started. The other plan was for the Autobots to drive ahead to the rock concert and be at the ready for when the Decepticons showed themselves.

If Ultra Magnus decided on the first plan, he took a number of troops with him to the Decepticons’ (not so) secret fortress high in the mountains. Once there, they found that they had only a few minutes left before the Decepticons were scheduled to begin their attack on the rock concert. Pressed for time, Ultra Magnus needed to decide on one of two different approaches on assaulting the Decepticon base.

If Ultra Magnus decided to order a full-scale attack immediately, the Autobots succeeded in surprising the Decepticons... a little too well. The Autobot attack being so sudden and devastating, the Decepticons were never able to send out a distress message to Galvatron, and thus his assault on the rock concert proceeded forth uninterrupted. Though Autobots have won a small battle, the most surely have lost the war.

If Ultra Magnus to attempt to send a scout ahead to scope out the Decepticons’ defences first, the Decepticons spotted the Autobots’ approach and radioed Galvatron for help immediately. The Autobots and Decepticons battled fiercely, Ultra Magnus unwilling to surrender until the Brain Drain device had been destroyed. He managed to accomplish this by triggering an avalanche which buried the Decepticons in snow and shattered the Brain Drain device into a million pieces.

Alternatively, if Ultra Magnus decided to head for the rock concert and deal with the Decepticons there, Ultra Magnus noticed the large amount of vehicles parked around the concert upon arrival. He ordered his troops to hide themselves amidst the vehicles, and lie in wait for the Decepticons. Once the Decepticons had shown themselves, Ultra Magnus ordered his troops to transform in unison and open fire on their enemies. But Galvatron had planned to light afire the parking lot in which the Autobots are standing in order to trap the humans. Being drenched from above by Decepticon jets dumping gasoline upon them, Ultra Magnus needed to decide whether the Autobots needed to retreat, or to keep on fighting and hope that they could defeat the Decepticons before the fire consumed them.

If Ultra Magnus decided to retreat, he opted to have his troops move towards the concert-goers in order to better protect them. He and his troops fended off the airborne Decepticons who swooped down, unaffected by the blazing barrier encircling the concert. Whether or not they succeeded on protecting the humans depended on the choice Bumblebee from this point forward.

Alternatively, if Ultra Magnus decided to remain in the parking lot as the Decepticons set it ablaze, the Autobots and the Decepticons battle fiercely surrounded by the conflagration. In order to prevent Galvatron from using his weapon, Ultra Magnus grappled with the Decepticon leader himself. Galvatron was able to fling Ultra Magnus away, into the area near the bandstand, preventing Ultra Magnus from further delaying him from using the Brain Drain device. If Hot Rod was able to then snatch the device away from Galvatron, the young Autobot drove through the ring of flame, away from Galvatron and towards Ultra Magnus. Both leaders rushed towards Hot Rod, who had been temporarily incapacitated after his trip through the conflagration. Though Galvatron reached Hot Rod first and grabbed the device, Ultra Magnus ripped a nearby electric cable, and then used it as a lasso to grab unto Galvatron. The electrical current running through the wire caused Galvatron to flail wildly, leading him to crush the Brain Drain device himself. Galvatron then retreated, and Ultra Magnus and his troops received a standing ovation from the concert-goers.

In another possible scenario, Ultra Magnus was informed by Hot Rod of Galvatron's scheme. Ultra Magnus, Hot Rod, and a numerous other Autobots reached the concert just as Galvatron began to activate the Brain Drain device.

Taking aim with every weapon in his armoury, Ultra Magnus fired in Galvatron's direction. Though he was unable to harm Galvatron himself, he did destroy the device. Without any reason to continue fighting, the Decepticons retreated. In an alternate scenario, Ultra Magnus and the Autobots arrived just in time to congratulate Wreck-Gar, who had already destroyed the Brain Drain device. Project Brain Drain

The Invisibility Factor

...then it turned awkward.

In one possible scenario, Ultra Magnus was informed by Kup and Hot Rod that the Decepticons had taken possession of an Invisibility Device, created by the human Sarah Sanders, and taken it into space to study it. Ultra Magnus put together a team of Autobots and took off in one of their shuttles to pursue them. Once there, however, the Autobots had difficulty pinpointing the Decepticons’ location. The ship's crew had to decided where to look next for the Decepticons.

If the Autobots decided to investigate the dark side of the moon, they found themselves unable to see anything on the satellite's shadowy surface. Hot Rod suggested to Ultra Magnus that they fire down to see if the Decepticons would fire back, revealing their position. Jazz chimed in that Hot Rod's plan was too risky, and claimed that he had a better plan in mind.

If Ultra Magnus decided to go through with Hot Rod's plan anyways, the Autobots succeeded only in making themselves an easy target for their enemies. The Decepticons blasted their shuttle to bits. Ultra Magnus and his troops were reduced to space junk.

If Ultra Magnus listened to Jazz's plan, he ordered his Autobots to remain silent, and to shut off all of the shuttle's lights and mechanisms. Launching a probe as a decoy, the Autobots successfully tricked the Decepticons into revealing their position when they mistook the probe as their shuttle and opened fire upon it. Firing back, the Autobots began crippling the Decepticons’ ship, until a lucky shot rocked their own shuttle. Though the Decepticons attempted to escape while the Autobots were off-balance, the Autobots were able to deliver the finishing blow, ending the Decepticons’ menace as the evil robots' ship exploded.

In an alternate scenario wherein the Autobots listened to Prowl's suggested and searched the Asteroid Belt beyond Mars, they soon found themselves struggling to get through the maze of floating rocks.

If the Autobots pushed on their search in the Asteroid Belt, they soon found themselves on a collision course with two enormous asteroids. If they only managed to blast one of asteroids, the Autobots were forced to retreat back to Earth after their shuttle took substantial damage. If the Autobots managed to blast neither of the Asteroids, they were all crushed between the giant pieces of space debris.

If they managed to blast away both asteroids, they reached a vast, empty expanse of space within the asteroid belt. Ultra Magnus was pleased to hear that they had only received minimal damage up to now while navigating through the Asteroid Belt. His relief was short-lived, as it soon became evident that the Decepticons had figured out the workings of the Invisibiliy Device, and begun firing upon the Autobots’ shuttle. The Autobots considered retreating, but Kup reminded them that Sarah Sanders had not perfected her device yet, and the Decepticons’ invisibility may yet wear off.

If the Autobots attempted to flee from the Decepticons’ attack, they found themselves at too much of a disadvantage to successfully make it out of the Asteroid Belt. They were blown into space junk before they could reach Earth.

If the Autobots held their ground, they were instructed by Ultra Magnus not to open fire upon the Decepticons until ordered to do so. Though things were tense as the Autobots were hit over and over again by their invisible opponents, soon the enemy ship came into view, just as Kup had predicted. The Autobots opened fire on the flimsier vessel, blowing it and the Decepticons within to smithereens. Ultra Magnus was proud to announce that the Decepticon menace had now been taken care of, once and for all.

If the Autobots did retreat out of the Asteroid Belt, they convinced one another that the Decepticons most likely perished within it. Then, a few days later, when the invisible Decepticons attacked Metroplex city, Ultra Magnus bemoaned the fact that they had given up so easily, and ordered his troops to their battle stations. Unfortunately, Ultra Magnus and the rest of the Autobots were reduced to scrap metal, unable to fight the unseen enemy.

In a completely different possible scenario, Hot Rod and Kup returned to the Autobot headquarters to report to Ultra Magnus immediately after they saw the mysterious spacecraft land. Ultra Magnus agreed that the situation necessitated further investigation, and sent out Springer, Sunstreaker, Prowl and Jazz to accompany Hot Rod and Kup.

If the Autobots gave up searching for the ship, Ultra Magnus and the rest of the Autobots within Metroplex were caught by surprise by a fleet of identical ships swooping down upon them. The Autobots were all destroyed as Galvatron gloated of his victory.

In another possible scenario, the squad that Ultra Magnus had sent out returned to Metroplex with Sarah Sanders, inventor of the Invisibility Device, in hand. Grateful to the Autobots for rescuing her, she showed them how to create an Invisibility Scramblers to counteract the effects of her Invisibility Device. Anticipating the Decepticons’ attack, the Autobots successfully defeated the evil robots when they came.

In yet another possible scenario, Ultra Magnus looked on as Sarah left in her spaceship in order to destroy it, vowing it would never be used to bring destruction.

Another scenario had Sarah be so grateful towards the Autobots from rescuing her that she gave Ultra Magnus and his troops the secret to her Invisibility Device. With its power, the Autobots’ victory over the Decepticons was likely guaranteed.The Invisibility Factor

St. Michael The Transformers Sticker Book

The following summarizes one or more multipath adventures. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Ultra Magnus captained an alien spacecraft with the Autobots Hot Rod, Springer, Sandstorm, and Ratchet under his command. While fighting Decepticons, their spaceship took heavy damage and crash-landed on the planet Barrenikon. There, he met you, having just emerged from the Vortex, a portal through space and time contained within the planet. Together, you went on an adventure, fighting Decepticons, braving Barrenikon's barren desert or its putrid swamp, and trying to find a way to get the Autobots space-bound once more. The Transformers Sticker Book

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

During a phase of the war in which the rate of Autobot losses had slowed and there was hope of a rally on the horizon, the death of the Autobot leader Sentinel Prime shocked Ultra Magnus. The greater shock, however, came when he learned that the archivist Optronix was made the Autobot leader, Optimus Prime.

Stationed on the other side of Cybertron, away from their new leader, Ultra Magnus and his men hoped that Optimus could rise to the challenge posed by the Decepticons. Titanium Series Ultra Magnus (War Within) toy bio

6.5 million years ago, when his brother Optimus Prime and the Decepticon leader Megatron vanished in a space bridge incident, the Autobots looked to Ultra Magnus for leadership. Magnus fled and exiled himself, believing he wasn't ready.

It's funny because Magnus thinks Grimlock can die.

But half a million years later, Magnus re-emerged, finding the Autobots had fragmented themselves into different camps. Despite his fears about his inadequacy, Magnus managed to reunite the Autobots and retake Cybertron city by city, until finally, the Autobots were all but assured victory. Shockwave's Decepticons and Ratbat's Ultracons were ready to surrender. The moments before a peace treaty was to be signed at Tyger Pax, Ultra Magnus brooded in his chambers, alone, cursing Optimus Prime for his "heroic" sacrifice that nonetheless left his race to carry the torch themselves. Starscream and his Predacons, however, wouldn't go so quietly, and they staged an insurrection. Though, regrettably, Starscream assassinated the surviving members of the Council of Ancients, Ultra Magnus was able to lead his Autobots, the Ultracons, and the Decepticons successfully against the Predacon insurrection. As the Predacons were arrested, Grimlock took an assassin's bullet meant for Ultra Magnus, apparently killing the Dynobot. Magnus, overcome with grief, cradled Grimlock's body in his arms and audibly mourned.

This would not be the day's only setback, to say the least. Amid the chaos of Grimlock's death, Megatron had somehow returned, backed up by the Aerospace Extermination Squadron. The Age of Wrath The peace Magnus had struggled for immediately crumbled. Ultra Magnus and the other Autobots were put to work as slaves, deep below Cybertron's surface. The Age of Wrath Pt.2

The Age of Wrath ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

While working, Ultra Magnus revealed to Springer that he had not given up hope, and planned to destroy Cybertron's core if no other means presented itself to keep it out of Megatron's hands. The Age of Wrath Pt.4

Don't mind me, I'm just frozen in this weird other body.

Fewer than four million years ago, after Optimus Prime and Megatron disappeared once again, this time with dozens of their best warriors on board the Ark and the Nemesis, Ultra Magnus and Shockwave worked together to replenish their respective armies. Many of the Micromasters created to this end resented Ultra Magnus and Shockwave for bringing them into their war. Among the dissidents were Countdown and Groundshaker, who informed Ultra Magnus that they had failed to locate Optimus Prime after a space-faring mission. Another was Big Daddy, who got into a shouting match with Ultra Magnus after one of his fellow soldiers died during a retrieval mission. Destined for Nothing Yet another dissident was Skystalker, though this Decepticon-allied Micromaster had greater aspirations than simply leaving the war behind. He engineered a situation where the full-sized Autobots and Decepticons were tricked into battling one another, despite their resources being at an all-time low. By doing so, he hoped the guzzlers would eliminate one another, leaving him to rule a Micromaster-populated Cybertron. But the Hot Rod Patrol, with the help of Countdown and Groundshaker, exposed the scheme in the middle of the brawl. Though Ultra Magnus was simply happy to continue fighting the good fight afterwards, fellow Autobot Fortress Maximus had become thoroughly disgusted with conflict in the aftermath. Fortress resigned from his post and deserted the Autobot army, tossing his gun at Ultra Magnus's feet as he went. Victims of the Revolution

In the present day, Ultra Magnus was reactivated following the Great Shutdown, Revelation and begrudgingly took the role of security officer under Shockwave, who had ushered in a new peace. Though Magnus suspected Shockwave had some shady personal projects, he thought the threat of these were minimal compared to the greater promise of peace, and willingly helped Shockwave.

Ultimately, in 2003, Optimus Prime and the rest of the missing Autobots were discovered on a planet called Earth, where Prime and Megatron had awakened and rekindled the Transformer Civil War. Ultra Magnus and a team of Decepticons traveled to Earth and approached Prime's Autobots, asking for their understanding and their surrender, lest they disrupt Cybertron's new peace. New World Order Though a few were willing to give in to Magnus, most were not. Optimus Prime sent a team of Autobots secretly out the Ark's back door, while the rest of his troops approached Magnus and submitted to his demands. Prime still harbored ill feelings towards his brother, and in moment of weakness, Prime punched Magnus to the ground, calling him a traitor. Out of sympathy, Ultra Magnus did not retaliate, though he warned Prime that he would not allow himself to be struck again without repercussions.

When it comes to group shots, Magnus isn't a team player.

Ultra Magnus transported his captives to Cybertron, where Shockwave announced that for the good of Cybertron, Prime and the others would be deactivated. Magnus, of course, disapproved of this decision. Brothers' Burden He angrily confronted Shockwave, who showed Magnus footage of Optimus Prime and Megatron in a recent, heated battle in San Francisco, and this did not flatter the mental state of the combatants. Still, Magnus was not convinced, and he went to the High Council to address his fears of giving Shockwave too much control. His audience with the council was interrupted by grave news: the Stunticons had been unleashed from prison, and Menasor was tearing apart Iacon. In response, Ultra Magnus assembled the Wreckers. Cold War

Though casualties were high, Ultra Magnus was able to take down Menasor by turning his components against its team leader, Motormaster. While Menasor was confused, Magnus rammed into him in vehicle mode, separating the combiner. Suspecting Shockwave was somehow behind all this, Magnus left to confront him. On his way there, Magnus put a missile in Grimlock's head, quelling the Dinobots' own little rampage. Passive Aggression Magnus ordered Perceptor to put them into the CR chambers immediately.

And then Takara saw this and were all like, "Oh, crap, that's right, we can do redecoes, can't we?"

Finally, Ultra Magnus arrived in Shockwave's throne room and ordered the former Decepticon to stand down. Shockwave had a different idea and shot him in the back. As Magnus staggered out, he met Prime, who was also on his way to tussle with Shockwave, and he apologized to his brother for going astray. Magnus collapsed. Countdown to Extinction A short time later, he got up to his feet and slowly made his way back into the throne room, though he was crumbling as he went. When he reached his destination, Magnus had shed his super robot form, leaving only his smaller inner robot. Seeing Prime had been defeated, Magnus attacked Shockwave. Though Ultra Magnus lost his arm to Shockwave's ruthlessness, Magnus was ultimately able to toss Shockwave into the pit in the center of the room. Grimlock carried both Prime and Magnus's heavily damaged forms out of the throne room, but not without insulting them constantly. Magnus, like Prime, suspected that despite Shockwave's defeat, their hardships were only just beginning. Revelation

Optimus Prime was kept in stasis due to his minor injuries, while despite the complete destruction of his armor and the removal of his arm, Ultra Magnus was quickly reassembled and back on duty. Generation 1 #0 Meanwhile, reports of a strange disturbance in a hidden Decepticon laboratory caught Magnus's attentions, but no one thought it was very significant. Black Sunshine In the wake of Shockwave's dethroning, Prowl was having trouble addressing public concerns, but Ultra Magnus was able to speak to the crowd empathetically. Skyfire Later, Magnus checked in on Prowl to see if he had any leads on the lab disturbance, and advised the overworked security officer to rest more. The Omega Effect Prowl and a team of Autobots soon left to construct an Autobot City on Earth, leaving Magnus to coordinate Autobot affairs on Cybertron. The Route of All Evil

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

Ultra Magnus GIJoevsTFsII2.jpg

Ultra Magnus was among the Autobot forces resisting Shockwave's rule of Cybertron, and was shocked when he witnessed Wheeljack get zapped by energy and vanishing. Investigating the disappearance along with Perceptor, Magnus found that the powerful Teletran 3 computer had malfunctioned and sent various Cybertronians dispersed throughout various points in Earth's timeline. After erecting a force field around Teletran 3 to prevent Shockwave and his forces from taking control of it, Ultra Magnus made a plan together with the G.I. Joes and Cobra members whom had been transported to Cybertron by the computer. As he was feeding the force field with his own power and Perceptor was operating Teletran 3, it was up to the humans to travel back in time and retrieve the lost Transformers, or else time travel "feedback" would lead to the destruction of Earth. Unfortunately, his force field could only stay up for twelve hours at best. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #1 Six hours later, only one of four teams had returned. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #2 By the time the third team returned, Ultra Magnus's force field had dissipated and the Autobot had been gunned down by Shockwave's troops. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #3

Optimus realizes he's seen too much.

Fortunately his wounds weren't lethal, and some time later, Ultra Magnus joined a team of Autobots preparing to rescue Optimus Prime from Serpent O.R.'s imprisonment. The Art of War #4 After receiving reinforcements from G.I. Joe, they attacked, they attacked the Decepticon base and fought against Serpent O.R.'s army. While urging his comrades to never give up, Ultra Magnus helped with a barrage of weaponsfire against Trypticon's throat. After the defeat of Serpent O.R., he attended Bumblebee's funeral alongside Hot Rod and Arcee. The Art of War #5

A few months later, Ultra Magnus was put in control of Cybertron while Optimus Prime left for Earth to investigate a mysterious signal from outer space. When Hot Rod hurt Prime's feelings by accusing him of doing things himself because he felt guilty about Bumblebee's death, Magnus told the young Autobot that he really needed to learn when to stay quiet. Black Horizon, Part 1 of 2

Mini Mayhem!

Bumblebee approached Ultra Magnus, and asked him if he could borrow some cash. Ultra Magnus told his friend that the vending machine he had been spending all his money on was just using him, and Bumblebee loudly protested to this, claiming that Ultra Magnus simply didn't understand their love. Mini Mayhem!

2005 IDW continuity

Cybertronian Nesting Doll

Having fought alongside Orion Pax to contain the Decepticons since the early days of the war, Ultra Magnus rose in prominence to become one of the mightiest warriors in the Autobot ranks. During the Great War, Ultra Magnus served with distinction in many battles, famously flouting death at every angle.

At least, this is what the population of Cybertron believes. In reality, the real Ultra Magnus died early in the war, but his legend was kept alive by Chief Justice Tyrest, who fashioned the "Magnus Armor" in his image and bestowed it upon a series of successors—including Blockus, Datum, Ramp, Suture, and Convoy—to make it appear as though Magnus was an unstoppable, undefeatable "immortal lawman". When Tyrest brokered a treaty between the Autobots and Decepticons known as the Tyrest Accord, the various holders of the Ultra Magnus name served as its Duly Appointed Enforcer.

The Ultra Magnus of the modern era was Minimus Ambus, who would take a post somewhat external to the Autobot army upon taking up the role. He travelled the galaxy enforcing the Tyrest Accord and upholding the Code of Interplanetary Conflict, a treaty between Autobots, Decepticons and other alien races. As an enforcer of the Accord, Magnus hunted down any Transformers, Autobots and Decepticons alike, who illegally sold or distributed Cybertronian technology, handing them over to their superiors for prosecution. His hunt for his persistent enemy Scorponok took him to Nebulos, and he later became embroiled in the Autobots' attempts to counteract an incursion by the forces of the Dead Universe.

After a stint on Earth assisting the Autobots in the wake of the Surge, and the defeat of D-Void and the Decepticons, Ultra Magnus accompanied Rodimus and crew aboard the Lost Light on their quest to find the Knights of Cybertron, serving as Rodimus's second-in-command. After a near-fatal encounter with Overlord and an automated return to a now-insane Tyrest, Ambus's true identity was revealed to the crew. Although he gave up his role as the Duly Appointed Enforcer of the Tyrest Accord to Fortress Maximus, he continues to wear his armor—because regardless of who he might be underneath it, to his friends and crewmates, he is still, and has always been, the Ultra Magnus.

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

The paranoid Predacon, Killer Punch, believed that Ultra Magnus was secretly a Decepticon agent. Beast Wars Sourcebook #2

Hearts of Steel


Ultra Magnus was among the Autobots who battled the Decepticons on Earth millions of years ago, until an ice age forced them to hide underground, powered down. He was reactivated in the mid-19th century when the Autobots learned that the Decepticons had woken up. Hearts of Steel #3

"Strange Visitors" establishes that events identical to those of Hearts of Steel and Infestation 2 occur in the 2005 IDW continuity; however, they happened to Maximal explorers brainwashed by Shockwave into believing they were the Autobots and Decepticons of the Great War.

Lil Formers

Ultra Magnus reviewed all of the Seekers and what set them apart for your benefit! Lil Formers

3H comics

At some point, Ultra Magnus told Rodimus about his encounter with a Quintesson banishment chamber. Wreckers: Finale Part II

Mystery of Convoy

For further information, see: #Games

Famicom How-to Manga: Transformers: Mystery of Convoy

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Mystery of Convoy comic

Mystery of Convoy strategy guide manga

After avoiding both of its Kabusu units, Ultra Magnus was able to destroy the Devilstar Mecha Planet by transforming into his vehicle mode, and shooting at if from bellow. Use Trailer Mode to Defeat the Mecha Planet! When it came to confronting the similar Double Devilstar, Ultra Magnus opted to blast the first one in his robot mode before repeating his previous strategy to destroy to second of the pair. Transform to Defeat the Twin Planets One by One! He later leaped to great heights in order to get a bead on the weak spot of the Decepticons' ship, and managed to land his shot to destroy the vessel. Use Jump-and-Shoot to Deal with the Decepticon Ship Ultra Magnus was next confronted by the Stunticons, who merged and attacked him in the form of Menasor. After avoiding a blast from the Combiner, Ultra Magnus managed to blast him in his vulnerable point; his forehead crest. Menasor's Weak Point is His Forehead! Later, Ultra Magnus battled another combiner: Bruticus. After avoiding this opponent's sneak attack, Ultra Magnus was able to blast Bruticus in the forehead as well, defeating him. Watch Out for Bruticus's Shoulder Beam! Later still, Ultra Magnus found himself before Megatron, who towered over him. Though he was scorched by the Decepticon leader's flamethrower, Ultra Magnus recovered and retaliated, using his "Hyper Jump Shot" to rain down volleys of laser blasts on Megatron, defeating him. Showing up at Last! It's Megatron the Leader!


To die game begins.jpg

The Ultra Magnuses of various universal streams had different roles to play in the mind-bending cross-dimensional war between the hyper-evolved future Autobots known as the Alternity and the Megatron Aggregate.

When the universal stream of Primax 1286.3 Kappa was chosen by Diamond Black Megatron to play host to a "game full of death and suffering" of his own devising, Megatron's opponent, Ultimate Silver Optimus Prime, was allowed to pick one inhabitant of this universe to be his champion, and to battle the horde of Decepticons Megatron would empower. Loathe as he was to use him like a chess piece, Prime selected Ultra Magnus and imbued him with a portion of his power. Even with this added strength, though, Prime knew that Magnus's resilience and determination were truly his greatest weapons. To Die Game!

The Magnus of another, unknown universal stream also found himself pulled into the Alternity's war when the Megatron of his world joined the Aggregate and began razing his Cybertron with his increased power, forcing the Autobots to step up their efforts to protect the planet's citizens. While patrolling Sector 51, Administrative Official Magnus entered City #14, which had recently been freed from Decepticon occupation. Walking amidst the disheveled and displaced citizens, Magnus burned a huge Autobot brand into the ground, marking the city as Autobot territory.

Suddenly, a dazzling being of light appeared to him, referring to him by the military rank of "Ultra"; a rank he did not yet possess. Then, another Ultra Magnus who had joined the Alternity, sporting an auto-avatar looking very much like Optimus Prime, stepped through a glowing portal, asking Magnus to join him. Magnus then shook hands with Prime, joining the Alternity collective and sharing the consciousness of every Magnus across the multiverse. Magnus then vowed to use his newfound power to bring peace to Cybertron... as Ultra Magnus! Nissan GT-R / Ultra Magnus (Brilliant Pearl White)

Henkei! Henkei! BunBun manga

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Kingdom of Giants

Transformers: All Spark

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Ray of Hope Great Aspirations Conclusion

Kre-O online manga

KreO Magnus Nula.jpg

After being asked to by Megatron, the Autobots attacked the Decepticon Base and chased away Vortex. In thanks, Megatron hosted a gathering in the base, which Ultra Magnus attended. A Reliable Warrior!? Vortex the Lookout from Hell

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

So is everyone just gonna ignore the time Ultra Magnus was the god of death?

Ultra Magnus was the legendary Autobot god of death, said in ancient sources to be a dark angel opposed by Metatron, the Angel of Light. Black Cybertron He was believed to have destroyed Blackarachnia, though she was later found to be alive. Everybody Hates Metroplex Following the death of Optimus Prime, Duke and Rodimus arrived to see Magnus carrying Optimus's body away.Earth: R.I.P.

Ultra Magnus returned at the eleventh hour, crashing through the eye of Primus to challenge Megatron to a duel. The Decepticon leader accepted, and at the combatants travelled to the Dyson sphere that had sprang up around the Sun. Magnus managed to steal the Matrix from Megatron; opening his armor, Ultra Magnus revealed the resuscitated form of Optimus Prime. In the aftermath, he stayed on Cybertron, now under the control of Rodimus Imhotep. The War Never Ends

Q-Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Akira Ishida (Japanese)

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Mystery of Mystery of Convoy Mystery of Return of Convoy

Ask Vector Prime

In one universe, the Cyberdroid Minimum Ambus underwent the Bravemaster process to binary-bond with Ultra Magnus. They were the first but not the last to do so. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/15

In Primax 092.0 Beta, Ultra Magnus was a student of Hyperion at the Elite Guard academy before the outbreak of the Great War. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/16

Primax 209.0 Gamma was one universe where Ultra Magnus and Ultra Mammoth were two separate individuals. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/27

Prime Wars Trilogy marketing material

POTP vote Ultra Magnus.jpeg
It is a hero’s duty to continue the fight until the final triumph is won.

Ultra Magnus was a potential bearer of the Matrix of Leadership. As a force for honor, Ultra Magnus planned to wield the Matrix with a sense of duty and justice to respect the legacy of Optimus Prime and his forefathers. Instead, the Matrix went to Optimus Primal. Power of the Primes fan poll

War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material


On Cybertron, Ultra Magnus was a Ground Command Infantry Major, whose function was City Commander. Siege webpage[1] During the finals days of the war for Cybertron, Ultra Magnus was deployed to Tagan Heights as part of a fortification and repair team after it had sustained heavy damage due to its strategic value in the war effort. Needless to say, the region was lost and left in ruins, leaving nothing but scraps for salvage operations on the outskirts led by Ratchet. Siege Teletraan-1 Data Files[1]

War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon

Voice actor: Edward Bosco (English), Kazuhiko Inoue (Japanese), Marcio Dondi (Portuguese), Nicolas Justamon (French), Peter Lontzek (German), Paco Gisbert (Castilian Spanish), Idzi Dutkiewicz (Latin-American Spanish), Sahil Vaid (Hindi)

Having been mentored by Alpha Trion alongside Optimus Prime and Megatron to bring change and goodness to Cybertron, Earthrise episode 5 Ultra Magnus was entrusted with the Alpha Trion Protocols after his mentor's murder. Siege episode 4 Magnus fought alongside Megatron at the battle of Tarn-Hauser Gate, where the two worked together rather effectively to achieve victory. Siege episode 2

"Erm, yes, you do not know me. My name is Sungam Artlu."

After civil war broke out, Ultra Magnus became the chief military commander of the Autobots under Optimus Prime. After years of conflict, Megatron's Decepticons seized control over most of Cybertron and the planet was reduced to an energy-starved husk. Megatron offered a treaty to the Autobots if they would surrender, but Optimus Prime refused to entertain the notion. Frustrated over Optimus Prime's continued resistance to what he considered inevitable, Ultra Magnus donned a cloak and appeared before Megatron and his Decepticons to negotiate a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Siege episode 1

Ultra Magnus and Megatron sat and talked of their shared history, but Megatron was unswayed by Magnus' pleas for peace and demanded that he order his troops to stand down. When Magnus made it clear he would not do so, Megatron had him taken away and imprisoned in a cell. News of Ultra Magnus' surrender reached the Autobots and caused some dissension in the ranks, but Optimus Prime trusted that Magnus' intentions were honorable and he would not betray them. In his cell, Ultra Magnus overheard potential plans to locate the Allspark and Shockwave's suggestion to Megatron that it could be used to forcibly reprogram the Autobots into submission. Knowing he couldn't allow this to occur, Magnus sent a secret transmission to Optimus Prime, warning the Autobots of the danger. Soundwave intercepted the transmission and an infuriated Megatron decided to use Magnus to set a trap for the Autobots with a second, phony transmission. When the trap failed, Megatron visited Ultra Magnus in his cell and demanded the location of Autobot headquarters. Magnus refused, and Megatron then decided to go forward with his plans for the Allspark. Siege episode 2

Maybe his "SPOILER" figure should have been packaged like this.

Ultra Magnus continued to resist interrogation attempts and Shockwave requested of Megatron the use of more severe methods to glean information from their prisoner. Somewhat reluctantly, Megatron authorized Shockwave to do so, and Magnus was strung-up and tortured mercilessly by the Decepticon scientist. Megatron and Jetfire observed a torture session, both with some discomfort, but Magnus refused to break. After Magnus was taken down and about to be brought back to his cell, he suddenly sprung into action, taking down his guards and stealing a gun. He charged after the departing Megatron and Jetfire and leveled the weapon at Megatron, demanding that the Decepticon leader turn and face him. However, Megatron was confident that Magnus would not shoot him in the back and dared the Autobot to do so. Magnus was indeed unable to pull the trigger, giving Jetfire the opportunity to disarm and take him down. Bound and tortured again, this time severely enough to cause grievous physical damage to his body, an agonized Magnus finally relented and told Megatron he'd give up the location of the Autobots' base. Siege episode 3

A shackled Ultra Magnus led Megatron and the Decepticons to a graveyard at Tarn-Hauser Gate, indicating that the Autobots were headquartered under Alpha Trion's memorial. However, after Magnus accessed the door to the memorial, the Decepticons found nothing but an empty room. Ultra Magnus faced Megatron with a smile and told him once again he would never betray the Autobots. Enraged, Megatron pointed his fusion cannon at Magnus' chest and fired, executing his former comrade on the spot. Magnus' body crumpled to the ground and upon his death, released the Alpha Trion protocols as a cloud of energized data that cascaded off into the sky, eventually finding a new host in Bumblebee. At Autobot headquarters, Optimus Prime sensed the passing of the protocols and became grief-stricken, realizing Ultra Magnus had died. He departed to inform the Guardians of Magnus' passing. Ultra Magnus' execution would be the final straw for Jetfire, and he decided to defect to the Autobots. Siege episode 4

"Thinking about it, Optimus got off lightly."

Back at Decepticon headquarters, Soundwave identified the energy released by Magnus' body as an undecipherable protocol that they could not track. Shockwave proposed using a computer virus he had been developing in secret to erase the code (incidentally crippling processing systems planet-wide) and deploying it using Ultra Magnus' corpse as the hub. Megatron agreed to this and Magnus' body was strung up and used to infect all of Cybertron with Shockwave's virus. Siege episode 5

The mistreatment of Magnus' body had not yet ended, however, as Megatron kept the now severed head of his old friend on his table, even speaking to it at times. Earthrise episode 1 His head remained in view when the captive Elita-1 was bought before Megatron. Elita-1 was horrified to see what Megatron had done to Magnus, and after she was hauled away, Megatron scowled to the lifeless head, telling it not to look at him that way. Earthrise episode 2

It's over Optimus! I have the high ground!

On Earth, Megatron suffered a Matrix-induced hallucination of himself grabbing the Allspark before it turned into Ultra Magnus's head and he sank into the ground. Kingdom episode 2 The Allspark later appeared to Optimus Prime in the form of Ultra Magnus. Believing the Autobot leader to be Nemesis Prime, the projection took on red eyes and rose to the sky to attack him. Megatron battled a similar projection, though the battle was cut short by Predacon Megatron and Starscream. Kingdom episode 4

When the AllSpark was returned to the Temple of the Allspark on Cybertron by Bumblebee, Ultra Magnus was among the Transformer spirits who witnessed Elita-1 strike down Galvatron and Nemesis Prime before finally reuniting with the Allspark. Kingdom episode 6

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #15 (mentioned); Galaxies #10 (full)
"When I'm in command, every mission's a suicide mission!"

Ultra Magnus was forged during the Expansion, prior to the War of the Threefold Spark. Although Magnus began his career as an ideal soldier—loyal, brave, determined, and indefatigable on the battlefield—he struggled with the concept of mercy or the cultural ramifications of war, but the efforts of his mentor Alpha Trion, including a trip to the Tarn-Hauser Gate, eventually allowed Magnus to temper his approach to both war and peace. Storm Horizon Part 2

During the War of the Threefold Spark, Ultra Magnus rose to become one of the four "Great Generals" responsible for leading the war effort against Exarchon and his allies. Megatron was one of the many Cybertronians who served under him, The Change In Your Nature Part Three and the pair fought-side-by-side on several occasions. Storm Horizon Part 1 He served throughout the entire war, and on the eve of the final battle against the Threefold Spark in Iacon he and Dai Atlas attended Highbrow's briefing regarding Exarchon's unusual physiology. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part One

By the reign of Sentinel Prime, Ultra Magnus had stepped down from active duty and joined Cybertron's Colonial Security division, who put him in charge of the Cybertronian starship Fist of Iacon. With Cybertron at peace, Magnus could slake his thirst for adventure out on the fringes of Cybertronian space, much to the bemusement of his second-in-command Chromedome, Storm Horizon Part 1 while Victory Leo served as his spaceborne escort. Storm Horizon Part 2 As a result, during the Ascenticon crisis, Magnus and his crew were too far from Cybertron for Sentinel Prime to request their assistance. The Change In Your Nature Part Three


After fighting a swarm of silicon leeches on a remote asteroid, Magnus received a message from Jazz that Alpha Trion had gone missing. Magnus tracked Trion to the distant world of Kworia, the crew fired on and shot down a nearby vessel; after sending his crew back to the Fist, Magnus explored the planet on his own and discovered a cell of organ-stealing splice-thieves run by Spinister. Though Magnus wished to arrest the criminal, Spinister—interested in the ancient Cybertronian relics Trion had set out to recover—revealed that he'd captured the rest of Magnus's crew and used them as a bargaining chip to strongarm Magnus into following Trion to the deadly Black Sphere system. Storm Horizon Part 1

After bargaining for the release of his crew, the Fist of Iacon travelled to the planet Obsidar within the Black Sphere, where Magnus discovered the Cybertronian starship Krm'zik, mobile base of ex-splice thief Octane. After easily subduing Octane, Magnus discovered that Spinister and his men had followed them to Obsidar in the hopes that Magnus would hand over the rogue trader to them. However, Magnus refused, and with a standoff inevitable Magnus called in Victory Leo to keep the rest of the splice-thieves distracted while he confronted Spinister. After ripping off the criminal's rotors, Spinister revealed that he had dealt with Alpha Trion when the old sage came through Kworia... a fact corroborated by Trion himself, who revealed that he and his would-be benefactor Soundblaster were under attack from a Kworian armada. Storm Horizon Part 2


After bringing their prisoners aboard, Magnus donned a specialized suit of spaceworthy armor and fought his way through the Kworian fleet while Trion explained their motives before finally breaching Soundblaster's ship. Despite their perilous situation, Soundblaster refused any and all attempts at rescue, and blasted Magnus with his sonic weapons when Magnus attempted to rescue Trion. Magnus held out just long enough to knock Soundblaster out, then fled the collapsing craft with Trion as Soundblaster's ship disappeared into the Black Sphere. However, as the two returned to the Fist of Iacon, they discovered that the relativistic properties of the Black Sphere meant that they'd spent more than seventy cycles within the system. Storm Horizon Part 3

As the Ascenticon crisis on Cybertron heated up, Orion Pax overstepped his authority when he suggested that Pyra Magna be released as a substitute for Magnus. Sentinel angrily refused the notion and proclaimed to his second that he would pass on the Matrix of Leadership to Ultra Magnus when he passed, not Orion. All Fall Down When Sentinel passed not long after, Orion initially intended to merely hold on to the Matrix of Leadership until he could pass it to Ultra Magnus, but the Matrix bonded with him instead and turned him into Optimus Prime. Prime While searching for Vigilem, Nosecone lamented that, among many other problems, Magnus and the Fist of Iacon had gone missing. Light/Star

After returning to Cybertron, the crew of the Fist of Iacon discovered that, in their prolonged absence, Megatron had staged a coup, overthrown the Cybertronian Senate, and seized power. Although Ultra Magnus briefly despaired that the Cybertron he'd fought for had vanished, Alpha Trion was confident that his excavations into their past would provide them with answers and assured his friends that they would survive the coming storm. Storm Horizon Part 3

Magnus and Chromedome used a shuttle to touch down inside the Autobot stronghold of Crystal City, where Orion Pax welcomed Magnus home and got him up to speed on everything that'd happened since he left. Magnus, disdainful of Megatron's autocratic methods, announced that he'd support the new Autobot leader. Test Flight I The rebels opposing Megatron united under the Autobot brand, and Ultra Magnus oversaw the unification of their forces with Optimus Prime's other lieutenants and advisors. Sea of Rust I


Optimus brought Ultra Magnus and the Prime Guard along with him when he went to consult Codexa regarding the possibility that Exarchon had survived the War of the Threefold Spark and gone into hiding. However, while Optimus communed with the elderly, half-immersant Transformer, Magnus lost contact with Ironhide, charged out to rescue him, and blundered straight into a Decepticon ambush. Although he put up an impressive fight, Hyperdrive and Flamewar incapacitated him with electrical harpoons long enough for Astrotrain to finally knock him unconscious. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part One

The Decepticons delivered the bound and captured Magnus to Megatron in Iacon; although Magnus insisted that Exarchon's looming return threatened them all, Megatron disregarded his pleas and ordered Slipstream to throw him in the Senate building with their other prisoners. While Magnus discovered that once-respected Senators like Crisscross had been condemned to a slow death via energon starvation, Smokescreen and a small team of Autobots broke into the building to rescue him, and together they fled back to their contact Swindle's bar moments before Sixshot and a team of Decepticons arrived to crack down on the known Autobot collaborator. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part Two Magnus took part in the brawl and easily punched out Sixshot before he and the others used a hidden network of tunnels to retreat back to Crystal City with the other Autobots. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part Three


Ultra Magnus took part in the subsequent siege of Crystal City, but as the Autobots lost ground Magnus helped to seal the gates to the city's innermost layer of defence before the arrival of the Titan Lodestar turned the tide in favour of the Autobots. A Dust of Crystals After Lodestar and Computron helped drive most of the Decepticons into a retreat, Magnus and the rest of Prime's inner retinue followed behind them and forced Strika to stand down. The Landscape of Fear

With the Decepticons momentarily abated due to a temporary truce, Magnus joined Prime as he surveyed the ruined Light Gardens that had once flanked Crystal City, and later joined the Autobot leader as he and his followers set out for nearby Darkmount. However, while travelling, they came under assault from a swarm of rust worms and Jhiaxus, who'd taken command of Strika's unit and knowingly violated the truce as part of a bid to eliminate the Autobots. Radical Time Magnus and the other Autobots fought the worms for as long as they could, and as they began to falter, Termagax saved them by reprogramming the Insecticlone swarm to consume the worms instead, and in doing so eliminated two threats to Cybertron in one stroke. End of Time

While on the way to Darkmount, the Autobots came under attack from the duplicitious Decepticons, who'd violated the terms of their truce in a bid to prevent the Autobots from leaving Cybertron. Because Skywarp had liberated an imploder from Exarchon's base, Magnus and the other Autobots were forced to watch as Optimus and Megatron traded blows in a final duel before Autobot reinforcements arrived and summarily disarmed Skywarp. By the time that Magnus and the other Autobots made to Darkmount, however, the Decepticons had already regrouped and pursued them to the city. Every combat-capable Autobot took to the field to buy time until the Autobot evacuation fleet could launch, and amidst the chaos Magnus fought alongside Pyra Magna. Thanks to Computron's sacrifice, the Autobots escaped; as the Ark set out towards the damaged Winged Moon, Ultra Magnus attended Optimus Prime's speech on the ship's bridge. Fate of Cybertron

My Little Pony/Transformers


Ultra Magnus and Jetfire were some of the many Transformers who'd been captured and magically enslaved by King Sombra; alongside the brainwashed Twilight Sparkle, they worked to excavate the ancient Titan Scorponok to serve as Sombra's new body. However, Sombra's defeat immediately returned all of his victims to normal. Finale

Transformers Go! Go!

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Don't Oversleep and Forget Things!! Go! Go! issue 15 Sprout Up Search QuizGo! Go! issue 44 Go! Go! issue 46

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Energon Universe

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Spoiler warning: Plot details for Transformers (2023) issue 17 follow.

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Taking on Decepticons like no one else.

Ultra Magnus saved Arcee after her clan was killed as a young age, Transformers #7 and she became his Iron Apprentice. Transformers #8 Unfortunately for him, his new pupil's lust for revenge would end up getting him gravely wounded, being stripped down to his mere skeletal structure Transformers #7 and tortured for one hundred and fifty years. Transformers #8

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Elita One led a rescue party to retrieve him and was shocked to find him in his current status. Transformers #7 Nonetheless, Elita persevered, carrying his emaciated but still massive form through the stronghold, trying to find a way out. Magnus, pushed to despair by his torture, asked Elita to put him out of his misery. Elita refused, but vowed that if the Decepticons captured them, she'd extinguish both their sparks rather than let the Decepticons have their way with them. Transformers #8 Eventually though, they found themselves cornered by the Combaticons. Magnus expressed relief at their impending demise, but Elita wouldn't give up just yet, and carried him through a mysterious corridor, unaware that it was a Space bridge

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…that led to an ongoing battle on the distant planet Earth. There, they encountered Optimus Prime, who transformed into his truck mode to carry the two castaways out of the battle. Transformers #9 Magnus was reunited with Arcee Transformers #10 and repaired by Wheeljack using energy gathered from a dam. Despite insisting to Prime that he wanted to join the resistance on Earth, Magnus was unable to bring himself to fight his captor, Shockwave, when the Autobots invaded the Nemesis to rescue Cliffjumper and Jazz, transforming and fleeing the battle. Shockwave was left to gloat about his success in breaking Magnus' mind. Transformers #11

Having made his getaway, Magnus took refuge in the San Juan Islands. There, he "lost himself" building a wooden fortress for his own protection. Transformers #17 After the Decepticons' plan had failed, Arcee, Beachcomber, Spike, and Carly formed a search party to find Magnus. Transformers #15 Transformers #16 When they approached Magnus's fortress, he opened fire on them, not realizing who they were until Arcee called out to him. Transformers #17

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Commercial appearances


Mystery of Convoy

Well, better than being just a white Optimus Prime ...

When Optimus Prime disappeared under mysterious circumstances in the year 2005, Ultra Magnus set out to find him. Magnus fought his way through a seemingly endless horde of Decepticon antagonists, including the Devilstar, the Double Devilstar, Bruticus, and Menasor, as well as attempting to recover seven energon cubes the Decepticons had stolen from Rodimus Prime. Finally, Magnus unveiled the truth—everything had been Megatron's doing all along! Besting the Decepticon leader, Magnus was then faced with a seemingly endless series of tunnels and time loops, leading him into a climactic battle with Trypticon. After Magnus dispatched the city-bot in a hard-fought battle, a new challenge rose its head, but with his energon cubes recovered through Magnus's heroism, Rodimus Prime was able to take up the fight in his stead. Transformers: Mystery of Convoy

The Transformers (PS2)

Voice actor: Barry Gjerde (English)

When Shockwave threatened the universe using Zel Quartz in 2010, Ultra Magnus was one of the Autobots warriors who travelled back in time to 2003 to prevent Zel Quartz from ever being cultivated for use by Cybertronians.

Decepticon story

While searching for Zel Quartz in the present, the Decepticons hunted down several leads, including the Jewel of Mystery. Separated from the rest of his team in the crash, Ultra Magnus and Sky Lynx defended the Jewel of Mystery from Decepticon raiders. They failed, but the Gem was not the fabled Zel Quartz in the end anyway.

Autobot story

Ultra Magnus rejoined the present and future Autobots in their campaign after the third false lead for the quartz on Zel Samine. The Transformers

Transformers Legends

Following Megatron's rebirth as Galvatron, Ultra Magnus was part of the Autobot forces led by Rodimus who scored a decisive victory over the Decepticons. All Hail Galvatron He returned to Earth to help in the rebuilding following a Decepticon assault, bringing with him Wreck-Gar and Wheelie from the planet Junkion. The trio fell victim to a surprise attack from the Insecticons. Junkion Reunion

Ultra Magnus was involved in an struggle for territory between the Autobots and the Decepticons. The battle against Galvatron and his troops ended in the Autobot's defeat, despite Ultra Magnus and Kup leading the final defences while Rodimus and Metroplex engaged Trypticon. The Colossus War Ultra Magnus, Kup and Spike were kidnapped by Skuxxoids during the Galactic Games. Five Faces of Darkness: Part 1 Though the trio were sentenced to death by the Quints, the other Autobots arrived in time to save them. Five Faces of Darkness: Part 2

Following an Decepticon assault led by Galvatron, Ultra Magnus, alongside Rodimus Prime, Arcee, and Spike were forced into taking cover within the Autobot Mausoleum. This did little to improve their situation, however, as the Decepticons continued their advance. Unexpectedly, Optimus Prime rose from his tomb, providing hope that the tide may yet turn in the Autobots' favour. This was not to be, unfortunately, as the resurrected Autobot leader left the group stranded after having received the Matrix of leadership from Rodimus. After Optimus regained his senses, the Autobots were left to mourn their leader as he sacrificed himself once more to undo the Quintesson's trap. Dark Awakening Arcee, Rodimus, Ultra Magnus and Springer were trapped in human bodies by Victor Drath and Old Snake, but still managed to foil the pair's plan to destroy Autobot City. They were later successfully returned to their robot bodies. Only Human

Ultra Magnus and Snarl were on a fact-finding mission to the planet of the Torkuli when Galvatron arrived there for treatment. They subsequently had to flee as Galvatron's treatment failed and he destroyed the planet. Web World

Ultra Magnus and Wreck-Gar intercepted Galvatron and his troops when the Decepticon leader attacked the facility that housed the slumbering Trans-Organics. As the most dangerous Trans-Organic, the Dweller, began to convert Transformers into drones through a sort of energy-vampirism, Wreck-Gar forced Ultra Magnus past the safety of a blast door. Unable to return to come to Wreck-Gar aid after the later had disabled the blast door's mechanisms, Ultra Magnus was left to figure out a way to put an end to the Dweller's menace. Both Autobots and Decepticons eventually managed to escape the Dweller and the Trans-Organics, and rocketed back to their respective bases. Dweller in the Depths

Angry Birds Transformers

Ultra Magnus appears as one of the first unlockable characters. He is portrayed by Red. He also appears as a Major version. Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers: Battle Tactics

I'm..I'm just a soldier...

Ultra Magnus participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! Transformers: Battle Tactics

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Frontiers

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The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers Operation Omega

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The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers Operation Omega

Transformers: Earth Wars

I'm not buff.... I'm just a soldier.

Soldier, law enforcer, enforcer of the Tyrest Accord, and staunch defender of Autobot principles, Ultra Magnus is all these things and more.

But while he is comfortable following orders, he isn't as happy giving them. The mantle or Matrix of Leadership doesn't sit easily on his shoulders, though with his indomitable courage and gift for battlefield improvisation under fire, he'd be the perfect choice.

He doesn't like to take much credit in doing so, but he does lead by example. Ultra Magnus bio

Ultra Magnus came through the Space bridge after Galvatron. Ultra Magnus stated he was hunting for him, because he had accidentally been placed into the wrong timeframe. Melody Keen grew fond of Magnus really fast saying that he was in human terminology "Really buff".

Ultra Magnus later tracked down Galvatron and looked for a way to stop him from summoning more of his minions to Earth. The last thing they needed was another Decepticon lieutenant looming around. Transformers: Earth Wars

Mirage reported to Ultra Magnus after spying on Straxus's interrogation; Magnus ordered Mirage to return to base. Subsequently, Magnus declared that the Autobots had to intervene before the Decepticons could get their assets in order; he asked Kup, the only Wrecker available, for the mission. Moonbase

  • Class: Special
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2 star
  • Weapons: Ultra Magnus dual wields Plasma cannons and a minigun of the same make as Silverbolt, but consistently fires one at the target in his sights.
  • Ability: Ultra Barrage: Fire 21 rockets scattered in a line around the target and fire 3 homing rockets to deal massive damage to the target.
    • Cost: 7 ability points +3 for reuses.

Ultra Magnus at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers: Forged to Fight

All these things I can do, but I'm not a leader. I'm still a soldier. Always will be.

Ultra Magnus was one of the Autobots pulled from his universe by the Quintessons and forced to fight. He eventually joins the Commander. There at least a few of him running around! As a Tactician, He builds Resistance to Physical or Energy attacks and crushes enemies' Armor stacks with his hammer. Transformers: Forged to Fight

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers Roleplaying Game

Ultra Magnus was a frontline commander and the battle-brother to Optimus Prime. While a powerful fighter and well-respected by Autobots and Decepticons alike, he saw himself as nothing more than a humble soldier and carried himself accordingly. Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook




"Do you guys think my hair would look better in blue?"
  • It was speculated by some fans for several years that, in the animated continuity, Ultra Magnus may have been created from Orion Pax's friend Dion, the same way and at the same time Prime and Elita One were rebuilt by Alpha Trion, though official word by Hasbro later stated otherwise. For further elaboration, see Who is Dion?.
  • Ultra Magnus is Optimus Prime's brother in the Dreamwave Generation One continuity. Additionally, Optimus Prime also was described as treating Ultra Magnus as his "kid brother" in TV Magazine's issue #4 of Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers manga.
  • Apparently before the decision to make Magnus a Powered Convoy recolour was used, Floro Dery created at least three original concepts, of which the third apparently formed the basis for Orion Pax in "War Dawn."
  • In the early promotional trailer/test footage for The Transformers: The Movie, Ultra Magnus can be seen in alternate Autobot City sequences in his toy's original Diaclone color scheme, indicating the final coloration may have been a late change to the toy. This footage has appeared in various Transformers DVDs over the years.
  • Simon Furman did have a rematch planned for Magnus and Galvatron in the Marvel UK comics, "but the imminent change to black & white 5-page stories meant that Time Wars pretty much had to wrap up everything, (and with two Primes in the mix, Ultra Magnus kind of got sidelined)".[2]
  • This Ultra Magnus, along with the original Optimus Prime, Rodimus Prime, and Jazz makes a cameo appearance as one of the four elders who began the space bridge project in the Cybertron episode "Balance".
  • Ultra Magnus has the honor of being quoted in scientific literature.[3]
  • Like many Kreons who appeared in the online manga before receiving a toy, Kre-O Ultra Magnus is designed from existing Kre-O parts. He uses an Inferno helmet.
  • Ultra Magnus had a Cybertronian mode designed for the War Within series.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Ultra Magnus (ウルトラマグナス Urutora Magunasu)
  • French: Ultramag (Canada)
  • Italian: Convoy
  • Mandarin: Mags (Taiwan, 馬格斯 Mǎgésī), Magnum (Taiwan Omni Productions dub, 麥農 Mài Nóng), Tōngtiān Xiǎo (China, 通天晓, "The One Who Knows Everything")
  • Portuguese: Ultra Magnum (Portugal comic)


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