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Rebugnant is a member of the Lost Bots from BotBots.
Archenemy of Repugnus.

Rebugnant is dedicated to keeping all manner of bugs and insects as far away as possible. If it buzzes, stings, scurries, or flies, she'll make sure to keep the other Lost Bots safe from them.



BotBots Official Sticker Book

Rebugnant had the power to vanquish vermin. BotBots Official Sticker Book

Lost Bots!

Rebugnant didn't accompany Dimlit's group of Lost Bots as they explored the mall looking for places where they would fit in better. When they returned, she joined in playing with them. Seeing the Lost Bots playing and laughing made Dimlit's group realize that the Lost Bots were where they all truly fit in. Lost Bots!



BotBots-toys Rebugnant.jpg
  • Music Mob (5-pack, 2019)
  • Series: 2
  • Level: 1 Star
Part of the second series of BotBots, Rebugnant is a redeco of Frohawk, transforming from a tiny robot into an insect repellent spray-can.
She is available as a blind-packaged figure in one of the "Music Mob" themed 5-packs, along with Dizzy Bones, Dumbeats, Outtacontrol, and Steve From Accounting.
This mold was also used to make Stringaling and The Poo Resistance.

  • Spoiled Rottens (8-pack, 2019)
  • Series: 2
  • Level: 1 Star
Rebugnant is also available as a blind-packaged figure in one of the "Spoiled Rottens" themed 8-packs, along with Big Cantuna, Bottocorrect, Brock Head, Nope Soap, Ollie Bite, Outtacontrol, and Sour Wing.
This pack is a "recommended minimum buy" for a complete set of Series 2 BotBots.

  • Swag Stylers (8-pack, 2019)
  • Series: 2
  • Level: 1 Star
Rebugnant is also also available as a blind-packaged figure in one of the "Swag Stylers" themed 8-packs, along with Brock Head, Chic Cheeks, Clixx, Dizzy Bones, Ollie Bite, Toughdown, and Short Edge.


  • As revealed in the BotBots Official Sticker Book, Rebugnant is a lost member of the Shed Heads.
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