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Razorclaw (Universe)

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Know that the name or term Razorclaw refers to more than one character or idea, and that you will find a list of other meanings by seeing Razorclaw (disambiguation).
Know that Razorclaw is a former Maximal from an alternate Beast Wars who became a Minion of Unicron in the Universe War.
Know that he is Razorclaw.

Know that he is Razorclaw, that his reality is not yours, and that while he may resemble Tigerhawk, Razorclaw is not he! This alternate version of Tigerhawk was corrupted by the Vok, and he killed his universe's Megatron. His body ruined and trapped between dimensions, Unicron abducted Razorclaw to be his fourth and final general.

Razorclaw has served his new master well, pillaging star systems with all of his Vok-enhanced elemental powers. These powers are further fueled by Razorclaw's short temper and deadly rage. The other generals tread lightly in his presence, as they are afraid that they may randomly enrage him. And, well, when you're led by a godlike warrior who can summon earthquakes, electrical storms, and tsunamis, you really don't want to get on his bad side. Friend and foe fear his arsenal of weaponry, which includes titanium-reinforced claws and a paralyzing ion diminisher. All these and more are utilized by a Vok-enhanced intelligence that knows few equals.

He harbors a special hatred for Optimus Primal, his former commander, whose ideals represent everything that Razorclaw has left behind. Other than his short temper, his only real weakness is his binary spark. It consists of the sparks of his home universe's Airazor and Tigatron, and their noble influence can confuse Razorclaw in times of stress. Time will tell if this influence can push itself fully to the surface.[1]



Universe CD-ROM

Please know that my name is Razorclaw. Because, well, here they don't bother to tell you.

On an alternate Cybertron, that universe's Optimus Primal was leading the Autobots Snarl, Silverbolt, and Striker against Razorclaw, Reptillion [sic], Obsidian, Tankor, and Blackarachnia in the most intense day of fighting that year. Just as the combatants were really beating the slag out of each other, they were interrupted by a mysterious spaceship that swooped down, sucked the Decepticons up on beams of light, and flew away. None of the combatants realized that it was taking its captives to Unicron for use in a massive army. Universe CD-ROM

Universe comic

In a timeline where Silverbolt's stasis pod crashed on the far side of Earth, Megatron was able to easily slaughter the remaining Maximals. The last two survivors—Airazor and Tigatron—were eventually abducted by the Vok and fused together into Tigerhawk. When Megatron's reign over Earth threatened the Vok's own presence on the planet, the Vok deployed Tigerhawk to stop the Predacons once and for all. Tigerhawk managed to kill Megatron, but was himself almost destroyed by the resulting timestorm, since Megatron had by that point already absorbed the Spark of his namesake. The collapse of reality warped Tigerhawk's worldview and loosened the Vok's control over him.

"You know it, I know it, and the American people know it."

Sensing an opportunity, Unicron poached Tigerhawk from the ruins of his home universe as his final herald. Hoping to distance himself from his past, he took on the name Razorclaw, after the original leader of the Predacons. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/07 Unicron put Razorclaw in charge of his other three generals: Reptilion, Tankor, and Obsidian. He immediately put his elemental powers to use, pillaging nearby star systems to glorify his fallen master.

But Unicron required something more. The Chaos Bringer needed to feed off the sparks of fallen Transformers to fully regain his strength. To these purposes, Razorclaw oversaw the Cauldron, along with the other generals. Here, Transformers from across the multiverse were abducted into this sub-Unicron dimension, where they fought each other gladiator-style inside an arena. When one Transformer fell, its extinguished spark was consumed by Unicron, bringing him ever-closer to complete reactivation.

"Ask me again and I'll tell you the same."

This continued for a time, until one particular party of multidimensional abductees was paraded before him. One of its members, the Maximal Silverbolt, recognized him as Tigerhawk. Razorclaw confirmed the familiarity and explained who he was and why they were here. Abduction

While other members of that party, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, were forced to battle in the arena, Razorclaw spotted an intruder in their midst: Optimus Primal, plucked from death by Primus himself! Razorclaw tackled the resurrected gorilla, laughing. Was this the best opponent Primus could muster? Though Primal mistook him for Tigerhawk at first, Razorclaw quickly corrected him. After working himself free, Primal grabbed the energy weapons that Sideswipe and Sunstreaker had been given and used them against the general. This only angered Razorclaw, but unfortunately for him, his Vok-powered attacks were merely fuel for Primal's body, and after a few more attacks, Razorclaw was temporarily subdued.

All of the prisoners contained within the Cauldron were released, and though Razorclaw and his lieutenants pursued them, Primal led nearly all of them to safety. Only Blackarachnia and Shadow Striker stayed behind, seduced by Unicron's influence. Escape Homecoming

Razorclaw was a combatant during the final battle between the Children of Primus and the Minions of Unicron within the Chaos-Bringer's body. Razorclaw flew through the air, where he blew up Gunbarrel and Sky Blast. This battle ended prematurely as Unicron himself vanished beneath them, somehow due to the Unicron Singularity. Optimus Primal and his warriors were able to escape through a dimensional portal to their home dimensions while the Minions were left to their doom. Revelations Part 2

Razorclaw managed to escape the Cauldron after the end of the Universe War, continuing to spread destruction wherever he went. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/07

Beast Wars: Uprising

Razor-Claw was a bombastic Predacon warlord who seized control of Cybertron's three moons during the Grand Uprising. An antagonistic third party in the conflict, he clashed with Slammoth of the Resistance space fleet several times. When the war ended in victory for the proto-races, Razor-Claw and his faithful second-in-command Obsidian attended the peace talks in Hyperious. When the Cybertronian Parliament was established, Razor-Claw had Obsidian serve as representative of his lunar nation. Derailment


Transformers Roleplaying Game

Razorclaw was a “Universal Warlord” and a rare example of a Transmetal II Fuzor. Technorganic Secrets


Universe (2003)

Know that I am Razorclaw, that I look like something from a black velvet painting, and that I am $19.99.
  • Razorclaw (Ultra Class, 2003)
  • Accessories: 2 missiles, 2 feather-missiles, 2 launchers
  • Known designers: Marcelo Matere (packaging artist)
Part of the first wave of Universe Ultras, Razorclaw is a dark gray and purple redeco and slight retool of Beast Wars Tigerhawk, transforming into a winged mechanical/organic tiger with a bird-helmeted "attack mode". In attack mode, he is armed with "feather" missiles very similar to the Fuzor Silverbolt's, with spring-loaded switches to flip the wings forward, and flip-out missile launchers which activate when a lever on Razorclaw's back is pulled (which also moves the wings). A bird helmet that is usually hidden mostly behind the tiger head is deployed in this mode. (The normal beast mode points these missiles backwards and uses the normal tiger head.) Under his beast head is a small cockpit with an empty pilot's chair, a vestigial remnant of his aborted "third mode."
Razorclaw's hind leg talons are also spring-loaded to snap closed when the palms are depressed. His beast mode tiger head has an articulated jaw and an articulated tongue! The flip-out missile launchers can be removed and pegged into the top and bottom of Razorclaw's left fist pegholes.
His feather-missile launcher mechanisms were slightly retooled from the original version of the toy. Though his toy is a Decepticon by allegiance, it keeps its sculpted Maximal logo. Being a redeco of a Transmetal 2 figure, Razorclaw has a spark crystal, albeit a Beast Machines-era Maximal one covered with a tamographed Decepticon insignia.
In Japan, this toy was sold via e-HOBBY as a USA Edition release beginning in August 2003. The only changes were Japanese stickers added to the Hasbro Universe packaging.


  • Know that his name is Razorclaw.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Razorclaw (レーザークロー Rēzākurō)


  1. Information taken from Razorclaw's bio and the profile published in Transformers Universe #1
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