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Power Jaguar

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Power Jaguar is a Beastformer from the Generation 1 continuity family.
In the sky, a red sun shines / Power Jaguar, Power Jaguar! Our Jaguar! / When Beast is in danger, a strong punch to the bad guys / Power Jaguar, punch punch punch!

Young and inexperienced but full to bursting with enthusiasm for justice, Power Jaguar (パワージャガー Pawā Jagā) puts his all into everything he does. A former student of Platinum Tiger, he roared onto the scene during the Great War for planet Beast, quickly impressing and befriending fellow big cats White Leo and Golder, rising the the rank of Deputy Chief of the land attack forces. Though a powerful fighter, capable of head-butting even giant boulders into gravel with ease, his real standout skill is his incredible speed and agility. He can tear through difficult mountain terrain, dense woods or soggy swamp as easily as if he was streaking through an open field.

Following the war, he became King of his homeland Arxan, and his energies were funneled into an unusual outlet for the young warrior: invention. Without bad beasts to fight, his need to help drove him to come up with new ideas for the betterment of his people. Though he can be a little flighty, bouncing from one project to the next, his skill is unquestionable, especially when working with his subordinate Emperor, the eager and creative architect Beavop. Jaguar's MVP Weapon, the Jag Spear (ジャッグスピア Jaggu Supia) can fire an ether beam that breaks objects down at the molecular level, restructuring them into whatever shape Jaguar chooses. Using this weapon to provide Beavop with easily-manipulated raw materials, the pair are capable of amazing construction feats.



Transformers: Beastformers

Meet the Jaguar (sweet horn stings play)
  • Power Jaguar (Beastformer, 1987)
    • ID number: 31
    • Pack: D
    • Accessories: Spear
Part of the second series of Takara's Beastformers toys, Power Jaguar is an anthopomorphic yellow jaguar in red robotic armor. Though he has raised molded "spots", they are unpainted. The Battle Emblem on his chest reveals one of three symbols when warmed up; Fire, Water or Wood.
He usually comes with a gold spear weapon marked with the same ID number as on his back. However, Beastformers is notorious for toys coming with someone else's weapon; it's unclear if this was just originally poor QC, but in the sequel series, this semi-random weaponry was actually turned into a "gimmick".
He was only available in the "D Pack" assortment, and came in a green-grid generic "Cybertron Beastformer" box. He came with a bio card with a painted character image on a jungle backdrop, though there was a chance his bio card would instead be replaced with the rare "Bewitching Serpent Seal" card featuring Cobrander.
In the Hasbro Battle Beasts line, he came in red armor as well as a rarer blue-armor variant (the color shown on the Battle Beasts cast poster). It is uncertain if the blue-armor version was sold in the Takara line, but it does not appear likely that it was.


Meiji candy toys

  • Ramune Beastformers Battle Card (1988)
    • Meiji ID number: 29
A gold-foil "Battle Card" of Power Jaguar, featuring his painted character art from his original bio card, was available in randomly-packed sets of cards that came with ramune-flavored candy tablets, sold by candy/snack company Meiji, during the post-Transformers "RPG" sequel series. The back of the card features a severely truncated bio, with data for the game from the Meiji chocoball SD figures' packaging.
Though this card shows line-art of a super-deformed Power Jaguar toy, no actual toy was ever produced.


  • Power Jaguar's 1987 poster-checklist art not only shows him in the blue armor variant that was probably never sold in Japan, but it gives him a weird, unidentifiable lump of vaguely-weapon-shaped thing in silver, rather than his actual spear. His 1988 character art was edited to correct both mistakes.
  • As he was not sold in the post-Transformers sequel series and thus had no bio card, his "RPG"-era bio comes from the Hero Special 4: Beastformers mook. This bio gives him the nickname "Jarg" (ジャーグ Jāgu).

Foreign names

  • English: Jaded Jag
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