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Optimus Prime (G1)/merchandise

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Optimus Prime is a bit of a shill.


Stamp Bot

Truck stamp is cool!
  • Optimus Prime (1984)
Made by HG Toys, Stamp Bot Optimus Prime is a small, non-poseable figurine of Optimus Prime based on his toy with a rubber stamp on the base, and a cap with a felt "floor" that was soaked in ink. The stamp made an image of Optimus Prime's cab mode.

Knitting Pattern

Here to transform your sweater into something that will get your ass kicked.
  • Wendy DK 3015 (1986)
Produced by U.K. company Wendy DK and designed by Joy Gammon, this pamphlet contained patterns for two Transformers-themed sweaters, one featuring Optimus Prime in robot mode, one featuring Optimus Prime in vehicle mode. The patterns were sized as Children's Large, so you're going to have to upscale it quite a bit if you want your girlfriend mom to knit you one.

Oral Care Station

  • Optimus Prime Oral Care Station (1984/85?)
An electric toothbrush in the likeness of Optimus Prime. A battery-operated feature causes the toothbrush (attached at Prime's left wrist) to move back and forth. The set also included a cup for water, an extra brush head, and a stand to hold the various accoutrements.

The Transformers Cookie Jar

  • The Transformers Cookie Jar (1984?)
A ceramic cookie jar in the likeness of Optimus Prime's head. The top of Prime's head lifts off for the storage of delicious baked goods or Energon or what-have-you. The cookie jar was manufactured by Great American Housewares under license from Hasbro.

Transformers Milk Caramel

Note: Do not eat! ... the candy. The toys taste better.
  • Convoy (1985)
    • ID number: 1
A small soft-rubber figurine (known as a keshigomu in Japan) of Optimus Prime was released as part of Kabaya's line of Transformers Milk Caramel candy toys. Like all the figures from the 1985 range, Prime came blindpacked, and was available in a variety of colors including white, blue, yellow, green and orange. As the name of the series suggests, he came with a piece of caramel candy.
  • Convoy (1985)
    • ID number: 1
A second Optimus Prime keshigomu was included in the second wave of Milk Caramel figures, sporting some broader proportions and more toy-based design cues like visible wheels, holding its gun in its left hand, rather than its right. This figure was available in red, yellow and blue variations; a baffling variant is known to exist with a Decepticon symbol on its left shoulder!
  • Convoy (1985)
    • ID number: 2
The second Milk Caramel wave also contained a third Optimus Prime figure, largely identical to the second, except with its gun in its right hand, and holding its left arm aloft. Again, this figure was available in red, yellow and blue variations.

Transformers Choco

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  • Convoy (1985)
A small solid-color snap-together model kit of Optimus Prime was released by Kabaya as part of their Transformers Choco line, coming packaged with small chocolate candies similar to M&M's called "Chocolate Dots". The kit can transform from robot to vehicle mode, though this version of Prime doesn't have any hands.

  • Convoy (1985)
    • Accessories: Two fists
A second Choco version of Prime was upsized from the first a little, and was given a pair of removable fists, the right one clutching Prime's ion blaster.

Transformers Gum

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  • Convoy (1985)
    • Accessories: Two fists, ion blaster
In addition to the small Choco model kit, Kabaya also released a larger version of Prime under their Transformers Gum line. Essentially a downsized version of the original Prime toy (sans trailer), the kit is sculpted from black, red, and grey plastic, features stickers rather than paint applications for details, and came with a stick of gum.

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  • Convoy (2010)
    • Accessories: Ion blaster
The first wave of 2010's revival of the Transformers Gum series served up a double dose of Prime, beginning with this new model kit of the original Generation 1 version of the character. Sculpted from white, red, and blue plastic, the kit features a positively ungodly amount of stickers to make it look presentable and comes with Prime's traditional ion blaster weapon, which stores on the rear of his cab in vehicle mode.
In terms of transformation, Convoy partially partforms, as the forearms are needed to be removed and attach it back during conversion.

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  • Convoy (2010)
    • Accessories: Smokestacks/laser cannon
The second Prime figure in the 2010 Gum line was this kit of his Classics/Henkei! Henkei! body. As with the Generation 1 model, this figure is made from white, red and blue plastic and uses lots of stickers. It comes with the Classics' figure's transforming smokestack/laser cannon weapon.
Much like his aforementioned G1 self, his arms also need to be partformed into robot mode.

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  • Star Convoy (2014)
    • Accessories: Cannon, Roller/ treads, car mode Hot Rodimus
Released as part of the 8th wave of Kabaya's 2009 series of standard model kits, Star Convoy is a snap-together model kit that can transform into a futuristic big rig. Like the full-sized Star Convoy toy, this model kit can assume a battle station mode and also includes a diminutive and non-transformable Hot Rodimus in car mode that can interact with the base mode ramps. Like most other Kabaya model kits, Star Convoy has no paint applications and relies on stickers for added details.
Owing to the original toy's simple engineering, Star Convoy does not require any disassembly to transform into robot mode, making him one of the few non-partforming Kabaya figures. He does, however, need to have his Microcarrier wheel base detached (which was also an option on the original toy) to fully access a significant improvement over his older self: some newly-added leg articulation! The Microcarrier also doubles as a shield that can be attached to the robot's left arm.

Hero Set

  • Convoy (1985)
    • ID number: 01
    • Accessories: Laser rifle
A large keshigomu of Optimus Prime was produced by TakaraTomy licensee Maruka Toys. Packaged on a blister card, the static, unposeable Prime figure came with a removable laser rifle, and featured a few small stickers for colour and detail. Maruka also produced a Megatron figure in the same scale, and both Prime and he were available in red, yellow or green.


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  • Cybertron Hero Collection 22 (multi-pack, 1986)
  • Defeat Trypticon Strategy Game (board game, 1986)
Optimus Prime was among the many characters rendered by Takara as part of their series of 1.5" keshigomu figurines. Like all the Autobots in the series, Prime was molded in soft red rubber, and featured a number sculpted into his back that was the sum total of his Tech Specs, for use in the various games that could be played with the figurines. Prime was available as part of a 22-piece box set of Autobot figures, as a playing piece in the Defeat Trypticon Strategy Game, and later, in a peach coloration randomly packed as part of various other box sets.
  • Optimus Prime (1987)
    • Checklist number: 31
The Prime figurine was later brought over to Hasbro markets as part of the "Decoy" promotion, largely identical to the Japanese release except for the fact that the number on his back was replaced with a simple "checklist" number (31, in Prime's case). Like all Autobot Decoys, he was a randomly-chosen pack-in available with the carded Throttlebots, Aerialbots, Protectobots and Technobots.

Vinyl figurine

Vinyl Prime leads his decoys into battle before the great storm.
  • Scramble Gun Set (1986)
    • Japanese ID number: Part.1
Optimus Prime was one of several characters released by Seven and Takara as large vinyl figurines in a variety of different novelty sets. Prime came packaged with a roleplay pistol (the titular "Scramble Gun"), an Autobot badge, and four randomly assigned peach-colored decoy figures. In "Part.2" of the set Prime is replaced by a vinyl Ultra Magnus.

Gold Convoy Trophy

Thou will worship this golden convoy. Or Perish!
  • Optimus Prime (trophy, 1988)
A gold chrome trophy in the likeness of Optimus Prime was given as an award to an unknown number of distinguished Takara employees and as a Lucky Draw (alongside the Silver Chromedome Trophy) in TV Magazine in 1988. The two different releases have different plaques but appear to be otherwise identical. If you're an Optimus Prime merchandise completist, good bloody luck finding this one.

Vehicle Play Tent

Both a big truck and a series of tubes.
  • ERO (1984?)
The Vehicle Play Tent was part of the deluge of Transformers merchandise in the 80s. The tent was constructed by means of a series of plastic tubes that fit into sockets on corner pieces (similar to the "k'nex" building system that arrived a few years later), then a vinyl cover was slipped over this PVC skeleton to make the tent.

Generation 2

  • Optimus Prime (Dairy Queen promotion, 1994)
Rare, in a raw chicken sort of way.
Released in Dairy Queen's 'Kid's Pick-Nic!' meals in 1994, this hunk of red and blue plastic is the first known Optimus Prime kids' meal toy and also probably the worst, sporting no transformation and zero articulation of any sort, with an included sticker sheet for detailing that doesn't particularly resemble any iteration of the character.
These can be pretty hard to find, owing to their limited distribution compared to the average fast food promotion. Being pretty forgettable as toys probably didn't help either, if we're being honest.

  • Optimus Prime Inflatable Bop Bag
OptimusPrime G2 Inflatable Bop Bag.jpg
Released in 1993 by Kid Dimension, a subsidiary of Hasbro,[1] this 3 foot tall Inflatable Bop Bag featured the likeness of Optimus Prime above the Transformers Generation 2 logo. Supposedly to encourage kids to punch out Optimus Prime?


I'm expensive! (Metallic Version Pictured)
  • Convoy (1999/2000)
    • Japanese ID number: MFC-01
    • Accessories: Ion Blaster, Autobot Matrix of Leadership, alternate hand, unpainted rifle, Matrix, helmet and hand
Metalforce Convoy is a large vinyl figurine produced by Time House sculpted to very closely resemble Optimus Prime as he appeared in the original television series, and at the time was the most accurate product depiction of Optimus Prime's cartoon appearance.
The figure has useful swivel joints at the shoulders and neck, and not-so-useful ones at the wrists and knees. It comes fully painted and pre-assembled, but true to his garage figure origins his Ion blaster must be cut free using a hobby knife, then assembled. His clear blue chest window piece is removable to allow the installation of his Matrix of Leadership, as is a Movie-style Matrix cover (not pictured). He also comes with an alternate hand that allows him to hold his accessories, as well as unpainted and uncut duplicates of his Matrix, hands, and helmet, which probably meant for those who wanted to duplicate them with resin and/or wish to modify/paint know how garage kit modellers do.
Metalforce Prime was available in both a matte-paint "anime" version that more precisely echoed the colors of the actual series, and a metallic-paint version (pictured), which is less show-accurate but more shiny. The plain-colors version was the first release and have an Autobot symbol tampograph on his shoulder as per the cartoon, while the later metallic-finish version instead came with a decal sheet.


  • Convoy (2000)
Choro-Q Convoy is a redeco of the Domra Truck toy from Takara's Choro-Q toyline of non-transforming super deformed vehicles. He was an exclusive at BotCon Japan 2000, and features a pull-back motor and a rear license plate that reads "BotCon Japan 2000".
Along with Choro-Q Ligier and Megatron, Convoy was given out randomly to convention attendees. Each toy was limited to 1000 pieces.

Super Collection Figure

  • Convoy (2000)
    • Act: 1
    • Accessories: Stand
A three-inch tall PVC figurine of Optimus Prime was available as part of the first wave of Takara's Super Collection Figure line. Like all the figures in the wave, it was available as both a standard full color figure and a clear plastic version, one of each of which was available in a standard case of twelve blindpacked figures.

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  • Convoy with Ax (2000)
    • Act: 1
    • Accessories: Stand
Also available in the first Super Collection Figure wave was a rare "Secret Figure" version of Optimus (斧付きコンボイ, ono-tsuki konboi), decorated in metallic paint and replacing his gun-wielding right hand with his energon-axe.
It was presumably released at a ratio of one per every ten cases; while this has not been officially confirmed, later waves gave these odds for Secret Figures.

We're just as confused as you are, folks.
  • Convoy (Trailer Mode) (2000)
    • Act: 2
Part of the second Super Collection Figure act, this is the only SCF figure of a vehicle mode Transformer. As with the previous non-chase Prime figure, it was available as both a standard full color figure and a clear plastic version, one of each of which was available in a standard case of twelve blindpacked figures.
Unlike every other figure in the line (excluding build-a-figures), this one does not come with a figure stand, because... well, what would be the point?

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  • Megatron & Convoy (2000)
    • Act: 2
    • Accessories: Stand
The second Super Collection Figure wave, like the first, also had its own Optimus Prime chase figure, this one wielding Megatron in gun mode and wearing Sideswipe's rocket pack, as seen in the original The Transformers cartoon episode "More than Meets the Eye, Part 3".
This was presumably also released at a ratio of one per every ten cases.

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  • Damaged Convoy (2001)
    • Act: 3
    • Accessories: Stand
There was no mass-release Optimus Prime figure for the third Super Collection Figure act, but there was another rare chase figure, this time a battle-damaged version of the original figure from the first act, referencing his injuries from The Transformers: The Movie.
Again, it was probably released in one out of every ten cases. He replaced the clear version of Bumblebee in the case.

He's actually checking his makeup.
  • Convoy (B) (2001)
    • Act: 4
    • Accessories: Stand
For the fourth Super Collection Figure wave, Prime was rendered weaponless, speaking into the open communication panel on his left arm. Like all the figures in the fourth wave, Prime was available in both standard full color and metallic silver "pewter" versions, one of each of which was available in a standard case of twelve blindpacked figures.
Care should be taken when moving the joints of the pewter version, as is not uncommon for the connector pegs to have gotten painted as well, resulting in stuck limbs and tearing joints. Shaving the interior of the socket slightly with a hobby knife is usually sufficient to relieve the issue. (This holds true for all other pewter figures on this list, and in fact the entire dang line from here on.)
In eight out of every ten cases, the pewter version of Prime came packaged with the left arm of the collectible Metroplex build-a-figure; these parts were either in full color or clear-plastic, packed at an equal ratio of four out of eight cases.

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  • Convoy (2001)
    • Act: 5
    • Accessories: Stand
This version of Prime was a chase figure in the fifth Super Collection Figure act, and depicts the Autobot leader, rendered in metallic silver, opening the Matrix, referencing the end of "The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2". This figure was packed in at a confirmed ratio of one per every ten cases.

Shadow the Convoy, ow the edge.
  • Convoy (C) with Megatron Gun Mode (2002)
    • Act: 6
    • Accessories: Extra right fist, stand
The sixth Super Collection Figure wave featured yet another mass-release version of Optimus. While this Optimus is wielding Megatron (using the same mold as the chase figure from the second Act), he has entirely new-mold arms, plus an interchangeable empty right fist. On top of that he was extensively redecoed: he's actually cast in different shades of light salmon plastic and heavily painted over in an overall darker, less saturated scheme, his normally-white parts now in medium-gray. His pec-windows are painted with a weird shiny dark blue that gives them a translucent look. The figure was available in both full color and pewter versions in an equal ratio.
In eight out of every ten cases, the pewter version came with the head for the wave's Grand Maximus build-a-figure, packed at a ratio of six color parts to two pewter per case.

Chonktimus Prime.
  • Star Convoy (2002)
    • Act: 8
    • Accessories: Stand
After taking a break for the seventh wave, Prime returned for the eighth Super Collection Figure wave, which would prove to be the final Generation 1-themed set of figures. This figure of Prime in his Star Convoy body was available in both full color and pewter versions in an equal ratio.
In eight out of every ten cases, the colored version came with the right arm for the wave's Scorponok build-a-figure; this part could be in either full color or pewter, at a 4:4 ratio.

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  • Special "The Earth Obliteration Plan": Exclusive Convoy Set (Feb 3 2002)
    • Accessories: Stand
Available exclusively at the Wonder Festival convention, this set includes two metallic-paint versions of Convoy figures from Act 2: the "Convoy w/ Megatron Gun" chase figure (minus the jetpack), and the truck-mode "figure".
The set was limited to only 1000 units.

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  • TF Confrontation Set 01: Convoy vs Megatron (Sept 20-22, 2002)
    • Accessories: Energon-axe
Exclusive to the Tokyo Game Show 2002, this special set includes a new version of the original first-Act Optimus Prime figure, along with a new version of the first-Act Megatron. Both are cast in transparent plastic and completely painted over in a grimy, battle-damaged look. Both also come with the interchangeable energon-axe and mace weapons from their first-wave chase figures. Completing the theme of the set is the backdrop of the packaging interior, which depicts Sherman Dam.
Curiously, Optimus features the larger, rounded-off antennae of the Hasbro Heroes of Cybertron version of the mold, which was in production/circulation about the same time.
As with the above Wonder Festival set, this set was also limited to 1000 units.

Mega Super Collection Figure

  • Convoy TV Version (February 2002)
    • Japanese ID number: 01

Child's Play Aron.jpg
If you build it, they will play.

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  • Convoy Metallic Version (February 2002)
    • Japanese ID number: 01

Child's Play Aron.jpg
If you build it, they will play.

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Heroes of Cybertron

Hey Spike, pull my finger.
  • Optimus Prime (2002/2006)
Part of the first wave of Hasbro's Heroes of Cybertron series, Optimus is a redeco of the standard Super Collection Figure Optimus mold, with a slight retooling to give him longer, thicker, rounded-off helmet antennae for safety reasons. Like all the standard Heroes figures, he is cast in transparent plastic, then painted over, save for the eyes and a small patch on the back of his head, giving him a light-piping gimmick. There are a few other small deco differences to the Heroes version, such as his helmet crest changing from white to gray.
Optimus was re-released in 2006 as part of a short-lived Heroes of Cybertron revival, celebrating the 2006 DVD release of the original The Transformers: The Movie. Cast in solid-white plastic rather than translucent blue, this makes him very similar to the original SCF toy, but he retained the thicker antennae, plus got some very minor paint changes on the head: his crest-vent went back to white, and oddly his eyes are white too, rather than the SCF version's chest-window light blue.

Don't tell anyone, but this crap is HEAVY!
  • Powermaster Optimus Prime Apex Armor (2002)
An unexpected addition to the line, especially in the first wave next to another Optimus (see above), "Apex Armor" Optimus is a redeco of God Ginrai, the double-armored-up form of Optimus's Super-God Masterforce lookalike Ginrai. There are a few small paint differences between God Ginrai and Apex Armor Prime (beyond the obvious "opaque vs clear-plastic base figure" thing, we mean), most notably that the many parts on God Ginrai that are darker unpainted gray plastic, like the thighs and side-panels/guns on the lower legs, have been painted the same light gray as the chest on Optimus.
This is the first Hasbro-release depiction of Optimus in this mode, later backed up with the release of the full-fledged toy of Powermaster Optimus Prime with Apex Bomber the following year.

Energon Axe: Only used in one episode. Ever.
  • Optimus Prime (2002)
This second-wave Heroes of Cybertron release is a variation of the chase figure from the first Super Collection Figure wave, depicting Prime with his right hand replaced with his energy axe. This figure is a little different from its Japanese progenitor (beyond the "clear-plastic painted over" deal, of course), being painted in normal matte/gloss rather than metallic paint, and replacing the left "pointing" hand with the clenched fist of the later "communicator" version of Optimus. It also retains the Heroes molding alterations to Optimus's helmet.
Oddly, he comes with the same collector card as the first version, and the packaging does not call out the energy weapon in any way. The card-back cross-sell even shows only the original Optimus. (The same happened to this wave's energy-weapon-wielding Megatron.)

This can't be Spark Attack! His is so energetic that... he BURNS.
  • Powermaster Optimus Prime Spark Attack (2002)
In a yet another unusual choice for the line, this second-wave figurine is a redeco of the first God Ginrai/Powermaster Prime Apex Armor PVC figure, cast in translucent orange plastic with red gradients and flame detailing, depicting a "spark attack" mode.
This is a variant of the Super Collection Figure "God Fire Guts" God Ginrai chase figure, which had been rendered entirely in solid metallic gold paint.

You won't believe where I'm calling you from!
  • Optimus Prime with Communicator (2003)
This fifth-wave Heroes of Cybertron figure is a release of the Prime figure from the fourth Super Collection Figure wave, depicting a weaponless Prime talking into the communicator in his left arm. He retains the helmet alterations of the previous versions of the figure.
This toy also came with the head and weapons for the wave's collectible Metroplex build-a-figure.

Hard Hero

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  • Optimus Prime (Bust, 2002)
Optimus Prime was the first Transformers bust released by Hard Hero. He is approximately six inches tall at the head (8.5 at the gun) and is made out of cold-cast porcelain. There were also a version of the bust signed by the sculptor, limited to 100 samples.

Not there. There!
  • Optimus Prime (Full figure statue, 2003)
Hard Hero also created a 13-inch tall Optimus Prime statue. It is sculpted pointing with his left hand while holding his ion rifle in his right.


  • Optimus Prime
    • Japanese ID number: MFT001 and MFT006
    • Accessories: Display base
Optimus Prime was released three times in the MyClone line, all in the first wave of toys. He was released in both robot and truck mode, while a clear Optimus in robot mode was one of two chase figures along with a clear Megatron.

Generation 1 Figure-Collection

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  • Convoy (gun) (2003)
    • Japanese ID number: C-1
    • Accessories: Display base
At only one inch in height, this Optimus "bottlecap" figurine (so named because its display base is the size of a bottlecap) was one of fourteen blindpacked figures available in Kabaya's Transformers Generation 1 Figure-Collection. The figure was rendered in both a standard "retro" black and white color scheme, and a rare full-color chase version, and came with a leaflet, personalized with cartoon screen captures.

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  • Convoy (pointing) (2003)
    • Japanese ID number: C-2
    • Accessories: Display base
The second Prime figure in the Generation 1 collection was much like the first, only sculpted with an empty hand, pointing off into the distance like a lot of Optimus Prime figures are wont to do.

KT Figure Collection

Thanks for helping me... pull myself together.
  • Convoy (KT Figure Collection, 2004)
This figure was designed by Yuki Ohshima and produced by KT Figure Collection. The figure is actually a mini bust of Optimus Prime, which includes the head and the upper body without arms. The chest design comes with translucent blue windows and a grill on the midsection. There is also a button in the back. Pushing the button will open the chest and cause the Matrix to emerge, similar to the scene in The Transformers: The Movie.

No, I am NOT Ultra Magnus! I'm silver, not white
  • Convoy "Revival version" (Figure Ō exclusive, 2004)
The 82nd issue of the hobby magazine Figure Ō came with a redeco version of Optimus Prime's mini bust. It is painted completely silver, making him appear to be coated with the special alloy from "The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2".


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  • The War Within Optimus Prime (Palisades, 2005)
'The War Within Optimus Prime is a six-inch-tall polystone mini statue based on his appearance in the popular War Within comic book series. Prime stands on a silver Autobot-insignia stand, is decorated with dirt to simulate battle damage, and has articulation in his head and arms. The statue was limited to 1500 pieces worldwide.

Titanium Series

Descend, Squattimus Prime.
  • War Within Optimus Prime (3" Robot Masters, 2006)
    • Accessories: Ion Blaster, display stand
War Within Optimus Prime is the second toy representation of Optimus Prime as he appears in War Within. Constructed partially of die-cast metal, this three inch version cannot transform and has some articulation, limited to his shoulders, head and waist.
He is squat. Very squat.

Drop and give me twenty, soldier!
  • Optimus Prime (3" Robot Master, 2006)
    • Accessories: Ion Blaster, display stand
The first Titanium representation of G1 Optimus Prime has a well-proportioned sculpt based on his 20th Anniversary toy. Constructed partially of die-cast metal, this three inch version cannot transform and has some articulation, limited to his shoulders, head and waist.

"Drop dead and give me 20!"
  • Optimus Prime (3" Robot Master, 2006)
    • Accessories: Ion Blaster, display stand
This is a repaint of the 3" G1 Optimus Prime titanium figurine, with a 'battle-damaged' deco.

  • Optimus Prime & Bumblebee (2-pack, 2007)
    • Accessories: Ion Blaster, display stand
A Toys 'R' Us exclusive two-pack, this set features "Supermetal Finish" (read: shiny) versions of the "Robot Master" Titaniums Optimus Prime and Bumblebee.

First 4 Figures

First 4 Figures Battlefield Optimus vs Megatron.jpg
  • Optimus Prime vs Megatron (2006)
    • Accessories: extra head for Megatron (with detachable helmet), extra hand for Optimus Prime
The first entry in the Transformers Battlefield line by model company First 4 Figures, this 13-inch tall diorama depicts Optimus Prime slugging it out with Megatron. Optimus is posed as though doing a shoulder shove while holding his ion blaster, but a provided "REP" (Replaceable Exterior Part) hand allows buyers to instead recontexualise the pose as a spinning backhand slap. Megatron comes with a REP of a battle damaged version of his head, which features a detachable "helmet" to show off his exposed robo-brain.
The model was limited to 1,850 pieces worldwide, and came with a numbered certificate of authenticity, which allowed buyers to reserve the same number on their next purchase in the series. It also came with an A4 mini-poster depicting the same fight between Optimus and Megatron by artist Little IroN, which was also sold separately as a limited edition A2 poster.
As a Transformers Battlefield release, this model featured a detailed base designed to interlock with others in the same range to create a massive battle diorama. Unfortunately, a general discontinuation of First 4 Figures' Transformers-related output put the kibosh on any further Battlefield models.

Get with the program.
  • Optimus Prime and Snake Eyes (2006 unreleased)
Initially announced at UK Toy Fair in 2006[2] with a second showing at New York Toy Fair the following month,[3] "Optimus Prime and Snake Eyes" was intended to be one of the first releases in First 4 Figures' G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers comic tie-in subline. This 8-inch tall bust depicted a one-armed Optimus Prime in the Cobra HISS tank body he used in that series holding a battle-ready Snake Eyes, directly recreating the cover to the first issue of the comic (originally drawn by Mike S. Miller).
Unfortunately, this statue was a casualty of F4F's discontinuation of Transformers product, the result of a challenging marketplace and lack of retailer interest.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Hey, Private Haircut! I might have taken a bit too much off...YOUR HEAD!
  • Optimus Prime vs Storm Shadow (2007)
The third reveal in the G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers series, this statue is 7.5 inches tall and depicts Storm Shadow in a victorious stance on Prime's damaged, disembodied head, based on the cover of G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers issue 5 (also by Miller). Storm Shadow is only a mite bigger than your standard 3.75" G.I. Joe figure, making this statue roughly in scale with the rest of your collection!
After being revealed at San Diego Comic-Con in 2006,[4] "Optimus Prime vs Storm Shadow" was released in January 2007, holding the dubious honour of being the only one of First 4 Figures' G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers range to see release. The statue was limited to 250 pieces in the U.S., and 250 pieces in the UK.

Diamond Select

"I can't roll out without my legs installed!"
  • Optimus Prime (Diamond Select, 2007)
A mini-bust of Optimus Prime based on his appearance in the comic was released by Diamond Select in 2007. The figure includes the upper body of Optimus Prime, carrying his laser rifle and posed as if preparing to charge. The Matrix of Leadership is sculpted into the base of the statue.

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  • Autobot Snow Globe (Diamond Select, 2007)
Optimus Prime is also featured in Diamond Select's Autobot-themed snow globe, posing above a Mount St. Hilary base which also features the Ark and Omega Supreme. The globe was sculpted by Art Asylum.

Hold this for a moment won't you.
  • Final Battle Optimus Prime (Diamond Select, 2008)
Final Battle Optimus Prime was exclusive to the online retailer Action Figure Xpress. He was sculpted by Mark Wong of Art Asylum and limited to 1000 pieces. Optimus Prime is shown after his climactic battle with Megatron during Transformers: The Movie; shortly before he passed the Matrix of Leadership (which is also removable here) to Ultra Magnus. His base features the life support readout that monitored both his declining health and eventual death.

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  • G1 Animated Optimus Prime (Diamond Select, 2008)
G1 Animated Optimus Prime was exclusive to the 2008 San Diego Comic Con. He was sculpted by Mark Wong of Art Asylum and features a more matte color scheme to better match the cartoon's palette.

"It's not great to be back."
  • Powermaster Optimus Prime (Diamond Select, 2010)
This fourth Optimus Prime bust was to be based on his Powermaster incarnation, but appears to have been canceled.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

"Saving Money is the right to all Sentient Beings".
  • Optimus Prime Bust Bank (Diamond Select, 2010)
A 6-inch hollow Optimus Prime bust to keep your spare change safe! It would've featured articulation in its shoulders and neck, but like the Powermaster bust, it never saw release.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Transformers (2007)

  • Optimash Prime (2007)
Main article: Optimash Prime

Freedom is the right of all sentient beings... in bed.
  • Softimus Prime (2007)
Softimus Prime is, as his name suggests, a plush G1 Optimus Prime toy. Obviously, he has no problems with articulation and passes the drop test with flying colors. His main draw is the ability to "transform" into his Freightliner FL86 vehicle mode by turning the plush toy inside out, his transformation roughly similar to the Powermaster cab Prime's. He features Movie-style faction symbols on his right arm and both sides of his cab mode. He is love.

Robot Heroes

  • Optimus Prime & Ravage (Two-pack, 2007)
Part of the first wave of Robot Heroes 2-packs (sold under the 2007 live-action-movie line branding), Optimus Prime is a simple, yet well-detailed two-inch tall figurine with exaggerated, cartoony proportions, with swivel articulation at the neck and shoulders. He is sculpted holding his Ion Blaster rifle in his right fist and his left arm in a pointing pose. He is also love, and demands that you pull his Finger of Doom.
He was sold in a two-pack with Ravage, positioned in a way that gives an impression of him freaking out to Ravage's size.
This version of Optimus was later also released as part of a set with a 100-piece jigsaw puzzle with no apparent changes.

  • Optimus Prime (Single-pack, 2008)
In some countries outside of North America, Optimus Prime was released individually in a blindpack with no notable changes.

Cuteness is the right of all sentient beings.
  • Decepticon Sneak Attack (Multi-pack, 2007)
"Optimus Prime with Supermetal Finish" is a slightly-shinier redeco of the previous Robot Heroes figure; this is the most noticeable with his blue parts, which are now in a much brighter, richer gloss-blue paint rather than the unpainted darker-blue matte plastic of the two-pack version.
He came in a Walmart exclusive multipack, alogn with Hologram Mirage, Cliffjumper, "Supermetal Finish" Megatron, and Skywarp.

  • Optimus Prime with Supermetal Finish (Single-pack, 2008)
"Supermetal Finish" Optimus Prime also saw release in a blindpack outside of North America.

'Til all are cute.
  • Optimus Prime & Unicron (Two-pack, 2007)
Sold in the third wave of Robot Heroes, this version of Optimus is posed opening the Matrix of Leadership, complete with clear-plastic shine.
He was packed with a very small Unicron.

  • Optimus Prime (Single-pack, 2008)
Just like the previous figures, the Matrix-bearing Prime also received a blindpacked release.


  • Optimus Prime (Starter Set, 2007)
He shoots sideways. The direction, not the character.
ID number: TF2-19
Faction: Autobot
Class: Leader
Special: Last Stand - 13/26 (50%) success ratio
Point Cost: 40
Base Speed: 6
Attack Type: Shooter (Force Blast)

Optimus Prime will shoot you down. He was released as part of the 2007 Starter Set along with Generation 1 Megatron, Energon Landquake and Cybertron Skywarp.
Optimus' Last Stand special allows him to stand up if he's the only figure in your team left in play. If you're down to two men you might even be tempted to shoot your own man just to keep Optimus Prime in play. Don't though. Peter Cullen wouldn't approve.
Sadly you can't bring him into play with the Cybertron Super Optimus Prime vehicle mode because he's not Super Optimus Prime.


Windowbra! (2007 Version pictured)
  • Convoy (2007/2014)
    • Series number: 019
    • Legacy of Revoltech ID number: LR-008
    • Accessories: Ion blaster, Autobot Matrix of Leadership, two clenched fists, gun-wielding right hand, pointing right hand, open left hand
A non-transforming but highly articulated Optimus Prime action figure, Revoltech Convoy uses the Revoltech "revolver joints" for maximum poseability. Prime comes with his now-standard ion blaster and Matrix of Leadership accessories, as well as a few alternate hands; while one of the hands is specifically designed to grip the ion blaster, he can't really do anything dramatic with the Matrix, and it just sort of sits in his open-palmed left hand. His sculpting is explicitly in the style of Pat "serfdom" Lee's interpretation of Prime, but due to physical constraints has no lack of perspective.
Unsurprisingly, this mold was redecoed to create Revoltech Ultra Magnus. Magnus comes with a new hand mold that can be used to connect him and Prime together in a handshake.
The initial reveal of the figure (sculpted by Yamaguchi) features swiveling cut joints instead of "revolver joints" (notably the hip parts), with a rather jarring angled joint on the waist (which results in a "sliced" appearance if swiveled).
Unfortunately, Revoltech Convoy cannot be distributed to the US due to licensing restrictions, so fans must rely on online hobby shops to import him.
In 2014, Revoltech Convoy was reissued as part of the Legacy of Revoltech line, with an increased price of 3900 yen. This rerelease uses revised Revoltech joints, which come in matte black instead of glossy and have more ratcheting points than previous releases.

Amazing Yamaguchi

  • Convoy (2019)
    • Series number: 014
    • Accessories: Ion Blaster, Energon Axe, 1 pair of splayed hands, 1 pair of trigger hands, left clawed hand, right pointing hand, interlocked hand
Amazing Yamaguchi Convoy is an all-new take to the Revoltech figure above, but more poseable. Apart from the Ion Blaster, this figure comes with an Energon Axe accessory, and an interlocked hand accessory that is designed to resemble the haymaker that took down Megatron in The Transformers: The Movie.
Unlike the first Revoltech figure, Convoy features painted-details-on-colored-plastic rather than fully coating them. The plastic is noted to have a hollow feel compared to the first figure.
Due to production delays, the release date was rescheduled from September 29 to October 24.

Sota Toys

  • Transformers Chess Set (2007)
An Optimus Prime piece was to be the Autobot-side King on a chess set based on Generation 1, but the set apparently never saw release.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


  • Optimus Prime (2007)
(American Greetings version pictured)
Manufactured by American Greetings as part of their Heirloom ornament collection, this hanging sculpt of Optimus Prime is based upon the 20th Anniversary toy release.

  • Optimus Prime (2014)
(Hallmark version pictured)
Manufactured by Hallmark as part of their Keepsake ornament collection as part of the Hasbro series which includes ornaments based on My Little Pony G1, the electronic game Simon, and the board game Sorry, this hanging sculpt of Optimus Prime is based upon the original G1 toy cab in robot mode posed like 1984 box art.

Mighty Muggs

Optimus lost his ears in the rock tumbler.
  • Optimus Prime (2009)
    • Accessories: Ion rifle
This super deformed, non-transformable Optimus Prime figure uses the standard Mighty Muggs body template, with swivel joints in his neck and limbs. He comes with a similarly super-deformed version of his ion rifle.

Optimus, did you polish your head in the Shine-O Ball-O?
  • Optimus Prime (2009)
    • Accessories: Ion rifle
An exclusive to the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con, this Optimus Prime Mugg has a shiny metallic finish.

You ever get so mad you sprout new ears?
  • Optimus Prime (2018)
    • ID number: 01
Based on his evergreen design, this Optimus is part of the 2018 Mighty Muggs relaunch. As part of the new line, he has a helmet that can be pressed down to change his expression. He features three different faces: classic, angry, and angrier.

Transformers Wacky Wobblers

WackyWobblers G1OptimusPrime.jpg
  • Optimus Prime (2009)
This Optimus Prime bobblehead is part of the popular Wacky Wobblers line produced by Funko. Aside from the standard-issue big wobbling head, he features an ion rifle molded onto his right hand and his arms swivel at the shoulders. Optimus is affixed to a base with his name on it.

USB-Powered Speaker Head

  • Optimus Prime USB-Powered Speaker Head
As a 6.5" figure, Optimus Prime's head contains twin USB-powered speakers. There are two speakers inside each side of his head. The control panel, USB port, and earphone port are located in the back of the head. Under the neck, there is a display to support the head.
The speaker was redecoed to create Ultra Magnus Speaker.

Transformers Backpacks

  • Optimus Prime (2009)
Made by F*A*B Starpoint, these backpacks are allegedly "engineered for style, safety, comfort... and saving the Universe!" The Generation 1 Optimus Prime design features a stock silhouette of Optimus Prime surrounded by stars, like the Paramount Pictures logo, while on the lower compartment there is a gigantic Autobot sigil.

Universal Studios

  • Optimus Prime plushie (2011)
Created for the Transformers ride at Universal Orlando, a super deformed plush toy of Optimus was made available at the Supply Vault gift shop near the opening of the ride.


  • Transformers Wrapping Trailer (2011)
Tomica "Transformers Wrapping Trailer" is a die-cast, non-transforming semi tractor-trailer. A redeco of the 2008 "Tomica Hero: Rescue Force Trailer" toy, "Transformers Wrapping Trailer" renders the cab in Generation 1 Optimus Prime colors, while the trailer is decked out with pictures of live-action film series Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Ironhide. Like all Tomica toys & all Generation 2 Go-Bots and Spychangers, Wrapping Trailer features smooth-rolling axle/wheel construction that lets the toys be quickly zipped along smooth surfaces.

Transformers x Mimobot

Mimobot OptimusPrime.jpg
  • Optimus Prime Mimobot (Mimoco, 2011)
Produced by Mimoco as part of their multi-brand line of designer USB "Mimobot" flash drives, this Optimus Prime memory stick comes in 2GB, 4GB, 8GB and 16GB sizes, and comes pre-loaded with "digital editions of classic comics, videos, and scripts", as well as a suite of screensavers, avatars, and more standard to all Mimobots.


The real contest is whether Prime's medal or Megatron's belt is cooler.
  • Transformers Cuponk (2011)
A New York Comicon exclusive, this set includes two Cuponk cups and 6 ping pong balls. Prime is featured on one cup and one ping pong ball. The same cup also features Bumblebee, Jazz, Grimlock, and Hot Rod.

Titan Warriors

Sofubi Hero figures are the right to all young sentient beings.
  • Titan Warrior 5-Pack (2013)
Available at San Diego Comic Con 2013, This Optimus Prime is a 6" PVC Titan Warrior figure (similar to Bandai's Ultra/Sentai/Rider Hero, Movie Monster Series) representing his Generation 1 character. He was packed with Grimlock, Megatron, Starscream and Soundwave.
  • Optimus Prime (Titan Warrior, 2014)
The Titan Warriors Optimus Prime toy was released individually, under the Beast Hunters Titan Heroes subline.

The Loyal Subjects

  • Optimus Prime (2013)

  • Talking Optimus Prime w/ Energon Axe (2014)

  • Talking 5.5" Optimus Prime (2014)

  • 8" Blank/DIY Optimus Prime (2014)

  • 8" OG Optimus Prime (2014)

  • 4' Fiberglass Optimus Prime (2014)

  • Talking 5.5" Optimus Prime w/ Energon Axe (2014)

  • 8" Dead Optimus Prime (2013)

  • 8" Silver Bullethole Optimus Prime (2013)

  • 8" Gold Bullethole Optimus Prime (2014)

  • 8" Black Gloss Bullethole Optimus Prime (2014)

  • Talking Optimus Prime (2014)

Collect them all!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their toys & merchandise. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Mecha Nations

Prime, not the shrink wrap!
  • Optimus Prime (2014)
    • ID Number: MN01
    • Accessories: Ion Blaster, Energon Axe, Removable Armor.
Created by Kids Logic, this super deformed G1 Optimus Prime stands 6" tall and is articulated. He features a metallic color scheme, removable armor and replacement hands. He also features LED light up eyes, lights, weapons and Creation Matrix.
This figure was also redecoed into Mecha Nations Black Convoy and Ultra Magnus.


"Why waste your money so easily Prime?"
  • Optimus Prime (2014)
    • ID number: UM-01
    • Accessories: Ion blaster, energon-axe, small Matrix, 24 armor pieces, 2 smokestacks, large Matrix, display stand, 8 display stand parts, remote control
Ultimetal Optimus Prime is a large non-transforming figure produced by Art Storm, standing at an impressive 1 foot 4 inches/43 cm and made from extensive die-cast metal. Packaged in four different boxes, he features plenty of articulation and detail, including an opening chest and numerous magnetically attached armor panels that, when removed, reveal Prime's internal anatomy. He also has electronic light-up eyes and roof lights as well as 20 spoken English phrases, all activated via remote control. His mouthplate even moves when he talks, just like in the cartoon!
Prime comes with an ion blaster which can also be opened to reveal technical detail, an energon-axe, and two Matrices of Leadership of different sizes. The smaller one fits into his chest, where it can be lit up by an LED, while the larger one lights up on its own and can be held in his hands or placed on display. Prime's display stand has smaller stands for the Matrix and ion blaster and also has light-up parts.
Optimus Prime was recolored into the inner robot of Ultimetal Ultra Magnus.

  • Optimus Prime - Battle Damaged (2018?)
    • ID number: UM-01BD

EX Gōkin

EXGokin Convoy.jpg
  • Convoy (2014)
    • Accessories: Two fists, two open hands, two gripping hands, right pointing hand, ion blaster, energon-axe, display stand
A 6.6-inch tall non-transforming Optimus Prime action figure was produced by Art Storm as part of their EX Gōkin Transformers Series line. He comes with his trademark blaster and energon-axe as well a number of extra hands, and his chest opens to reveal a non-removable Matrix.


  • Metallic Optimus Prime (2014)
A non-transforming vinyl Optimus Prime with a metallic finish. This figure is a limited edition, and limited to 2,000 pieces.
This mold was also used to make the other limited edition Optimus Primes seen below.

  • Optimus Prime Clear Glitter (2014)
A non-transforming vinyl Optimus Prime figure. While retaining the classic, original colors, this mold is redone to be clear plastic, with glitter bits put into the figure. This vinyl is a limited edition, and limited to 3,000 pieces.

  • Battle Ready Optimus Prime (2014)
A non-transforming vinyl Optimus Prime. The mold is Redon again, this time in a battle-damaged look, while he retains the classic Optimus Prime colors. This figure is a limited edition, and limited to 1,000 pieces.

By the power of Grayskull... I HAVE THE POWER!
  • Grey Skull Optimus Prime (2014)
A non-transforming vinyl Optimus Prime. This vinyl takes the colors in a different way, which is mostly white with some dark grey areas. The colors to kinda look skeleton-ish. This figure is a limited edition, and limited to 1,000 pieces.

  • Distressed Optimus Prime (2014)
A non-transforming vinyl Optimus Prime. The colors take on an Age of Extinction Optimus Prime, in his flat-nose truck mode. This figure is a limited edition, and limited to 1,000 pieces.

  • Fire Optimus Prime (2014)
A non-transforming vinyl Optimus Prime, cast in clear plastic. The colors seem to homage the Generation 1 Rodimus Prime.,This figure is a limited edition, and limited to 1,000 pieces.

  • Dangerous Optimus Prime (2014)
A non-transforming vinyl Optimus Prime, done in a camouflage style. This figure is a limited edition, and limited to only 600 pieces.

  • 24K Optimus Prime (2014)
A non-transforming vinyl Optimus Prime, cast in gold plastic. This figure is a limited edition, and only limited to 600 pieces.

Thrilling 30

  • Optimus Prime (Collectible Figurine, 2014)
    • Series / Number: 1 / #1
    • Accessories: Collector's base
A super-deformed Optimus Prime was released among the blindpacked Thrilling 30 Collectible Figurines by Goldie Marketing. He comes with a base to help him stand, a collector's card that doubles as a puzzle piece, and a checklist.
  • Collectible Figurines (5-pack, 2014)
    • Series: 1
    • Accessories: 5 Collector's bases
The same Optimus Prime figurine was also available in a 5-pack alongside Megatron, Ratchet, Starscream and Soundwave.
  • Optimus Prime 3-pack (3-pack, 2014)
    • Series: 1
    • Accessories: 3 Collector's bases
The same Optimus Prime figurine was also available in a 3-pack alongside Prime Optimus Prime and Movie Optimus Prime.

Tiny Titans

  • Optimus Prime (Tiny Titans, 2015)
    • Series: 2
    • Number: 10/12
Part of the third assortment of Tiny Titans blindpacks, this version of Optimus Prime is a very small, soft-plastic figure of him in robot mode, brandishing both his rifle and his energy-axe weapon in a running battle pose.
He includes a collectible card that renders him in the 2015 Robots in Disguise styling. The card includes a scan-badge for the Robots in Disguise mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.

TinyTitans OptimusG1S5.jpg
  • Optimus Prime (Tiny Titans, 2016)
    • Series: 5
    • Number: 11/12
Part of the fifth assortment of Tiny Titans, this version of Optimus is in a more neutral pose, this time only carrying his rifle.
As per usual, he includes a collectible card that includes a scan-badge for the Robots in Disguise mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.


You got D-touch. You got D-power
  • Convoy (2015)
    • ID number: 43
    • Accessories: Two fists, pointing right hand, Ion blaster, energon-axe, Autobot Matrix of Leadership, Convoy cab with trailer
An Optimus Prime was produced by Kotobukiya as part of D-Style, their franchise-spanning line of super deformed model kits. His accessories include an ion blaster, an energon-axe, a Matrix that can store in his chest, and a tiny super deformed representation of his truck mode which can carry the ion blaster. Moving his antennae causes his mouthplate to move up and down.
For a small figure it includes a large amount of articulation, including ankle tilts and top of legs tilting away from the yellow codpiece.
The Convoy Trailer, ion blaster and the gold part of the Matrix all require painting. In addition, on promotional images all the black details and lines (for example on the front thighs and round the edge of the yellow codpiece) are painted and the eyes have been painted blue instead of left as clear plastic.
Amusingly, the head has the mouth-less face underneath Optimus' mouthplate, as a either a reference to the error from The Search for Alpha Trion or limitation in the model kit (or both).
This mold was also used to make D-Style Black Convoy.

ES Gōkin

  • Convoy (2015)
    • Accessories: Ion blaster, energon-axe, Matrix, left & right gripping hands, left & right open hands, left & right pointing hands, display stand
Optimus Prime was also released as part of Art Storm's ES Gōkin series, a line of posable super deformed figures. He comes with his trademark gun which he can hold in either hand, an energon-axe that plugs into his wrist sockets, and a Matrix he can hold but not store in his chest.


D-Collection Convoy.jpg
  • Convoy (2015)
    • Accessories: Ion blaster, energon-axe
Kabaya's D-Collection Optimus Prime is a small super deformed figure that requires some assembly and features articulation limited to his shoulders. He comes with his trademark blaster and axe accessories. Sold blindpacked, Prime is available as both a standard full color figure and a rare clear plastic version. He comes with chewing gum.

Metal Earth

Metal Earth Optimus Prime.jpg
  • Optimus Prime (2015)
    • ID number: MMS300
Metal Earth Optimus Prime is a DIY 3D Metal Model kit. The kit's difficulty rating is given as "expert".

Minecraft x Transformers before Minecraft x Transformers was a thing
  • Optimus Prime (Legends, 2019)
    • ID number: MEM055
Metal Earth Legends Optimus Prime is a DIY 3D steel model kit in the shape of a super deformed version of the evergreen Optimus design. The kit's difficulty rating is given as "moderate".

Hot Toys

  • Optimus Prime (Starscream Version)
    • Accessories: Two articulated hands, two gripping hands, Ion Blaster, two wings, two wing mounts, two null-rays, Matrix of Leadership, Base, Starscream's head (Sideshow Collectable's exclusive)
Released by Hot Toys this high end collector figure stands approximately 30 cm tall. It features LED light up eyes and it's chest can open to reveal a LED light up, removable Matrix of Leadership. This version comes with a pair of wings and two null-rays from Starscream that Optimus can attach. The Sideshow exclusive version of this comes with Starscream's severed head.

  • Optimus Prime (Megatron Version)
    • Accessories: Two articulated hands, two gripping hands, Fusion cannon, Ion Blaster, gun with stock, set of wheels, two cannon mounting accessories, shoulder mount, Matrix of Leadership, Base
This version of the figure has accessories themed from Megatron. These include Megatron's fusion cannon, and a long rifle that passingly resembles Megatron's original gun mode. Both can be combined into a large two handed cannon.

Block Wars

  • Optimus Prime (2016)
    • Number: 1
Part of Kabaya's Transformers Block Wars candy toy line, this Optimus Prime kit is surprisingly, based on his Cyber Series Commander toy. Molded in red, blue, and yellow plastic with detailing from stickers, he transforms into a truck when finished and is armed with a two-pronged spear. He can also be taken apart and combined with Block Wars Bumblebee, Megatron and Starscream in various configurations, the ones involving Prime shown on the packaging being:
  • Giving Prime Starscream's wings as a jetpack and arming him with Megatron's cannon.
  • Placing Megatron's turret on Prime's truck mode.
  • Giving Bumblebee Prime's spear, Megatron's arms and Starscream's wings.
  • Attaching Prime and Starscream's legs to Megatron's vehicle mode to create a walking tank.
  • Powering Starscream up by attaching Prime's spear to his back and giving him Bumblebee's weapons.
  • Combining all four into an unnamed combiner, with Optimus Prime forming the torso and upper legs.

Transformers Figure Collection

  • Convoy (01-2016)
Standing 42mm tall, Transformers Figure Collection Optimus Prime is a non-poseable soft-rubber figure greatly based on a Decoy figure.

Hero of Steel

HeroofSteel Convoy.jpg
  • Convoy (2016)
    • Accessories: Ion blaster
Produced by Alpha Max, Hero of Steel Convoy is a stylized, non-transforming figure standing at 9 inches/23 cm tall. He comes with his ion blaster.


  • Convoy (12-2016)

Part of the first wave of Transformers Bitfig capsule toys by TakaraTomy A.R.T.S., Convoy's design is inspired by his appearance in the G1 cartoon, and is articulated at the neck and shoulders. Bitfig toys were packaged in capsules color coded to the toy they contained.

Prime 1 Studio

Premium Masterline

"Just in case you want to say "I should've looked like this in the movies", yes, I heard you."
  • Optimus Prime (2017)
    • ID Number: PMTF-01 / 01EX (exclusive)
    • Accessories: Base, Fusion axe (exclusive), Energy axe (exclusive)
One of the very first releases of the Premium Masterline series by Prime 1 Studio, this Optimus Prime is a massive non-transforming statue based on his Generation 1 appearance with a blend of live-action film aesthetic, and features light-up LED eyes. The statue was also designed by Josh Nizzi himself. If customers had purchased the statue at Sideshow's website, they would receive exclusive Energy and Fusion axes, which can be used to replace Prime's Ion Blaster-holding hand. The standard version was limited to 1500 pieces, while the exclusive version was limited to 750 pieces.
This statue was later redecoed as Nemesis Prime and Ultra Magnus. The statue's model also served as an inspiration to Movie Optimus Prime's appearance in the Bumblebee film.

  • Optimus Prime Gold Version (2018)
    • ID Number: PMTF-01GL
    • Accessories: Base, Fusion axe
Limited to 500 pieces, Optimus Prime Gold Version is a redeco of the statue above, evoking his Electrum-coated appearance in the Generation 1 episode "The Golden Lagoon". He also comes with a Fusion axe accessory that can replace his Ion Blaster hand.

Age of Time

Prime 1 Studio Superior Optimus Prime.jpg
  • Superior Optimus Prime (201?)
Age of Time Superior Optimus Prime was designed to be the "ultimate amalgamation" between G1 and movie Optimus Primes. He would have come with two blasters and a huge jetpack, specifically taking cues from Prime's combined form with Jetfire in Revenge of the Fallen.
For reasons unknown, this figure was silently canceled.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


Transformers X Coraline, directed by Travis Knight.
  • Optimus Prime (2022)
    • ID Number: No:055
    • Accessories: Stand
A striking departure from previous Prime 1 Studio offerings, Cutie1 Optimus Prime is a lovable (if not somewhat scary looking) soft vinyl figure stylized as a button-eyed doll with chibi proportions.
He was later redecoed as Cutie1 Nemesis Prime.

  • Optimus Prime (Keychain, 2021)
    • Accessories: Stand, chain
Part of a marketing push following the announcement of the figure above, an acrylic keychain of Cutie1 Prime was released, along with other products such as stickers, T-shirts, hand towels and totebags using the design. The keychain comes with a small stand so that you can display it when not carrying it around with your keys.

War for Cybertron Trilogy

"Why... have I... been... canceled?"
  • Optimus Prime (2022)
    • ID Number: PMTF-05 / 05UT (Ultimate Version)
    • Accessories: Base (standard), base with Shockwave (Ultimate Version)
A statue based on Optimus Prime's appearance in the War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon. The exclusive version includes a defeated Shockwave as part of the statue's base.
This item was canceled due to the combination of rising production costs and insufficient preorders.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

My Busy Books

  • Transformers: My Busy Book (2017)
Included with the 10-page board book, 12 figurines, and a playmat, Optimus Prime is represented by a pair of small, PVC non-transforming figurines of his robot and his semi-truck alternate mode, based on his evergreen design. Like most of the land-based vehicle figurines, his wheels do not roll.
In terms of quality control, the figurines' paint applications can be... shoddy. If you're a collector who prefers to display them, you should resign yourself from buying it or try to customize the figures with better paint applications if you have the skills.

Rubik's Crew

Rubiks Crew Optimus.jpg
  • Rubik's Crew Game: Transformers Optimus Prime Edition[5] (2017)

This super deformed version of Optimus Prime's robot mode has a detachable "Puzzlehead" that functions like the 2x2 Rubik's Cube.

Fidget Its

Before time began, there was...the Cube.
  • Optimus Prime (Fidget Its, 2017)
Fidget Its Optimus Prime is a non-transforming cube-shaped figurine, built for for your fidgeting needs! His pair of eyes & his forehead can be pushed like buttons, his right arm can swivel, his rear section can be fiddled like a combination lock dial, and his left arm can be moved up, down, up, and down.


Everyone wants to ride Optimus.
  • Optimus Prime Go Kart (2017)
Manufactured by Hauck toys, the Optimus Prime go-kart is a small, pedal-operated vehicle for kids aged 4-8 years old. Cast in the image of Optimus (even featuring his head sculpted on the front), the kart features an adjustable seat as well as a brake.


Eating is the right of... yeah you know the gist.
  • 3D Children Tableware (2017)
Chinese company Colorcasa released a pair of children-sized cutlery in the form of a cute (though angry-looking) Optimus Prime, one as a spoon and another as a fork. They were branded as Generations products.



  • Optimus Prime - Classic Edition (Premium Scale, 2017)
    • Accessories: TBA

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  • War for Cybertron Trilogy Optimus Prime (DLX Scale, 2021)
    • Accessories: TBA

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  • Optimus Prime (2022)
    • Known designers: Kelvin Sau
    • Accessories: one ion blaster, one energon axe, Matrix of Leadership, five pairs of hands (relaxed, closed, rifle- axe- and Matrix-holding)
Threezero's second figure for the MDLX line, this version of Optimus Prime is an original design taking inspiration from the original cartoon but with the aesthetics in the vein of the live-action movies. Optimus Prime is a smaller scaled non-transforming action figure in the vein of contemporary collector-oriented lines like Figma and S.H. Figuarts. Like those lines, the figure is extremely well-articulated and detailed, features interchangeable hands and accessories, namely his ion blaster, energon axe and Matrix of Leadership. He comes with a suite of hands in pairs: closed fists, splayed-out relaxed hands, and three different pairs meant to specifically hold each one of the aforementioned accessories. His chest is magnetically attached and as such can store the Matrix when not in use. Optimus also comes with his backpack piece disassembled in package.
He was redecoed into Nemesis Prime, Ultra Magnus, as well as his Shattered Glass self.
Optimus is compatible with Starscream by way of the latter's wing assembly and head, in reference to "Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1".
MDLX mold: Optimus Prime

  • Optimus Prime (Year of the Dragon Edition) (2024)
    • Known designers: Kelvin Sau
    • Accessories: one ion blaster, one energon axe, Matrix of Leadership, five pairs of hands (relaxed, closed, rifle- axe- and Matrix-holding)
An all-gold Chinese New Year themed redeco of the above figure, featuring dragon patterns across his chest and left arm. According to the product description from Threezero, the right shoulder features the character for "Year of the Dragon" (龍), while his left shoulder features the fifth character (辰) of "Earthly Branches" in traditional Chinese sequencing (地支). Optimus features all the same accessories and functionality as before.
This figure was limited to 1398 pieces worldwide, revealed in late 2023 and released in February 2024.
MDLX mold: Optimus Prime

  • Optimus Prime (Vintage Animation Edition) (2024)
    • Known designers: Kelvin Sau
    • Accessories: one ion blaster, one energon axe, Matrix of Leadership, five pairs of hands (relaxed, closed, rifle- axe- and Matrix-holding)
Yet another redeco of Prime, this time in brighter colors to mimic the cel-shading of the original cartoon. All previous accessories and functionality carry over from before.
Vintage Animation Edition Prime, Megatron and Bumblebee were revealed in a press release from Hasbro about the brand's 40th anniversary marketing bonanza, with pictures of the trio being unveiled a few weeks after. Threezero also announced these figures would make a limited debut at TFCon LA the following month, with a wide release sometime later in the spring.
MDLX mold: Optimus Prime
Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.


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Enamel Pin Series

  • Rarity: 1 in 20
Released by Kidrobot in their Enamel Pin Series, this is a flat, enamel pin badge of Optimus Prime inspired by the art of Tom Scioli's Transformers vs. G.I. Joe, albeit with cutesy proportions. The pin series was blindboxed, with some pins being rarer than others.

Vinyl Mini Series

Kidrobot GI Joe Optimus Prime mini.jpg
  • Rarity: 2 in 24
  • Accessories: Sword
The same character design was reused for the Vinyl Mini Series, with Optimus receiving a three-inch tall, blindboxed figurine retaining the vibrant colours and exaggerated proportions. Optimus featured articulation in each shoulder, and also included his Minecraft voxel sword as first seen in "Everybody Hates Metroplex".

Kidrobot GI Joe Optimus Prime GID mini.jpg
  • Rarity: 1 in 48
  • Accessories: Sword
Optimus's Vinyl Mini figure was redecoed into "Optimus Prime GID", sharing many of the same paint applications, but now cast entirely out of glow in the dark plastic, more closely representing his apparition to Scarlett in "Headmasters" or his resurrection in "The War Never Ends". He was one of the rarer, but not the rarest, of the Vinyl Mini Series. His sword is still included.

Vinyl Keychain Series

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  • Rarity: 3 in 24
Optimus was also released as part of the once again blindboxed Vinyl Keychain Series, now standing at about one to two inches. He included a keychain molded into his head and, due to his small scale, did not feature any articulation. His sword is also absent.

Bouncing Ball Heads

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  • Optimus Prime (2017)
"Bouncing Ball Head" Optimus Prime is a small, super deformed figurine with a removable head that doubles as a bouncy ball. An Autobot logo is tampographed on the back of his head and his name is written under his feet.
He is (apparently) available in both gacha-style machines and in an 8-pack with the whole collection, and comes inside a spherical capsule with a unique red color.
Despite clearly representing Generation 1 characters, the collection is advertised as a 2015 Robots in Disguise product.

Imaginarium Art

Brings new meaning to "no matter the cost."
  • Optimus Prime (2017)
Imaginarium Art's first statue of Optimus Prime stands 24 inches tall and features multiple LEDs, two varieties of his laser rifle, and his energy axe. The statue's chestplate can open, revealing the Matrix of Leadership.
The sculpted base for this figure also features the Combat Deck and Roller. Only 500 of this item were produced.

  • Optimus Prime (2018)
The "Legacy of Cybertron" statue is 12 inches tall, and its base can be connected to other statues in that series to produce a larger battle scene. 600 were produced.

Keshi Surprise

  • Autobots (2018)
The Keshi Surprise series by Super7 consisted of 1.75" soft rubber figures in a style deliberately resembling the 1980s Decoys. These blind-packed figures were sold individually or in cases depicting only their faction. Optimus Prime was available in red, yellow, blue, and purple, and included a foil trading card / sticker.

Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Optimus Prime, Autobot Leader (2018)
    • Wave 1S: Starter Set
    • Rarity: RT
    • Card Number: T03/T04
    • Stars: 7
Optimus Prime, Autobot Leader is one of four double-sided character cards available in the Transformers Trading Card Game Starter Set.
The artwork for the card is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile card game.

  • Optimus Prime, Battlefield Legend (2018)
    • Wave 1
    • Rarity: RT
    • Card Number: T29/T40
    • Stars: 13
Optimus Prime, Battlefield Legend is one of forty double-sided character cards available in Wave 1 of the Transformers Trading Card Game.
The card's Bot Mode line-art was done by Guido Guidi, and Alt Mode line-art by Marcelo Matere and Alt Mode colors by Sara Pitre-Durocher.

  • Optimus Prime, Freedom Fighter (2018)
    • Wave 1
    • Rarity: CT
    • Card Number: T30/T40
    • Stars: 12
Optimus Prime, Freedom Fighter is one of forty double-sided character cards available in Wave 1 of the Transformers Trading Card Game.
The Alt Mode artwork on the card is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile game, while the Bot-mode features line-art by Marcelo Matere and colors by Sara Pitre-Durocher.

  • Optimus Prime, Gleaming Commander (2019)
    • Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners
    • Rarity: UT
    • Card Number: T32/T46
    • Stars: 11
Optimus Prime, Gleaming Commander was released as part of the Transformers Trading Card Game Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners. Like all other members of combiner teams released in the set, This version of Optimus Prime is a folding card, with the Bot and Alt modes being depicted when the card is folded in half, and a holofoil portion of the the combined mode depicted when unfolded. The reverse of Optimus Prime, Gleaming Commander depicts the center right portion of Optimus Maximus', of whom Optimus Prime forms the torso and head.
The artwork for Bot Mode is reused from the Combiner Wars Battle Core Optimus Prime toy's packaging art.
Optimus Prime, Gleaming Commander can be used to form Optimus Maximus, Ultimate Defender with the use of the Action card Sentinel Enigma while he and the other Wave 2 Sentinels are in Bot mode on the battlefield and/or KO area.

  • General Optimus Prime, Infantry-Leader (2019)
    • Wave 3: War for Cybertron: Siege I
    • Rarity: RT
    • Card Number: T07/T48
    • Stars: 11
General Optimus Prime, Infantry-Leader is one of forty-eight double-sided character cards available in Wave 3 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, War for Cybertron: Siege I.
The card's artwork is based on the Siege Voyager-class Optimus Prime toy, with the Bot Mode artwork being reused from the toy's packaging art.

  • General Optimus Prime, Galactic Commander (2019)
    • Wave 4: War for Cybertron: Siege II
    • Rarity: SRT
    • Card Number: T06/T52
    • Stars: 15
General Optimus Prime, Galactic Commander is one of fifty-two double-sided character cards available in Wave 3 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, War for Cybertron: Siege II.
The card's artwork is based on the Siege Leader-class Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime toy, which in turn is based on the Cybertron version of Optimus Prime. The Bot Mode artwork is reused from said toy's packaging art, while Alt Mode received new art (lines by Marcelo Matere and colors by Volta).

  • Optimus Prime, Battlefield Legend (2019)
    • Wave 1: Energon Edition
    • Rarity: SRT
    • Card Number: T205/T06
    • Stars: 13
Released as part of the TCG's Wave 1: Energon Edition, this card is a reprint of Wave 1's Optimus Prime, Battlefield Legend. Printed on semi-transparent plastic instead of a normal Character Card, this version features new art by Marcelo Matere

  • Optimus Prime, Legendary Warrior (2020)
    • Wave 5: Titan Masters Attack
    • Rarity: UT
    • Card Number: T32/T46
    • Stars: 12
Optimus Prime, Legendary Warrior is one of forty-six double sided character cards released as part of Wave 5 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, Titans Masters Attack. As a character with a body mode, Optimus Prime begins the game with a Titan Master attached in head mode. Once Optimus Prime is KO'd, said Titan Master is deployed.
The card's artwork is based on the Titans Return Leader-class Powermaster Optimus Prime toy, with the body mode artwork being reused from the toy's packaging art.
This card's set was originally set for an April 2020 release, however due to the global COVID-19 pandemic the release was pushed back to May 29, 2020.

Magic: The Gathering

Go ahead, turn me to my other face, see the rules nightmare that happens.
  • Optimus Prime, Inspiring Leader (2018)
    • ID number: 002/004
    • Set code: H18
    • Color identity: Red/White
    • Casting cost: {3}{R}{W}
    • Artist: Steve Argyle
Part of the Heroes of the Realm series of commemorative cards, made by Wizards of the Coast for their employees as rewards for work on specific projects,[6] the 2018 "Optimus Prime, Inspiring Leader" card was given to the team behind the Transformers Trading Card Game. Uniquely, Optimus Prime is "triple-faced" card: a Magic card on the front side, a Transformers Trading Card Game card representing Optimus in his alternate mode on the opposite side, and an oversized Transformers Trading Card Game card representing Optimus in robot mode found by unfolding the card.
Optimus has the ability to change any permanent (card on the battlefield) to its other face, though sadly that doesn't mean he could convert himself into a Transformers Trading Card Game card during a Magic: The Gathering game.[7]
As with all Heroes of the Realm cards, "Optimus Prime, Inspiring Leader" is not legal to play in any format beyond a specific Commander rule; the cards are novelties designed to be read, rather than played.[8]

Transform and tap out!
  • Optimus Prime, Hero / Optimus Prime, Autobot Leader (2022)
    • ID number: 013/015
    • Set code: BOT
    • Color identity: Blue/Red/White
    • Casting cost: {3}{U}{R}{W} (front), {2}{R}{W}{B} (back with "More Than Meets the Eye")
"Optimus Prime, Hero" is part of the 2022 Magic: The Gathering Universes Beyond Transformers card set, found in Set Booster and Collector Booster packs of Magic's The Brothers' War set. It can be reversed to become "Optimus Prime, Autobot Leader", representing Optimus in vehicle mode. True to his character, he supports his allies with the "Bolster" mechanic and can return to the battlefield should he die in his Artifact Creature form.
A variant of this card was available solely in Collector Booster packs, depicting Shattered Glass Optimus Prime.

  • Optimus Prime (Darksteel Colossus) (2022)
    • ID number: 1081
    • Set code: SLD
    • Color identity: Colorless
    • Casting cost: {11}
"Optimus Prime" is part of the Magic: The Gathering card pack Transformers: Optimus Prime vs. Megatron, part of the Secret Lair Drop Series December Superdrop 2022 set. It was available exclusively from from December 5, 2022 through January 6, 2023.
Optimus Prime is a reskin of the existing Magic card Darksteel Colossus, using the same rules and counting as it for all gameplay purposes. Befitting the mighty leader of the Autobots, Optimus is incredibly powerful and impossible to destroy normally, but consequently has a very high casting cost. While the card has printing on both faces, depicting Optimus in robot mode and vehicle mode respectively, both have the same printed abilities and count as a single card for rules purposes—just choose which side you want to display when he enters the battlefield.
The Optimus Prime vs. Megatron set also includes Megatron, The AllSpark, and the bonus card Cybertron.

Flame Toys

Kuro Kara Kuri

  • Optimus Prime (December 2019)
    • Number: 04
    • Accessories: Large sword, stone, Swords (2), Large axe, Small axe (2), Ion cannon, pairs of hands (5), additional faces (2), Big Turbo Jet Axe with set of hands (exclusive),
    • Sculptor: Chemical Attack
    • Painting: Decomas Lab (Hiroyuki Hirose]
Part of Flame Toys' Kuro Kara Kuri line of high-end, non-transforming action figures, Optimus Prime is an original design, though one that bears many similarities to the Don Figueroa design from IDW's The Transformers vol. 1. He has lots of die cast and LEDs in his head, chest matrix chamber, and both knees. He comes with a multitude of accessories, including a very large sword that can be plugged into a stone, two smaller swords resembling handheld versions of those used by the live-action movie Optimus Prime, a pair of hatchets resembling those of Animated Optimus Prime, and of course G1 Optimus Prime's iconic Ion cannon. He also comes with an Orion Pax visorless alternative face, a battle damaged addition face, and five alternative pairs of hands in different poses.
If purchased via, SEN-TI-DEN Hong Kong, or events attended by Flame Toys, he also includes a very large Turbo Jet Axe.
The reissue (which is labelled as such on the box) uses a slightly different red paint and is the recommended release for use with the Jet Power Armor (see below) due to the paint's extra durability.

And you thought the previous figure was expensive...
  • Optimus Prime Jet Power Armor (January 2024)
    • Number: 13
    • Accessories: everything..., Blaster Cannon (exclusive)
    • Sculptor: Chemical Attack
    • Coloring: Masashi Watanabe
Optimus Prime Jet Power Armor is a collection of 23 armour pieces that combine with the previously released Kuro Kara Kuri Optimus Prime similar to how he combined with Jetfire in Revenge of the Fallen which doubles the size of the figure. If purchased via, SEN-TI-DEN Hong Kong, or events attended by Flame Toys, he also includes a blaster cannon.
As mentioned above, due to addition paint durability, it is recommended to use the re-release of Optimus Prime.

Furai Model

  • Optimus Prime (Attack Mode) (September 2018)
    • Number: 01
    • Accessories: Ion cannon, axe, 4 hands
Released as part of the Furai Model line by Flame Toys, "Optimus Prime (Attack Mode)" is an articulated, non-transforming, Voyager Class-sized Gunpla-style model kit. Using parts made of hard ABS plastic and some polycaps, Optimus Prime (Attack Mode) is an original design created by Flame Toys in collaboration with Akira Amemiya of Studio Trigger.
For straight-assembly builders, Optimus Prime features a sheet of foil stickers for detail (notably the shoulder insignias), though the kit can be panel-lined and touched-up with several panel-lining and paint markers (water/acrylic-based markers are recommended, as alcohol-based markers like Gundam Markers can potentially damage the ABS plastic). If one desires; the kit's pieces, aside from the translucent parts, can be fully coated with spray paints to recreate the finished sample seen in the stock photos.
This model kit was later redecoed as Nemesis Prime (Attack Mode) and Shattered Glass Optimus Prime (Attack Mode).

  • Optimus Prime (IDW ver.) (March 2019)
    • Number: 03
    • Accessories: Ion cannon, 4 hands
Optimus Prime (IDW) is a plastic model kit based off of the Optimus Prime design created by Don Figueroa for IDW Publishing's 2009-2011 The Transformers comic series. Similarly to the previous model kit, IDW Optimus is also Voyager-sized.
This model kit was later redecoed as Nemesis Prime (IDW ver.) and Ultra Magnus (IDW ver.), and it's also used to make the pre-built Furai Action figure (see below.)

  • Optimus Prime (G1 ver.) (April 2020)
    • Number: 12
    • Accessories: Ion cannon, 10 hands, axe
Optimus Prime (G1) is another plastic model kit, this time a heavily stylized rendition of his cartoon appearance. Like the previous releases, he stands at an approximate Voyager height. He features opening chest windows which reveal sculpted detail of the Matrix of Leadership.

  • Optimus Prime IDW (Clear ver.) (August 2020)
    • Number: 16

Child's Play Aron.jpg
If you build it, they will play.

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  • Optimus Prime (20??)
Part of the "Deformer Model Kit" subline of the Furai Model line, this Optimus Prime model is a cutesy, "super deformed" take on the Autobot leader.
Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

Furai Action

Just like one of those second-hand pre-built Gunplas you've seen in Akibahara!
  • Optimus Prime (IDW ver.) (January 2020)
    • Accessories: Ion cannon, 4 hands
Furai Action Optimus Prime is a pre-assembled redeco of the second Furai Model kit, with the weathering effects painted on.

Playskool Friends

A mouth on his mouthplate? That's a new one.
  • Transformers Collector Pack (Canceled)
Intended to be released as part of the 7-pack for the Playskool Friends lineup, this Optimus Prime is a very adorable non-transforming figurine. He was to come packed with Bumblebee, Arcee, and 4 Rescue Bots: Heatwave, Chase, Boulder and Blades.
Given the inclusion of the four Rescue Bots, it was probably unclear if this Optimus Prime is meant to represent his Generation 1 counterpart or his Aligned counterpart.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


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  • Ox as Optimus Prime (2018)
A collaboration with Uglydolls for the 2018 San Diego Comic-Con, the character Ox is dressed as Optimus Prime. He is a limited run exclusive plush, along with Ice-Bat as Bumblebee.


  • Optimus Prime with a sword[sic] (Happy Meal Toy, 2018)
Released as part of the McDonald's June 2018 Happy Meal Toys along with My Little Pony, this Optimus Prime is a super-deformed figurine, and he features a gimmick on his left arm, which can be swung down to reveal a pop-out sword with the press of a button on his back. The sword can be retracted manually by raising the arm.
The toy was available in South Korea, Italy, Russia, and Malaysia. This toy was rereleased in the US as Optimus Prime for the Bumblebee promotion. In Malaysia, this toy is one of the few items that can be found in several hobby toy shops.

Jada Toys

Metals Die Cast / Hollywood Rides

  • Optimus Prime (Scale 1/24 Die Cast Vehicle, 2018)
Released by Jada Toys, this 1/24 scaled non-transforming die-cast truck with rubber tires is based on Optimus Prime's original form and features opening doors to reveal a highly detailed interior with a chromed steering wheel. Similar to the Robot Powered Machines, the truck features a sculpted robot mode underneath. His smokestacks are insanely long.
This mold was later redecoed as Nemesis Prime.

  • Optimus Prime (Scale 1/32 Die Cast Vehicle, 2018)
A medium-sized replica of Optimus Prime much similar to the version above, but with shortened smokestacks. Unlike most other 1/32 vehicles, Optimus does not feature any opening doors, but still retains the sculpted robot mode on his chassis.

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  • Western Star 5700XE Optimus Prime / Optimus Prime / Autobot Optimus Prime (Scale 1/32 Die Cast Vehicle 3‑pack, 2022)
The 1/32 version of Generation 1 Optimus Prime was rereleased in a 3-pack alongside his 2007 and The Last Knight counterparts, neither featuring any notable changes.

  • Optimus Prime (Scale 1/24 Die Cast Vehicle, 2024)
A redeco of the 1/24 scaled replica above, this Optimus Prime was released in a crossover with the Ghostbusters franchise and is mostly based on the MP-10G Optimus Prime Ecto-35 Edition figure from the Collaborative toyline, itself based on the original Ecto-1 color scheme, with the addition of some green ghost splatter between the front bumper and the left wheel. Instead of Autobot insignias, this version features the Ghostbusters logo on both sides and the back of the cab, as well as under the chassis right above his robot mode sculpture.

  • Optimus Prime (Scale 1/32 Die Cast Vehicle, 2024)
This version of Optimus Prime is a redeco of the 1/32 scaled replica in the same Ghostbusters-inspired deco of the 1/24 version above. The only noticeable difference in colors is the lack of green on its headlights.


  • Optimus Prime (4" Die Cast Figure, 2020)
    • Accessories: Ion blaster, Energon-axe
Metalfigs Optimus Prime is a 4-inch tall non-transforming super deformed die-cast figure with three points of articulation and light-up eyes.
He comes with his signature ion blaster and Energon-axe weapons as accessories.

  • Diorama Scene (2 3/4" Die Cast Figure 4-pack, 2020)
    • Accessories: Display backdrop
A static die-cast figurine of Optimus Prime measuring approximately 2 3/4 inches tall is available as part of a "Diorama Scene" 4-pack alongside Bumblebee, Starscream and Megatron.
The packaging backdrop can be used as an additional display piece for the set.

  • Optimus Prime / Bumblebee / Optimus Primal / Megatron (2 3/4" Die Cast Figure 4-pack, 2022)
This static Optimus Prime figurine is directly designed after the 4" figure above, but measures half the size and lacks the accessories. He is available in a 4-pack alongside Bumblebee, Optimus Primal and Megatron.

  • Optimus Prime (2 3/4" Die Cast Figure, 2023)
The same super deformed Optimus Prime from the 4-pack above is also available in individual packaging.

Nano Hollywood Rides

  • Starscream / Volkswagen Beetle Bumblebee / Optimus Prime (1.65" Die Cast Vehicle 3-pack, 2020)
Nano Hollywood Rides Optimus Prime is a small non-transforming die-cast truck measuring approximately 1.65 inches long. He was released in a 3-pack alongside Starscream and Bumblebee. Unfortunately, he doesn't feature a sculpted robot mode underneath like most other Jada vehicles do.

Nano Metalfigs

  • Transformers Series 1 18-pack (4cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2022)
Nano Metalfigs Series 1 Optimus Prime is an incredibly small die-cast figurine molded holding his blaster. He has a little base attached to his feet for balancing reasons.
He comes in an impressive multipack with seventeen other figurines. This mold was later redecoed as Nemesis Prime in the Series 2 18-pack.

  • Transformers Series 2 18-pack (4cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2022)
A second Nano Metalfigs Optimus Prime was released in Series 2, now wielding his Energon axe instead of his blaster and doing a bit more of an action pose.
He comes in another impressive multipack with seventeen other figurines.

  • Transformers Series 3 18-pack (4cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2023)
For the third Nano Metalfigs multipack, two Optimus Primes were made available at once. One is a re-release of the axe-wielding Series 2 figurine with no noticeable changes, and the other is a golden redeco of the blaster-holding Series 1 figurine.

Converting RC Vehicle

"We have Robosen's Optimus Prime at home."
  • Optimus Prime Converting R/C (2022)
    • Accessories: Remote controller
This Optimus Prime is a remote controlled figure capable of automatically converting between robot mode and truck mode on command.
He measures approximately 13 inches tall in robot mode and 12 inches long in truck mode, and features lights, sounds and voices.


  • Optimus Prime (2020, 2024)
  • Accessories: Ion Blaster
Released in Super7's line of multi-property 3.75-inch action figures, ReAction Optimus Prime was naturally part of the first wave of Transformers figures. It is a non-converting action figure with 5 points of articulation (simple swivel shoulders, legs, and neck) and an Ion blaster accessory he can only hold in his right hand.
It should be noted that despite being a "retro-styled" figure, the hard-plastic points on his helmet are very accurate to the animation model and therefore incredibly pointy, like, "would not be allowed on a toy for the 5-13 set" pointy.
As with all releases in the ReAction toyline, Optimus comes packaged in a small cardback that emulates the nostalgic packaging style of Kenner Star Wars action figures of the late 1970s to early '80s.
In late 2024, this figure was reissued with no obvious changes, now in a blindpacked box assortment.

  • Cyberchrome Optimus Prime (2021)
  • Accessories: Ion Blaster
This version of the Optimus ReAction figure features glossy metallic paint. That's about it. Whee.
This figure was a Target exclusive in the US, released alongside the "Cyberchrome Megatron" figure.

  • Fallen Leader Optimus Prime (2021)
  • Accessories: Ion Blaster
Released in the fourth wave of ReAction, this all-gray version of Optimus features a new torso tooling with open chest panels revealing a (non-removable) Matrix of Leadership.
This is the first of three different figures of the same concept to be sold under the name "Fallen Leader Optimus Prime"; the other two (below) are Target exclusives.
This figure was initially solicited to retailers as "Dead Optimus Prime" before the slightly gentler name change... but "Dead Optimus Prime" is still what the figure is labeled on the cardback checklist as of wave 6.

  • Optimus Prime (2021)
  • Accessories: Ion Blaster
A Christmas-themed redeco, "Optimus Santa" features a red and green color scheme, a tufted Santa cap, and his ion blaster is striped to resemble a candy cane.
This figure is a "shared exclusive" between, multiple online outlets. The card still refers to him as just "Optimus Prime" (albeit in cursive on a gift tag), but the toy is listed as "Optimus Santa" on Super7's website, and "Optimus Prime Santa" on other sites.

  • Fallen Leader Optimus Prime (2022)
  • Accessories: Ion Blaster
This Target-exclusive version of the "Fallen Leader" concept is just the normal Optimus figure with the closed-up chest done in the grays of the initial "Fallen Leader" figure. Exciting! And clearance fodder!
This figure was released alongside the "Chrome Commander Megatron" figure.

  • Optimus Prime (2022)
  • Accessories: Ion Blaster
The third Target-exclusive Optimus Prime figure, this one has a head-to-toe gold redeco, depicting his appearance in the end of "The Golden Lagoon".
This figure was released alongside the similarly-decoed "Golden Lagoon" Megatron figure.

  • Fallen Leader Optimus Prime (2022)
  • Accessories: Ion Blaster
The second Target-exclusive "Fallen Leader" version of Optimus, and the third "Fallen Leader" overall (kinda morbid, y'all), and fourth Target-exclusive Optimus (overkill much?), this is the open-chest version of Optimus in his normal "living" color scheme, now better depicting the Matrix transfer moment when Prime was still (barely) alive.
This figure was released alongside the thematically-similar "Fallen Evolution" Megatron figure.

  • Optimus Prime (2023)
  • Accessories: Ion Blaster
A Halloween-themed redeco of the standard Optimus figure, in orange and black. Pumpkinmus Prime.
This figure was a "shared exclusive", sold through multiple online retailers. Online listings call it "Optimus Prime (Halloween)", but the actual card simply says "Optimus Prime".

  • Nucleon Quest Optimus Prime (2024)
  • Accessories: Ion blaster
Wave eight of ReAction saw this black redeco of Optimus Prime, inspired by the 2001 Nucleon Quest Super Convoy figure.

  • Ark Base (Playset, 2024)
  • Accessories: Ion blaster
The ReAction Ark Base playset included a version of Optimus Prime with his chest windows painted to add simulated reflective detail.
Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

R.E.D. [Robot Enhanced Design]

Armored Convoy not included.
  • Optimus Prime (2020)
Released as part of the first wave of the Transformers R.E.D. line, Optimus Prime is a non-transforming 6-inch action figure akin to the ones from Hasbro's Marvel Legends and Star Wars The Black Series lines. He is highly articulated and features extensive paint operations for show-accuracy.
Optimus comes with six hands altogether: a pair of closed fists, a pair of gently beckoning hands, a right hand for his included Ion Blaster accessory, and a right hand with the index finger extended. He also features an Energon Axe, compatible with either wrist in place of his hand. Lastly, he includes a Matrix of Leadership, which can store in his chest thanks to his opening windows.
As with all R.E.D. toys, Optimus Prime was a Walmart exclusive in Canada and the United States, and was later made available on Hasbro Pulse in limited quantities.
This mold was used to make R.E.D. Ultra Magnus.

Super Cyborg

  • Optimus Prime (2018)
    • Accessories: Ion blaster, torso plate
Super Cyborg Optimus Prime is an 11-inch-tall non-transforming figure with 7 points of articulation. Its main distinguishing feature is that the entire front of the robot torso is removable, exposing not just the expected Matrix of Leadership but also many other sculpted mechanical details within Prime's body.
  • Optimus Prime (clear) (2018)
    • Accessories: Ion blaster, torso plate
The transparent plastic version of this figure was exclusive to San Diego Comic-Con 2018.
  • Optimus Prime (Dead) (2018)
    • Accessories: Ion blaster, torso plate
This dark grey version was exclusive to New York Comic Con 2018.
  • Optimus Prime (Clear Red / Blue) (2023)
    • Accessories: Ion blaster, torso plate
This translucent version was exclusive to New York Comic Con 2023.

Figural Bag Clip

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  • Optimus Prime (2020)
Released by Monogram, this 2.5" 3D foam bag clip takes the form of a chibi Optimus Prime.
It was available only as part of a mystery blind bag collection.

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  • Optimus Prime (2021)
A non-articulated, non-transforming 3" figure of Optimus Prime with an attached clip, also released by Monogram.
Unlike the previous year's release it was sold on a standard cardback.


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  • Transformers Easter egg (2021)
In 2021, Brazilian chocolate manufacturer D'elicce released a pair of Transformers-themed Easter eggs exclusive to Lojas Americanas (a popular Brazilian chain store) that included a popcorn bucket of cutesy proportions based on either Optimus Prime or Bumblebee. Also available were smaller chocolate eggs that included temporary tattoos for children of random characters and insignias.


  • Optimus Prime (Series 1, 2021)
    • Accessories: Laser rifle, energy axe, stand
Part of the first wave of Transformers Minimates from Diamond Select, this Optimus Prime is a 2-inch-tall figurine featuring metallic paint, 12-14 points of articulation, and accessories and body parts interchangeable with other Minimates. The Matrix of Leadership is printed on the Minimate figure's chest and is visible through the windows on the chest covering. Due to their small size, all 4 figures in each series are sold in the same blister card.

  • VHS Minimates Box Set (2022)
Minimates Optimus Prime was rereleased as part of a San Diego Comic-Con 2022 exclusive 4-pack, featuring more cartoon-accurate matte painted deco. The packaging for this set resembles a Family Home Entertainment VHS tape. Only 2500 of this set were produced.

  • Stasis Lock Optimus Prime (2023)
Another San Diego Comic-Con brought another VHS-cassette-themed Minimates 4-pack exclusive, with another redeco of Optimus Prime - this time depicting him in "stasis lock" (meaning his grey dead color scheme, now with an opening empty chest compartment). Only 1500 of this set were produced.


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  • Optimus Prime (2021)
  • Accessories: Ion blaster, energon axe, Matrix of Leadership, surfboard, jetpack, basketball, energy restraints, left & right fists, 2 open hands, right gripping hand, left pointing hand, alternate head
Part of the first wave of Transformers ULTIMATES! from Super7, Optimus Prime is a 7-inch-tall action figure based on his cartoon model. He features multi-directional joints at the neck, shoulders, wrists, hips, and ankles; plus swivel biceps, elbows, knees, and a bit of ab crunch. His hands pop out at the wrists so they can be replaced with his additional spare hands in different poses (or the obligatory Energon Axe), and his head can be replaced with an alternate based on the original Optimus toy.
He also features a lot of accessories, more than any other toy in the wave, including a number of episode-specific ones: Sideswipe's jetpack from "More than Meets the Eye, Part 3", a ridable surfboard from "The Ultimate Doom, Part 3", energy restraints from "S.O.S. Dinobots", and his giant basketball from "The Master Builders". He also includes a miniature Spike Witwicky figurine.
Preorders for Optimus Prime (and the rest of Wave 1) opened on January 29 2021, and closed on February 28, with the toys purportedly shipping in winter of that year but not actually arriving until May 2022.

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  • Alligaticon (2022)
  • Accessories: Optimus Prime head; Optimus Prime rifle; Decepticon tower tip w/ arm; Battle taxi
Part of the third wave of ULTIMATES!, the Alligaticon is a 10-inch-long non-transforming figure made to emulate the the Optimus-parts creature's cartoon model to pretty exacting detail (including the lack of detail on most of its flat surfaces). It makes ample use of multi-swivel joints to give its limbs a relatively wide range of motion, plus extensive tail jointing, a mid-body bend, some neck waggle, and an opening jaw.
It comes with multiple "City of Steel"-themed accessories, including a tower with Optimus's arm attached to it. The arm is permanently attached, but the hand uses the same wrist-joint as the individual Optimus figure, and can be popped off and replaced with his other hands if you like (Optimus's wrist-pegs are larger than many other figures', so sadly cross-compatibility is limited at best). Curiously, while the arm appears to be identical to the prior figure's arm, the gun is not, having a trigger guard the original version lacks.
It also comes with Optimus's disembodied head on a ball-jointed "neck" with trailing wires. Like the arm, the head is the same mold as the original Optimus, but this time cast in clear-blue plastic painted over, with a small gap in the back of the head to attempt light-piping... but depending on the strength of the light, it might just shine through the paint. Since it's the same mold, one could theoretically swap it out, but trying to push that wire-mass back into the socket seems like it'd be a bit of a pain in the neck (wocka wocka!).
Preorders for the Alligaticon (and the rest of Wave 3) opened on December 1, 2021, with the toys projected to ship in fall 2022... and actually shipping in November 2023.

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  • Optimus Prime (Fallen Leader) (2023)
  • Accessories: 2 fists, 2 open hands, 2 Matrix-grip hands, trigger-grip right hand, Matrix of Leadership, Matrix cover, ion blaster
This retool and redeco of ULTIMATES! Optimus Prime is the latest of several representations of his dead body from "The Transformers: The Movie," now with a greyscale paint scheme, a heavily damaged left torso section, and cracks all over him (and on his rifle too for good measure). His chest is redesigned to allow it to open and reveal the Matrix.
Preorders opened in June 2022, with the expectation that of figures shipping in May 2023.... but actually January 2024

  • Optimus Prime (2024)
  • Accessories: ion blaster
The original ULTIMATES! Optimus Prime was repackaged as a "Transformers Deluxe" figure, physically identical to the first release but now lacking all accessories except the gun. Its new packaging resembles a VHS clamshell box; specifically, the colors and trade dress strongly resemble the Video Gems tapes, while the character artwork and subtitle are taken directly from the Kid Rhino tapes.
This piece was exclusive to, of all things, Macy's.


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  • Optimus Prime (2021)
    • ID number: 22
Released as part of the Pop! Retro Toys segment, Funko's Pop! Optimus Prime is a super deformed vinyl figure based on his original Generation 1 toy, though his eyes are painted blue like in the cartoon.
This mold was later redecoed as Nemesis Prime.

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  • Optimus Prime (2021)
    • ID number: 22
An Amazon exclusive redeco of the figure above, this version of Optimus Prime features a more metallic paintjob.

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  • Funko Mystery Box: Transformers vs. G.I. Joe (Giftset, 2021)
    • ID number: 44
Available only as part of a GameStop exclusive giftset, this retooled Optimus Prime comes with his Energon axe attached to his right hand instead of his ion blaster and comes blindpacked inside a Transformers vs. G.I. Joe-themed lunch box alongside a Pop! Cobra Commander figure, a Decepticon logo decal, a Cobra logo keychain, and a set of four pins of Optimus Prime, Cobra Commander, Megatron and Duke.

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  • Optimus Prime (Jumbo size, 2021)
    • ID number: 71
A larger version of the regular Pop! Optimus Prime measuring 10-inches tall.

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  • Optimus Prime (Pocket Pop! Keychain, 2021)
A smaller version of the regular Pop! Optimus Prime with a keychain attached to his head.

  • Optimus Prime (Digital Pop!, 2022)
    • Rarity:
      • Monochrome: Common
      • Static: Common
      • Glowing: Uncommon
      • Chrome: Rare
      • Original: Epic
      • Monochrome, Matrix-opening: Epic
      • Gold, Matrix-opening: Grail
NFTs depicting Optimus Prime in the Funko style. Some variants are depicted opening the Matrix over Cybertron, one of which (the Grail one) could be redeemed for a chance to get a physical version of the depicted figure. Said variant was limited to 999 pieces.

Stealing NFTs is the right of all sentient beings.
  • Optimus Prime (2022)
    • ID number: 49
Part of the Pop! Digital segment, this regular-sized vinyl figure portrays Optimus opening the Matrix of Leadership and is entirely painted gold. It could only be acquired by redeeming the Grail NFT above.

  • Optimus Prime (Pop! Pin, 2022)
    • ID number: 18
    • Accessories: Display stand
A metallic enamel pin based on Optimus Prime's vinyl figure measuring 4-inches tall, approximately the same as a regular vinyl.
A "redeco" of this pin as Nemesis Prime was also released as a limited edition chase variant.

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  • Optimus Prime (Pop! Masks, 2022)
Released by Disguise Costumes in collaboration with Funko and exclusive to Walmart, Pop! Masks Optimus Prime is a large half face mask based on the head of the vinyl figure.

  • Optimus Prime (Christmas tree ornament, 2022)
Released by Hallmark and also exclusive to Walmart, this Optimus Prime Christmas tree ornament is virtually identical to the vinyl figure in appearance.

  • Freddy Funko as Optimus Prime (2022)
    • ID number: SE
Exclusive to a Funko-oriented event called Fundays, this regular-sized vinyl figure portrays Freddy Funko cosplaying as Optimus Prime. The body of this figure is the same as the regular Optimus, while the head has been modified to incorporate Freddy's face. This regular version was limited to 1500 pieces.

  • Freddy Funko as Optimus Prime (2022)
    • ID number: SE
A metallic version of the Freddy Funko as Optimus Prime figure was also available, now limited to only 500 pieces.

  • Freddy Funko as Optimus Prime (2022)
    • ID number: SE
Also available and limited to 500 pieces was a version of Freddy Funko as Optimus Prime that glows in the dark.

  • Mr. Potato Head Optimus Prime (Pop! Digital Retro Toys, 2022)
    • Rarity: Grail
    • ID number: 127
Similar in concept to other Mr. Potato Head toys, this vinyl figure is a representation of said character taking the appearance of Optimus Prime, except it can't be taken apart piece by piece.
This figure is limited to 1550 units and can only be acquired redeeming an NFT representing this version of the character.

  • Optimus Prime (Lights and Sounds, 2023)
    • ID number: 120
    • Accessories: Base
A standard-sized figure released in the Retro Toys line, "Lights and Sounds" Optimus Prime features... well, lights and sounds. He also includes a display base, and is posed with his left arm pointing forward and his right hand holding his blaster.
This figure is exclusive to the Funko Shop online store.

  • Optimus Prime Tee (T-shirt, 2023)
A T-shirt available on Funko's online store, it features artwork of Pop! Optimus Prime in the same pose and style as the original Generation 1 Optimus Prime packaging art.

  • Optimus Prime (2024)
    • ID number: 131
Released in celebration of the 40 years of the franchise, this regular sized Pop! Retro Toys Optimus Prime is a similar mold to the original release, but is doing a different pose and features toy-accurate yellow eyes.

  • Optimus Prime & Megatron (2-pack, 2024)
A Hot Topic exclusive release of the 40th anniversary Optimus Prime and Megatron vinyls with a metallic finish to their paintings.

Modern Icons

  • Optimus Prime Modern Icons Replica Helmet (December 27, 2021)
A collaboration between Hasbro and statue and replica brand Modern Icons, this is a wearable helmet for adult collectors, based on Optimus Prime's head. It features light-up eyes and authentic sounds and phrases.
Originally due for release on August 16, 2021, the Optimus Prime helmet was delayed until December 27 (as was its Megatron counterpart). The helmet is a GameStop exclusive in the United States.

Super Shogun

  • Optimus Prime (2021)
    • Accessories: Ion blaster, Matrix of Leadership, left fist
Another "retro-styled" non-transforming figure by Super7, Super Shogun Optimus Prime is meant to be an homage to the 1970s "Shogun Warriors" toyline. To match the famous features of those older toys, this Optimus stands 24" tall and is mostly made of hollow plastic, with 3 points of articulation, wheels on his feet, and a spring-loaded firing left fist. His chest doors open to reveal a removable Matrix of Leadership. Suggested retail price was $350 - hopefully if you're old enough to remember "Shogun Warriors" you've gotten a good job by now.

  • Optimus Prime (Fallen Leader) (2022)
    • Accessories: Ion blaster, Matrix of Leadership, left fist
Continuing the trend from their ReAction and ULTIMATES! Optimus Prime figures above, Super7 also produced a grey redeco of Super Shogun Optimus Prime representing his dead body.


I farted.
  • Optimus Prime (2021)
    • ID number: 024
A collaboration between Hasbro and statue/replica brand Jazware, The Transformers was added as a part of the Zōteki line alongside other iconic brands such as Marvel, to recreate some of the main "Generation 1" characters. The 24th figure of the Zōteki line; Optimus Prime wields his iconic Ion blaster.
Each statue of the line features a connection point for it to be connected to the others, in order to form a battle scene.


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  • Transformers Gen-1 Chess Set (2021)
In the planned Transformers Chess Set by Eaglemoss, a relatively large and very well detailed statue of Optimus Prime was slated to be the standard King piece on the Autobot side.
A Kickstarter campaign to raise the necessary funds for this project was launched, but failed to meet its goal by September 24, 2021 and the whole thing was canceled. The Optimus Prime piece managed to technically get a very limited release, however, as some online influencers in the Transformers fandom received copies gifted to them by Eaglemoss during the Kickstarter campaign.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


Transformers Character Card

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Released as part of the first wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Optimus Prime (with Roller) and Megatron (with Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp) along with character profiles and tech specs.

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  • Battle Convoy & Megatron Set (March 14, 2022)
    • ID number: 11 & 12
Released as part of the second wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Optimus Prime and Megatron in their Generation 2 bodies along with character profiles and tech specs. Optimus is specifically depicted as the Laser Optimus Prime" toy.

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  • Transformers Card Binder (includes 2 special cards) (November 1, 2022)
    • ID number: EX
Released as something of a finale to the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this binder intended to contain the entire Transformers Character Card series is packed with a pair of holographic trading cards depicting super-deformed art of Optimus Prime and Megatron in the forms of their first e-HOBBY exclusive toys along with character profiles and tech specs. Optimus is specifically depicted as the Hybrid Style "Convoy Black Version" toy.

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  • Jhiaxus & Convoy Missile Trailer Set (February 6, 2023)
    • ID number: 41 & 42
Released as part of the sixth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Jhiaxus and Generation 2 Optimus Prime along with character profiles and tech specs. Optimus is specifically depicted as the Hero Optimus Prime toy.

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  • Alpha Trin & Convoy Set (April 22, 2023)
    • ID number: 49 & 50
Released as part of the seventh wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of "Alpha Trin" and Optimus Prime touting the Matrix of Leadership along with character profiles and tech specs. Optimus's card notably eschews the line's usual Power Plans-inspired motif for a reproduction of the original 1984 toy packaging mural in celebration of the line's 50th release.

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  • Orion Pax & Hot Rodimus Set (August 14, 2023)
    • ID number: 59 & 60
Released as part of the eighth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Orion Pax and "Hot Rodimus" along with character profiles and tech specs.

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  • Convoy (Action Master) & Megatron (Action Master) Set (December 28, 2024)
    • ID number: 93 & 94
Released as part of the thirteenth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Optimus Prime (with Armored Convoy) and Megatron (with Neutro-Fusion Tank) in their Action Master forms along with character profiles and tech specs.

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  • Primus and Cybertron Army Set (February, 2025)
    • ID number: 101 & 102
Released as part of the fourteenth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Primus in the form of his "Creator" toy and the Generation 1 Autobots (as represented by Optimus Prime, Blaster, Eject, Grimlock, Prowl, Crossblades, Jazz and Turbo Board) along with character profiles and tech specs.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

Acrylic keychain series

E-Hobby Optimus Prime and Bumblebee keychains.jpg
Released as part of the first wave of an e-HOBBY exclusive series, this pair of keychains depicts character art and assets re-used from Optimus Prime and Bumblebee's Masterpiece releases, namely MP-44 Convoy and MP-45 Bumble and Spike 2.0 respectively.


  • Optimus Prime (2018)
Clip Bots Optimus Prime is a small super deformed plush that can be "transformed" into a little tractor trailer by flipping it inside out. It features a plastic clip so it can dangle from whatever you clip it to.

Unlike some Optimus Primes, he'll give you his face instead.
  • Optimus Prime (2022)
Modeled after Optimus Prime's evergreen design, this roleplay toy mask was released along side an Bumblebee version.

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  • Optimus Prime Mask (2024)
Manufactured by Peachtree Playthings, this mask is a completely new mold based on Optimus Prime's evergreen design, though it's a bit more stylized then the 2022 version. It was found at discount stores such as Dollar Tree with no prior announcement. As with the previous mask, it was released along side an Bumblebee version.

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  • Cybertron Battlers Optimus Prime (2022)
Released in the Cybertron Battlers subline of Authentics, this vinyl figure is a non-transforming, 5.5 inch rendition of Optimus Prime in his evergreen design with limited points of articulation. He has an Energon Axe molded into his right hand.
He comes packaged either individually with a tag, or in twos in a box together with Bumblebee and Megatron.

Up top!
  • Pull-Back Racers Optimus Prime (2023)
Released in the Pull-Back Racers subline of Authentics, this toy is a non-transforming rendition of Optimus Prime in a super-deformed rendition of his vehicle mode, albeit with his robot mode head and left arm sticking out of it. As the title suggests, this toy has a pull-back motor that will propel the toy forwards after being pulled back considerably enough.


  • Optimus Prime (Series 1, 2022)
Squeezelings Optimus Prime is a super deformed, non-posable figure made of soft plastic and holding his ion blaster, released by Forever Clever. He was released in blind bags and in boxed giftsets. One of these sets included a 'Blackout Color Mode' redeco.

  • Blackout Color Mode Optimus Prime (2022)
A black redeco of the previous Optimus Prime figure. It was exclusive to an 8-figure gift set, featuring Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Starscream, Megatron, and Blackout Color Mode versions of the three other characters.

  • Optimus Prime (Series 2, 2023)
A figure of Optimus Prime in soft plastic, like the above. Unlike the above, this one is not in super deformed style. He was released in a gift set alongside Bumblebee, Megatron and Optimus Primal, in blind bags, or on blister card individually.


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  • Nendoroid Optimus Prime (G1 Ver.) (2022)
    • Nendoroid ID Number: 1765
    • Accessories: Ion blaster, Energon-axe, pointing hand
Nendoroid Optimus Prime is a super deformed, adorable rendition of the original Autobot commander. It is the first Nendoroid figure released for a "Generation 1" character, as the first Nendoroid figures for Transformers were for the Bumblebee movie.
As with most Nendoroids, Optimus Prime can interchange body parts with compatible figures, and comes with an alternative "pointing hand" accessory to aid with specific posing. The figure is packed with Optimus's trademark Ion blaster and Energon-axe weapons (generically referred to as a gun and an energy axe by the Good Smile Company website), the latter of which replaces Optimus's hand when wielded. He also features articulation at the head, knees, shoulders, elbows, and even his chest.
This mold was later redecoed as Nemesis Prime.

Icon Heroes

  • Optimus Prime X Bumblebee Retro Pin Set (2022)
A hard enamel pin based on Optimus Prime's original G1 package art made by Icon Heroes. It comes carded with a Bumblebee pin.
This pin was also available in Nemesis Prime colors.
Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

Of course we need another superdeformed Optimus Prime statue, why do you ask?
  • Optimus Prime Action Statue (2023)
A 12" tall polystone statue of Optimus Prime holding his ion blaster and standing over an Autobot insignia base. The statue is slighty superdeformed with an unusually large head and features some neck articulation.
Each sample is going to be individually numbered and come with a certificate of authenticity.
Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.


Bishoujo Series

Looking this good is the right of all sentient beings.
  • Bishoujo Series Transformers Convoy/Optimus Prime (January 2023)
Kotobukiya Bishoujo Series Convoy/Optimus Prime renders the classic Autobot commander as a cute anime girl (formally termed as a Bishōjo). Bishoujo Optimus's necklace represents the Matrix of Leadership, while Prime's trailer and wheels are represented as her suitcase and boots respectively.
Bishoujo Series Optimus Prime also comes with an alternate masked headpiece, and a red display base designed after the Autobot insignia. A Deluxe Edition release also included a B5-sized acrylic board for display, featuring Yamashita's original artwork of the character.
This statue was later recolored and retooled to create Bishoujo Series Nemesis Prime.

Frame Arms Girl

Minerva's Ginrai Optimus Prime cosplay.
  • Convoy/Optimus Prime Humikane[sic] Shimada Ver. (June 2025)
    • Accessories: 5 pairs of hand parts, 2x2 Faceplates (Android, Human), Front hair/helmet parts for human face config, Ion Blaster, Energon Axe
    • Known designers: Fumikane Shimada (artist)
Designed by Humikane (actually "Fumikane") Shimada of Frame Arm Girls and 30 Minutes Sisters fame, this 135mm articulated model kit (using a similar construction to FA Girl kits, though she's not referred to as such) of Optimus Prime/Convoy is another personified take of the character compared to the Bishoujo Series statue above. Aside from her hand parts and the two signature weapons, Optimus also comes with two types of faceplates, with two expressions for each, and a few front hair/helmet parts for each configuration.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

Micro Machines

  • Optimus Prime Hauler Playset (2022)
    • Accessories: Tracks vehicle, decoder

Collect them all!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their toys & merchandise. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

XM Studios

  • Optimus Prime (2022)
This hand-painted porcelain statue of Optimus Prime stands over 26" tall and features alternate arms to allow owners to display him in different poses or switching out his signature laser rifle for his energon axe. His chest-mounted Matrix of Leadership lights up, and the set also includes a sculpted version of the truck mode to display next to the robot. Suggested retail was about $1,700.

  • Optimus Prime Bust (2023)
A four-foot-tall bust of Optimus Prime, with hand-burnished metallic features and a $4,000 price tag.

Transformers × Mini World

  • Optimus Prime (2023)
    • Accessories: Transforming base, gun, axe, 2 smokestacks, machine part, crane arm, 2 connectors
Transformers × Mini World Optimus Prime is a tie-in to the popular Chinese game Mini World. It comes with a display base which can fold up into a cube-shaped representation of Prime's truck mode, complete with rolling wheels. The figure can transform into a storage mode and store fully inside the cube, or you can remove his head and replace it with the folded up cube. The unfurled base mode has some machinery inside, as well as a weapons rack to store the included gun and axe accessories. The set includes two smokestacks that can be pegged onto the truck-cube mode.
Each set includes Build a Figure-like machinery components which can be combined with parts from other sets to make new structures.
It is exclusively available at TMall, a subsidiary of Alibaba. This figure was released both individually and as part of a giftset with the rest of the "Mini World" Transformers.

Fools Paradise

Some contrast to the bishoujo, huh?
  • Optimus Prime (2023)
    • Accessories: Football
Part of a collaboration between Hasbro and Hong Kong-based online store ZCWO, Optimus Prime joins the "League of Steel" subline of Fools Paradise's LOWFOOL range, rendered as a hulking American football player alongside similar vinyl statues of Evangelions and Gundams. He is depicted as a human man wearing heavily Optimus Prime-inspired body armour and sports equipment, including a colour coordinated football, and is designed with the characteristic LOWFOOL facial features of a strong brow, squinting eyes, and moustache (not, as you might surmise, as a reference to Peter Cullen's own face fuzz).
Preorders for Prime opened in June 2023, with a projected release date of November.

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  • Optimus Prime (2024)
A second statue of Optimus Prime by Fools Paradise portrays Optimus Prime in a much more conventional (if heavily stylised) design. This vinyl statue of Prime stands approximately 60cm tall, and features light up LED eyes and apparently boasts a full range of articulation. It also features a somewhat weathered paint job.
Preorders opened in November 2023, with a projected release date of March 2024.
Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

McFarlane Toys

If you squint, you can just barely make out the lack of a waist swivel.
  • Optimus Prime and Megatron (2024)
Page Punchers Optimus Prime is 3-inch non-transformable action figure based off his IDW design.
He comes in a two-pack with Megatron, packaged with Optimus Prime #1 and Lost Light #6.

Hot Wheels

  • Optimus Prime (Track Fleet, 2024)
  • Accessories: Trailer
Hot Wheels Track Fleet Optimus Prime is a non-transforming truck at 1/64 scale based on a a Freightliner FL86 Class 8 truck, sized to be compatible with Hot Wheels tracks.
Unlike the concurrently released HW Screen Time Bumblebee, Optimus does not have a sculpted robot face on his undercarriage.

  • Optimus Prime (Skate, 2024)
  • Accessories: Finger sneakers
Part of the Hot Wheels Skate subset, this is an Optimus Prime-themed finger skateboard that comes with a pair of red finger sneakers. The shape and packaging use Dreamwave-era artwork of Optimus Prime.

Beyblade X

Not pictured: Optimus Prime using this to part the Red Sea.
  • Optimus Prime and Megatron Multipack Set (2024)
Optimus Prime 4-60P consists of three pieces that can be interchanged with those of other Beyblade X tops; an attacking Blade primarily made of metal, a Ratchet that locks parts together and determines height, and a Bit that touches the ground and determines movement.
The "Optimus Prime" Blade features a picture of Optimus Prime on its central Gear Chip and is largely a retool of the mainline Beyblade X Blade "Helm Knight", sporting a largely similar metal section with Optimus Prime-themed details and an unaltered plastic underframe. The "4-60" Ratchet and "P" ("Point") Bit of this Beyblade are recolored parts from other Beyblade X tops.
While the completed Beyblade is labeled as Balance Type, the "Optimus Prime" Blade is individually labeled on the back of the packaging as Defense Type, due to being a retool of the Defense Type Blade "Helm Knight".
Optimus Prime 4-60P was only available in a two-pack with Megatron 4-80B as an Amazon exclusive. Like other Collab Beyblades, scanning the QR code on the underside of the Blade will award the player with 1500 Season Track points, but will not unlock the Beyblade for use in the game.



  • Optimus Prime (AMK Pro, 2024)
Released as part of Yolopark's AMK Pro line, Optimus Prime comes in pre-assembled modules as opposed to traditional model kit runners. This allows him to be assembled quickly and easily without tools. Unlike Yolopark's regular AMK line, the AMK Pro line features diecast parts as well as light-up features. In Prime's case, his eyes will light up when tapping his head with a magnet. The feature requires one CR927 battery which is not included.
The fully assembled figure resembles the Masterpiece Convoy 3.0 and features an opening Matrix chamber and fully articulated hands, eliminating the need for alternate hands. Both the ion blaster and Megatron gun can be wielded by his hands, though removing the stalk from the Megatron gun makes this much easier.
The figure was redecoed into Nemesis Prime.

  • Optimus Prime (Hasbro Edition, 2024)
The AMK Pro Optimus Prime kit is re-released under the "Hasbro Edition" branding. In this release, the diecast parts have been replaced with plastic, and the light-up feature and the Megatron gun accessory are no longer included. In addition, Prime's display stand also comes with an additional Teletraan-1 backdrop for the arm unit.

  • Megatron and Optimus Prime Combo Set (2024)
The "Hasbro Edition" of the AMK Pro Optimus Prime kit is also sold as a two-pack with the same line's Megatron. The 2-pack also comes with a unique pin.

  • Optimus Prime (Clear Color) (AMK Pro, 2024)
Released exclusively for the Cybertron Con 2024 in Shanghai, this Optimus Prime is a translucent redeco of the AMK Pro kit.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

  • Optimus Prime (AMK, 2025)
Basically a re-release of the "Hasbro Edition" of the AMK kit, this Optimus Prime only comes with his Ion Blaster and the Matrix of Leadership.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

June 2025 release

AMK Mini Series

Swap my right arm with Megatron's so I could go to the offensive!
  • Optimus Prime (2024)
  • Accessories: 2 additional pairs of hands (Splayed, Pointing), Ion blaster
The AMK Mini Series Optimus Prime is a smaller version of the character and features swappable hand parts and his usual Ion Blaster.
Initial images of the kit's hand-painted prototypes showed Prime utilizing a desaturated blue and red. His white parts are slightly darker, while his grill abs are flat grey and the chest windows are white. Unlike the prototype, the blue paint on the crotch is missing in the final product.
Optimus Prime is sold as either an individually marked single, a 2-pack with the same line's Megatron in a single box, or as a blind box figure. This mold was also used to make Nemesis Prime for the blind-box line, and Delta Magnus for the Agabyss-organized BotCon 2024 exclusive House of Magnus BotCon VS Set.

  • Orion Pax (IDW) (2025)
This AMK Mini Series kit is based on Orion Pax's appearance in the 2005 IDW comics.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

June 2025 release


  • Optimus Prime (2025)
The BMK (Which stands for "Beginner Model Kit") Optimus Prime is a larger version of the AMK Mini, with the design being based on the AMK/Pro release. As with other BMKs, Optimus features a similarly basic articulation, though the knees have been replaced with a rotating joint.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

June 2025 release


Galaxy Version

  • Optimus Prime (Galaxy Version, 2023)
  • Series: Galaxy Version 01 - Roll Out
  • Accessories: Spare balljoint piece, figure stand, 2 open hands, ion blaster, Energon Axe, holdable Autobot and Decepticon insignias
Released in the first wave of Galaxy Version line of blind boxes, Blokees Optimus Prime is a roughly 4-inches tall, highly-articulated, and non-transforming snap-on model kit of the Autobot leader. He is built on a "Standard Body" skeleton shared with other Blokees figures in the line, but with different body pieces to make them distinct. As advertised in the box, Prime has a pull rate of 1 in every 12 boxes, or three times across four cases.
Prime comes with a pair of closed and open hands, along with a left hand molded in a pointing position exclusive to this figure. He also comes with his trademark Ion Blaster and Energon axe weapons—the former can be plugged into the closed hands, and the latter can be plugged into either wrist. The barrel of the Ion Blaster is compatible with the blast effects included with Ironhide, Megatron, and Skywarp. He also comes with a stand with four studs on top which he can be plugged into and connected to similar stands. Optimus can also accommodate the jetpack included with Sideswipe, released on the "Shining Version" lineup.
If one chooses, Prime's inner shoulder parts and elbow joints can be swapped with the red-colored pieces from the same lineup to create a more cartoon-accurate coloration.
His body parts are redecoed to make Galaxy Version Shattered Glass Optimus Prime (IDW), Ultra Magnus (DW), and Nemesis Prime.

  • Optimus Prime Secret Figure (Galaxy Version, 2023)
  • Series: Galaxy Version 01 - Roll Out
  • Accessories: Spare balljoint piece, figure stand, 2 open hands, ion blaster, Energon Axe, holdable Autobot and Decepticon insignias
The chase figure of Galaxy Version 01, with a much slimmer pull rate of 1 in every 36 boxes, i.e. once in four cases. Prime is decoed in a metallic paint job save for the joint pieces along with more show accurate deco on the crotch, thighs, back, and shins. He comes with the same accessories as his regular counterpart.

  • Exclusive Yearly Version (2024)
This special edition box set included gold redecoes of Galaxy Version Optimus Prime as well as Prowl, Ironhide, Long Haul, and Starscream.

  • Optimus Prime (Shining Version, 2024)
  • Series: Shining Version 01 - Shining Roll Out
  • Accessories: Spare balljoint piece, figure stand, 2 open hands, ion blaster, Energon Axe, holdable Autobot and Decepticon insignias
Released in the first wave of Blokees' Shining Version line, this edition of the original Galaxy Version mold now features a torso frame that lights up upon shaking (or at least just lightly tap some areas on the torso), causing the eyes and chest window to glow for a limited time. He has a Matrix of Leadership tampographed into his windshield piece.
He retains the same accessories as his Galaxy Version counterpart, except his stand is now molded in purple plastic.

  • Optimus Prime (Shining Version, 2024)
  • Series: Shining Version 02 - Shining 1985
  • Accessories: Spare balljoint piece, figure stand, 2 open hands, ion blaster, Energon cube, holdable Autobot and Decepticon insignias
The second wave of the Shining Version series introduced a second Optimus Prime mold styled after his original Generation 1 toy.
Aside from the similar pairs of hand parts, and holdable Autobot and Decepticon insignias, Prime comes with his ion blaster modeled after its original toy, an all-new figure stand, along with a single energon cube.

  • Optimus Prime Secret Figure (Shining Version, 2024)
  • Series: Shining Version 02 - Shining 1985
  • Accessories: Spare balljoint piece, figure stand, 2 open hands, ion blaster, Energon cube, holdable Autobot and Decepticon insignias
This chase variant of the above toy-style mold is, like the Galaxy Version, redecoed into metallic colors along with more toy-accurate tampographs and retains the same accessories. The eye and window pieces are now molded with orange-ish red translucent plastic instead of blue.

Not the kind of Trans Am you'd expect Optimus Prime to turn into.
  • Optimus Prime [Pink] (Galaxy Version, 2024)
  • Accessories: Pair of open hands, one pointing left hand, Energon Axe, Ion Blaster, Matrix of Leadership with support stand
Released exclusively for the Cybertron Con 2024 event, this Optimus Prime kit is sold as a pre-assembled redeco of the first Galaxy/Shining Version kit, featuring opaque and translucent energon pink livery, and omits the light-up feature. He comes with all weapon and hand accessories from the original Galaxy Version release, and the Matrix/support stand from the Shining Version.
This Optimus Prime is limited to 999 units, with, 100 sold at the convention, and the rest distributed through online and physical stores across mainland China.

Action Edition

  • Optimus Prime (Action Edition, 2024)
Accessories: Ion Blaster, Energon-Axe, Jetpack, Wrist Communicator, Holomatter avatar, Matrix of Leadership, Index finger parts (Fist, Pointing, Trigger-finger), display stand with magnet-powered faction symbol block
The "Action Edition" Optimus Prime is a 7-inch (approx 18cm) model kit with a slightly more complex build and features an inner frame (equivalent to the ones used for Bandai's "Master/Perfect/Real Grade" kits) with greater articulation points than his other Galaxy Version toys. In addition to his two signature weapons, the removable Matrix of Leadership, and the jetpack, Optimus also comes with a holomatter avatar and wrist comm pieces to attach to the left forearm, with each of those parts featuring two different types of stickers. The articulated hands also feature two additional index fingers, a straight pointing piece, and a slightly curved piece for the Ion Blaster's trigger. A magnetic component in his display stand's faction symbol activates the light-up features that illuminate his eyes and the Matrix. An additional sticker sheet and extra yellow-colored eye parts can be used to create a toy-accurate version of this kit.
If one chooses, the middle-to-pinky fingers can be (carefully) sliced into individual pieces as they also feature individual ball joints for each finger.

Defender Version

Every case comes with a random Commemorative Card, with 10 Common, 1 Gold, and 1 Silver for each out of every 12 cards.

  • Optimus Prime Vehicle (Defender Version, 2024)
  • Series: Defender Version 01 - Shattered Alliance
Released as part of the all-new Defender Version line of blind boxes, this Blokees kit of Optimus Prime is molded in his truck mode. The trailer hitch also comes with the Auto-Launcher from the Combat Deck, where it can be extended and be weld by other figures from the same line.

  • Optimus Prime (Defender Version, 2024)
  • Series: Defender Version 01 - Shattered Alliance
  • Accessories: Ion Blaster
This Defender Version kit of Optimus Prime is a 2.2-inch (5.5cm) figure, a few inches smaller than the Galaxy Version kits, but still articulated. Unlike his Galaxy Version kit, Optimus only comes with an Ion Blaster.
As with all robot mode kits from this line, Optimus features color-coded eye parts, which double as the neck's socket joint.

  • Special Galaxy Type Optimus Prime (Defender Version, 2024)
  • Series: Defender Version 01 - Shattered Alliance
  • Accessories: Ion Blaster
One of the two chase figures of the line, the "Special Galaxy Type" Optimus Prime is a metallic redeco of the figure above, and he also features thoroughly painted details to make him more accurate to the show. like Megatron, he has a much slimmer pull rate of 5 in every 144 boxes.

All of these armaments and yet he insists on crippling the 'Cons' joints without destroying them.
  • Optimus Prime 100% Firepower (Defender Version, 2024)
  • Series: Defender Version 01 - Shattered Alliance
  • Accessories: Ion Blaster, Forearm cannon, Wing pack
The "100% Firepower" version of the Optimus Prime kit is an alternate version of the Special Galaxy Type chase figure, decked out in metallic paint, and comes with additional armaments such as the forearm cannon and a wing pack that suspiciously resembles Devastator's chest. Unlike the chase variant above, this Optimus has an even slimmer pull rate of 1 in every 144 boxes.


All releases come with their respective trading cards.
  • Optimus Prime (Alpha Action Elite, 2024)
  • Series: Defend Iacon!
  • ID Number: AAE-001
  • Accessories: 4 pairs of hands, Ion Blaster
Sold as part of Auldey's "Alpha Action Elite (AAE)" series of blindboxes, this Optimus Prime is a 5-inch non-transforming but highly articulated action figure, and he comes with his additional pairs of hands and his signature ion blaster. Prime also features a removable chest window piece, which reveals an empty cavity for a future Matrix of Leadership accessory.
As advertised in the box, the lineup had an 11/70 probability of getting Prime.

  • Optimus Prime (Metallic Color) (Alpha Action Elite, 2024)
  • Series: Defend Iacon!
  • ID Number: AAE-000
  • Accessories: 4 pairs of hands, Ion Blaster
The chase figure of the first lineup with a much slimmer 1/72 probability, this Optimus Prime is a redeco of the figure above, featuring metallic paint and toy-accurate details on the head and chest. In addition, Prime also comes with a sheet of customer-applied stickers to complete the rest of his toy-accurate details, which includes the yellow areas on his front hip.


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