Onslaught (G1)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Onslaught" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Onslaught (disambiguation). |
- Onslaught is a Decepticon Combaticon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Onslaught (aka Combatmaster) is what you'd call the "hands-off" type. He doesn't enjoy getting his mitts dirty, but instead prefers the thrill of designing battle plans, strategies, and tactics, and then watching his Combaticon soldiers carry them out. While he typically crafts his strategies to exclude his direct involvement, Onslaught is no coward. When required, he will engage in battle with strength, cunning and earthquaking fury. This darker, more brutish side of Onslaught might lead some Decepticons into thinking he has a secret blood-lust stashed away in his circuits. But truth be told, he's really just ticked off that his plans didn't work out the way they were supposed to.
Onslaught can combine with his fellow Combaticons to form Bruticus, who is considerably dumber than Onslaught.
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Transformers cartoon
- Voice actor: S. Marc Jordan (English), Terry McGovern (English, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1"), Steve Bulin (English, "The Rebirth, Part 3"), Yutaka Shimaka (Japanese), Jin Horikawa (Japanese, "The Rebirth"), Zhan Che (Chinese), Hans-Rainer Müller (German, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1-3"), Walter von Hauff (German, "Surprise Party"), Thomas Rau (German, "Starscream's Ghost"), Bernd Simon (German, "The Rebirth, Part 3"), Gerd Rigauer (German, Generation 2 dub), Hélio Ribeiro (Portuguese), Orlando Drummond (Portuguese, "Starscream’s Brigade" & "B.O.T."), Mário Monjardim (Portuguese, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1"), Júlio Chaves (Portuguese, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3"), Henry Djanik (European French), Francis Lax (European French, "Surprise Party" & "The Rebirth, Part 3"), Serge Lhorca (European French, "Starscream's Ghost"), Unknown (European French, "Aerial Assault" & "Five Faces of Darkness", Parts 1 & 3)
Onslaught was one of the five renegade Decepticons liberated by Starscream in the Air Commander's latest attempt to unseat Megatron. As an element of their imprisonment, they had been reduced to mere personality components, so Starscream installed them into abandoned World War II military vehicles. The transplant caused the vehicles to immediately reconfigure themselves: Onslaught in particular went from being a half-track troop carrier to being a flatbed missile-truck, before turning into a robot. Starscream called them "Combaticons" and announced their names as they transformed, but they didn't recognize him. Nor did they feel particularly indebted to him for their release; in the end, Starscream only guaranteed their loyalty though having given them bodies bereft of energy absorbers, so they would be dependent upon him to refuel.
Onslaught and his fellow Combaticons agreed to work with Starscream to overthrow Megatron on the promise of being given the vital components. Onslaught worked in capturing two Autobots, though he got into an argument with Vortex over who was responsible for the act. Later, while recharging at a power station, Starscream's brigade was confronted by the Decepticons under Megatron's command. Anticipating that Devastator might come into play, Starscream ordered Onslaught and the other Combaticons to merge into the dim-witted Bruticus. The Combaticon combiner managed to soundly defeat Devastator, but was in turn defeated by a surprise attack by Menasor. For their treachery, Megatron banished Onslaught, his comrades and Starscream in space on a desolate asteroid. Starscream's Brigade

After a falling out with Starscream, Onslaught became the mastermind of "Operation Revenge" and helped defeat Shockwave's forces on Cybertron. He also used his external backpack and altered the Space Bridge to send Earth into the sun. It didn't work as he was defeated by the allied Decepticons and Autobots. Then Megatron had the Combaticons, including Onslaught, reprogrammed to serve him. Poor guy, can't seem to get a break. The Revenge of Bruticus

After that little lobotomy, the Combaticons were deployed to Earth's Middle East to assist in Megatron's scheme to steal military jets, rebuild them into cars, drive them out of the owners' nations, and then rebuild them back into drone jets in friendly territory. Yeah. Onslaught and the other Combaticons attacked the Aerialbots when they snooped around, managing to force Slingshot to crash into a cave (YAY!). Later, Onslaught and the ground-based Combaticons formed an anti-aircraft screen against an Aerialbot attack on the Fortress, then merged into Bruticus, but was rather quickly defeated by Superion before being blown away by the exploding oil wells. Aerial Assault
Back in the United States, Onslaught led the Combaticons in driving down the road of a random city for no apparent reason until they were confronted by Defensor. Though the Combaticons formed Bruticus, they were blown to pieces by a single shot from the Autobot, with Swindle being the only survivor. Swindle later sold the parts of his comrades, but was forced to buy them back for Megatron's next Crazy Scheme. The Combaticons formed Bruticus to operate the orbital disruptor cannon, but was shot by the cannon itself when B.O.T. tampered with it. B.O.T.

By the year 2006, the Decepticons had been forced into retreat on the ruined, burned out world of Chaar. Though he admired Rumble's eager attitude to attack, he noted that the Decepticons didn't have the energon reserves to do so. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1 When it was found that Rodimus Prime and Grimlock were snooping around, the Decepticons began beating them to death before being scared off by a Skuxxoid ship. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2 When the Quintessons landed on Chaar and proposed an alliance, Onslaught reiterated his earlier concern about the Autobots' military superiority but ultimately joined the rest of the Decepticons, save Blitzwing in their attack on the Autobots anyway. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3 Much later, Galvatron sent Onslaught, Brawl and Blast Off to assassinate the Decepticon exile Octane. Onslaught attempted to hold his troops until the proper moment presented itself, but Octane was still able to seek cover before their laser fire could terminate him. The traitor's Autobot partner, Sandstorm, then used his eponymous ability to blind and disorient the Combaticons long enough for the two Triple Changers to escape. Starscream's Ghost
When the First Inter Galactic Peace Conference was to be held, Onslaught led the Combaticons in attacking the shuttle bay that was to bring the delegates to the conference, succeeding in destroying several ships before retreating. Surprise Party As part of Bruticus, Onslaught watched the Decepticon assault on Paradron, Fight or Flee and was part of a destructive battle that stretched across Japan. The Burden Hardest to Bear Along with the other Decepticons, Onslaught was infected by the Hate Plague when it swept across the galaxy. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1
During the battle for the Plasma Energy Chamber, Onslaught led his Combaticons in the crafting of a giant planetary rocket engine that would be used to propel Cybertron into orbit around Earth, harvesting the innards of the defeated Autobots for the necessary parts and fuel. The Rebirth, Part 3
Japanese cartoon continuity
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers story pages
Scramble City
- Voice actor: Yū Shimaka (Japanese)
When the Stunticons were dispatched to hinder the Autobots from constructing Scramble City, they were attacked by the Aerialbots and did not fare too well. Onslaught's Combaticons arrived to help, and together Bruticus and Menasor easily overpowered Superion. However, Scramble City itself soon arrived and blasted both combiners away. Scramble City: Mobilization
The Headmasters cartoon
- Voice actor: Michitaka Kobayashi (Japanese), Kōji Totani (Japanese, ep 25)
Onslaught and the Combaticons participated in an all-out Decepticon attack on Cybertron, Four Warriors Come out of the Sky until Fortress Maximus arrived and drove them away. The Mystery of Planet Master Shortly afterwards, Hot Rod set out to find the Matrix of Leadership and bring it to Optimus Prime, and the Combaticons were among the troops sent out to stop him. They were ambushed by the Protectobots, and defeated when Defensor buried Bruticus in a rockfall. Birth of the Fantastic Double Prime Not long after that, the Combaticons defended Trypticon against Twincast's attempted infiltration, but failed when the Aerialbots arrived and distracted them. The Great Cassette Operation
The Combaticons were later part of another attack on Cybertron, during which they killed plenty of soldiers before getting into another fight with Defensor. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1 They lost. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2 When the Decepticons planted a giant carnivorous plant in San Francisco, the Combaticons and Stunticons were stationed to attack any Autobots who arrived to kill it. Head On!! Fortress Maximus Sixshot later sent the Combaticons, Terrorcons and Horrorcons to attack an Autobot energy facility in Miami, in order to lure Autobot troops away from Autobot City. Ultra Magnus Dies!! The Combaticons also unleashed Bruticus as Sixshot continued his reign of terror over the Autobots on Earth. The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg
Onslaught was present when Scorponok held a speech about Galvatron's recent death and took control of the Decepticons. I Risk My Life for Earth Bruticus was later part of a small group of Decepticons who tried to lead Fortress Maximus away from the Decepticon base on Master. The Zarak Shield Turns the Tide The combiner then stood by and laughed as Predaking sank the luxury liner Queen World in the Atlantic Ocean. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 1) As Bruticus, the Combaticons participated in the final battle with the Autobots at the North Pole, and retreated into space when Scorponok's energy-absorbing satellite started tearing the Earth apart. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)
Unite Warriors
The Combaticons hosted an illegal arms trading market during which Onslaught purchased a variety of weapons from El Presidente. Shopping at the Dark Bazaar!
Zone cartoon, manga, and story pages
Seeking to create a Decepticon Zone to counter the Autobot Zone, Decepticon Emperor Violengiguar gathered together the Nine Great Demon Generals, upgrading them with powerful new armor and weaponry, then sent them forth to conquer planets. Onslaught was one of those summoned, but only as part of Bruticus. Zone Part 1 Zone Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!
United EX
Onslaught of the Combaticons helped forge a new era of Decepticons combination warriors. With High Regent Scrash, he provided combination data from his Bruticus form to create the devastating Battle Gaia, while undergoing his own enhancements to become strategic commander for the Master Chaos brigade as Combatmaster (コンバットマスター Konbattomasutā).
When Rollermaster failed to defeat the Autobot Choppermaster alone, Combatmaster travelled to Switzerland to finish the job. He stole the PCC Combat Drones from Choppermaster and buried the helicopter in an avalanche. Back at Decepticon headquarters, he and Scrash coordinated Battle Gaia's attack on the Autobots to help cover for the Master Chaos activities. Prelude to the Siege
Next, Combatmaster struck another drone-operating Master Class Autobot, the junior officer Racemaster. Although his ambush was well positioned, Combatmaster did not account for the sheer speed Racemaster and his drones were capable of achieving. The Race Drones and their commander soon out-distanced Combatmaster and his artillery, making a successful getaway. Weapons of a New Generation
Later, Combatmaster and Master Chaos fought to defend a dig site from Autobot interference. Unearthed Future
Generations Selects Special Comic
In 2050, Bruticus and the Decepticons joined the revolution of the Selectors against their human masters. The Quintessons and the Terrorcons sided with the humans, and Abominus attacked all while craving Angolmois Energy. In battle with a scrambled version of Computron, Abominus crashed into Bruticus and Menasor and stole some of their limb components to make an even stronger version of himself. Onslaught was left abandoned on the battlefield as Abomenaticus charged back into the fight. Abominus comic 2
TV Magazine comic continuity
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic
When Menasor's baseball stadium/command base was attacked by Superion and Defensor, Bruticus (so by proxy, Onslaught) came to his aid. He quickly took out Defensor, damaging Hot Spot and preventing the Protectobots from combining again. However, Superion blasted Brawl and Swindle away with his electrostatic discharger rifle, allowing First Aid and Streetwise to steal their places as Bruticus's legs and fly away with Onslaught and his troops. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #5
In order to make the Autobots look bad, Onslaught joined the Stunticons in destroying factories while wearing the Autobot insignia. When they were caught, all but him and Motormaster fled the scene, but Onslaught had an ace up his sleeve: Together, he and Motormaster made up the Decepticon Trailer Corps! With their spinning "Decepticon Great Wheel" attack, the subgroup leaders held the Autobots at bay for a while, but were eventually defeated by Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus's "Prime-Magnus Finish Double" kick. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #7
Onslaught then led his Combaticons in hunting down a dog that had been converted into a Decepticon weapon. They managed to fatally wound it, but the Minibots got them good. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #8
The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers
In the year 2010, Onslaught participated in a Decepticon attack on the planet Feminia. He and his team merged into Bruticus in order to battle alongside Menasor and Devastator against their Autobot counterparts Superion, Defensor and Omega Supreme. The fight was fairly evenly matched until Galvatron called up his ace-in-the-hole, Predaking, whose power was unmatched by any of the Autobots... except for the Omnibots, who essentially tied Predaking's shoelaces together until he fell over, straight into Bruticus and his chums, sending them all toppling to the ground and knocking them to bits. The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers #5
The Great Transformer War
Galvatron and the Decepticons kidnapped the scientist Doctor Dalton to help advance their combination technology. When the Aerialbots and Protectobots arrived to save Dalton, Onslaught and Motormaster merged with Trypticon in base mode, deploying their fellow Decepticons into battle. The Decepticon combiners then formed Bruticus and Menasor, but were ultimately defeated by their Autobot counterparts. The Great Transformer War #1
Wings Universe
In the early days of the war, Onslaught was a top Autobot cadet at Omnihelix Academy, specializing in battle strategy and tactics. His skill was impressive that he was elected a field leader for the Autobot Elite Guard straight out of the Academy, acting as head of the experimental new Special Ops Team, the Combaticons. Onslaught's profile in Club magazine #33
Onslaught and the Combaticons were assembled by Magnum and Sentinel Major to take out the various leaders of the new Decepticon faction, in the hopes of ending the war quickly. At Elite Guard headquarters they were introduced to one of the other recently minted units, Metalhawk and his Strike Team. The Coming Storm: Part 2
After a short exchange, Onslaught and Metalhawk brought their teams before Big Bang for their first mission together. It was a rather pedestrian assignment, lending military-grade explosives and know-how to a civilian archeological dig. The mission was primarily designed to smooth some ruffled feathers in the High Council about the Elite Guard in general.
Upon arrival in Median, however, events became a bit more serious. The dig had uncovered Cybertronian construction facilities that indicated an inherent dichotomy in Transformer design. Onslaught personally scoffed at the scientists' theory that this dichotomy could explain and excuse the warlike nature of the Decepticon rebels, but the more pressing find was the second part of their discovery: a spark of unprecedented power called the Heart of the Dragon, allegedly housing the essence of a Transformer whose power levels went off the scale. Decepticon rogues called the Stormtroopers had learned of the Heart, and were planning a raid on Median to steal it.
As the rest of the Elite Guard did their best to fortify the dilapidated city, Onslaught and Metalhawk grilled Flipsides and the other dig members about the Stormtroopers and any information they had. When the attack came, Onslaught's plan took down the Stormtroopers' advance assault, Roadgrabber and his exo-shell, by hiding a pit behind an obviously weak part in the defenses as a lure. The Decepticon leader Rage and his three lieutenants managed to sweep by Metalhawk, however, forcing Onslaught's secondary team to hunt them down. The Stormtroopers split-and-run tactics were enough to keep all the Elite Guard chasing their tails long enough for Rage to grab the Heart, however. Terror-Tread and Cement-Head, two massive Decepticons held in reverse, then surprised and distracted the Elite Guard long enough for Rage and the others to escape.
The Elite Guard chased the Stormtroopers back to their mobile base, the Metrotitan. Onslaught and the others managed to make their way inside, where they were confronted by Brimstone, the reincarnated physical form of the Heart of the Dragon. Despite his small stature, Brimstone still had the ability to decouple molecules with his plasma breath, making him a formidable foe. Onslaught led the Elite Guard in a swift but strategic advance to the rear, giving Ironfist time to rig all his explosives for one massive blast. Although Brimstone was still standing after the blast, his outer casing had been damaged enough to let his internal energies rage out of control, destroying the Metrotitan in one enormous blast.
Back at Elite Guard headquarters, Onslaught and Metalhawk made their field reports to Magnum. Despite the unconventional nature of the mission in some regards, Magnum congratulated his men on a job well done. They were deployed again almost immediately for a mission to Praxium. Flames of Yesterday
The Special Ops Team and Strike Team worked so well as a combined unit that Magnum kept them together for several weeks. Onslaught and Metalhawk became close comrades, as did their men, sharing stories about the different warlords they brought down, such as Thunderwing and Blue Bacchus. Onslaught was aware that Metalhawk could be squeamish about some of the darker parts of warfare, though, and so he made sure Brawl and Vortex had privacy during their interrogations of a Decepticon prisoner of war.
Onslaught coordinated their next strike against a Decepticon faction leader named Shadowcaster. Using explosives and fog grenades, the Elite Guard carried out Onslaught's battle plan, forcing Shadowcaster out in the open for the Combaticon leader to take out with a killshot. Despite the mission's success, Onslaught felt something was amiss. Shadowcaster hardly seemed the type to lead a parade, much less a Decepticon splinter cell. Smelling a larger party at work, Onslaught kept the Combaticons out in the field while Metalhawk and the Strike Team returned to base. Onslaught's instincts were right on target, but even they couldn't keep him and his team from being captured by Warlord Deathsaurus and his troops. The Coming Storm: Part 3
After being held for some time in a cell behind unbreakable Oan force bars, Onslaught and the Combaticons were inexplicably released by the polite and apologetic Falcon and Vanquish. Although wary of their intentions, Onslaught agreed to follow the Decepticons to Deathsaurus's throne room for a meeting. The silver-tongued Decepticon Warlord then proceeded to sway the Combaticons to his side. He appealed to Onslaught's pride and vanity, innocently mocking how easily the Combaticons were captured by his forces and intimating that all their greatest successes had been alongside the Strike Team, not on their own. After putting Onslaught on the defensive, Deathsaurus proclaimed how he truly believed in Onslaught's gift for tactics, and was willing to support the Combaticons in a bid to seize power for themselves. After all, how better to prove their superiority and ensure peace on Cybertron than to eliminate the Elite Guard and establish themselves in the Guard's place? Onslaught and his men gave in to their darker impulses and agreed to work alongside Deathsaurus, receiving the upgrades he promised them as well. The Coming Storm: Part 4
Sometime later, the Combaticons launched their attack on Elite Guard headquarters accompanied by some of Deathsaurus's Skyraider-Seeker Brigade. Onslaught chose not to reveal their trump card until the Combaticons appeared surrounded and defeated by the Guard. He then initiated their combination into the massive Bruticus, crushing their former commanding officer Sentinel Major in one mighty hand. The Coming Storm: Part 5 Bruticus killed most of the assembled Guard before Dion was able to blind the giant, forcing the Combaticons to disengage. Onslaught reacted to Metalhawk standing in their way by simply blowing a hole through his old comrade, and the Combaticons headed back to Deathsaurus's base for repairs, but not before Onslaught promised they'd be back to deal with the Council. The Coming Storm: Part 6
During repairs, Onslaught was stunned to learn that Deathsaurus had had it rigged so that the combination into Bruticus could be triggered at Deathsaurus's will. Protesting that it wasn't part of the deal, Onslaught was nonetheless forced to form the torso of Bruticus, though the blinded giant proved difficult for Deathsaurus's Constructicons to control. Battle Lines, Part 1 Battle Lines, Part 2 The Combaticons subsequently defended the base against Magnum and the remains of the Elite Guard. Onslaught confirmed to Magnum that Deathsaurus hadn't tampered with the Combaticons' brain modules at all, and they'd turned of their own free will. As they fought the Guard, Onslaught taunted Thunder Clash while he was grappling with Landshark, much to the latter Autobot's annoyance. Finally he ordered the Combaticons to merge, only them to be blasted mid-combination. Battle Lines, Part 3
To Onslaught's dismay, the culprits were more survivors the massacre at Elite Guard HQ. He agreed with Brawl's sentiment that they should take the opportunity to end some more Autobots and started to give the command to attempt another merge, only to find that Blast Off was inconveniently missing. When Deathsaurus called a retreat, Onslaught briefly considered staying to find Blast Off, and his hesitation allowed Flak to belt him. He and his entire team were subsequently taken captive by the Autobots. Battle Lines, Part 4
In the hands of the compromised Gyronian Sentry Team, the Combaticons were whisked away to Deathsaurus's fortress, now under Megatron's control. Though Megatron gave them the option, none of them cared to help Deathsaurus, and they were imprisoned and their personality components subsequently interred in the Decepticon Detention Center. Battle Lines, Part 5
Marvel Comics continuity
Marvel The Transformers comics
Onslaught was the leader of the Combaticons, one of the Special Teams, whose coming was foretold by the Matrix. In a vision shared by Buster Witwicky and Optimus Prime, the Combaticons and the Stunticons clashed against the Aerialbots and the Protectobots within proximity to the Pullen Power Plant. The Special Teams Have Arrived Second Generation! Onslaught and his team were first seen on Earth launching a raid on a hydrothermocline plant, where they were met by the Protectobots. In order to avoid destroying the plant, and at the behest of the human Ethan Zachary, both Optimus and Megatron agreed to have their team fight inside the Multi-World computer game. The Decepticons didn't fare too well. Onslaught faced off against Hot Spot in the game's "Slimepit" area, where he got "fused by a fireball" and his in-game avatar was destroyed. In the end, however, Megatron would win the game when Optimus Prime forfeited, causing the Autobot leader to be destroyed. Onslaught carried Megatron's prize, the hydrothermocline, back to base. Afterdeath! These events were observed by the time travelling Dicet Alpha-zero. The Quest!
As the Decepticons prepared to abandon their Wyoming base to relocate to a new island headquarters, Onslaught bore witness as his teammate Brawl attempted to cheer up a despondent Megatron by reminding him of Prime's death, but Megatron responded by crushing Brawl's head in a fit of rage. Shockwave took charge of the evacuation, and Onslaught and the others departed. Gone but Not Forgotten!
Later on, Onslaught led his team (including a repaired Brawl) to kill Galvatron while he was trapped in the cooled lava flow of Mount Verona. After making short work of the human military encamped on the site, the Combaticons set up explosive charges around the volcano to obliterate the entire area. The operation was met with the interference of three human women, though Onslaught managed to evade their traps. He had them at his mercy after the rest of his troops wound up incapacitated by their efforts, only to be met at gunpoint by Goldbug and the Throttlebots. Onslaught fled, swearing vengeance against the Autobots. Ladies' Night In response to that humiliation, Onslaught and the Combaticons hunted the Throttlebots down. The Throttlebots were trapped in a used car lot and the Combaticons were forced to bid for them in an auction against RAAT and the Protectobots, but Onslaught cut through this by trying to have the lot's owner assassinated. RAAT would get the Throttlebots and the Combaticons were beaten by Blaster. Used Autobots However, Blaster had been arrested by the Protectobots under orders from the current Autobot commander, Grimlock. Onslaught and his team chose to track the Protectobots on their return journey to the Ark, and ambushed them as they drove through a sprawling train yard. Once he and his teammates were in position, Onslaught had the Combaticons merge into Bruticus, who downed the similarly combined Defensor after a prolonged battle. But the dim-witted Bruticus was tricked by Blaster into lowering his guard, who then collapsed an electrical tower atop of him, knocking him out. Whereas the rest of the team was left where they lay, Blast Off was captured by the enemy. Child's Play
Onslaught was on the Decepticons' island base when Shockwave and Ratbat launched it into space to prevent the Autobots from rescuing their prisoner, Buster Witwicky. As Shockwave was sent plunging back into the Earth's atmosphere, Onslaught found himself under Ratbat's command. The Desert Island of Space! Onslaught's shining moment came when he got to lead a massed Decepticon assault on the Autobots, which came close to wiping them all out. Blaster and Grimlock, who had been dueling for supremacy over the Autobots at the time, were able to put aside their differences however, and rallied their troops against the Decepticons' attack. Totaled!
Some time later, the Decepticons acquired two dormant Autobot mini-cassettes carrying data on the powerful Underbase. Once Buster was put through a Realvision simulation to test out the simulator itself, Onslaught helped escort the boy back to his cell, allowing Ratbat and Starscream to view the data privately. The Flames of Boltax!
Eventually, the Combaticons fell under the command of Scorponok. On his orders, Onslaught's team staged a raid on the Rutter U.S. Military Base. There, they secured two armed warheads and components from an advanced guidance computer. The Protectobots intervened part-way through the theft, but once Blast Off cleared the area with the loot, the rest of the team used hit-and-run tactics to fend their rivals off, eventually managing their own getaway.
Afterwards, the remaining Combaticons went to check on Darkwing and Dreadwind's progress at Alternate Reality, Inc., where Scorponok had likewise tasked them to steal a floppy disk containing a back-up copy of Optimus Prime's mind. They found Defensor about to shoot the jets out of the sky, and blasted the Combiner in the back, crippling him before he could pull the trigger. With the mission a success, Onslaught's group then made themselves scarce. Prime Bomb!
Marvel UK future timelines
In an alternate timeline after the attack of Unicron in 2006, Onslaught was still active in 2008 and was one of Soundwave's top lieutenants. After Soundwave learned that most of the Autobots were allegedly off-world, he led a massive attack on the Autobot-controlled territories in order to once and for all gain control of Cybertron. The information proved false, and the Decepticons were caught in a Quintesson ambush. They were forced to call upon the Autobots for help in thwarting the aliens' forced colonization of Cybertron. Space Pirates!
Transformers Comic-Magazin
Marvel Generation 2 comic
Onslaught was one of the Decepticons operating aboard the Warworld. At the death of Mindset, a Cybertronian killed light years away, Onslaught was briefly overcome by pain, hinting of a genetic connection between these two. Swarm When legions of enemy Cybertronians boarded the Warworld, Onslaught and the Combaticons stood against them. He was likely off-lined in the skirmish that ensued. Total War!
Ladybird Books continuity
Onslaught was among the Decepticons under Galvatron's leadership, who set up a hidden base in a human industrial estate not far from Metroplex. Following a failed raid on the Autobot fortress, Onslaught carried a recovery crew out to pick up the damaged Brawl. They returned to base, unaware that they'd been followed by Bumblebee, and a short time later they were chased out of the base by the full Autobot force. Decepticon Hideout
The Special Teams
Onslaught and the rest of the Combaticons were created by Starscream on a remote Pacific island, by combining military vehicles with Energon cubes. They then drove to the Pullen Power Plant, passing Optimus Prime en route, though the Autobot leader was none-the-wiser to the Decepticons in disguise. Onslaught, Brawl and Swindle arrived first on the battlefield, coming upon Menasor already engaged in battle with Defensor. Onslaught then ordered to rest of his team to merge with him to form Bruticus. The Special Teams
St. Michael The Transformers Sticker Book
Onslaught and the rest of the Combaticons served under Galvatron on a Decepticon ship, when they managed to shoot down the ship being captained by Ultra Magnus. After the Autobots crash-landed on planet Barrenikon, the Decepticons landed their ship nearby to finish off their enemies. In the many possible adventures that followed, Onslaught and the other Decepticons often underestimated you, which often led to them losing to the Autobots, leaving them either stranded on Barrenikon, or fleeing after they received too much damage. That is, if you somehow didn't get yourself killed at their hands. The Transformers Sticker Book
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
Onslaught unleashed his considerable firepower against the Autobots during the Decepticon assault against Iacon, The War Within #4 and was on the front lines when the Decepticons managed to breach the last of the Autobots' defenses and penetrated the Decagon. The War Within #5 He and his fellow Combaticons were later upgraded into Combiners. After the Crisis Intervention Accords were enacted, however, it is unknown if Onslaught joined up separately with any faction.
After the Great Shutdown and the peace that followed it, Onslaught and the Combaticons were labeled as war criminals and held in stasis in a penitentiary. Cold War That is, at least until Starscream freed them, and loaded them up aboard a shuttle, planning to use their might to plunder Earth. Revelation
Returning to the Nemesis via an uncooperative Sky Lynx, Starscream realized he needed to take parts from the Autobots' Ark if he ever hoped to get the Nemesis flying again, and for that he needed considerable firepower. Fortunately, there was a nearby abandoned military testing ground from which the Combaticons could scan Earth-based alternate modes. Black Sunshine When the attack on the Ark was launched, the Autobots had little problem defending against the first wave, successfully capturing Soundwave, Skywarp and Thundercracker, but several of the Autobots were soundly beaten when the Combaticons showed up and combined into the mighty Bruticus. The behemoth attacked the Ark freeing his Decepticon compatriots before going after Brawn and Ratchet. Unfortunately, the Autobots activated their ship's self-destruct before escaping, damaging the Combaticons in the resulting explosion. Night of the Combaticons
Damaged or not, the Combaticons soon had to face a powerful enemy when the crazed zealot Sunstorm appeared on Earth, but before they could attack him, Bruticus' head was blown apart by Cliffjumper in the Autobot supply ship Orion. In the aftermath, Bruticus's barely-conscious body was battered upon by an angry Brawn. Black Sunshine Onslaught and the other Decepticons were made the Autobots' prisoners, until Starscream negotiated a deal for their release in exchange for his aid against Sunstorm. Skyfire
The repaired Combaticons were brought to Guadalcanal where they could hone their somewhat lackluster combat skills and listen to Starscream's long-winded aspirations of glory. Starscream ordered them to defeat the magnificent Autobot Sky Lynx as a means to train themselves for greater battles. Unfortunately, the Combaticons did not fare well when the crafty Autobot split into his two forms, with Onslaught nearly crushed by the Lynx's right paw as he was issuing orders. After Starscream deactivated Sky Lynx, Onslaught berated his team as buffoons for not paying attention to his battle plan.
This was the least of their troubles, however, as Predaking showed up as soon after Sky Lynx shut down. Onslaught ordered his men to keep moving and maintain formation so as to remain smaller, faster targets, then as they neared Predaking, formed Bruticus. This encounter did not end well either... The Route of All Evil
Transformers Legends anthology
The discovery that Swindle was selling Decepticon weapons on the black market lead Megatron to berate Onslaught on his inability to keep his team member under control. Onslaught asked for another chance to get Swindle under control, but Megatron denied his request, giving Skywarp the task of bringing Swindle in. Two for the Price of One
G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers
The Combaticons were among the Decepticon army on Cybertron when Serpent O.R. took control of it. As the new Decepticon leader was assaulted by Optimus Prime, he called Onslaught and several other subgroup leaders to his aid. Prime fought back, grabbing Razorclaw's sword and slashing Onslaught with it. It is unclear if this killed him or merely damaged him, but Onslaught wasn't seen for the remainder of the battle. The Art of War #5
The Beast Within
Onslaught participated in a savage all-out Decepticon offensive against the Autobots. With the Decepticons maintaining the advantage throughout the battle, Onslaught was amongst those who approached a crippled Optimus Prime, ready to dispatch the Autobot leader. Before they could deliver the finishing blow, the Dinobots combined into The Beast, shifting the Decepticons’ priorities. Onslaught combined with his fellow Combaticons in order to square off against The Beast. The Beast Within
2005 IDW continuity
- First appearance: Spotlight: Arcee
Onslaught was one of many bots to come from distant regions of Cybertron to attend Megatron's speeches and demonstrations of power as the Decepticon faction began to take shape. Megatron Origin #3
After the execution of Zeta Prime and the Decepticon rise to power, Onslaught fought alongside Blitzwing, Skullgrin, and Brawl against an Autobot resurgence. They were driven back by the Dynobots. Endgame When Scorponok took command of the Decepticons, the Combaticons rebelled and left Cybertron, becoming mercenaries. While breaking into a weapons vault on the Presidium they were approached by Starscream and offered ample payment for returning to the Decepticon fold, which Onslaught accepted. Primacy #2 He went on to participate in Megatron's all-out attack on Iacon Primacy #3 where he attacked Hot Rod, seeing the Autobot's destruction as his ticket into Decepticon High Command. He was stopped when the disillusioned Decepticon Slinger shot him in the eyes. Primacy #4
As the war went on, Onslaught led the Combaticon tactical unit assigned to the Decepticon Secret Service under Banzaitron's command. They were the storming squad which participated in the ground assault raid of the Garrus-9 penal facility, successfully blasting their way through Autobot resistance and capturing the "gestalt" transformers. He was the only one not to wee himself over the raging death that is Arcee, and he berated the other Combaticons for fearing her. Spotlight: Arcee
After a deal was negotiated between Arcee and Banzaitron, Onslaught and the other Combaticons later helped her in an attempt to recapture Monstructor (who had been stolen by Jhiaxus and Nemesis Prime's forces), though the insane Autobot disappeared mid-battle. Spotlight: Sideswipe
A few years later, Onslaught went to Earth, where he was captured by the human organization Skywatch. He was among the deactivated captives retrieved by Hot Rod's team as they searched for more allies for their quest to get off the planet. A Rude Awakening When Swindle unleashed Menasor on the Autobots and the combiner was defeated, Onslaught was one of the Decepticons who managed to slip away. Earthworks
After reuniting with Brawl and Vortex, Onslaught was hired by North Korean leader Kim Jong Du to lead an attack on South Korea, destroying a South Korean military outpost at the de-militarized zone in the process. He was surprised by a shot from a tank, but Brawl and Vortex quickly joined in and wiped out the human forces. This attack was directly responsible for the President of the United States declaring any country working with Cybertronians was considered in possession of weapons of mass destruction. The Land Ironclads None of the Combaticons much enjoyed working for humans, but unfortunately these humans knew more about the production of energon than they did. Onslaught assured the others he was formulating a better plan, but it was clear that they needed Swindle for these situations. As the Combaticons argued amongst themselves, the Autobots and Skywatch performed a surprise attack on them. Onslaught and the others were overwhelmed at first, but soon turned the tide after noting that the Autobots were forced to stay in their vehicle modes and that their only air support was a scientist. They took out two Autobots and fled back to North Korea without suffering much damage. Ranks of Bronze
As Onslaught toasted to their victory in North Korea, the Autobots returned and resumed their assault, having dealt with their transformation issue. Optimus Prime began wrestling with Onslaught while also telling him that helping the humans with their infighting would only lead to chaos. Onslaught was unimpressed by his words, since the Autobots had their own human "masters" in Skywatch, but found himself defeated when rebellious Decepticon Thundercracker bombed him. Hawk Among the Sparrows As the battle got close to the Chinese border, the combatants found that the Predacons had allied themselves with the Chinese government just like the Combaticons had with North Korea. The Predacons were willing to let them off with a warning, but as they turned to leave, Onslaught decided to shake things up by shooting Rampage in the back. Mistaking this for an Autobot attack, the Predacons attacked Optimus Prime and the others, while Onslaught presumably giggled to himself. The battle ended when Russia attempted to nuke everyone present: Onslaught confirmed this via radio contact with the North Koreans. In the end, the Combaticons were set free as the Autobots didn't have the resources to keep them as prisoners, but their alliance with Kim Jong Du ended with a boom as Thundercracker bombed North Korea's energon factories. All My Sins RememberedWhen the war ended, Onslaught returned to Cybertron with a large group of Decepticons. The Decepticons felt oppressed under a provisional government of Autobots, Non-Aligned Cybertronians, and... Starscream. Starscream approached Onslaught to buy his services as he made his play for Iacon's leadership. In exchange for protecting him from those like the Decepticon Justice Division or unruly bots, Starscream would allow Onslaught a position of power when the time came. Applicable Skills When Megatron arrived at the new Cybertronian settlements, Onslaught and the other Decepticons began rioting in the streets to celebrate his return. City on Fire When Starscream successfully became the ruler of Iacon, he reneged on his deal with Onslaught, who was furious over the betrayal. Applicable Skills Following Metroplex's installation as Cybertron's new capital, Onslaught and many other disgruntled Decepticons chose to live in slums outside the city instead. When they caught Optimus Prime making his way through their territory, many of them formed a mob and attacked him. City of Steel He later skulked by as a group of Camiens were passing out fliers regarding Optimus Prime's divinity in the district. The Transgressors
He later rejoined his fellow Combaticon teammates as they stewed over Starscream's leadership, and upon throwing an energon canister at a viewscreen promoting his success in uniting some of the lost colonies, Onslaught declared that they wouldn't let Starscream forget the past, not without having to go through them first. They sprayed "SWINDLE LIVES" on a wall The Will of the Few thanks to being informed by an anonymous informant, "DC-357", that Swindle was alive and had damaging info on Starscream. 07:00:00 In light of the newly announced "Chosen One Day", Onslaught got a new grenade as a gift from his teammates. Choose Me
At Brawl's suggestion, Onslaught rejoined the Decepticon movement as they prepared for Galvatron's conquest of Earth. Brawl and Needlenose led a team of Decepticons to the Space Bridge nexus, where they transported aboard the Ark-7 to overpower the Autobots in Earth orbit. Lagrange Onslaught and the Decepticons engaged Arcee, Sideswipe and Alpha Trion before the ship crashed into Shanghai, China. Perihelion When that all went tits up, he abandoned the operation on Earth and fled back to Cybertron, where he continued to search the underbelly of Cybertron for the missing Swindle.
As the Badgeless began to brutalise Decepticons for information, Onslaught became sure DC-357 was onto something but the other Combaticons became worried he was too focused, costing them paying jobs. The idea of dropping the search made Onslaught storm off in a huff, 07:00:00 and when he came back, he found riots breaking out over a police killing. He decided they shouldn't touch this as it was likely to turn the colonists against their cause and he felt this might be a Starscream plot to draw them out. That's when Blast Off admitted he'd done the killing in disguise as a Badgeless, so he could film it, send it to the press, and provoke an uprising. Onslaught hit on a sneaky plan: he started a large protest that marched on Starscream to shake the tree and see what happened, and when what happened was Ironhide was made head of the cops and opened them up to anyone who wanted. Onslaught then started a fight so that Blast Off could 'stop him' and 'denounce' his plans, thus getting into the police as someone Ironhide would trust. Blast Off did the deed so well, Onslaught was proud! Applicable SkillsOnslaught eventually learned from Blast Off that Wheeljack and Rattrap had taken Swindle. Outraged, Onslaught took Brawl and went to Rattrap's, brutally beating him down to figure out where he took Swindle. Soon Vortex and Blast Off arrived with Chromia and Wheeljack, and Onslaught and the other Combaticons forced them to lead them to the brain-dead Swindle. Onslaught was unperturbed by Swindle's condition, and forced Rattrap to retrieve the Enigma of Combination. Things We Said We'd Never Do
Onslaught used the Enigma on himself and his team, forming Bruticus, hoping that he might be able to access the dirt Swindle had on Starscream. As Bruticus rampaged through Iacon, within the combiner's psyche, Onslaught soon found what he was looking for. Though Windblade tried to appeal to Onslaught within the combiner to help her take down Starscream with their evidence, it was to no avail. Eventually Ironhide was forced to fire a rocket at Bruticus' head, and the shock forced the Combaticons to disconnect. Windblade frantically tried to get Onslaught and the Combaticons to wake up to share what they had learned, but failed. The Line Between Us
Onslaught and his fellow Combaticons were imprisoned and awaiting trial, though Ironhide was reluctant to prosecute them if their mental scarring proved too great. Ping
The Combaticons were still comatose when Starscream told the Eukarian mnemosurgeon Airachnid to turn them to his side as one of his combiners. In Blast Off's mind he woke up next to Onslaught, revealing that Blast Off had a thing for his commander. It was soon revealed by Starscream, who was also there, that this was all a dream and that if Blast Off took his offer to help him sway the Combaticons for his side he could make this a reality. All he needed in exchange was for Blast Off to cover any holes in their story. Blast Off eventually agreed, and as a result, Onslaught and the others were made to believe that Onslaught's original deal with Starscream had worked out, with the Combaticons having been his secret and loyal bodyguards, Onslaught's public protest was done to draw out dissenters, and that their forming of Bruticus had been a last-ditch attempt to save Swindle's life with Starscream's approval. Soon, Onslaught woke up, seeing Blast Off by his side. He then touched Blast Off's hand, revealing Starscream kept his promise to make Onslaught notice him. The Price of You After Onslaught assured Blast Off that he felt fine, Starscream arrived and began playing upon the manipulation to Onslaught's memories, claiming he had felt vulnerable without him around and assured the Combaticon leader that their risk to save Swindle had paid off. Soon the Combaticons "resumed" their work of protecting Starscream, and prior to Onslaught's first day back he and Blast Off arranged a date. If I Know You
Onslaught was among the security detail for the ceremony to welcome Earth into the Council of Worlds. When a group of human assailants attacked, he mobilised to fight back and evacuate Starscream. First Strike #1
Onslaught and Vortex later ushered Circuit and Longtooth out of the Council chambers during Windblade's official return to her post, but when Vortex dared the two reporters to resist, Onslaught warned him not to cause trouble. During the final debate before the election to decide the new leader of Cybertron, Starscream revealed all of his crimes to the public, including the manipulation of the Combaticons. As a result, Onslaught and the other Combaticons were imprisoned for their rampage as Bruticus, with Onslaught shunning Blast Off for his cooperation in manipulating them. The Chosen One
Universe toy bio
Delighting in successful strikes on the Autobots, Onslaught was the type to remain out of battle to direct tactics. His entrance into the battlefield was typically a sign that something had gone wrong with the plan. Universe Ultra Class Onslaught toy bio
Henkei! Henkei! Generations manga
When the Starscream of another universe attempted to attack Galvatron, Onslaught and Astrotrain defended their leader. However, Starscream possessed Onslaught and began wreaking havoc with his body. Starscream was exorcised out of his host after Mirage projected an illusory Galvatron, scaring Starscream back to his home dimension. Starscream's New Body
Transformers: All Spark
Another Episode, Part 1 Another Episode, Part 2
Starscream's New Power
Onslaught attempted to apprehend Starscream, only to be driven back when the latter managed to get his hands on some weapons from Shockwave's research lab. Starscream's New Power
Kre-O online manga
Summoned by Starscream to act as his elite squad (whose first mission, of course, was to overthrow Megatron), Onslaught rolled onto the scene alongside Brawl, Swindle, and Vortex (who Starscream had swayed to his side by making him one of his elites and even threw in a new paintjob). He boasted that they could leave the strategy to him, and was irritated when Vortex offered to stay behind and guard the base. When the Combaticons combined into Bruticus, Vortex constant worry for the base's safety compelled the team to withdraw. When Starscream, under imminent threat of a beating from Megatron, contacted the team to demand to know where they were, Onslaught joined his teammates in happily informing their illustrious leader they were all protecting the base together. Aww. New Military Unit Combaticon! Bruticus, Combine!
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe
The Combaticons infiltrated G.I. Joe disguised as their vehicles, with Onslaught taking on the form of Ghostrider's stealth bomber. During the Decepticon-Cobra attack on the United Nations, the Combaticons revealed themselves and combined into Bruticus to fight GIJONIN. Expelled from the Garden
Combiner Wars cartoon
Onslaught was among the Decepticon troops who bore witness to a pivotal duel between Optimus Prime and Megatron, one meant to end the war before the never-ending arms race between the two factions spiralled further out of control. Prelude to Transformers: Combiner Wars - Optimus Prime
Win If You Dare
2019 IDW continuity
- First appearance: Galaxies #4
At some point, Onslaught posed in a group photo with many Cybertronians, including Blast Off. Open Comms A member of The Rise, Onslaught was sent to Mayalx by Shockwave to collect the large bounty of energon cubes that the Insecticons had processed. Constructicons Rising, Part 4
Once he returned to Cybertron, Onslaught assumed a position of authority in the Rise, supporting Shockwave after Sixshot and many of the terrorist cell were fully assimilated into Megatron's Decepticons at Iacon. Escape Part Three He assigned Slipstream and "Team Stream" to sentry duty at the Rise base while also maintaining security around the radioactive and disturbing Sunstorm. Test Flight I Mercifully, Vortex soon arrived to spell Onslaught and take a shift watching over the unsettling Seeker. Test Flight II
When Exarchon returned, the Combaticons were summoned by Soundblaster to Shockwave's base. When Skywarp rejected the Threefold Spark's sales pitch and teleported away, Onslaught was ready to pursue only for Exarchon to overrule him. War's End Part One Instead, Exarchon ordered them to reinforce his iteration in the Sonic Canyons, with Onslaught coming to blows with Cyclonus when the Decepticons arrived. War's End Part Two A group of Autobots became involved as well, but they all pulled back once Devastator arrived from deep space at Shockwave's call. Onslaught and the others cautiously welcomed Devastator, along with The Rise's other lieutenant Slipstream as reinforcements. Exarchon became greedy, however, and tried to impose his spark on Devastator rather than using him as an ally. War's End Part Three He failed, but it left the Constructicons disabled and useless as support. The Combaticons soon faced a united attack from the Autobots and Decepticons again. Exarchon was defeated, trapped in a Titan spark cage, which was then destroyed. Onslaught and his cohorts were taken into Decepticon custody. War's End Part Four
Alternate future
In one possible future, Exarchon returned and conquered Cybertron. He used Onslaught, Megatron and Shockwave as hosts for his Threefold Spark. Test Flight I Exarchon briefly encountered the time-traveling Jumpstream, but didn't realize her significance and turned her over to the Thraal. Test Flight II
Energon Universe
Onslaught and the Combaticons had chased down and cornered Elita One. This wouldn't stay the case for long though as the Autobot slipped through a space bridge, following her, he commanded his team to combine, only to jump clear of the bridge as Elita destroyed it, bisecting Brawl and cutting Onslaught off from the rest of his team. Transformers #9
As repairs to the space bridge proceeded, Onslaught kept to himself, assuring Brawl that he would be repaired soon and overhearing Thundercracker's disagreements with Soundwave. Onslaught rejoined his fellows when the energon generated by the feeder re-opened the space bridge and brought Cybertron to Earth's orbit. Transformers #10 Following the ensuing battle with the Autobots, a chunk of Cybertron crashed into the ocean, with Onslaught and Brawl caught up in the ensuing tsunami. Luckily, the pair were rescued by Astrotrain and Starscream. Later, the group returned to the crashed section of Cybertron and reunited with the remaining Combaticons. Onslaught and Brawl corroborated Starscream's assertions that Soundwave was an ill-fitting leader. The group then watched as Starscream slaughtered most of his human rescuers. Transformers #14
Commercial appearances
- Onslaught, Brawl, and Swindle were part of a Decepticon attack force that assaulted the Autobots' launch site. All three were rammed by Ultra Magnus in his vehicle mode as he entered the fray. Ultra Magnus commercial
- Onslaught and the rest of the Combaticons charged down a ravine to face-off against Metroplex. As they neared him, the Combaticons combined into Bruticus and took to the skies. Bruticus and Metroplex commercial
Onslaught was part of a massive battle between Kreons. He and the Combaticons combined into Bruticus to gain the advantage in battle, and then chased the Autobots off alongside Predaking. KRE-O Transformers Micro Changers and Combiners Construction Sets commercial
The Transformers (PS2)
Transformers Legends
In the early days of the war, Megatron tasked Onslaught and Dead End with breaching Iacon's defences. The two Decepticons were opposed by Bumblebee and Warpath, and were ultimately unsuccessful in taking the city due to Metroplex's involvement. Assault on Iacon
Onslaught was active in the Decepticon/Autobot war when Doctor Arkeville created Nemesis Prime. He didn't take an active role when the Doctor's creation went on a rampage and was stopped by the Aerialbots however. Nemesis Rising
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Onslaught participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Super Rare character who could be recruited by collecting 250 units of Cybermetal, 75 units of Transmetal, and 10 cores of this character. Transformers: Battle Tactics
Transformers: Earth Wars
It would be easy to dismiss Onslaught as a brutish thug. But to him his greatest weapon is not his photon missiles, but his amazing tactical mind.
The key to victory is planning, and Onslaught executes his strategies with exacting and dispassionate logic. It's only when things don't go to plan that he gets frustrated and lashes out. Which, admittedly, is often. VERY often. Onslaught bio
Onslaught is one of Megatron's more elite warriors, and he is leader of the Combaticons on Cybertron, save Swindle. He is contacted by Megatron to get them to earth. He arrives in time for the battle of the Codex Key. He really hates Swindle for leaving the Combaticons for profit, seeing as it left the Combaticons at a tactical disadvantage.
When Megatron states he needs a new combiner to take on Optimus's new combiner, he immediately forces "recruits" the Combaticons to form their gestalt Bruticus, despite Onslaught's complaints they are not ready to unleash Bruticus yet. Transformers: Earth Wars
Onslaught noticed Swindle's absence, and his team concluded that Swindle was off to sell information on Shockwave's interdimensional recruitment plan to the Autobots. They pursued Swindle to the meeting location, and a battle ensued. Rogue Trader
- Class: Special
- Lowest star rating: 3 Star (2 star beta)
- Weapons: Onslaught uses a unique grenade launcher custom modified to lay down a blanket of grenades onto the battlefield. It deals heavy damage to any target, or anything around it for that matter, Onslaught has in sights. KABOOM!
- Ability: Line barrage: Shoots 12 small rockets from long range delivering damage in a line across the target.
- Ability Cost: 7 ability points. +3 for continued usage.
Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive
Onslaught is featured as a boss battle once the player reaches 43,700,000 points. He is in command of the seventeenth Decepticon base attacked and destroyed during a series of Autobot raids. Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Onslaught was a military genius and the leader of the Combaticons. Decepticon Directive At some point during the war, Onslaught was imprisoned in a containment vessel and missed Devastator's first deployment. The Enigma of Combination
On Earth, Onslaught and the other Combaticons acted as a liaison between the Decepticons and the forces of Cobra, offering them advanced alien technology in exchange for their full cooperation. While meeting with Chameleon in southern France, the Autobots attacked; in the ensuing fight, Onslaught dealt Bumblebee a debilitating injury before Bulkhead cleared an escape route. The Combaticons, minus Swindle, spent days pursuing the Autobots across southern France before bumping into a G.I. Joe encampment; leery of their advanced weapons and unable to form Bruticus, the Combaticons retreated. Cobra/Con Fusion
The Transformers
- Onslaught (1986)
- Team ID number: C5
- Takara/GiG ID number: D-64
- Accessories: "Sonic stun-gun" rifle, double-barreled turret, chest shield, ramp, Bruticus chest shield, Bruticus head, left & right Bruticus fists, left & right Bruticus foot stands
- Originally designed for the aborted Diaclone line Jizai Gattai (自在合体 "Limitless Combination") and then brought over to the Transformers toyline, The Transformers Onslaught transforms into a dark blue and green mobile anti-aircraft truck of made-up origin (though the cab is probably a White Road Boss with sleeper cab), armed with a large double-barreled cannon mounted on the flatbed of his vehicle mode. Like all of the original four Scramble City-style combiner team leaders, he can also assume a base/gun emplacement mode with a ramp that smaller Combaticons can use, which can be connected to both the Autobot city Metroplex (a feature not mentioned in either toy's instructions, for obvious reasons) and to the Decepticon city Trypticon (a feature only documented in Trypticon's instructions). As with Motormaster and Silverbolt, Onslaught was originally designed to feature a spring-loaded launching mechanism in base mode that would propel the smaller vehicles off him. Hasbro dropped the feature, likely for safety reasons, but it was retained on the Japanese edition of the figure. Onslaught has three distinct variants, the first version having a painted metal chest and silver plastics, the second version replacing the metal chest with silver plastic, and the third swapping the silver plastics for light grey (originating from Macau, as opposed to China or Japan). While the metal version came first and the silver plastic version appears to have had the widest release, none of the three variations are particularly rare.
- In robot mode, Onslaught is armed with a long olive sonic stun-gun and is accessorized by a small chest plate. The gun can store on his backpack in either mode via two rectangular pegs which hold onto his gun sight. Holes in the side of the gun are, probably coincidentally, just the right size to peg in the smaller weapons from the other Combaticons—a feature that would be canonized only for the later Ruination version of the mold.
- Onslaught combines with the other Combaticon toys into Bruticus, forming the central body component of the super-robot with the addition of a large silver chest plate and Bruticus's head. He also comes with Bruticus's hands and feet.
The Transformers combiner team mold: Combaticons | ||
Version 1 (Bruticus):
Version 2 (Baldigus):
GS = Gift set release
In = Individually released Onslaught (leader)
Version 1 (Onslaught):
Version 2 (Dolrailer):
Blast Off
Version 1 (Blast Off):
Version 2 (Shuttler):
Version 1 (Brawl):
Version 2 (Dangar):
Version 1 (Swindle):
Version 2 (Greejeeber):
Version 1 (Vortex):
Version 2 (Hepter):
| ||
- Bruticus (multi-pack, 1985)
- Takara ID number: D-69
- Accessories: "Sonic stun-gun" rifle, double-barreled turret, chest shield, ramp, Bruticus chest shield, Bruticus head, left & right Bruticus fists, left & right Bruticus foot stands
- In addition to his single release, Onslaught was also sold in a "Bruticus" giftset alongside the other Combaticons. The gift set was never available in the USA or Canada, but only in Japan and Italy.
- In 1988, GiG also re-released the Bruticus set in Italy, with five random "Exogini Transformers" (Decoys) added.
- Classic Onslaught (1991)
- Accessories: "Sonic stun-gun" rifle, double-barreled turret, chest shield, ramp, Bruticus chest shield, Bruticus head, left & right Bruticus fists, left & right Bruticus foot stands
- Onslaught was re-released in the European-market "Classics" line in 1991, with his rubsign removed. This version was sold in several packaging variants featuring different languages, with the Spanish version somehow ending up with the hilariously nonsensical name "Oslat".
Generation 2
- Onslaught (1993)
- Team ID number: C5
- Accessories: "Sonic stun gun" rifle, double-barreled turret, missile launcher, 2 missiles, chest shield, ramp, Bruticus chest shield, Bruticus head, left & right Bruticus fists, left & right Bruticus foot stands
- Released in the second year of Generation 2, Onslaught was redecoed in a rather outlandish color scheme of bright yellow-orange covered in purple camouflage, with purple and black replacing olive and silver. The factory-applied stickers on the back of his truck mode proudly state that he is indeed Onslaught. In this form he was reputedly "one metamorphin' dude-icus."
- His new spring-loaded missile launcher was taken from Snow Serpent from the G.I. Joe toyline, and was the same one used by Generation 2 Sideswipe and Jazz. His backpack cannon was retooled with a peg-hole to mount this new launcher. In theory the other smaller Combaticons can also hold the launcher, and their weapons can store on Onslaught's backpack now. Not that Onslaught's about to lend his gun to Swindle or Brawl.
The Transformers combiner team mold: Combaticons | ||
Version 1 (Bruticus):
Version 2 (Baldigus):
GS = Gift set release
In = Individually released Onslaught (leader)
Version 1 (Onslaught):
Version 2 (Dolrailer):
Blast Off
Version 1 (Blast Off):
Version 2 (Shuttler):
Version 1 (Brawl):
Version 2 (Dangar):
Version 1 (Swindle):
Version 2 (Greejeeber):
Version 1 (Vortex):
Version 2 (Hepter):
| ||
- Bruticus (Box set, 2012)
- Accessories: Dual cannon
- Known designers: Andrew Franks (deco artist)
- Part of a giftset exclusive to Amazon and BigBadToyStore, this version of Onslaught is a redeco of Generations Fall of Cybertron Onslaught in Generation 2 colors. As usual, he forms the torso of Bruticus. Though stock photography depicted Onslaught with a black head and black deco on his gun, the final toy rendered both of these in unpainted purple plastic.
Universe (2008)

- Onslaught (Legends Class, 2008)
- Series: Classic Series
- Part of the very first wave of Universe Legends Class toys, Onslaught is a redeco of Legends Class Cybertron Red Alert, transforming into a SWAT-deco'd BTR-90 armored personnel carrier mounted with a top-mounted missile similar to a SCUD launcher. The missile is permanently sculpted in the open-tipped "cannon" mode the larger version of this toy can assume. The deco's resemblance to the original Onslaught is iffy, but it is not far from the deco of the next toy of him, below.
- Onslaught uses the live-action-movie-style Decepticon symbol, a common minor error among toys of this era.
- Onslaught (Ultra Class, 2008)
- Series: Classic Series
- Accessories: Shield
- Known designers: Bill Rawley (Hasbro), Takashi Kunihiro (TakaraTomy)
- Released in the first wave of Universe Ultra Class toys, this version of Onslaught transforms into a six-wheeled SWAT assault truck with positionable mine-scoops and a rotating double-barreled turret on top. "MONZO 12782" is tampographed onto the front of the vehicle mode on both versions, a reference by Hasbro to the ever-helpful fan Matthew Karpowich (aka Monzo) and his birthdate, December 7, 1982, or 12-7-82. When the button on his rotating turret is pressed, electronic lights in his head and turret flash and one hears either machine gun fire or a siren sound, either of which are continuous if held down. Rolling the vehicle's middle left tire activates a third sound effect of him causing extensive property damage on something unfortunate enough to get caught under his wheels. A looped driving sound will then be continuously played until the tire stops rolling, when a final sound of the vehicle driving away/to a halt is played. The first waves of Onslaughts gave only very brief clips of sound when the button gimmick was activated. (The siren ended up sounding like a set car alarm.) This was changed in the Japanese release and as a running change in the U.S. version, so that the gun and siren noises are now restored to their intended full lengths.
- He comes with a riot shield, which can either connect to a flip up tab on Onslaught's left arm in robot mode, or store on top of his turret in either mode. The small flap at the top of the shield is used to access the turret's button, either by pressing on the flap itself, or by flipping it open and pressing the button directly. A button on Onslaught's right arm spring-deploys an arm-mounted weapon. His cannons can be removed, but are not meant to be accessories, as the pop-off points are simply there to prevent breakage if the toy is dropped.
- The stock photography also shows him as having black cannons and hands, and being slightly mis-transformed.
- The Japanese TakaraTomy version of Onslaught was released in American Universe packaging as a USA Edition toy... but it's not the Hasbro deco. He is redecoed to more closely resemble the colours of the original Onslaught toy and his appearance in the original The Transformers cartoon. His sparkly metallic slate-blue is replaced with swirly metallic teal, the blue paint on his arms and crotch is replaced by a dark greenish-blue, and the silver and dark silver on the sides of his face are replaced by teal. He also has slightly more paint on his face, with his mouth-plate being painted silver.
- This mold was redecoed as Universe Hardhead and retooled as Timelines Clench. The Clench tooling also served as the basis of the non-toy Beast Wars: Uprising incarnation of Torca.

- Bruticus Maximus (Multi-pack, 2008)
- Series: G1 Series
- The third Universe Onslaught toy is a redeco of Energon Barricade, transforming into an eight-wheeled armored personnel carrier with a rear-mounted (non-firing) missile rack that turns and elevates. (Amusingly, Barricade has a more Onslaught-accurate colour scheme than Universe Onslaught.) The alphanumeric code "C5" tampographed on the front of his vehicle mode is a reference to the original Onslaught toy's American release's team ID number. For a little extra Generation 1 flair, Onslaught's (as well as any other variations of the sculpt) missile rack in vehicle-mode can be clicked back to be dragged behind, elongating the entire vehicle, similar to the original toy.
- Onslaught also has a paint error on the right robot knee, in that there is no paint around the hole immediately below the knee, where there is paint on the left one. This error is also evident in the box photos for the individual robot mode, but not the combined mode, curiously. When combined with the other Combaticons, Onslaught forms the torso.
- He was only available as part of the Universe Bruticus Maximus giftset, which was initially intended to be released as a Target exclusive in the United States, but ultimately ended up being only available in some non-American markets such as Australia and Singapore. Instead, American markets eventually received a rebranded version of this giftset (with no changes to the toys themselves) in Revenge of the Fallen packaging (thereby creating a new live-action film series Onslaught character), exclusively available at Target stores in the United States and at Zellers stores in Canada. Revenge of the Fallen Onslaught retains the aforementioned paint error.
- This sculpt was redecoed into the United versions of Onslaught (see below) and was retooled to make Timelines Heatwave.
- Bruticus (2009)
- ID number: 16
- A reissue of the original G1 Onslaught toy at first sight, this toy is actually a redeco of the Robots in Disguise Mega-Octane retool of the sculpt, complete with shortened rifle, a plastic chest, and all other subsequent mold changes. Additionally, the Japan-only base mode launcher mechanism was reinstated for this release. Unfortunately, the sculpt also has quite a bit of visible mold wear-and-tear thanks to the inordinate number of times the Onslaught sculpt has been reused and retooled over the years.
- This version of Onslaught was only available as part of a Bruticus gift set released under TakaraTomy's Encore line of reissues.
The Transformers combiner team mold: Combaticons | ||
Version 1 (Bruticus):
Version 2 (Baldigus):
GS = Gift set release
In = Individually released Onslaught (leader)
Version 1 (Onslaught):
Version 2 (Dolrailer):
Blast Off
Version 1 (Blast Off):
Version 2 (Shuttler):
Version 1 (Brawl):
Version 2 (Dangar):
Version 1 (Swindle):
Version 2 (Greejeeber):
Version 1 (Vortex):
Version 2 (Hepter):
| ||
United EX
- Combatmaster Prime Mode (2012)
- ID number: EX-01
- Release date: September 22, 2012
- Accessories: "Kannonier Drone", "Morser Drone", "Panzer Drone", "Spaher Drone"
- Released in the first wave of TakaraTomy's United EX toyline, Combatmaster is a redeco of the Power Core Combiners Bombshock toy, transforming into a twin-barreled artillery cannon truck of indeterminate model. He also has a "Prime Mode" where he becomes the torso of a super robot, capable of using any auto-transforming Power Core Combiner drone-machine molds for limbs.
- He comes with four color-coordinated military vehicle drone-limbs, redecos of the Combaticons. Each one has a square socket for a Power Core Combiner connection; when attached via the blue plugs on a Commander figure, the vehicles automatically transform into a super-robot limb, and snaps back to vehicle mode when disconnected. Despite the universal connector, each drone can only form one limb type (but can be swapped from left to right):
- 1: Morser Drone [Missile Carrier Drone]—Arm (Combatmaster's right)
- 2: Panzer Drone [Tank Drone]—Arm (Combatmaster's left)
- 3: Kannonier Drone [APC Drone]—Leg (Combatmaster's right)
- 4: Spaher Drone [Armored Car Drone]—Leg (Combatmaster's left)
- The drones are named after German terms related to military, which is the motif of Combatmaster himself as well as the group that he led.
- Combatmaster's mold was also used to make Steelshot. The drone-limb molds were also used to make components for two other Power Core Combiner teams: the Missile Carrier Drone and Armored Car Drone molds were used for the Destrons, while the APC Drone and Tank Drone molds were used for the Protectobots.
- As a redeco of the Bombshock mold, Combatmaster is likely to be plagued with the same assembly errors.
- Onslaught (Deluxe Class, 2012)
- Series/number: 01/#004
- PART 1 OF 5!
- TakaraTomy ID number: TG07
- TakaraTomy release date: January 26, 2013
- Accessories: Cannons
- A redeco of Onslaught from the Decepticon Bruticus gift set was available individually alongside his fellow Combaticons as part of the second wave of the Fall of Cybertron-themed 2012-onwards Deluxe Class Generations assortment. Overall, these versions of the Combaticons replace the game-accurate, the original The Transformers cartoon-inspired decos with more "flashy" colors apparently homaging the color scheme of Bruticus Maximus. Onslaught, however, is an exception to this: Although his colors are brighter and more vivid, the colors themselves are more game-accurate, replacing the dull shade of ocher with dark blue as the main color.
- Aside from the colors, mass retail Onslaught is identical to the version from the Decepticon Bruticus gift set.
- The TakaraTomy Japanese release features a shade of dark blue similar to Hasbro's. Naturally, it features more paint applications, such as blue on the wheels and painted "light" details.
- Unsurprisingly for an Aligned toy inspired by Generation 1, Fall of Cybertron Onslaught was used in multiple Generation 1-based stories. The Hasbro deco appeared in the short comic "Starscream's New Power" while the TakaraTomy deco appeared in the Transformers: All Spark manga series and the Transformers Cloud stories. This toy also serves as an approximate stand-in for Onslaught's 2012 body in IDW Publishing's Robots in Disguise comic series.[1]
- Bruticus (Multi-pack, November 7, 2012)
- Released exclusively by TakaraTomy in non-Japanese Asian markets, this redeco of the Energon Bruticus Maximus set has paint layouts similar to the previous Universe (2008)/Revenge of the Fallen release, but with a much greater emphasis on G1-accurate colors. Onslaught's color scheme is perhaps the most different from the previous release, being very similar to his Generation 1 toy in robot mode, but is almost completely gray when transformed into Bruticus' torso, to reflect the large gray chest plate on the original Bruticus toy. Additionally, Bruticus' hands/feet/weapons, which were previously cast in translucent colored plastic are now opaque gray.
Bot Shots
- Combaticons (Multi-pack, 2013?)
- Number: T0??
- Known designers: Andrew Scribner (deco artist)
- Fist strength: 447
- Blaster strength:
- Sword strength:
- Bot Shots Onslaught is a redeco of Warpath, transforming into a tank. As a Flip Shot, an impact to the front of his vehicle mode causes him to flip up when autotransforming. He was to be sold in a five-pack with Blast Off, Decepticon Brawl, Swindle, and Vortex, but this never saw release.
- This mold was originally used to make Flip Shot Brawl.
- Decepticon Bruticus (Micro-Changer Combiner, 2013)
- Set number: A2225
- Pieces: 79
- Accessories: Rifle
- Known designers: Ed Masiello (Hasbro)
- Onslaught comes as part of the Bruticus Micro-Changer combiner set, and can be rebuilt from his robot mode into a truck. He can also contribute his bricks to form Bruticus. Unlike Swindle but like Brawl and Vortex, he is based on his Generation 1 toy.
- Combiner Robot Mega Pack (3-pack, 2016)
- Set number: B6425
- Pieces: 245
- Accessories: Rifle
- Bruticus was reissued in a 3-pack along with Superion and Menasor, with most of the components unchanged from the previous release. For this version however, Onslaught came with bronze clip-on smokestacks rather than the original's silver.
- This three-pack was sold in Dollar General stores for a whopping $12. Considering the original releases of each combiner cost $10 each, that's quite a bargain!
Combiner Wars
- Onslaught (Voyager Class, 2016)
- Accessories: Left & right cannons
- Known designers: Shogo Hasui (TakaraTomy)
- Part of the first wave of Combiner Wars product for 2016, Onslaught is a heavy retool of Hot Spot, replacing most the robot mode's parts from the waist up and turning the vehicle mode backwards, resulting in a transformation into an anti-aircraft truck rather than a fire truck. Being a Combiner Wars Voyager, he can combine with any four of that line's Deluxes, though he is meant to combine with his fellow Combaticons to form Bruticus. His guns can combine end-to-end to form a larger gun for Bruticus. While it may seem as if his turret cannot rotate, folding the combiner chestplate parts at the side of the truck mode up will allow it to do so. Shockwave can also loosely sit in a designated port on top of Onslaught's vehicle mode, between Bruticus' face cover and the crotch plate.
- When Hasbro originally announced the figure at BotCon 2015, he was advertised as having a tan Bruticus chestplate for a Generation 1 Onslaught-accurate color scheme as the first release and a silver chestplate for a Generation 1 Bruticus-accurate color scheme as a running change. Instead, only the version with a silver chest plate ever made it to retail, with the tan chestplate version never being released.
- While this toy officially omits the base mode of his G1 self, many fan mode base configurations exist to homage the G1 toy and even dock with Titan Class Trypticon.
- Onslaught and the last three waves of Combiner Wars Deluxe and Voyager figures later showed up at TJ Maxx at reduced prices.
- This version of the Hot Spot/Onslaught mold served as the basis for Shattered Glass Soundwave's appearance in "Epilogue Two".
Combiner Wars mold: Hot Spot | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3:
- Bruticus (Collection Pack, 2016)
- Accessories: Left & right cannons
- The entire Combiner Wars Combaticon team was redecoed into close approximations of their Generation 2 colors; Onslaught is a lighter, pure-yellow, and his formerly-black parts are now a very very dark brown. Unfortunately, he still has the original Decepticon faction symbol, not the Generation 2 style one.
- Also unfortunately, it appears that this Onslaught suffers from the same misassembly as Pyra Magna: The knee struts are reversed on both legs, preventing his assemblies from locking in properly for robot mode. In an undocumented feature also shared with Pyra Magna, the backs of his feet can flip out to provide better support.
- This version of the team was only available as a large boxed set, which also included a Generation 2-ish version of Shockwave. This was the fourth of five different combiner "Collection Pack" box sets, which were "shared exclusives" sold by numerous online retailers... though many ultimately ended up at US discounters like Ross and TJ Maxx.
Unite Warriors
- Bruticus (giftset, June 25, 2016)
- ID number: UW-07
- Accessories: Individual Combaton weapons, Combatron extremities
- Unite Warriors Onslaught is a redeco of the Combiner Wars mold in a color layout based on his cartoon model, with changes such as a blue head with silver faceplate and yellow visor, blue shoulders, black hands, and a Bruticus chestplate colored like Blast Off. He also features additional paint details in vehicle mode, including a painted grill and rims. Unite Warriors Onslaught was sold only in a multi-pack with the other Combatrons.
- As a Voyager Class Unite Warriors figure, he can combine with any Deluxe Class figures from either Hasbro's Combiner Wars subline or Takara's Unite Warriors line, though he was meant to combine with his Combatrons to from Bruticus.
- The stock photo on the right has him mistransformed; his knees aren't fully locked.
Combiner Wars mold: Hot Spot | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3:
Transformers Character Card
- Released as part of the tenth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of "Guardian" (with his components Blades, First Aid, Hot Spot, Groove, and Streetwise) and Bruticus (with his components Blast Off, Vortex, Onslaught, Swindle and Brawl) along with character profiles and tech specs.
- Onslaught's ability to combine with Metroplex is due to the fact that both were originally designed as part of the Diaclone line, where both were presumably part of the same faction. Neither were ever released under the Diaclone brand, as it had been overtaken by the Transformers.
- Like the rest of the Combaticons, Onslaught had an earlier, unused character model which superficially resembles the toy, other than the head design. There are other problems, such as wheel placement, but it's possible the artist of the unused character model was working off crappy source material.
- When the unused character model was redrawn into the final character model, it kept the odd wheel placement and gave Onslaught his toy's head, but did some bizarre things with his transformation. Like with many of the other Combaticons' final character models, such as Swindle's, his torso is the bumper, hood, and roof of the vehicle mode flattened out. Years later, Onslaught's Ultra class Universe toy attempted to replicate this transformation scheme.
- In the commercial advertising the Generation 2 Aerialbots and Combaticons, Onslaught is referred to as "one metamorphin' dudicus". It is presently unknown what a dudicus is, or what qualifications Onslaught has met to be the only known one.
- The packaging of the 1990 European Classics release of the original Onslaught toy depicted Onslaught and the Combaticons in new color schemes—Onslaught himself was mainly purple—despite the fact that the actual toys looked identical to their original releases. While it may never be known for certain, it has been theorized that these colors originated from a packaging printing error rather than a legitimate attempt to redeco the Combaticons.
- As revealed on Hasbro's Transformers website,[2] Universe Ultra class Onslaught's original prototype featured a larger head that lacked a neck section, and the front section of his vehicle with a (non-functional) winch folded down to become his stomach and waist, as well as more cartoon-accurate sculpted detailing on his waist. However, on the final version of this mold, the winch remains on his shoulders while another winch is molded onto the battery cover as part of his waist.
- In the Wings of Honor continuity the Combaticons are swayed to the Decepticon side by Deathsaurus appealing to their darker natures, represented by one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Fittingly enough, as the leader of the team Onslaught falls to the most dangerous of the Sins: Pride.
- As with most modern projects by Hasbro, the Combiner Wars Voyager Class Onslaught mold had a "pretooled" alternate head, in Onslaught's case based on Armada Demolishor. This head tooling was never used, though a test prototype surfaced on the Chinese site TaoBao.[3]
Foreign names
- Japanese: Onslaught (オンスロート Onsurōto)
- French: Abordage (Canada, "Boarding")
- Hungarian: Cudar ("Rascally")
- Italian: Destroyer
- Mandarin: Tújí (Taiwan, 突擊, "Onslaught"), Anslo (Taiwan Universe, 安史羅 Ān Shǐ Lúo), Xíjí (China, 袭击, "Raid")
- Spanish: Oslat (Spain, Classics only)
- Russian: Osilok (Осилок)
- Polish: Gwałtowny Atak (TM Semic Comic, "Sudden Attack")
- ↑ Onslaught appears in Robots in Disguise #12 redesigned according to his concept art for the War for Cybertron game.
- ↑ Hasbro's preview of Universe Wave 1's toys
- ↑ https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/looks-like-were-getting-a-cw-demolisher.1051737/ TFW2005 thread, 19 September 2015]
- Character stubs missing fiction
- Unreleased toys
- Amazon exclusives
- Classics Decepticons
- Combaticons
- Combiner Wars Decepticons
- Elite Guard
- Encore
- Energon Universe Decepticons
- Generation 1 cartoon Decepticons
- Generation 1 Decepticons
- Generation 1 toy Decepticons
- Generation 2 Decepticons
- Generations Selects Decepticons
- IDW (2005) Decepticons
- IDW (2019) Decepticons
- Kre-O Decepticons
- Kreons
- Marvel Generation 1 Decepticons
- Repurposed toys
- Second Cybertron Alliance
- The Headmasters Decepticons
- Transformers Character Card Decepticons
- Transformers Roleplaying Game Decepticons
- Transformers with three modes
- Turncoats
- Unite Warriors Decepticons
- United Decepticons
- United EX Decepticons
- Universe (2008)
- Wings Universe Autobots
- Wings Universe Decepticons