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Now Daniel can have his revenge for all the times you made fun of him.

Emerging as an outgrowth of transtector technology revisited during the development of Power Core Combination, Eldedroids (エルデドロイド Erudedoroido) are mass-produced drone warriors cast in the image of Optimus Prime, designed by Wheeljack and Ga'mede to take down opponents psychologically as well as physically.

Reproducing not only Prime's appearance but his energy-absorbing black body coating, the twenty-one Eldedroids are essentially mindless units controlled by an outside consciousness. The majority of them are under the command of Flip Sides, but at least one has been programmed with its own artificial intelligence, based on the brain patterns of Daniel Witwicky.



e-HOBBY comics

When the Decepticons fell under the command of Galvatron and began staging more and more aggressive energy raids, the need for more warriors prompted Wheeljack to visit the idea of sparkless duplicates of Optimus Prime. With help from Ga'mede, he mass-produced twenty-one "Eldedroids", this time replicating Prime's famous appearance, decked out in the black, grey, and teal of Assaultmaster.[1]

When a series of human shipping vessels were sunk by mysterious biomechanical raiders, the Autobots suspected Decepticon involvement and traced the movement of the beasts back to an undersea Decepticon headquarters. A team including the Eldedroid controlled by Dan was dispatched to the base, where the psychological effect of the Eldedroid's appearance was in full effect, terrifying Hook and Bonecrusher and allowing Dan to take them down quickly. Interrogating the two Decepticons, the Autobots discovered that the Decepticons had created the sea monsters, but that the creatures had turned on them and trapped them inside the base.

Venturing further into the base, Dan discovered the whole operation was being overseen by none other than Megatron, who had recently been deposed as leader of the Decepticons by Galvatron. With his opponent unarmed, Dan chose to face Megatron in hand-to-hand combat, as he believed that shooting an unarmed enemy was not "Prime's way". Megatron proceeded to mop the floor with Dan's Eldedroid, though Dan felt no pain through his mechanical body. Dan put on his best Optimus Prime impression, though Megatron immediately saw through the ruse and realized it was not his eternal foe with whom he was actually duking it out. No longer amused, Megatron informed Dan that he'd be leaving responsibility for dealing with the base and the monsters in the Autobots' hands, at which point one of the giant creatures burst into the room. MP-1B Cybertron Commander / Convoy Black Ver.

The creature managed to string Dan's Eldedroid up by its tentacles and began draining the life from him. Sideswipe, Warpath, and Cliffjumper found him, but remarked that he was almost dead. MP-3G Destron Air Commander / Starscream Ghost Ver.

Legends comic

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LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part Two Epiloge



A redeco of 20th Anniversary/Masterpiece Optimus Prime, "Convoy Black Version" sports the traditional black, grey, teal, and red "Nemesis Prime" color scheme, despite not actually being an evil character. The toy is exceptionally poseable, partially constructed from die-cast metal, features rubber tires and vacuum-metalized plastic, and is heavily detailed, with sliding pistons in its joints and working, spring-loaded suspension in vehicle mode. The figure also contains multiple non-intrusive gimmicks, such as a moving mouthplate, flip-up communications panels on the forearms, and an opening Matrix chamber in the chest that lights up with a red LED and contains a removable, purple vacuum-metalized Matrix of Leadership, which can also be pulled open to reveal the red crystal at its center.
Other accessories are his traditional ion blaster, a transparent red energon-axe that plugs into either wrist when the toy's fist is retracted, a non-transforming gun-mode Megatron weapon with removable stock, silencer and scope accessories, and a fold-up cardboard trailer to "complete" the figure's vehicle mode.
Like all the Japanese versions of this mold, Convoy Black features different images on his communicators than all other releases. In his case he features Optimus Prime and Rodimus Prime.
The version of this figure released through e-HOBBY included an exclusive comic by Naoto Sakai and Hidetsugu Yoshioka, while non-e-Hobby releases came with a metal nameplate inside a black velvet pouch.
Masterpiece mold: Convoy (MP-1)
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Hasbro:

Hironori Kobayashi &
Hisashi Yuki (MP-4 trailer)
See also: MP-10 Convoy | MP-44 Convoy


  • The comic includes poor quality English giving the Romanized spelling "Eldedroid". The intention behind the "Elde" component of the name is not clear. If it is a shortening of "elder", then it is a punny modification as "elder" is represented in Japanese by erudā (エルダー), as opposed to erude (エルデ) in Transformers. Alternatively, erude might represent Erde, the German word for "Earth".


  1. Masterpiece Convoy Black Ver. on-package bio
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