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Dynamus is an Autobot Titan Master from the Titans Return portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.

Dynamus grants the power of evolutionary mode switch[1] to his partner Quickswitch. Whatever that means.



Titans Return marketing material

Dynamus was presumably present with Quickswitch as Laser Prime led his team against the Decepticons on Velocitron.[2]


Titans Return

  • Chaos on Velocitron (Gift set, 2017)
Dynamus is a redeco and retool of Titans Return Revolver, having a different "backpack" for the head mode face, transforming from a robot modeled on Jack into Quickswitch's head... well, the inner portion. As Quickswitch is a big boy, Dynamus plugs into the neck socket, forming mostly the face of the robot, and then a helmet folds forward around him to give him a properly-proportional robot-mode noggin. As a Titan Master, Dynamus can serve as the head of any Titans Return-style Deluxe, Voyager, or Leader Class figure. He also features ports in his feet that allow him to peg onto a wide variety of Titans Return figures.
Dynamus and Quickswitch were only available in the "Chaos on Velocitron" box set, which includes Refractor & Laser Prime, Parsec & Autobot Nautica, Fastclash, and a Rodimus Prime Titan Master head. The set was officially announced by Hasbro to be a Toys"R"Us exclusive, and was sold at stores in the United States, Canada, and Hasbro's Asian markets (such as Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong). Despite this, it later became available via Amazon in the United States (but not in Canada) as well, actually sold by Amazon directly (as compared to a third-party seller).


  • Dynamus's name was not given anywhere on the materials included in the Chaos on Velocitron boxset. Rather, he, Parsec, and Refractor were named months later on the Trypticon's Titan Master Crunch poster given out at San Diego Comic-Con 2017.
  • The alternate Quickswitch face for the Titan Master figure was first seen when Titans Return Six Shot was revealed at Cybertron Con 2017. Several prototypes that were on display featured the Quickswitch face rather than Six Shot's, initially causing some confusion among fans.


  1. Trypticon's Titan Master Crunch
  2. Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron pack-in blurb
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