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Decimus (G1)

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The name or term "Decimus" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Decimus (disambiguation).
Decimus is a Transformer from the Generation 1 continuity family.
We all have to do our jobs, hmm?

Senator Decimus is, for the most part, a rich jerk. It's not exactly his fault, as he's a product of his times. He certainly lacks the scheming and ambition of his fellow senator Ratbat, but like most members of the Senate from his time period, he's simply lost touch with anything but maintaining the comfortable lifestyle to which he's become accustomed. In another era, he'd simply be a harmless dignitary, but with the class struggle erupting from his continued automation of the asteroid energon mines, he's sitting on a powder-keg just waiting to blow.



2005 IDW continuity

Decimus was known for saying the functionist phrase "Each a cog in the great machine." Megatron Origin #1 Soundwaves

Following an assassination attempt on Nominus Prime, Decimus and the other Senators knew they had to take action against future terrorism. As Senator Proteus was gathering support for the "Clampdown", which would allow them to weed out Senate detractors by placing more restrictions on Cybertron's populace, Orion Pax burst into the Grand Imperium chamber. Decimus was offended by the interruption, but Orion didn't care. Chaos Theory #2

At some point, Decimus had a close brush with Drift, before the later was recruited into the Decepticons. Drift attested later that even he could see how corrupt Decimus and his cronies were at the time. Drift #2

A routine procedural appearance turned dangerous when Decimus announced the facility re-designation terms for Mining Outpost C-12. An energy-pick flung by disgruntled miner Megatron nearly cost him an arm, and the subsequent mutiny on the penal transport left him stranded in space and in need of rescue by Sentinel Prime's security. Megatron Origin #1

Of course, one of the cardinal rules in pre-war Cybertron is that the energon must flow. Thus, Decimus's valiant efforts to keep the supply up (albeit mostly in Senate hands) earned him a fetching statue of his likeness and a parade in his honor. It would have been quite nice if he hadn't been abducted by the Seekers during this parade and taken straight to Megatron who, in front of the teeming crowds that frequent Kaon's illegal pit fights, intended to make him the first casualty of a new war against the Senate. Megatron Origin #3

Decimus was rescued by Sentinel Prime and his forces, who also arrested the Decepticons. Soon after he participated in the Senate's emergency session concerning Megatron's activities. During the session, Starscream claimed to defect and was brought before the Senators to speak against Megatron. Instead, he and Soundwave murdered them all, including Decimus. Megatron Origin #4

Beast Wars: Uprising

Decimus was one of the decrepit, dictatorial 'bots on the Builder Assembly. Despite that, when it came to vote on whether to unleash the barely-tested Vehicons on Cybertron's arctic, Decimus said he could not in good conscience support it. Later, he was converted into a Vehicon by Galva Convoy. Derailment


Foreign names

  • Japanese: Decimus (デシマス Deshimasu)
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