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Bumblebee (G1)/merchandise

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Bumblebee has a lot of merchandise.


Happy Meal Toy

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  • Bumblebee (1985)
Non-poseable, non-transforming figurines of Bumblebee and three of his Mini-Vehicle chums (Cliffjumper, Gears, and Brawn) comprised the very first line of Transformers Happy Meal toys, but alas, the figures did not see a full release, and were only test-marketed in St. Louis, Missouri. The two-tone figures were available in a variety of colour variations, with at least six different combinations for each of the four characters: Bumblebee is known to have been available in blue and red, red and black, green and black, blue and black, black and yellow, and black and red... yet not his traditional yellow and black!

Transformers Milk Caramel

Caramel bumblebee.jpg
  • Bumble (1985)
A soft rubber figurine—known in Japan as a keshigomu— of Bumblebee was released as part of the first wave of Kabaya's earliest candy toy line, Transformers Milk Caramel. Based more on his toy than his animation model, Bumblebee came packaged with chocolate-covered caramel candies, and was available in various colours, including white, blue, sky blue, yellow, green, and orange.

Transformers Choco

  • Bumble (1985)
A small solid-color, transforming snap-together model kit of Bumblebee was released as part of Kabaya's Transformers Choco line of candy toys.


  • Jogo dos Transformers (1985)
A tiny generic yellow car representing "Volks" (Bumblebee per his original toy name in Brazil) was included as a pawn in Estrela's Jogo dos Transformers board game. He is not directly named, simply being called the "carrinho amarelo" (little yellow car) in the game's instructions, but his identity is revealed as a pair of cards featuring art of his original toy in vehicle mode are also included. He comes with a small sticker that's placed on the bottom of the car representing his robot mode, thus allowing him to roughly "transform" by being placed vertically - a little bit like what Robot Powered Machines would do about a pair of decades later.
This same car was recolored to represent Camaro (AKA Windcharger), Carrera (AKA Cliffjumper), and Sedan in the same board game.


Fun fact, this was the last piece of Bumblebee merchandise we'd get up until the next decade and a half. Things sure changed...
  • Cybertron Hero Collection 9 (multi-pack, 1986)
  • Defeat Dinosaurer Strategy Game (board game, 1986)
Bumblebee was among the many characters rendered by Takara as part of their series of 1.5" keshigomu figurines. Like all the Autobots in the series, Bumblebee was molded in soft red rubber, and featured a number sculpted into his back that was the sum total of his Tech Specs, for use in the various games that could be played with the figurines. Bumblebee was available as part of a nine-piece box set of Autobot figures, as a playing piece in the Defeat Dinosauruer Strategy Game and later, in a peach coloration randomly packed as part of various other box sets.
  • Bumblebee (1987)
    • Decoy number: 26
The Bumblebee figurine was later brought over to Hasbro markets as part of the Decoy promotion, largely identical to the Japanese release except for the fact that the number on his back was replaced with a simple "checklist" number (26, in Bumblebee's case). Like all Autobot Decoys, he was a randomly-chosen pack-in available with the carded Throttlebots, Aerialbots, Protectobots and Technobots.

Super Collection Figure

  • Bumble (2001)
    • Act: 3
    • Accessories: Stand
A 2-inch PVC of Bumblebee with his best human friend Spike was released in the third "Act" of Takara's Super Collection Figure series. He carries the tiny little pistol he had in the opening of "More than Meets the Eye, Part 1". The figure was available in both full color and clear plastic versions, one of each available in a standard case of twelve blindpacked figures.
In two out of every ten cases, the color version of Bumblebee came packaged with the torso of the Act's collectible "build-a-figure" Fortress Maximus. This part could also be either full-color or clear-plastic, packed at an equal 1:1 ratio.
In one out of every ten cases (that didn't have a Fortress Maximus part), the clear version of Bumblebee was replaced with the battle-damaged Optimus Prime "Secret Figure".

Heroes of Cybertron

Both of Spike's thumbs got stung by bees before the photo was taken.
  • Autobot Espionage Team (2003)
The Bumblebee and Spike figurines were later sold in the fourth wave of Hasbro's Heroes of Cybertron line, but since Hasbro didn't have the trademark on Bumblebee's name at the time, the set was simply collectively named the "Autobot Espionage Team". This version of the duo was cast in clear-blue plastic then painted over, with Bumblebee's eyes and the back of his head unpainted to attempt a light-piping gimmick.
The pair were sold on a blister card, packaged with a character card and the right leg of the wave's collectible Fortress Maximus "build-a-figure".


Oh wow they managed to let the kid friendly character look like a fat, grumpy old man.
  • Bumble (2003)
    • Japanese ID number: MTF010
    • Accessories: Yellow display stand
Released in the second wave of the MyClone line of Transformers PVC figures, this super deformed Bumblebee comes with a hexagonal yellow display stand, which can link up with the identical stands included with other MyClone figures. His modular design allows his parts to be mixed and matched with those of any other MyClone figure.

Q-Robo Collection

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  • Bumble (2003)
A super-deformed PVC of Bumblebee was released as part of theQ-Robo Collection Figure. Like all the figures in the series, it was sold blindpacked in a plastic capsule, featured articulation in the neck and shoulders, and was also available in a translucent red color scheme.

Generation 1 Figure-Collection

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  • Bumble (2003)
    • Japanese ID number: C-4
    • Accessories: Display base
At only one inch in height, this Bumblebee "bottlecap" figurine (so named because its display base is the size of a bottlecap) was one of fourteen blindpacked figures available in Kabaya's Transformers Generation 1 Figure-Collection. The figure was rendered in a "retro" black and white color scheme, and came with a leaflet, personalized with cartoon screen captures.

History Collection

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  • Bumble (2004)
    • Accessories: Display base
Takara produced this PVC figurine of Bumblebee as part of their History Collection set. Despite its diminutive size, this two-piece full-color figure features articulated shoulders.

Hard Hero

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  • Bumblebee (mini-statue, 2004)
Standing at seven inches tall, Hard Hero's Bumblebee cold cast porcelain mini-statue was limited to 1500 pieces and could link up with the company's previous Optimus Prime statue to form a small diorama. Notionally, he was supposed to be the "first in the Minibot series", though no more Minibot statues were produced.
  • Bumblebee (metallic chrome exclusive, 2004)
A metallic golden chrome version of Hard Hero's Bumblebee statue, in homage to the original toy's Generation 2 chrome redeco, was offered as an exclusive by Coalition Comics in December 2004, limited to only 250 pieces.

Gummy Candy

He's Bumblelicious!
  • Transformers Gummy Candy (2006)
Large gummy candies resembling his Classics toy packaged in a blister bubble.

Titanium Series

22 years and five Robot Points later, he finally gets a gun. Revenge time!
  • Bumblebee (Robot Master, 2006)
    • Accessories: Gun, display stand
Titanium Series Bumblebee is a small, 3-inch mostly-die-cast-metal statue of the little guy in a design that's surprisingly close to the original toy, with two wheels on each arm, a plate behind his head and sculpted details on his legs that are also based on the original toy. The only part where the cartoon model is given a preference is the head, including the face.
Titanium Bumblebee has joints at the waist, neck and shoulders, plus a removable pistol. He even comes with a little Autobot-sigil display base.
This sculpt would've been used to make Cliffjumper, but the Titanium line was canceled before that figure could be released.

"Umm...He did it!"
  • Optimus Prime & Bumblebee (2-pack, 2007)
    • Accessories: Gun, display stand
A Toys 'R' Us exclusive two-pack, this set features "Supermetal Finish" (read: shiny) versions of the "Robot Master" Titaniums Optimus Prime and Bumblebee.


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  • Bumblebee (mini-statue, 2006)
Initially intended to be an exclusive for BotCon 2005, Palisades Toys' 4" Bumblebee mini-statue fell victim to a scheduling conflict and was instead released by NonStop Toys in 2006, with leftover stock also being allocated to Diamond Previews in some countries. This stock tended to have a cracked crotch, a common defect with this piece. One of the last four statues to come out of the Palisades Transformers range, Bumblebee was limited to 1000 pieces.

Diamond Select

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  • Bumblebee (statue, 2007)
This six-inch tall mini-bust of Bumblebee was sculpted by Art Asylum and limited to 1000 pieces.
  • Bumblebee Roto-Bank (money bank, 2009)
Art Asylum also produced a Bumblebee money bank, equipped with poseable, rotating arms and head.

Robot Heroes

I wiw punch Soundwave into obwivion.
  • Bumblebee & Soundwave (Two-pack, 2007)
Robot Heroes Bumblebee is another piece of absolute adorableness. A soft-plastic figurine that combines the cartoon and toy elements of the original Bumblebee with a "super-deformed" style, he is jointed at the neck and shoulders. He came in a two-pack with Soundwave.
This mold was also used to make Robot Heroes Cliffjumper, of course.

  • Bumblebee (Single-pack, 2008)
In some countries outside of North America, Bumblebee was released individually in a blindpack with no notable changes.

Transformers (2007)

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  • Slumblebee (2007)
Slumblebee is, as his name suggests, a plush Bumblebee toy based on his original Generation 1 form. Obviously he has no problems with articulation and passes the drop test with flying colors. You can transform him into his car mode (which is totally not a Beetle, as far as Volkswagen can prove) by turning him inside out. Truly he is a new zenith of cuteness.

3D Battle-Card Game

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  • Classic Bumblebee (2007)
A 22-point character in the 3D Battle-Card Game's "Energon Wars" expansion, "Classic" Bumblebee "transforms" into a yellow sports coupe, based on his Classics design. He uses the same parts layout as Side Swipe and Blackjack.

Sota Toys

  • Transformers Chess Set (2007)
Eight identical Bumblebee pieces were to be the Autobot-side Pawns on a chess set based on Generation 1, but the set apparently never saw release.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Boss Coffee

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  • Bumble (2008)
A non-transforming PVC figure of Bumblebee was released as part of a promotion by Boss Coffee. The small figure was randomly included with single cans of the company's "Rainbow Mountain Blend" coffee, contained in a plastic capsule affixed to the top of can which then became a display base for the figurine once removed. Bumblebee features articulation at the shoulders and waist, and came with a small catalog leaflet that could be folded up and attached to the lid/base to form a diorama background for added display value.


Well, if people are gonna keep drawing him carrying gigantic guns....
  • Bumblebee (Booster, 200?)
    • Attacktix ID number: TF06
Part of the second-series Transformers Attacktix Boosters, Bumblebee is a "Rare" 10-point "Specialist" that fires a standard missile. His Special Power, "Infiltrate" allows Bumblebee, after being defeated and turning up white, to be placed anywhere on the opponents starting line. He also has an always-active power that lets him take a free turn if he defeats another "Specialist"-ranked piece with a higher point value than his own. Holy schneikies, he's a monster on the board.


Game over.
This Attacktix item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Universe (2008)

Electric charger not included!
  • Bumblebee Super Soaker (2009)
The Bumblebee Super Soaker is a yellow and black redeco of Hasbro's earlier "Sneak Attack 4-Way" water gun. The gun has several nozzle settings that allow it to fire a stream or fan of water straight forward, or streams in four other directions to surprise people and "soak 'em sideways".

Mighty Muggs

Tubby lil' muggy all stuffed with fluff energon.
  • Bumblebee (2009)
Mighty Muggs Bumblebee is a super-deformed, non-transformable PVC figure with swiveling arms and head. His mold is different from the standard template used by most Transformers Muggs, as it is extra short and has Bumblebee's trademark "horns". On the other hand, he doesn't come with any weapons.

Smug little bug.
  • Bumblebee (2018)
    • ID number: 03
Heavily influenced by his evergreen design, this Bumblebee Mugg is part of the line's relaunch in 2018. This new mold features sculpted wings, and a unique helmet that changes Bee's expression when pressed. He has three different faces: smug, surprised, and silly.

Transformers Wacky Wobblers

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  • Bumblebee (2009)
This Bumblebee bobblehead is part of the popular Wacky Wobblers line produced by Funko. Aside from the standard-issue big wobbling head, he also features arms that swivel at the shoulders. Bumblebee is affixed to a base with his name on it.

Transformers x Mimobot

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  • Bumblebee Mimobot (Mimoco, 2012)
Produced by Mimoco as part of their multi-brand line of designer USB "Mimobot" flash drives, this Bumblebee memory stick comes in 2GB, 4GB, 8GB and 16GB sizes, and comes pre-loaded with "digital editions of classic comics, videos, and scripts", as well as a suite of screensavers, avatars, and more standard to all Mimobots.

The Loyal Subjects

  • Bumblebee (2013)

Collect them all!

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  • Cybertron Bumblebee (2013)

Collect them all!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their toys & merchandise. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Thrilling 30

  • Bumblebee (Collectible Figurine, 2014)
    • Series / Number: 2 / #16
    • Accessories: Collector's base
A super-deformed Bumblebee was released among the blindpacked Thrilling 30 Collectible Figurines by Goldie Marketing. He comes with a base to help him stand, a collector's card that doubles as a puzzle piece, and a checklist.
  • Collectible Figurines (5-pack, 2014)
    • Series: 2
    • Accessories: 5 collector's bases
The same Bumblebee figurine was also available in a 5-pack alongside Shockwave, Ultra Magnus, Grimlock and Rodimus.

Tiny Titans

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  • Bumblebee (Tiny Titans, 2015)
    • Series: 2
    • Number: 11/12
Part of the second assortment of Tiny Titans blindpacks, this version of Bumblebee is a very small, soft-plastic figure of him in robot mode... cast in gray plastic with copious amounts of golden-yellow paint on him, more than most Tiny Titans get.
He includes a collectible card that renders him in the 2015 Robots in Disguise styling. The card includes a scan-badge for the Robots in Disguise mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.
This wave saw fairly minimal release at "big box" retailers, but unlike other waves, was not picked up by drug stores and the like later, making them particularly hard to find.

Hikari Mark Sofubi

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Drawing from a number of franchises including Star Wars, Marvel and Godzilla, Funko released a line of 6.6 inch/17 centimetre tall deformed soft vinyl figures with limited articulation. Hikari, meaning ‘light’, came in a variety of colors and included a hand-numbered card of authenticity. Individual pieces ranged from 500 to 5000, depending on the character and variation. Eight versions of Bumblebee were released in 2014:

  • Battle Ready Bumblebee (2014)
A yellow distressed rendering of Bumblebee in the Sunbow-style, limited to 1000.
  • Clear Glitter Bumblebee (2014)
A yellow and black translucent rendering of Bumblebee in the Sunbow-style, limited to 3000.
  • Dangerous Bumblebee (2014)
A black with grey streaks rendering of Bumblebee in the Sunbow-style, limited to 600.
  • Distressed Bumblebee (2014)
A lighter yellow distressed rendering of Bumblebee in the Sunbow-style, limited to 1000.
  • Grey Skull Bumblebee (2014)
A black and white rendering of Bumblebee in the Sunbow-style, limited to 1000.
  • Ice Bumblebee (2014)
A blue and white two-tone translucent rendering of Bumblebee in the Sunbow-style, limited to 1000.
  • Metallic Bumblebee (2014)
A metallic yellow and black rendering of Bumblebee in the Sunbow-style, limited to 1000.
  • 24K Gold Bumblebee (2014)
An all-gold rendering of Bumblebee in the Sunbow-style, limited to 600.

Mecha Nations

  • Bumblebee (2015)
    • ID Number: MN07
    • Accessories: Alternate hands, gun, battle-damaged armor (left arm, chest, right foot, face).
Created by Kids Logic, this super deformed Bumblebee, with G1 "Beetle"-style appearance, stands 6" tall and is articulated, featuring a shiny metallic color scheme, replacement hands, LED light up eyes, weapon and Autobot insignias on his chest. He also includes alternate parts for his chest, right foot and a mangled left arm for that movie-inspired battle-damaged look. Bumblebee's deco, with more black than traditionally found on G1 Bumblebee, and included weapon also appear to draw from his live-action counterpart.

Metal Earth

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  • Bumblebee (2015)
    • ID number: MMS301
Metal Earth Bumblebee is a DIY 3D Metal Model kit. The kit's difficulty rating is given as "expert".

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  • Gold Bumblebee (2015?)
    • ID number: MMS301G
Metal Earth Gold Bumblebee is a redeco of the kit above. He most likely represents Goldbug, though he is not named as such.

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  • Bumblebee (Legends, 2019)
    • ID number: MEM052
Metal Earth Legends Bumblebee is a DIY 3D steel model kit in the shape of a super deformed version of the evergreen Bumblebee design. The kit's difficulty rating is given as "moderate".

Block Wars

  • Bumblebee (2016)
    • Number: 2
Part of Kabaya's Transformers Block Wars candy toy line, this Bumblebee kit is based on his Cyber Series Commander toy. Molded entirely in yellow plastic with detailing from stickers, he transforms into a super car when finished and is armed with a large sword with interchangeable handles. He can also be taken apart and combined with Block Wars Optimus Prime, Megatron and Starscream in various configurations, the ones involving Bumblebee shown on the packaging being:
  • Giving Bumblebee Megatron's arms and Starscream's wings and arming him with Optimus Prime's spear.
  • Attaching Starscream's wings and Megatron's cannon to Bumblebee's vehicle mode, making him a flying death car.
  • Having Starscream wield Bumblebee's sword and use his car roof as a shield.
  • Combining all four into an unnamed combiner, with Bumblebee forming the arms.

Transformers Figure Collection

  • Bumble (01–2016)
Standing 42mm tall, Transformers Figure Collection Bumble is a non-poseable soft-rubber figure greatly based on a Decoy figure.

My Busy Books

  • Transformers: My Busy Book (2017)
Available with the 10-page board book and a box filled with 12 figurines & a playmat depicting a destructed city & Cybertron, this Bumblebee is a pair of small, PVC non-transforming figurines consists of his robot mode (in his evergreen design) and his yellow car alternate mode that is inspired by his live-action film counterpart's Camaro Concept vehicle. Like most of the land-based vehicle figurines, his wheels do not roll.
In terms of quality control, the figurines' paint applications can be...well, a wee bit but not almost entirely shoddy (notably the wheels, as seen in the photo on the right). If you're a collector who prefers to display them, you should resign yourself from buying it or try to customize the figures with better paint applications if you have the skills.


Kidrobot GIJoe Enamel Pin Series.jpg

Enamel Pin Series

  • Rarity: 2 in 20
Released by Kidrobot in their Enamel Pin Series, this is a flat, enamel pin badge of Bumblebee inspired by the art of Tom Scioli's Transformers vs. G.I. Joe, albeit with cutesy proportions. The pin series was blindboxed, with some pins being rarer than others.

Vinyl Mini Series

Kidrobot GI Joe Bumblebee mini.jpg
  • Rarity: 3 in 48
The same character design was reused for the Vinyl Mini Series, with Bumblebee receiving a three-inch tall, blindboxed figurine retaining the vibrant colours and exaggerated proportions. He featured articulation in each shoulder.

Vinyl Keychain Series

Kidrobot GI Joe Bumblebee keychain.jpg
  • Rarity: 3 in 24
Bumblebee was also released as part of the once again blindboxed Vinyl Keychain Series, now standing at about one to two inches. He included a keychain molded into his head and, due to his small scale, did not feature any articulation.


In case a VW Beetle was too big for you.
  • Bumblebee Go Kart (2017)
Manufactured by Hauck toys, the Bumblebee go-kart is a small, pedal-operated vehicle for kids aged 4-8 years old. Cast in the image of Bumblebee (even featuring his head sculpted on the front), the kart features an adjustable seat as well as a brake.

Fidget Its

The cube was merely a vessel; its power, its knowledge—can never be destroyed.
  • Bumblebee (2017)
Arriving a little late to the fidget toy craze, Fidget Its Bumblebee is a cube-shaped Bumblebee with rubber horns and (non-poseable) feet. He has five features to fidget with: button eyes, a larger and clickier button, a slidable "arm", a clicky dial, and a pressable rolling metal ball on his back.

Bouncing Ball Heads

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  • Bumblebee (2017)
"Bouncing Ball Head" Bumblebee is a small, super deformed figurine with a removable head that doubles as a bouncy ball. An Autobot logo is tampographed on the back of his head and his name is written under his feet.
He is (apparently) available in both gacha-style machines and in an 8-pack with the whole collection, and comes inside a spherical capsule with a unique yellow color.
Despite clearly representing Generation 1 characters, the collection is advertised as a 2015 Robots in Disguise product.

Playskool Friends

  • Transformers Collector Pack (Canceled)
Intended to be released as part of the 7-pack for the Playskool Friends lineup, this Bumblebee is a very adorable non-transforming figurine. He comes packed with Optimus Prime, Arcee, and 4 Rescue Bots: Heatwave, Chase, Boulder and Blades.
Given the inclusion of the four Rescue Bots, it was probably unclear if this Bumblebee is mean to represent his Generation 1 counterpart or his Aligned counterpart.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


Uglydolls plush collab.jpg
  • Ice-Bat as Bumblebee (2018)
A collaboration with Uglydolls for the 2018 San Diego Comic-Con, the character Ice-Bat is dressed as Bumblebee. He is a limited run exclusive plush, along with Ox as Optimus Prime.

Keshi Surprise

  • Autobots (2018)
The Keshi Surprise series by Super7 consisted of 1.75" soft rubber figures in a style deliberately resembling the 1980s Decoys. These blind-packed figures were sold individually or in cases depicting only their faction. Bumblebee was available in red, yellow, blue, and purple, and included a foil trading card / sticker.


  • Bumblebee (Happy Meal Toy, 2018)
Released as part of the McDonald's June 2018 Happy Meal Toys along with My Little Pony, McDonald's Bumblebee is a super deformed, non-poseable toy, except at the right arm, which is a little missile launcher. It's pretty big. That's it.
The toy was available in South Korea, Italy, Russia, and Malaysia. This toy was rereleased in the US as Bumblebee for the Bumblebee promotion.

  • Bumblebee Racer (Happy Meal Toy, 2018)
Part of the same Happy Meal collection as the toy above, this toy represents Bumblebee in his car mode with a pull-back motor. It was also rereleased as Bumblebee Racer for the Bumblebee promotion.

Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Bumblebee, Brave Warrior (2018)
    • Wave 1S: Starter Set
    • Rarity: RT
    • Card Number: T01/T04
    • Stars: 6
Bumblebee, Brave Warrior is one of four double-sided character cards available in the Transformers Trading Card Game Starter Set.
The artwork for the card is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile game, and is based on the Legacy of Bumblebee redeco of the Classics Bumblebee toy.

  • Bumblebee, Courageous Scout (2018)
    • Wave 1
    • Rarity: CT
    • Card Number: T08/T40
    • Stars: 9
Bumblebee, Courageous Scout is one of forty double-sided character cards available in Wave 1 of the Transformers Trading Card Game.
The artwork for the card reuses different artwork from the Transformers Legends mobile game, and is based on the Legacy of Bumblebee redeco of the Classics Bumblebee toy.

  • Bumblebee, Legendary Warrior (2018)
    • Wave 1
    • Rarity: SRT
    • Card Number: T09/T40
    • Stars: 10
Bumblebee, Legendary Warrior is one of forty double-sided character cards available in Wave 1 of the Transformers Trading Card Game.
The artwork for the card reuses more artwork from the Transformers Legends mobile game, and is based on the Legacy of Bumblebee redeco of the Classics Bumblebee toy.

  • Bumblebee, Trusted Lieutenant (2019)
    • Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners
    • Rarity: CT
    • Card Number: T14/T46
    • Stars: 10
Bumblebee, Trusted Lieutenant is one of forty-six character cards released in Wave 2 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, Rise of the Combiners.
The artwork for the card features another set of reused artwork from the Transformers Legends mobile game, and is once again based on the Legacy of Bumblebee redeco of the Classics Bumblebee toy.

  • Bumblebee, Least Likely, Most Dangerous (2019)
    • Wave 2S: Bumblebee vs. Megatron Starter Set
    • Rarity: RT
    • Card Number: T01/T04
    • Stars: 7
Bumblebee, Least Likely, Most Dangerous was released as part of the Transformers Trading Card Game's Bumblebee vs. Megatron Starter Set. The card was packaged alongside Megatron, Cybertronian Tyrant, Starscream, Decepticon Lieutenant, Windblade, Defender of Truth, and a 40 card ready-to-play deck of Battle Cards.
The line-art for the card was done by Dan Khanna, and like the other Bumblebee cards in the Transformers TCG is based on the Legacy of Bumblebee Classics Bumblebee toy.

  • Bumblebee, Trusted Lieutenant (2019)
    • Wave 2P
    • Rarity: CT
    • Card Number: P5/2019
    • Stars: 10
A reprint of Bumblebee, Trusted Lieutenant was made available as an in-store play promo card for the release of Wave 3: War for Cybertron: Siege I. The card is identical to the original release, printed with gold-foil on the Robot Mode side.

  • Bumblebee, Legendary Warrior (2019)
    • Wave 1: Energon Edition
    • Rarity: SRT
    • Card Number: T01/T06
    • Stars: 10
Released as part of the TCG's Wave 1: Energon Edition, this card is a reprint of Wave 1's Bumblebee, Legendary Warrior. Printed on semi-transparent plastic instead of a normal Character Card, this version features new art by Ken Christiansen

Flame Toys


Furai Model

  • Bumblebee (May 2019)
    • Number: 04
    • Accessories: Gun, Heli-pack, Hammer
Bumblebee is released as part of the Furai Model line of articulated Gunpla-based model kits from Flame Toys. Bumblebee also comes with a gun, a heli-pack inspired by his Action Master toy, and a hammer based on his live-action film counterpart's weapon seen in The Last Knight. Using parts made of hard ABS plastic and some polycaps, Bumblebee is approximately Deluxe-sized in height.
If one chooses, the kit can be panel-lined and touched-up with several panel-lining and paint markers (water/acrylic-based markers are recommended, as alcohol-based markers like Gundam Markers can potentially damage the ABS plastic). If one desires; the kit's pieces, aside from the translucent parts, can be fully coated with spray paints to recreate the finished sample seen in the stock photos.
Though not meant to be fully clipped together, Bumblebee's torso, feet, and wheel parts can be rearranged into a Volkswagen Beetle-like alt mode.[1]

  • Bumblebee (Red ver.) (2020 20??)

A red version of the Bumblebee figure was revealed in a Flame Toys product catalog, to be released in 2020. However, he has not been released yet, and was also not advertised as Cliffjumper, and simply appeared to be a red Bumblebee.

Reinforcements from Cybertron may not be forthcoming.

No promises.
This item is not on a release schedule, but Hasbro, TakaraTomy, or any other of the companies are examining options for its availability.


  • Bumblebee (2020, 2024)
    • Accessories: Blaster pistol
Released in the first wave of Super7's line of multi-property 3.75-inch action figures, ReAction Bumblebee is a non-converting "retro-style" action figure with 5 points of articulation, based on his appearance in the original cartoon. He comes with a small blaster which can only be held in his right hand. He has holes on the bottom of his feet for mounting him on some manner of figure stand.
As with all releases in the ReAction toyline, Bumblebee comes packaged in a small cardback that emulates the nostalgic packaging style of Kenner Star Wars action figures of the late 1970s and early '80s, the figure format the entire line is based around.
In late 2024, this figure was reissued with no obvious changes, now in a blindpacked box assortment.

  • Gold Armor Bumblebee (2020)
    • Accessories: Blaster pistol
This is a Target-exclusive redeco of ReAction Bumblebee, now in Generation 2-inspired metallic gold and black. The gold parts of the card-art are printed with a very reflective metallic-gold, which often ends up looking black in photography if there's not direct light on it (as seen in the stock imagery at right).
This figure was something of a pegwarmer, eventually getting clearanced out and going from cluttering Target pegs to cluttering eBay "ReAction" searches.

Jada Toys


  • Bumblebee (4" Die Cast Figure, 2020)
    • Accessories: Big blaster, small blaster
Released by Jada Toys, Metalfigs Bumblebee is a 4 inches tall non-transforming super deformed die-cast figure with three points of articulation and light-up eyes. His design blends elements from both his original toy and cartoon appearance.
He comes with two different blasters as accessories.

  • Diorama Scene (2 3/4" Die Cast Figure 4-pack, 2020)
    • Accessories: Display backdrop
A static die-cast figurine of Bumblebee measuring approximately 2 3/4 inches tall is available as part of a "Diorama Scene" 4-pack alongside Optimus Prime, Starscream and Megatron.
The packaging backdrop can be used as an additional display piece for the set.

  • Optimus Prime / Bumblebee / Optimus Primal / Megatron (2 3/4" Die Cast Figure 4-pack, 2022)
This static Bumblebee figurine is directly designed after the 4" figure above, but measures half the size and lacks the accessories. He is available in a 4-pack alongside Optimus Prime, Optimus Primal and Megatron.

  • Bumblebee (2 3/4" Die Cast Figure, 2023)
The same super deformed Bumblebee from the 4-pack above is also available in individual packaging.

Nano Hollywood Rides

  • Starscream / Volkswagen Beetle Bumblebee / Optimus Prime (1.65" Die Cast Vehicle 3-pack, 2020)
Nano Hollywood Rides Bumblebee is a small non-transforming die-cast licensed Volkswagen Beetle measuring approximately 1.65 inches long. He was released in a 3-pack alongside Starscream and Optimus Prime. Unfortunately, he doesn't feature a sculpted robot mode underneath like most other Jada vehicles do.

Nano Metalfigs

  • Transformers Series 1 18-pack (4 cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2022)
Nano Metalfigs Series 1 Bumblebee is an incredibly small die-cast figurine molded with his hands on his waist. He has a little base attached to his feet for balancing reasons.
He comes in an impressive multipack with seventeen other figurines. This mold was later redecoed as Series 2 Cliffjumper.

  • Transformers Series 2 18-pack (4 cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2022)
A second Nano Metalfigs Bumblebee was released in Series 2, this time a redeco of Series 1 Cliffjumper who is doing a bit more of an action pose.
He comes in another impressive multipack with seventeen other figurines.

  • Transformers Series 3 18-pack (4 cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2023)
For the third Nano Metalfigs multipack, Series 1 Bumblebee was re-released with no noticeable changes.

Hollywood Rides

  • Bumblebee Volkswagen Beetle (Scale 1/32 Die Cast Vehicle, 2024)
Hollywood Rides Bumblebee is a 1/32 scaled non-transforming die-cast licensed Volkwagen Beetle with rubber tires and opening doors. He was released and found in retail without any prior announcement.

Figural Bag Clip

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  • Bumblebee (2020)
Released by Monogram, this 2.5" 3D foam bag clip takes the form of a chibi Bumblebee.
It was available only as part of a mystery blind bag collection.

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  • Bumblebee (2021)
A non-articulated, non-transforming 3" figure of Bumblebee with an attached clip, also released by Monogram.
Unlike the previous year's release it was sold on a standard cardback.


All Easter eggs listed below were exclusive to Lojas Americanas, a popular Brazilian chain store.
Brazilian Bumblebee Easter Egg 2020.jpg
  • Transformers Easter egg (2020)
In 2020, Brazilian chocolate manufacturer D'elicce released a Transformers-themed Easter egg that came inside a relatively large hard plastic handbag based on Bumblebee's evergreen head design. Also available were smaller chocolate eggs that included random stickers of characters and insignias.

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  • Transformers Easter egg (2021)
In 2021, D'elicce released another Transformers-themed Easter egg, this time including a popcorn bucket of cutesy proportions based on either Optimus Prime or Bumblebee. Smaller chocolate eggs, this time including temporary tattoos for children, were also available as well.

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  • Transformers Easter egg (2022)
    • Accessories: Egg holder/obstacle piece
D'elicce's 2022 Transformers egg included a toy of an evergreen Bumblebee car with the robot mode head sticking out of the roof, creating the illusion that Bumblebee is driving himself.
The car is made of pure yellow plastic (except for the wheels which are black) and is completely hollow underneath due to the egg being stored inside of it in-packaging. It does come with a curved piece made of black plastic attached to its underside that helps to keep the egg in place, but it's not supposed to stay attached after removing the egg since it prevents the car from touching the ground with its own wheels. The piece can be loosely stuck inside the car for improvised storage, but it's clearly not designed to attach in any other way. Instead, the piece itself features a phrase (written in Portuguese) embossed on its inner side suggesting that it should be used as an "obstacle" for the car to play with. Hey, at least they tried to get creative with it. Meanwhile, an Autobot logo is embossed on the outer side of the piece.
The toy features no paint applications and instead comes with a sticker sheet with 16 stickers—including the car's front grille, headlights, windows and decorative stripes—and instructions on where to apply them. Attention must be paid while applying the stickers, however, as the instructions incorrectly show the headlights and the rear side windows being applied to the opposite side to the one they were actually intended. The transparent plastic used as packaging tries (and fails) to give the impression that the windows come pre-applied, but in reality only the robot's face actually comes as a pre-applied sticker.

You may have noticed they're not exactly striving for originality here.
  • Transformers Easter egg (2023)
The 2023 version of D'elicce's Bumblebee is a big-headed robot mode figure made entirely of two pieces of yellow plastic. Opening the figure in half reveals a chocolate egg and a sticker sheet inside. As was the case with the previous release, only the face comes with a pre-applied sticker, while the stickers for the chest, arms and legs must be applied manually. The stickers for the arms feature noticeable movie-style Autobot insignias.

Did Shockwave do this to you?
  • Transformers Easter egg (90g, 2024)
Yet another Evergreen Bumblebee big head was released in 2024, this time in the form of a lunchbox or something. You can tell they're not even trying anymore.

Super Cyborg

  • Bumblebee (2021)
    • Accessories: Blaster, torso plate
Super Cyborg Bumblebee is an 11-inch-tall non-transforming vinyl figure produced by Super7. Its most significant feature is the ability to remove the entire front of the torso to reveal sculpted inner mechanical detailing.
  • Bumblebee (Clear) (2021)
    • Accessories: Blaster, torso plate
Another version of Super Cyborg Bumblebee was available in mostly transparent plastic, with only some black and yellow on the inner torso parts to make the "x-ray" feature more distinct.


  • Bumblebee (Series 1, 2021)
    • Accessories: Pistol, alternate head, stand
Part of the first wave of Transformers Minimates from Diamond Select, this Bumblebee is a 2-inch-tall figurine featuring metallic paint, 12-14 points of articulation, and accessories and body parts interchangeable with other Minimates. The set also includes an alternate head for Bumblebee styled after his Generation 1 toy. Due to their small size, all 4 figures in each series are sold in the same blister card.

  • VHS Minimates Box Set (2022)
Minimates Bumblebee was rereleased as part of a San Diego Comic-Con 2022 exclusive 4-pack, featuring more cartoon-accurate matte painted deco. The packaging for this set resembles a Family Home Entertainment VHS tape. Only 2500 of this set were produced.

R.E.D. [Robot Enhanced Design]

Put me with your Marvel Legends and I'm perfectly scaled!
Released as part of the third wave of Transformers R.E.D. toys, Bumblebee is a non-transforming 6-inch action figure akin to the ones from the Marvel Legends and Star Wars The Black Series lines. He features 26 points of articulation and is decoed in an attempt at show-accuracy, with an extra smattering of Siege-style battle damage. His robot mode is based on concept art by Ken Christiansen, which had earlier influenced Bumblebee's look in the 2019 IDW ongoing comic and the War for Cybertron Trilogy animated series.
Bumblebee's chest plate can be removed to reveal details meant to represent his "inner workings". He comes with two sets of hands: one pair of closed fists, and one pair of open hands for holding weaponry and accessories. Speaking of which, he also includes a small blaster accessory (though his product description claims he has two), along with a pair of fire blast effects to simulate weapons discharge. He also comes with an Energon cube.
As with all R.E.D. toys, Bumblebee was a Walmart exclusive in Canada and the United States, and was later made available on Hasbro Pulse in limited quantities.


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  • Bumblebee (2021)
    • ID number: 23
Released as part of the Pop! Retro Toys segment, Funko's Pop! Bumblebee is a super deformed vinyl figure based on his original Generation 1 toy, although with a more cartoon-accurate face and carrying a small blaster on his right hand.

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  • Bumblebee (2021)
    • ID number: 28
Exclusive to Target, this version of Bumblebee is instead based on his Classics toy, complete with the Wave Crusher attached to his back.

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  • Bumblebee (Pocket Pop! Keychain, 2021)
A smaller version of the G1-toy Pop! Bumblebee with a keychain attached to his head.

  • Bumblebee (Digital Pop!, 2022)
    • Rarity:
      • Monochrome: Common
      • Static: Common
      • Glowing: Uncommon
      • Chrome: Rare
      • Original:Epic
NFTs depicting Bumblebee in the Funko style. Interestingly, the Ark seems to be mobile on Earth's surface, something which it never was while Bumblebee was conscious during the G1 cartoon the figure is likely based on.

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  • Freddy Funko as Bumblebee (2022)
    • ID number: 50
Part of the Pop! Digital segment, this regular-sized vinyl figure portrays Freddy Funko cosplaying as Bumblebee. The body of this figure is the same as the G1-toy version of Bumblebee, while the head has been modified to incorporate Freddy's face and a crown on its top. It could only be acquired by redeeming one of the three 1-of-1 NFTs featuring this figure.

  • Bumblebee (Pop! Pin, 2022)
    • ID number: 17
    • Accessories: Display stand
A metallic enamel pin based on Bumblebee's Classics vinyl figure measuring 4-inches tall, approximately the same as a regular vinyl.

  • Mr. Potato Head Bumblebee (Pop! Digital Retro Toys, 2022)
    • Rarity: Legendary
    • ID number: 125
Similar in concept to other Mr. Potato Head toys, this vinyl figure is a representation of said character taking the appearance of Bumblebee, except it can't be taken apart piece by piece.
This figure is limited to 1550 units and can only be acquired redeeming an NFT representing this version of the character.


  • Bumblebee (2021)
    • ID number: 026
A collaboration between Hasbro and statue/replica brand Jazware, The Transformers was added as a part of the Zōteki line alongside other iconic brands such as Marvel, to recreate some of the main "Generation 1" characters. The 26th figure of the Zōteki line is Bumblebee.
Each statue of the line features a connection point for it to be connected to the others, in order to form a battle scene.


Cliffjumper would've honestly fit the role.
  • Transformers Gen-1 Chess Set (2021)
In the planned Transformers Chess Set by Eaglemoss, a relatively large and very well-detailed statue of Bumblebee was slated to be one of the Pawn pieces on the Autobot side.
A Kickstarter campaign to raise the necessary funds for this project was launched but failed to meet its goal by September 24, 2021, and the whole thing was canceled.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Prime 1 Studio


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  • Bumblebee (2022)
    • ID Number: No:057
    • Accessories: Stand
Prime 1 Studio's Cutie1 Bumblebee is a lovable (if not somewhat scary looking) soft vinyl figure stylized as a button-eyed doll with chibi proportions.

  • Bumblebee (Keychain, 2021)
    • Accessories: Stand, chain
Part of a marketing push following the announcement of the figure above, an acrylic keychain of Cutie1 Bumblebee was released, along with other products such as stickers, T-shirts, hand towels and totebags using its design. The keychain comes with a small stand so that you can display it when not carrying it around with your keys.

Acrylic keychain series

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Released as part of the first wave of an e-HOBBY exclusive series, this pair of keychains depicts character art and assets re-used from Optimus Prime and Bumblebee's Masterpiece releases, namely MP-44 Convoy and MP-45 Bumble and Spike 2.0 respectively.


  • Bumblebee (2018)
Clip Bots Bumblebee is a small super deformed plush that can be "transformed" into a little car by flipping it inside out. It features a plastic clip so it can dangle from whatever you clip it to.

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  • Bumblebee (2022)
Modeled after Bumblebee's evergreen design, this roleplay toy mask was released along side an Optimus Prime version.

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  • Bumblebee Mask (2024)
Manufactured by Peachtree Playthings, this mask is a completely new mold based on Bumblebee's evergreen design, though some details such as the two black vertical stripes over his eyes are unpainted. It was found at discount stores such as Dollar Tree with no prior announcement. As with the previous mask, it was released along side an Optimus Prime version.

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  • Cybertron Battlers Bumblebee (2022)
Released in the Cybertron Battlers subline of Authentics, this vinyl figure is a non-transforming, 5.5 inch rendition of Bumblebee in his evergreen design with limited points of articulation. He has a stinger weapon molded into his right forearm, complete with molded sparks.
He comes packaged either individually with a tag, or in twos in a box together with Optimus Prime and Megatron.

Dap me up, Prime!
  • Pull-Back Racers Bumblebee (2023)
Released in the Pull-Back Racers subline of Authentics, this toy is a non-transforming rendition of Bumblebee in a super-deformed rendition of his vehicle mode, albeit with his robot mode head and left arm sticking out of it. As the title suggests, this toy has a pull-back motor that will propel the toy forwards after being pulled back considerably enough.


  • Bumblebee (Series 1, 2022)
Squeezelings Bumblebee is a super deformed, non-posable figure made of soft plastic and holding a blaster, released by Forever Clever. He was released in blind bags and in boxed giftsets. One of these sets included a 'Blackout Color Mode' redeco.

  • Blackout Color Mode Bumblebee (2022)
A black redeco of the previous Bumblebee figure, resembling the many Stealth Bumblebee redecos his movie self has received over the years. It was exclusive to an 8-figure gift set, featuring Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Starscream, Megatron, and Blackout Color Mode versions of the three other characters.

  • Bumblebee (Series 2, 2023)
A figure of Bumblebee in soft plastic, like the above. Unlike the above, this one is not in super deformed style. He was released in a gift set alongside Optimus Prime, Megatron and Optimus Primal, in blind bags, or on blister card individually.

Icon Heroes

  • Optimus Prime X Bumblebee Retro Pin Set (2022)
A hard enamel pin based on Bumblebee's original G1 package art made by Icon Heroes. It comes carded with an Optimus Prime pin.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

Magic: The Gathering

Pairs well with the Equipment Artifact Hard Hat.
  • Goldbug, Humanity's Ally / Goldbug, Scrappy Scout (2022)
    • ID number: 011/015
    • Set code: BOT
    • Color identity: White/Blue
    • Casting cost: {1}{W}{U} (front), {W}{U} (back)
    • Artist: Andrew Griffith
"Goldbug, Humanity's Ally" is part of the 2022 Magic: The Gathering Universes Beyond Transformers card set, found in Set Booster and Collector Booster packs of Magic's The Brothers' War set. It can be reversed to become "Goldbug, Scrappy Scout", representing Goldbug in vehicle mode.
A variant of this card was available solely in Collector Booster packs, depicting Shattered Glass Goldbug.

XM Studios

Cute and kid-friendly... to the extreme!
  • Bumblebee (2022)
XM Studios' statue of Bumblebee is 13" tall, made of hand-painted porcelain. Bumblebee has light-up eyes and two different head sculpts, one with his standard face and one with his battle mask. Bumblebee is accompanied by Spike, wearing an exo-suit. The set also includes a sculpted representation of Bumblebee's car mode that can be displayed next to the robot.
258 pieces were produced, with a suggested price of about $1,200 US.


  • Bumblebee (MDLX, 2022)
    • Known designers: Kelvin Sau
    • Accessories: one "Laser Blaster", one alternate masked head, three pairs of hands (relaxed, closed, posed)
Threezero's debut figure for the MDLX line, this version of Bumblebee is an original design taking inspiration from the original cartoon but with the aesthetics in the vein of the live-action movies. Bumblebee is a smaller scaled non-transforming action figure in the vein of contemporary collector-oriented lines like Figma and S.H. Figuarts. Like those lines, the figure is extremely well-articulated and detailed, features interchangeable hands and heads, with the alternate visored face specifically resembling his G1 toy. The three pairs of hands he comes with are relaxed splayed-open hands, closed fists, and posed hands meant to hold his included Laser Blaster (which in turn is based on the pistol used in the cartoon). His back tire can also be removed.
Bumblebee was redecoed into his Gold Edition release below and retooled with a new head into Cliffjumper.
MDLX mold: Bumblebee

  • Bumblebee (Gold Edition) (MDLX, 2022)
    • Known designers: Kelvin Sau
    • Accessories: one "Laser Blaster", one alternate masked head, three pairs of hands (relaxed, closed, posed)
A golden redeco of the above Bumblebee release that calls to mind both his G2 toy and Goldbug, this figure was limited to 2000 units worldwide.
MDLX mold: Bumblebee

  • Bumblebee (Vintage Animation Edition) (MDLX, 2024)
    • Known designers: Kelvin Sau
    • Accessories: one "Laser Blaster", one alternate masked head, three pairs of hands (relaxed, closed, posed)
Another redeco of Bumblebee, this time in brighter colors to mimic the cel-shading of the original cartoon. All previous accessories and functionality carry over from before.
Vintage Animation Edition Bumblebee, Megatron and Optimus Prime were revealed in a press release from Hasbro about the brand's 40th anniversary marketing bonanza, with pictures of the trio being unveiled a few weeks after. Threezero also announced these figures would make a limited debut at TFCon LA the following month, with a wide release sometime later in the spring.
MDLX mold: Bumblebee
Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

Transformers × Mini World

  • Bumblebee (2023)
    • Accessories: Transforming base, gun, sword, machine part, crane arm, 2 connectors
Transformers × Mini World Bumblebee is a tie-in to the popular Chinese game Mini World. It comes with a display base which can fold up into a cube-shaped representation of a hatchback, complete with rolling wheels. The figure can transform into a storage mode to store fully inside the cube, or you can remove his head and install the entire cube on his neck. The unfurled base mode has some machinery inside, as well as a weapons rack to store the included gun and sword accessories.
Each set includes Build a Figure-like machinery components which can be combined with parts from other sets to make new structures.
This figure was exclusively available at TMall, a subsidiary of Alibaba. This figure was released both individually and as part of a giftset with the rest of the "Mini World" Transformers.

Kotobukiya Bishoujo Series

Happy slapping hoodies with Asbos and ringtones.
  • Bishoujo Series Transformers Bumble/Bumblebee (August 2023)
Kotobukiya Bishoujo Series Bumble/Bumblebee reimagines the Autobot scout as a bubbly anime girl (formally termed as a Bishōjo). The Bishoujo Bumblebee statue sees various elements of the classic G1 robot design translated into fashion and style choices, such as the hood adorned with the G1 horns, the car roof and window chest as a light blue undershirt visible underneath the sleeveless hoodie, and the hood of the VW Beetle altmode as shoes.
This statue was later recolored to create Bishoujo Series Cliffjumper.

Fools Paradise

LOWFOOL League of Steel Bumblebee.jpeg
  • Bumblebee (2023)
    • Accessories: Football
Part of a collaboration between Hasbro and Hong Kong-based online store ZCWO, Bumblebee joins the "League of Steel" subline of Fools Paradise's LOWFOOL range, rendered as a hulking American football player alongside similar vinyl statues of Evangelions and Gundams. He is depicted as a human man wearing heavily Bumblebee-inspired body armour and sports equipment, including a colour coordinated football, and is designed with the characteristic LOWFOOL facial features of a strong brow, squinting eyes, and moustache.
Preorders for Bumblebee opened in July 2023, with a projected release date of November.

Hot Wheels

  • Bumblebee (HW Screen Time, 2024)
  • Mainline ID number: 186/250
  • HW Screen Time ID number: 9/10
Made in collaboration with Mattel, Hot Wheels Bumblebee is a non-transforming and fully licensed Volkswagen Beetle at 1/64 scale, slightly retooled from the existing "VW Bug" Hot Wheels casting. Bumblebee lacks a robot mode, though his face is sculpted into the bottom of the car undercarriage. The toy can be hauled in the later released Hot Wheels Track Fleet Ultra Magnus trailer.
There are two versions of this release. The original one is in a traditional yellow color with a red Autobot insignia on the left side of the hood. It was then followed by a variant painted gold, possibly in reference to Goldbug, with a black insignia instead.
As is the case with most Hot Wheels releases, the packaging depicts a realistic render of the miniature vehicle, which is colored accordingly to the variant of the toy packaged with it.

  • Custom Volkswagen Beetle (Transformers, 2024)
  • Transformers ID number: 1/5
A redeco of the Custom Volkswagen Beetle casting to resemble the color scheme and insignia of Bumblebee despite the casting being a much more chopped down hot rod version of the Beetle. The packaging makes use of stock images of evergreen Optimus Prime and Bumblebee.

  • Bumblebee (Skate, 2024)
  • Accessories: Finger sneakers
Part of the Hot Wheels Skate subset, this is a Bumblebee-themed finger skateboard that comes with a pair of yellow finger sneakers. The shape and packaging use Dreamwave-era artwork of Bumblebee.


AMK Mini

  • Bumblebee (2024)
  • Accessories: 2 additional pairs of hands (Splayed, Pointing), Autobot Pistol
Released as part of Yolopark's AMK (Advanced Model Kit) Mini Series, this Bumblebee kit can only be completed by snapping the pre-painted pieces together. Aside from the identical hand parts used for most of the AMK Minis, Bumblebee also comes with his usual signature Autobot pistol.
This mold was used to make the unofficial BotCon 2025 exclusive "The Sound of Science" Glyph and the single-pack Ladybug.

  • Bumblebee (IDW) (2025)
The second wave of the AMK Minis features a new mold of the Autobot Scout in his Evergreen design used in Transformers: Unicron.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

June 2025 release


  • Bumblebee (2025)
  • Accessories: 1 additional pair of hands, Autobot pistol, alternate mouthplate
The Advanced Model Kit Series Bumblebee is a slightly larger version of the character, and unlike the previously-released AMK Pro kits, he is purely made out of ABS plastic with no die-cast. In addition to his extra pair of hands and an Autobot Pistol, Bumblebee comes with an additional smiling mouthplate.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

June 2025 release


  • Bumblebee (2025)
  • Accessories: Autobot pistol
The BMK (Which stands for "Beginner Model Kit") Bumblebee is a larger version of the AMK Mini, with the design being based on the AMK/Pro release. As with other BMKs, Bumblebee features a similarly basic articulation, though the knees have been replaced with a rotating joint.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

June 2025 release


  • Bumblebee (2024)
  • Series: Galaxy Version 03 - The Autobot Run
  • Accessories: Spare balljoint piece, figure stand, 2 open hands, left thumbs up hand, Autobot pistol, blast effect, communications monitor, Energon cube, holdable Autobot/Decepticon insignias
Released in the third wave of Galaxy Version line of blind boxes, Blokees Bumblebee is a roughly 4-inches tall, highly-articulated, and non-transforming snap-on model kit of the Autobot Scout. He is built on a "Standard Body" skeleton shared with other Blokees figures in the line, but with different body pieces to make them distinct. As advertised in the box, Bumblebee has a pull rate of 1 in every 9 boxes, or three times across four cases. Unlike the previous line's Cliffjumper, Bumblebee features a color-coded head construction instead of a 2-piece head with pre-painted eyes.
Bumblebee comes with a pair of closed and open hands and a left hand molded in a thumbs-up exclusive to this figure. He also comes with his own Autobot pistol and its respective blast effect, an Energon Cube, and a communications monitor that either of the closed hands can wield. However, it's recommended to plug into one of his forearms (the arms must be swapped and the forearms rotated to show its peghole.). Bumblebee also comes with a stand with four studs on top which he can be plugged into and connected to similar stands.


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