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Can't get the chapter numbers displayed in the customized Table of Contents

I'm trying to get the chapter number displayed in the TOC. Here's my current code: \documentclass{report} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{titletoc} \definecolor{tbl}{HTML}{F035A3} \...
SingularisArt's user avatar
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Two different chapter styles in main body and TOC

In my thesis I have two chapter styles. One is numbered style like - CHAPTER N - INTRODUCTION. For this style I have defined the style in the preamble and write in the main body as \chapter{...
MAzharul Islam's user avatar
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Can I have chapters numbered while not having them appear in the table of contents automatically? [duplicate]

I have a thesis file that has chapters, sections, etc. In the document I make references to previous lemmas, etc. I want to remove the automatic generation in the table of contents of the chapter ...
aladdinoscopy's user avatar
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Changing the position of the contents title in titletoc

I would like to know how to alter the title of the contents page of the document given by the following code, so that the word 'Contents' appears above the horizontal rule ('titlerule' in the code) at ...
wrb98's user avatar
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Add "Chapter" and chapter label before each chapter(within mainmatter) in table of contents with package titletoc?

\documentclass[openany]{book} \raggedbottom %reduce underfull \vbox \usepackage{titlesec, titletoc} \titlelabel{\thetitle\quad} \titleformat{\part}[frame]{\normalfont\huge\bfseries}{\partname\ \...
K.Robert's user avatar
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Include Appendix as a Chapter in LOF and LOT, and chapters formatting in both lof and lot

I'm doing my thesis and I need a better display of the chapters that are shown on LoT and LoF, as well as I want to include the \appendix as a Chapter to LoT and LoF (notice that \appendixname is "...
Jorge V's user avatar
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Adding just chapter label and number, without the title

I am trying to create the following ToC with titletoc package: Chapter 1 .......... 1 Chapter 2 .......... 10 Chapter 3 .......... 20 The titletoc code is the following: \titlecontents{chapter}[...
Marco's user avatar
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Problems to properly append chapter without numering to the table of contents

In my document I have a number of chapters, that have their numbering suppressed. I know that to append them to the table of contents one should use the \usepackage{etoolbox} and subsequently define ...
Alexander Cska's user avatar
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Chapter Headings in TOC [closed]

I'm looking to accomplish what was shown here: Table of Contents with Chapter Where the toc was changed from 1 Introduction to Chapter 1 Introduction Except I also have an abstract, ...
ABM's user avatar
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