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tikz: Vertically centered aligned node text [duplicate]

I want to align the node text vertically centered. Wondering how to accomplish this? \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{fourier, tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows, fit, calc}...
MYaseen208's user avatar
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Vertical alignment of node contents

In TikZ, I know that the relevant properties to control the shape and text-alignment of a node are: minimum width and minimum height (outer shape) AFAIU baseline is used to align the nodes themselves,...
Jonathan H's user avatar
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Vertical alignment of text in a node (TikZ)

I am using the TikZ code given in this answer. I would like the text in each rectangle to be on the top left of the rectangle. I already managed to bring the text to the left by replacing align=center ...
Gilles Bonnet's user avatar
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TikZ: How to position a node relatively to it's edge?

I'm struggling to find a way to position a rectangle A above another one B (e.g., by 2cm) while vertically aligning it's right-end with the center of B. Thanks in advance for your answers. NS
N. Short's user avatar
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Move an inline tikz node vertically to align with baseline of surrounding text

I'm trying to incorporate tikz nodes within running text, but have them align nicely with the text surrounding them. My MWE is: % !TEX program = xelatex \documentclass{scrbook} \usepackage{tikz} \...
Kent Boogaart's user avatar
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Vertically align Tikz nodes and getting arrows to work right

I want to align sibling nodes of a Tikz tree vertically so that their tops, rather than their centers, are at the same level. I've tried doing this with the anchor=north option (see the MWE below), ...
Bernhard's user avatar
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