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Overlay a TikZ node into an mdframed

I'd like to place a small piece of text at the upper right of an mdframed box that I'm using to display source code for a program. Here's what I have tried: \begin{mdframed} \begin{minted}{swift} ...
Ray Toal's user avatar
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tikz: fit rectangle to content and rectangle nodes

I'd like these two rectangles are positioned side by side, aligned with their upper side, without having to "manually" calculate the position, using the anchor points. I've made sure that ...
user3713179's user avatar
3 votes
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Draw to anchor of new node at coordinate in TikZ

Is there a way to directly draw to a new node, specifying the connection anchor but still center the node at the new coordinates. To exemplify: % Points at center of node \draw (root) -- (1,1) node {};...
Hans's user avatar
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Node anchor too far away from node text

I'm using a loop to write several labels for line intersections, but perhaps for reasons of scale or something the labels are a bit too far away from the intersections. I can't fix each manually since ...
thosphor's user avatar
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On the strange label location using node, anchor and resistor

Let us assume that we have 2 resistors one on the positive x axis and the one on the negative x-axis, shown below: I want to label them by Rusing a node whose south anchor located at the north anchor ...
Aria's user avatar
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How can I set a tikz-node's anchor using a variable?

The following code works as expected. \documentclass[tikz,margin=1em]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{math} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=3] \draw (0,0) circle [radius=1cm]; \foreach \a in {0,...
user avatar
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Tikz: positioning of circular framed photo in top right corner of CV, with control over the frame thickness and color, and x/y position

My question is about photo positioning in Tikz. I am writing a CV, in which I want to insert a photo on the top right corner, with a circular shape and a frame, thickness and color of which I can ...
Hossein Rouhabadi's user avatar
4 votes
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tikz rectangle nodes fail to align

I'm trying to align 2 nodes (instr0 and instr1) to the left. I've followed How can I align two nodes to the left in TikZ? however it doesn't quite work as I'm getting the following error: ! Package ...
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