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Mixing package options and family options?

The question I am asking here is a follow-up to the question Macros to change pgfkeys package options on the fly and define custom sets of options. I was used to specify package options using the ...
Vincent's user avatar
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Initial style definition before and after ProcessPgfPackageOptions?

The following great post, provides the following answer to a question about managing package options: \begin{filecontents*}[overwrite]{mypackage.sty} % ...
Vincent's user avatar
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Should loading a package with no options behave the same as calling a macro with no options using pgfopts and pgfkeys?

This is a followup to my previous question Why does pgfkeys .initial not work in these cases?. In that question I created a macro with a key-value interface using pgfkeys and it works perfectly. Now, ...
LaTeXereXeTaL's user avatar
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Passing formatting options in pgfkeys using pgfopts

I am trying to design packages and handle package options using pgfkeys through the pgfopts package. However when an option include a formatting command, the whole thing fail and I don't get the ...
Vincent's user avatar
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How to execute default option when using pgfopts?

I would like to define options for a package using pgfopts. So far it works quite well, but I can't figure out how to execute default options. This is described here: How do you define a default ...
carlosvalderrama's user avatar
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Using pgfopts to set up a tcolorbox style

Consider a package file eqbox.sty: % Preamble \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/06/01] \ProvidesPackage{eqbox}[2018/01/01 Boxed Equations] % Packages \RequirePackage{xcolor} \RequirePackage{pgfopts} \...
Vincent's user avatar
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pgfkeys with multiple values for a class option key has incompatibilities with some packages

Like discussed on the chat TexAndFriends, I'm currently adding the ability to define languages in my own class file. Here is my minimal (non working) example. My class file with the packages I'm ...
wget's user avatar
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Spaces in pfgopts options

Is there a simple way to allow spaces in the options of a package using pgfopts to process them, which is local to that package i.e. I don't have to include some package in the main document before \...
James Tocknell's user avatar