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2 answers

pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/tikz/green '

I want to set the fill-color of a rectangle depending on a number stored in a counter. This is my try: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \newcommand{\background}[1]{% \...
Niklas's user avatar
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list of numbers as command option, numbers will be used to define colors

What I'm trying to do is to pass a list of numbers as an option to a command. The numbers will be used later to define colors inside a tikz picture. The first part I can do, here's an example \...
caverac's user avatar
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custom color multinode shape with inherited default color

I would like to create a multinode shape doublecirc with two node parts, say text and lower, consisting of two circles with text in each. (There are obviously ways to do this more simply -- but this ...
democritus's user avatar
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Package or solution to implement a color palette system [closed]

I would like to know what solutions are available for color palette handling in LaTeX. This is needed for a custom package I want to write. (I plan to use tikz and luatex, so any tikz- or lua-solution ...
HarveyShepp's user avatar
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1 answer

Overwrite point meta value after explicit definition

I want do some surface/mesh plots in pgfplots with a kind of logarithmic axis for positive and negative values. This is sometimes called a symlog colormap transformation, i.e. a logarithmic axis for ...
crateane's user avatar
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How to handle a color key in pgfkeys

I'm trying to use pgfkeys to parse the arguments in a set of macros. I need to use some arguments for color. But, I get an error with the xcolor package saying that the key I defined is not a valid (...
adn's user avatar
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Alternate colback and colbacklower in tcblisting

I have written a new environment based on tcblisting from package tcolorbox. I want the background color for code always in "gray" and the background color of the text compiled in "white". He held ...
Pablo González L's user avatar