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3 votes
4 answers

(x)patch a command the name of which is in another macro

I want to patch some command in a numbered list based on the current level (enumi, enumii, ...). Basically, I want to replace, in a command the name of which is stored in a macro, a macro the name of ...
bers's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How can I write <section counter value>:<section title>:<page>:<file>:<line> to the log whenever (and whereever) a macro is called?

I am working on context-based log entries. Each time a selected (patched) macro is called, it should provide its contents along with a meaningful log entry. "Meaningful" log entry defined: The ...
Jonathan Komar's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Using expanded macro as search pattern for \patchcmd

Is there any way to use the value of an expanded macro as the search pattern for etoolbox's \patchcmd (or xpatch's \xpatchcmd, etc), so that one can have some sort of a "dynamic" patch, by ...
imnothere's user avatar
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