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Marginnote and vertical alignment of boxes

After solving the problem I had with the vertical alignment of the margin notes (, I am facing a similar problem. I can't control the vertical position of ...
carlosv's user avatar
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Absolute vertical positioning of marginnote

I am using the "marginnote" package in a document as shown in the following example: \documentclass{report} \usepackage{marginnote} \begin{document} Richard of York gave battle in vain.\...
Rushmore's user avatar
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Fixing a marginpar in (vertical) place so it does not move

I use memoir’s \footnotesinmargin, which typesets ‘footnotes’ in the margin, using \marginpar internally. I am very pleased with the result when combined with marginfix, but I have one thing I do not ...
Júda Ronén's user avatar
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Align marginnote with text

For marginnotes sized the same as the text, the first line of the marginnote is aligned on exactly the same height as the text line. I however want the marginnotes to be \footnotesize and be sans-...
Thomas Flinkow's user avatar
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Marginnote section alignment

I have a chapter table of contents inserted as a margin note. Is there a way to align the margin note and section header? I have tried inserting the margin note definition in the section header as ...
ruby's user avatar
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Marginnote: Vertical alignment - half length of paragraph

Is there an elegant way to vertical align the margin of a paragraph exactly to the half of the length thereof? I know the command to manually shift the vertical position with \marginnote{text}[voffset]...
D5E's user avatar
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How to align the baseline of margin notes in LaTeX with the main text?

In an effort to find a workaround for another problem (posted as a question here) I am willing to set up my book (based on the KOMA-script class scrbook) with a symmetrical layout. Like before, I ...
Marcus C.'s user avatar
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Vertical alignment of marginnote and section heading

Following on from a previous question I asked, I am now having difficulty in vertically aligning my margin note with a section heading. To be clear, the problem is only when I invoke the solution ...
Henry Gomersall's user avatar
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\marginnote misalignment in \begin{split}

When I use \marginnote in \begin{equation}\end{equation}, it seems to work fine, but if I try to place a margin note inside a multiline equation (at least when I use \begin{split}\end{split}), there ...
Jonathan Gleason's user avatar
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marginnote vertical alignment

I've run into a problem using the marginnote package; the vertical position changes if the note is wider than the margin. An MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{lipsum,marginnote} \setlength{\...
gilgamec's user avatar
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Vertically aligning a marginnote and a section title

In the following code, the marginnote is logically aligned to the lipsum text. I would like to align the marginnote to the title of the section. What's the trick to use ? % Source : http://tex....
projetmbc's user avatar
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