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4 votes
2 answers

How to define a .meta:n key preserving hashes?

I have a command that sets some keys, does stuff with the keys, and defines a new "meta" style with those keys to be called later with inherit-style=<style name>. This works fine using ...
mbert's user avatar
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Add `.meta` key to existing keys (l3keys)

I have two list environments called myenv and myenv* where only the first one has four levels, the keys for the first one are stored in { mymodule / level-1 }, ...,{ mymodule /level-4 } and for the ...
Pablo González L's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Adapt and extend a command for key-val parse (l3keys)

I have a parser for the environment keys and command of a package and it works very well. For MWE purposes I have two environments myenv and myenv*, both represent list environments, but only the ...
Pablo González L's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Braces in l3keys

In many cases, the braces surrounding values to keys in l3keys are omitted when defining keys, even when the keys themselves have n-,c-, or e-type arguments, which normally require braced arguments. ...
User23456234's user avatar
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How to use similar package and command keys, should they be separate or the same variable?

I am writing a expl3 package for typesetting amino acid residues and I am still getting to grips with LaTeX3 and the interfaces documentation. I have looked at the nicematrix annotated code for ...
piJT's user avatar
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9 votes
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l3keys equivalent of pgfkeys' .code 2 args

What is the recommended way to emulate pgfkeys' /.code 2 args (or more generally /.code n args) handler with l3keys? For example, with pgfkeys one can do \documentclass{article} \usepackage{pgfkeys} ...
mbert's user avatar
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Use of xparse macro and expl3 key-value pairs [closed]

I'm trying to set up a family of key-pairs to be used in a \NewDocumentCommand. The goal is to have a function with two key-pairs. I want to be able to get the values of the two keys within the macro, ...
user1850133's user avatar
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Can't make a list of keys work

I am trying to make my own chapter-heading formatting command, using a key=value approach: \coolchap[ chapstyle=<chapter-word formatting>, titlestyle=<chapter-title formatting>, befchap=&...
Vincent Krebs's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to reset all l3keys keys to their initial value?

This is a general and documented feature of latex3, but I shall still provide an MWE in order to illustrate the problem, see below. Suppose I have a function which uses the l3keys key-value interface, ...
Betta George's user avatar
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keyval being picky about empty options

I am trying to automate the generation of beamer handouts, with the help of \pgfpagesuselayout. I want them with 2 slides on 1 page, my colleagues with 4 in landscape orientation. So we generate both ...
ysalmon's user avatar
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Unknown options fail to pass with new expl3 method [closed]

Recently I switched my packages to use the new \ProcessKeyOptions method for processing package options. However, I just found out that with \keys_define:nn { projlib-theorem } { ... , ...
Jinwen's user avatar
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3 answers

How to define new key properties in l3keys

Related Meta Question From interface3.pdf, we can see l3keys has provided several key properties such as .code:n, .tl_set:N, .usage:n. But I don't know how to define a new key property. At this time, ...
L.J.R.'s user avatar
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As of 2022, how should one build class/package options without l3keys2e? [duplicate]

In a comment of this question,David Carlisle wrote: [l3keys2e] should be considerd legacy now, the new built in option code is based on the same core expl3 code but extended and improved so hopefully ...
Jinwen's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

What is the best way to expand macros inside keyval input in expl3

I think LaTeX packages rarely use macros as key names. And some users expect macros inside the keyval input will be expanded recursively first. But l3keys in expl3 doesn't provide this functionality ...
L.J.R.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Appending a token list keeps referring to it instead of copying

I actually had some workarounds and overcame my issue. But I still cannot understand some points. I'm trying to write a command to draw a table. I started with this: \documentclass[10pt]{article} \...
thanhph111's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to distinguish "no value" from "empty value" when setting `l3keys`?

I'm trying to create an option with l3keys such that, if it receives a value, even if an empty one, it gets added to a property list, but if it receives no value, it gets removed from the property ...
gusbrs's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What is the correct usage of the inline key-val parser?

I assumed \keyval_parse:nnn absorbed its third argument, yet it is inserted in the input stream, why? \documentclass{report} \usepackage{xparse} \begin{document} \ExplSyntaxOn \noindent% \...
Erwann's user avatar
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Fill spreadtab with key value command

In this question, there are three answers to build a tabular from a key value command. How to build a spreadtab with the same key value in order to be able to sum up columnwise (with a tag to reuse ...
NBur's user avatar
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3 answers

Forward list of key-value-pairs to other command in expl3

I would like to pass a list of key-value pairs to another command/environment. In this MWE to tcolorbox, but it should work in general (e.g. pass parameters to \LoadClass[params]{article}). \...
Manuel Schmidt's user avatar
2 votes
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ocg: problem using keyval

Trying to build expandable macros using ocg layers, I am facing quite disturbing issue that I am not able to figure out and so turn here for some help of specialists... I am using a macro to insert ...
Damien Gredat's user avatar
3 votes
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Automatically shake questions and answers for a test created with LaTeX after the compilation

We suppose that we have 30 question to solve a text for students instead of 2 as this MWE: \documentclass[leqno,11pt,landscape,a3paper]{extarticle} \usepackage{multicol,mathtools} \usepackage[T1]{...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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1 vote
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Keep a key locally passed from multicols to enumitem using xparse

I have a small problem when trying to keep a key=val locally defining using xparse to pass multicols to enumerate (enumitem package). I have redefined the environment enumerate to accept the columns=...
Pablo González L's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Right expl3 data type and method to store and pass key-value style options to a LaTeX2e macro? [duplicate]

How can I store comma separated options in an expl3 data type and then pass those options to a LaTeX2e macro? Something like this (doesn't have to be a clist—I'm not sure what is the best data type ...
David Purton's user avatar
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21 votes
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What's the correct way to define package options in expl3?

For writing a package it's usually important to be able to define package options. Since the package I'm writing is in expl3 I wondered whether there's a l3ish way of defining key-value-package-...
TeXnician's user avatar
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How can I save key-value options which include key-value options in expl3?

I have a command which uses a key-value syntax. For example, it includes an image with various options, if desired. I am using expl3 key-value processing. I would like to save the key-value ...
cfr's user avatar
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How can I pass a list of values generated in expl3 as a single value for a key to a macro such as \includepdf?

This should probably be obvious but it is not. Or not to me right now, anyway. I want to generate a list of values (e.g. page numbers and empty values) and then pass that list as a value of a key (e....
cfr's user avatar
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11 votes
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Does expl3 key-setting syntax have an equivalent of TikZ/PGF's .cd?

This question has the following form: 'I know how to do X using Y. I can also do X using Z but not so elegantly as using Y. Can I do X using Z in the same way that I can do X using Y, for a more ...
cfr's user avatar
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2 answers

Misunderstanding from l3keys documentation

Based on the interface3 documentation and a nice article in TUGboat, Volume 31 (2010), No. 1 called Programming key–value in expl3 by Joseph Wright (available here), I have been trying to put together ...
EngBIRD's user avatar
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6 votes
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user-defined markup aliases with l3

I would like to write a package providing semantic markup for scholarship in the humanities (loosely following TEI-XML). In the source code, users would use macros like \term for a foreign term or \...
musarithmia's user avatar
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Accessing sub/keys with l3keys

I'm not sure if I'm taking it too far, but I think I've seen something like this around. This gives an error: \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{xparse} \ExplSyntaxOn \NewDocumentCommand \RULE {} ...
Manuel's user avatar
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Use choice key with choices setting booleans

When defining choice keys with l3keys2e there are two possible ways and I use the one with sub-keys in a new package. When defining watch each value should do interface3.pdf says that I can use .code ...
Tobi's user avatar
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10 votes
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How to dynamically give key names with expl3?

I have a property list which associate names with values name 1 -> value 1 name 2 -> value 2 ... I want to use names from the property list to dynamically create keys. The following code \...
Vincent Garibal's user avatar
12 votes
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What are best practices when augmenting and building on the keys provided by someone else's package

The situation is one where I'm developing my own commands and environments which build on the commands and environments provided by another package: for ease of talking let's call this other package ...
A.Ellett's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Can I refer to key value in general code?

Related: keyreader: How to save choice key value to a macro. I’m using l3keys2e, but I suspect this might not be the ideal way to go about what I’m trying to do. I’m building a private package with ...
J. C. Salomon's user avatar
8 votes
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Generate l3keys meta key from subkey

I’ve created a simple package with options settable via l3keys2e. I was able to figure out how to make the syntax \usepackage[format = international]{phone} work, but I’d like to make the syntax \...
J. C. Salomon's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Optional argument not getting set to \makebox through expl3 key assignment

The basic idea that I wanted was to create a key to pass a value that would inform \makebox how the contents of the box should be aligned. Big fail here. The intended contents of the \makebox are ...
A.Ellett's user avatar
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