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LaTeX3 version of expandafter-ifx-csname?

I currently have this code from a previous question (link here) \NewDocumentCommand \IfFontTF {mmmmmm} {% \begingroup \fontencoding{#1}\fontfamily{#2}\fontseries{#3}\fontshape{#4}\try@load@...
Vincent's user avatar
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How to check that something starts with * (or how to build your own exercise sheet from a moodle database)

I would like to check if something starts with an asterisk (*) My attempt: \def\testast#1{\ifx*#1\relax YES\else NO\fi} But the output of \testast{*Word} is WordYES while I would expect just YES The ...
user126154's user avatar
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Problem expanding arguments

I have a problem of understanding how expanding works. I have been reading several posts but none of them solve my problem. I have been trying to do something like this: \documentclass{article} \...
user220299's user avatar
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Check for empty tex file to decide ifthenelse branch

Objective: I am trying to key on on the presence of file content (comments are acceptable, I am trying to key in on content that would be displayed in the built PDF) to determine what path to take. If ...
rmrf's user avatar
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Why does \ifdim work here but \if doesn't?

I'm very new to LaTeX, and need to compare a length I've defined with a default value (and set another length accordingly). Consequently, I'm exploring the murky (to me anyway) world of LaTeX ...
tobriand's user avatar
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Protect fragile variable in file path. Case of \ifthenelse in \includegraphics{}

In this script: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ifthen} \usepackage{graphicx} \newcommand{\myfigure}[1]{% ...
Viesturs's user avatar
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Expanding a macro as the argument to \input results in undefined control sequence error

I'm creating a package which defines a command that looks something like this: \newcommand{\mycommand}[2]{ \input{|"\mypackage@buildcommand{#1}{#2}"} } mypackage@buildcommand uses the ifthen ...
potato's user avatar
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How do I perform an expandable string comparison?

I need to perform a string comparison (string equality). If the macro is non-expandable (e.g. contains \def or \let), it causes problems in the place where it is used. I tried using \ifthenelse from ...
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