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1 answer

More vertical space after description and enumitem?

With the following example, I would like to slightly increase the vertical spacing between the description item and the text. I did not find such option in the documentation. Is there a way? \...
nowox's user avatar
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How can I fully justify spaces inside enumitem description labels?

I will start with a picture that says more than a thousand words: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage{blindtext} \begin{document} What I currently see is this: \begin{...
Christoph Thiede's user avatar
2 votes
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Indentation problem inside the description environment

I have the following simple code \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amssymb,amsthm} \usepackage{enumitem} \begin{document} \begin{...
Hussein Eid's user avatar
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How to format description label with a command (enumitem)

I have to make list environment based on description that should be used to describe C functions. For example: % !TeX program = lualatex \documentclass[11pt]{report} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage{...
Vladyslav Rehan's user avatar
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Preventing indentation on new line within enumitem's description command

I am using the enumitem package, and I am trying to prevent the indentation on a new line within an item command. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[shortlabels]{enumitem} \usepackage[margin=1.2in]{...
Daniel M's user avatar
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First tag of nested description environment with newline style wont appear on new line

I have the next document: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[english, ukrainian]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{enumitem} \setdescription{style=...
Vladyslav Rehan's user avatar
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How can I styilize a descriptive list with a line between the label and the description?

I want my descriptive lists to look like... The source for that is (source)... \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tcolorbox} \tcbuselibrary{skins,hooks} \newcommand\fancybox[3]{% \tcbset{ mybox/...
user41177's user avatar
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Add symbol after the lable of every description item

I often use the description environment and I want to separate the label from the text not only by whitespace, but also by a small circle. I'm using the enumitem package to customize the description ...
Luke's user avatar
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2 answers

How to inject code after every description label?

With the format option, I can inject code in the beginning of every description label: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{enumitem} \begin{document} \begin{description}[format={\ ...\ }] \item[A] ...
Evan Aad's user avatar
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Increasing the Vertical Gap Between Certain Description Items

Consider the code \documentclass[10pt]{book} \usepackage[showframe,margin=.3in,paperwidth=4in,paperheight=6in]{geometry} \textheight=5.25in \usepackage[frame,noinfo,center]{crop} \usepackage{enumitem,...
DDS's user avatar
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Horizontally Shifting Description Items of a Particular Type

The question herein is a modification of that asked in Two Types of Enumerate Items Consider the code \documentclass{book} \usepackage{enumitem} % % % COMPILE WITH PDFLATEX \setlist[description,2]{ ...
DDS's user avatar
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3 columns enumitem description

As part of an article, I am translating a text from an oriental language to German. I am writing the short introduction and then follows the text. Thus, I wanted to place it in a table with two ...
into's user avatar
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How to skip the item body in an inline description* list?

I am having a simple doc: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{enumitem} \newlist{inlinedesc}{description*}{1} \setlist[inlinedesc]{itemjoin={{ $\odot$ }}, itemjoin*={{ and }}} \...
stf's user avatar
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How to make inline description* list left-aligned and hyphenated?

I am having a simple doc: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{enumitem} \newlist{inlinedesc}{description*}{1} \setlist[inlinedesc]{itemjoin={{ $\odot$ }}, itemjoin*={{ and }}} \...
stf's user avatar
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How to define a custom description environment?

I want to define a new "custom-description" environment, say my description that taken in one length argument and produces the result that is achieved by the following code: \documentclass{...
Atom's user avatar
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How to Selectively Adjust a Label in a SetLabelAlign Description List

The following code \documentclass{book} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage[lf]{electrum} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage{xcolor} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \large \SetLabelAlign{chron}{\...
DDS's user avatar
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7 votes
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Translating a description environment style into a reference-able enumerate environment

In the description environment, I like the [style=newline] provided by the enumitem package. Is there a way I can use a similar style in an enumerate environment, so that I can label the items using \...
Andrew's user avatar
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A enumerate-like environment with description

How can I have a numbered list with a description for every item? It should be something like: 1(desc1). balabala 2(desc2). balabala 3(desc3). balabala I have read the answer here, but it doesn't ...
Yijun Yuan's user avatar
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How do I cause a long label in a description environmnt to wrap? [duplicate]

I am using a description environment, and one of my labels is very long \begin{description} \item[A very long label that I would like to wrap rather than overrunning the right margin as it currently ...
shmuel's user avatar
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How to create a enumerate list adding a custom prefix before each item number?

I found this question Adding some common text to enumerated description lists to be the closest: \documentclass{scrbook} \usepackage{enumitem} \newcounter{descriptcount} \newlist{enumdescript}{...
user's user avatar
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3 answers

Horizontal alignment issues with enumerate/description and sub-levels

I am struggling to obtain a proper horizontal alignment with either enumerate or description. I have simple bold arabic numbers followed by a dot as labels. These are references to exercises, and so ...
user877529's user avatar
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How to reduce the spacing between labels and text in an inline description?

I'm using the option inline of the enumitem package to create lists inline. The numbered lists are perfects, however, the descriptions produces a lot of withe space between the label and the text. ...
Daniel Valencia C.'s user avatar
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How to change the alignment of the label and the description inside the description environment?

I like a particular description alignment: The label aligned to the right The description aligned to the left In LaTeX I have been doing it manually, so I'd like to configure the description ...
Daniel Valencia C.'s user avatar
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Hanging indent on item in description list with enumitem

With enumitem, how can I get the single item in the oneproperty description list to have a hanging indent, just like the items in the propertylist enumerate list? \documentclass{memoir} \usepackage{...
murray's user avatar
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Removing additional right hand side margins of lists items

I use xepersian package for my thesis. I have some nested descriptions and enumerates. Is it possible to remove right margins of items? I have used enumitem package, but using ‎\begin{enumerate}[...
Fahim B's user avatar
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How can I force labels in `description` environment to stay within the margins?

The labels in description exceed the margin by default. I tried using labelwidth=\widthof{Described Item} + 2.5\labelsep and it works well. However, I would like description to handle the alignments ...
Al-Motasem Aldaoudeyeh's user avatar
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Vertical space between description label and first line

I'd like to create this vertical space globally using enumitem. The key style=nextline pushes the item content to its own line as I want, but I'd like some added vertical space of my choice. Here's ...
steven_nevets's user avatar
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Adding symbol before some labels in description

I want to do something similar to this question, but with a description environment. That is, I want to add an asterisk (or something) before the label text of some of the items in a description ...
Mark Meckes's user avatar
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2 answers

How to set leftmargin of description to width of a particular label in enumitem?

I'd like to make a timeline with a description environment. If I use the following: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{enumitem} \begin{document} \begin{description}[leftmargin=*,label=0000] \...
Reuben Thomas's user avatar
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classicthesis and enumitem: description list won't compile if pdfspacing option is not specified

This code won't compile: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{book} \usepackage[]{classicthesis} \usepackage{enumitem} \begin{document} \begin{description} \item[hello] Hi \item[what] why \end{description} ...
robertspierre's user avatar
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Item label in description environment too long for margin [duplicate]

I am using the description environment for a set of definitions. A label that I have is too long to fit in the left margin of the page. I do not know how to force a line break in the item label - nor ...
K. Shores's user avatar
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Why am I having a space to the next word? How to fix it?

I have what I would like to think, a simple question. I have the following tex code: \begin{description}%[style=nextline] \item [Category\label{desc:category}] blablabla \item [Profile\label{desc:...
bruno fagioli's user avatar
1 vote
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Increasing the font size of described term in a description list

I have a description list defined like this: \usepackage{enumitem} \begin{description}[style=nextline] \item[Design Patterns] Descriptive Text. \item[Code Quality] Descriptive Text. \item[...
Luca Fülbier's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Adding some common text to enumerated description lists

This question is actually based on a modified version of this answer. The original solution works perfectly well. However, I wanted to add the word Case before the number and a comma after the number....
Masroor's user avatar
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Description label normal but value in bold

I want to create something like: Name: Myname Address: MyAddress How can I do that? Currently I have done: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage[spanish, es-...
jlanza's user avatar
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How to create list like this?

A. some heading: Text B. another heading: more Text C. yet another head: lots of Tex I tried: \begin{description}[\Alph] %[font=$\Alph\ $\itshape] \item[some heading] Text \end{description}
Dr.PB's user avatar
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How can I make the label text in description lists wrap in the label area over multiple lines if needed?

I use the enumitem package to customise description lists. Here a MWE printing some fictitious personal details: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{enumitem} \setlist[description]{leftmargin=5em, ...
halloleo's user avatar
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How can I redefine description list items only when embedded?

I'd like to globally add a character to the front of any item that is part of a description list embedded within another description list. Hardcoded Example Character U+21B3 is the closest thing I ...
Jonathan Komar's user avatar
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Short interline spacing after \item in customized description environment

I'm working on a technical guide, and I have a list of descriptions of different commands that can be run. Some of these commands have aliases or alternative invocations, and I want them to have the ...
argentpyro's user avatar
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Alignment in custom description environment

I have to list the hardware of a computer, and I'd like to use the description environment from the enumitem package. I have several problems of alignment as you can see on the picture. I want the ...
3isenHeim's user avatar
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Defining an 'optional' description list environment

I'm trying to create a variant of the description environment that coerces any present description to be on the next line. I can't seem to get the vertical spacing right when there's no description ...
Sean Allred's user avatar
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How can I use hyperref hyperlinks inside of description list keys?

I already asked a related question, How can I label / reference description items that contain macros by name? Now I am having difficulty compiling description lists using hyperref's hyperlinks. ...
Jonathan Komar's user avatar
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How can I label / reference description items that contain macros by name?

This question is related to Reference name of description list item in LaTeX, because that is the same as what I am doing. The answer provided there works in most cases, but I found a case where it ...
Jonathan Komar's user avatar
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How can I correctly use lists as descriptions to items of description lists?

I am writing a manual using description lists to list off GUI menu items with their subordinated parameters. An undesired effect occurs when embedding lists as the description of an item of the ...
Jonathan Komar's user avatar
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How to make enumerate indent like description

I'm trying to typeset a numbered list in which I'm overriding the default enumerate behaviour using enumitem so that there's text in addition to a number. I'd like the text to be flush with the left ...
rainbowgoblin's user avatar
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enumitem: description with unbold item - math mode (hepthesis)

I would like to have a normal font symbol (in math mode) as description item in the hepthesis document class. Example: \documentclass{hepthesis} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{enumitem} \begin{...
Display Name's user avatar
10 votes
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How to change colon into dot in description list?

I use amsbook document class. In description environment there is a colon after every item label. I want dot instead colon. How? Note that I already use \usepackage{enumitem} as it was suggested in ...
porton's user avatar
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Redefining the item label in beamerarticle

I want to use $\bullet$ for the item label. In most LaTeX classes I would use \usepackage{enumitem} \setitemize{label=$\bullet$} However this won't work in beamerarticle since enumitem doesn't play ...
wilk's user avatar
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Text between before the actual description in a description list

How do I insert a custom (constant) text before all item descriptions in a description list? For instance, I want to create something like this: Question 1: My question Answer: My answer ...
Isma's user avatar
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right-alignment with enumitem

I have the following list with the enumitem package, \begin{flushright} \begin{description}[font=\color{black},before=\color{blue},nosep] \item[Item:] some text some text some text \item[Another item:...
Gitano's user avatar
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