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Questions tagged [coordinates]

{coordinates} is about using coordinates in {diagrams}.

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4 votes
1 answer

Calculated coordinates in TikZ-Paths

I require coordinates in a TikZ-path, which are calculated from values in a table or in a csv-file. Therefore I cannot create the coordinates using the calc-library but have to incorporate additional ...
Wilhelm Haager's user avatar
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How to Calculate the Scale of a TikZ Map and Create Commands for Plotting Points by Latitude and Longitude?

I am working with the TikZ map of India provided in the link. The map uses Cartesian coordinates to define locations of different states. I want to achieve the following: Calculate the scale of the ...
Shantanu Kudva's user avatar
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2 answers

2nd set of coordinates of \begin{picture}(w,h)(x,y) relation to \put[x1,y1]

In a book by Lamport writes the 2nd set of coordinates of \begin{picture}(w,h)(x,y) that the x,y are coordinates of the lower-left corner. So now it seems that in command \put{x1,y1} the x1,y1 are ...
user158293's user avatar
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xyz cylindrical coordinates seem to have a skew z-axis drawing a helix

I want to draw a pentagonal helix using tikz 3D. I wrote the following to do that: \begin{tikzpicture} \foreach\x in {-6,...,6}{ \draw (xyz cylindrical cs:radius=1,angle=72*\x-72,z=\x-1)--(xyz ...
Sriotchilism O'Zaic's user avatar
2 votes
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Rotate coordinaten system with PGFPlots

I want to rotate a coordinate system with pgf-plots using rotate around={angle:point}. I would expect to use (0,0) but using trial and error I found rotate around={30:(170,-220)}. Can somebody explain ...
garondal's user avatar
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Gate-All-Around FET (GAAFET) nanosheet 3d illustration

I'm trying to create a 3D representation of a GAAFET (Gate-All-Around Field-Effect Transistor) nanosheet using TikZ in LaTeX. I have attempted a 2D schematic, but I would like to improve it and create ...
Yusef Hamdellah's user avatar
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\textbf value coordinate in bar graph

I'm trying to write the value "725" in bold using \textbf in LaTeX, but the system is giving me an error. How can I fix it? \documentclass[14pt]{extreport} \usepackage[lmargin=1.3in, rmargin=...
Yosef Hamdellah's user avatar
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about a compilation error due empty space in foreach list [duplicate]

Background I want to condense some TikZ commands with \foreach loop, but I encountered some errors. To fix this, I learnt from an answer for a past question. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} ...
0 votes
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How can I make a `tikzpicture's` coordinates react to TeX `dimensions`?

Further to the question I posted yesterday and received [an excellent answer answer ]2 regarding shading a block, I changed the code I was using (from just LaTeX code, using boxes etc) to tikz, using ...
yannisl's user avatar
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draw command doesn't work in axis environment

I have tried to draw an ellipse in the axis environment, but whether I use axis cs or not, and even though there are no warnings, no ellipse is drawn. This is a mwe: \documentclass{standalone} \...
Luca Maria De Vita's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the difference between single and double plus in tikz coordinates? [duplicate]

I've been using double plus in TikZ for relative coordinates: \draw[-] (somecoord) -- ++(1,0); but I have found TikZ code with single +. What is the difference between ++(dx,dy) and +(dx,dy)?
Jason S's user avatar
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Easiest way to draw celestial sphere diagrams [duplicate]

I was hoping someone might be able to give some helpful advice. I've seen this question popping up a few times on the forum, but I just find all the answers too complicated and difficult to follow. I ...
Coenraad van Schoor's user avatar
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Is it possible to record the exact location of a box in latex after generating a pdf? [duplicate]

In my latex quiz code, I can generate boxes for users to write like this: \ans{3cm} The problem is, depending on the surrounding text, the exact location of the box will shift. Is there a way to ask ...
Dov's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Dividing by sums in TikZ coords

I want to input mathematically calculated coordinates, containing terms which are divided by sums, into TikZ. For instance, I would like to use something with a similar syntax to this: \def \cmd {1/(1+...
Jasper's user avatar
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Tikz Display Coordinate in Node Text in Scaled Picture

Looking to display the value of a coordinate, however using the below, the value does not print out accurately. The scale is attempted to be retreived using Recover scaling factor in TikZ and then use ...
The Guy's user avatar
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Draw a three dimensional sphere with TikZ that looks like this [duplicate]

I would like to draw a simple sphere with radius 1 in a three dimensional coordinate system that has some kind of grid on its surface, i.e. like in the following picture that I found. I was wondering ...
Mimimi's user avatar
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LaTeX Error: Illegal parameter number in pgfplots coordinate list

I am experiencing a persistent error when trying to compile a pgfplots scatter plot in LaTeX. The error message I receive is: ./test.tex:23: Illegal parameter number in definition of \pgfmaththisrow@....
Marcus's user avatar
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Intersection -| of a named and a calculated coordinate

I want to use the intersection of a named and a calculated coordinate, in other words the y-coordinate of a named coordinate but the x-coordinate of a calculated coordinate, such as the point Z below, ...
Jason S's user avatar
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TikZ: collecting defined coordinates in a list

I want to collect previously defined coordinates in a list and print them later in a \foreach-loop for debugging purposes. The following MWE shows the list \points which ideally should be defined and ...
kaat0's user avatar
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PGF is extracting wrong x/y values from a coordinate. How can I extract correct values?

Consider this MEW, \nonstopmode \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz,amsmath} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \draw [gray!10](-...
sigsegv's user avatar
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A simple question about mfpic coordinates

I'm learning a little mfpic. I have the following code that draws just a line and I just need to know the meaning of the coordinates: [15]{-7}{6}{-3}{3} \documentclass{article} \usepackage[metapost]{...
Rafiq's user avatar
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2 answers

PGFPlots: How to properly get the x-component value of a coordinate to use it in a calculation?

How to fix the syntax of \draw (i-2) circle let \p{dgcr} = (i-2) in node at (i-2) {$d_{g,cr} = \fpeval{\x{dgcr}/0.35}$}; to make the node calculated number correct (i.e., it should be around 0.6, not ...
Diaa's user avatar
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3 votes
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Circuitikz - aligning nodes

I was drawing circuit in tikz and find problem. First problem: I am not able to align verticaly open nodes on the left. Is there simple solution for that? Second problem: Is there way to get for ...
duck67's user avatar
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Default unit for x,y components of `tikzmath` coordinate is in `pt`

Lets say I want to draw a line on a grid given two points A,B: \documentclass[tikz]{standalone} %mixing defs and coordinates is a bad idea \usetikzlibrary{fit,shapes,calc,matrix,math,positioning,...
Ted Black's user avatar
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4 answers

How to pass a \def coordinate to macros

I am trying to pass a \def coordinate to a macro and got an error. Below is the code. The macro with direct passing works, but the two commented out lines don't. \documentclass[border=1cm]{standalone} ...
Leon Chang's user avatar
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3 answers

Why doesn's naming coordinate with \foreach iterator work inside axis environment?

Without the axis environment, we can write something like this \documentclass[beamer,crop]{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \foreach \...
Rubem Pacelli's user avatar
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Feynman Diagrams inside circles

I'm trying to use tikz-feynman to draw Feynman diagrams encased in circles. I need the entire diagram to be inside a circle, with the lines touching the circle. This is necessary because these are ...
Green05's user avatar
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Why can't I use coordinate in coordinates?

In \documentclass[beamer,crop]{standalone} \usepackage{times} \usepackage{physics} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \pgfplotsset{ compat=1.17, % Specify the compatibility version ...
Rubem Pacelli's user avatar
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Roundoff error in the yticks

The following MWE \documentclass[beamer,crop]{standalone} \usepackage{times} \usepackage{pgfplots,xparse} \pgfplotsset{ compat=1.17, % Specify the compatibility version nice_axis/.style={ ...
Rubem Pacelli's user avatar
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tkz-fct: Define function in correct coordinates when axes have non-trivial step size

Consider the following example: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usepackage{tkz-base} \usepackage{tkz-fct} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8] \...
Photon's user avatar
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page coordinate vs TeX coordinate

I am reading the synctex source code, now I found he comment mentioned two type of coordinates, page coordinates and TeX coordinates. anyone know about the two type of coordinate system? The docs only ...
Dolphin's user avatar
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tdplotsetrotatedcoord ' arguments

This involves making a pyramid (tetrahedral, SABCD) in a red reference frame of origin (A) = (0,0) and dimension 2 cm then tracing a green triangle on the face ((S), (B), (C)) for this it would ...
Dhénin Jean-Jacques's user avatar
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Drawing between plots with groupplots pgfplots

I am trying to create a zoom effect for the plot on the left. I make a box in it and I want to draw lines from two corners of the rectangle going to the plot on the right. I thought it might be ...
Nausicaa's user avatar
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I cannot define tikz coordinate with foreach statement

I got a weird bug when I want to define and name a list of coordinates \tikz{ \foreach \name/\pos in {{a/(1,0)}, {b/(0,1)}} \coordinate (\name) at \pos ; } The error is {/usr/local/texlive/2023/...
JGressier's user avatar
3 votes
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Place element at each corner of minipage

General overview I try to put different elements on each corner of a minipage. MWE \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{picture} \usepackage{calc} \begin{document} ...
fauve's user avatar
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Pgfplot coordinates declared in \addplot

I am trying to plot data from a .csv with different data sets (no more than 4). I have added some additional input parameters just for debugging, at the moment the document looks like this: \...
Valentín Gutiérrez Gil's user avatar
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Intersection coordinates change when I change values for domain

I'm trying to plot a function using Tikz/Pgfplots. Am still new to using Tikz/Pgfplots. I've created the code using various sources. Here's a MWE: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots,tikz}...
Ram's user avatar
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Tikz: Moving the origin to a polar coordinate

Reading the documentation, I was under the impression that “++” changes the origin to that point. At the same time, I understand that a polar coordinate specifies a certain point by giving the angle ...
Renzo's user avatar
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Why does my \includegraphics size not match the length of the coordinate system after setting the height and width?

mycode is like this: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{3d} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[canvas is zy plane at x=0mm] (temp) at (0.0mm,0.0mm,0.0mm) {\...
梁港林's user avatar
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How to delete duplicate points in computer generated tikz image

I used an svg file of an image as the basis for a program (this one, I think) to generate a tikz version of the image. The tikz code it produced compiles correctly and the image looks good, but the ...
Brian's user avatar
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Plotting coordinates from tikzmath in pgfplot axis coordinate system

Short Version I want to do some fairly complicated coordinate math to make a notional diagram but would like to use pgfplots since I have used it elsewhere in my document and want the axis styles (...
segfault's user avatar
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LaTeX reserving space for undrawn coordinates

I'm trying to write a function to ease the drawing of figures. I called this function \drawcurve as is shown below. It's purpose is to create a curve between 2 lines indicated by coordinates in it's ...
Siebe Arnout's user avatar
2 votes
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Simple way to position a text anywhere on a beamer frame

This might be a very easy question but somehow I have failed to find a good answer for. I wish to put a text, e.g., word/math/string, etc. on a specific location on a Beamer frame. This is probably ...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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7 votes
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Find the coordinates of a point in a TikZ picture, with respect to the borders drawn by standalone package

Consider a TikZ picture with a circle centred at (0,0) in the TikZ coordinate system. Surrounding the node is a complex shape, such as a curve as shown below. In the standalone package, the border is ...
Sam's user avatar
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tikzmath produces an error when the trigonometric functions are used [duplicate]

Why does the following code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{math} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \tikzmath{ coordinate \v; \v = (cos(pi),sin(pi)); } \end{...
Evan Aad's user avatar
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How to draw nodes from a txt file using tikz

So basically, I have a tikzpicture and I would like to include 36 node inside this picture. currently, the only way I know to include them is to write \filldraw[blue] (3.8,3.6) circle (1pt) node[...
Aerosonic's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I write (xyz) coordinates in LaTeX? [duplicate]

After looking online, I can't seem to find a command to replicate coordinate notation as shown in the image below. Any help would be appreciated.
adamcurry's user avatar
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How do I add gray grid lines to a three-dimensional plot using pgfplots?

I am trying to use pgfplots to draw a three-dimensional space. Using the following code I'm able to get the axes to show, and I know how to add coordinates and nodes and some other objects: \...
twoblackboxes's user avatar
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TikZ - foreach substitution inside coordinate name not working [closed]

I have coordinates named a1 to a9. They were defined by \coordinate (a1) at (0,0); etc. They all have valid x and y coordinates. I need to create 9 circles whose centers are each of the 9 coordinates ...
ong99375's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Positioning a minipage [duplicate]

I would like to choose exactly where my minipage starts using coordinates on the page. So far I have the following, \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{minipage}[x=10cm,y=5cm]{8em} The ...
curry's user avatar
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