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9 votes
3 answers

Best practice for plots (pgfplots, gnuplot, etc.)

I am writing a fairly large article with a lot of different plots. They range from simple ones like abs(x) or x^2 to high-polynomials with their first and second derivative, and nonlinearities (...
burny's user avatar
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Effective way to plot values with a vast difference between them

Here's a nice simple bar graph. It's effective when the plotted values are in the same kind of ballpark, but when there's an outlier, it can put things out of wack. For instance, I want to plot some ...
voices's user avatar
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Standard way to read parameters from header in pgfplots

Suppose I have experimental data that I want to read from a file with parameters in the header. What is the standard way to read the parameters and make them available as tex macros. Consider the ...
student's user avatar
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How can I update pgfplots code? Or should I not even be trying?

How should this code be updated so that it does not require the compat=1.9 key? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{pgfplots} \pgfplotsset{compat=1.9} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline] ...
cfr's user avatar
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Is a chart/plot considered a figure? Are there “best practices” for charts/plots? [closed]

I'm seriously confused as to what a “chart” or plot is considered in the LaTeX community. Alright, let's start here. I've noticed individuals mainly use two methods for inserting charts: Construct a ...
edthealchemist's user avatar
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Pgfplots Boxplots with a thick line at the mean value [duplicate]

pgfplot produces nice looking plots, that have consistent look and feel. But sometimes you have a good reason to change that look, and I found it tricky to change style of an specific line, circle, ...
Ho1's user avatar
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Same pgfplots within standalone for usage in elsarticle and revtex4-1

Suppose I have created a plot with pgfplots for a scientific paper. However, for usual reasons the targeted journal is not certain. Possibly the plot has to be adjusted to match different journals (...
Hotschke's user avatar
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20 votes
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Typography and style - good choices for font styles in TikZ or pgfplots graphics?

When creating graphics or graphs with TikZ and/or pgfplots, one can put several commands to format the text to his likings. My question is: what are sound possibilities to format the elements in said ...
henry's user avatar
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Fixed position for pgfplot area

I use pgfplots to generate graphics for a beamer presentation. The graphics are placed on consecutive slides. This works great, but the graphic position is slightly moving from slide to slide, which ...
Laurent Dudok de Wit's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Plotting R boxplots with pgfplots

I use quite a number of boxplots in my writing, and have chosen pgfplots as my plotting solution for a number of reasons (one of which is the benefit of having the data to build the plot in the tex ...
jja's user avatar
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11 votes
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Unsung Heros - PSTricks, TikZ, pgfplots,

While watching presentations (mostly made with beamer) at my university I noticed, most people here use LaTeX to create there presentations which is really nice. (not just for the health of my eyes) ...
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