I am trying to draw a depiction of a map that sends $1\mapsto 1/2$, $1/2\mapsto 1/3$, $1/3\mapsto 1/4$, etc.
The code I have is given as follows:
% page setup
\usepackage[a4paper, total={6in, 8in}]{geometry}
% basic packages
% tikz
% main document
% Draw the real line and the interval (0, 1]
\draw[->] (-0.5, 0) -- (1.5, 0);
\node at (0, 0) {$($};
\node at (0, -0.08) {$0$};
\node at (1, 0) {$]$};
\node at (1, -0.08) {$1$};
% Draw the points and arrows
\filldraw (1, 0) circle (0.3pt);
\foreach \x [evaluate=\x as \y using \x-1] [evaluate=\x as \z using (1/\x + 1/\y)/2] in {2, 3, 4, 5}
\filldraw (1/\x, 0) circle (0.3pt);
\node at (1/\x, -0.08) {$\tfrac{1}{\x}$};
\path[-] ($(1/\y, 0.06)-(0.00, 0)$) edge[out=90, in=0] ($(\z, 0.2)$);
\path[->] ($(\z, 0.2)$) edge[out=180, in=90] ($(1/\x, 0.06)+(0.00, 0)$);
\node at (0.1, -0.08) {$\cdots$};
This gives me the image below.
My issue is, the last few arrows start to "pinch" outward and curve outward, which is undesirable for me. I think the drawing below demonstrates what I want and don't want.
Is there a way to make the arrows look like the ones on the left instead of the ones on the right? Any suggestions would be welcome.
Also, the reason I made each arrow path given by two lines
\path[-] ($(1/\y, 0.04)$) edge[out=90, in=0] ($(\z, 0.2)$);
\path[->] ($(\z, 0.2)$) edge[out=180, in=90] ($(1/\x, 0.04)$);
is because I want each arrow to reach the exact same height. This doesn't happen if I write a single line of code for each arrow. I'm not sure if this is good practice or not, but that is tertiary to main question.
depending on the distance between the ticks. And please, give a complete MWE, starting by\documentclass
and ending by\end{document}