I'd like to add a reversed arc barb tip to a curve in order to mark a discontinuity. While this works perfectly fine at the end of a line (and not a curve), reverting the barb tip horizontally at the end of a curve causes the curve to slightly cross the hook, as shown below:
\draw[black] [domain=0:2,-{Arc Barb[reversed]}, samples=100] plot (\x,0); % the curve crosses the hook
\draw[-{Arc Barb[reversed]}] (0,-1) -- (2,-1); % well-functioning plot I cannot generalise for curves
Could you please help me clip the end of the curve in the first example, or make the arrow tip begin a bit further?
\draw[-{Arc Barb[reversed]}] (0,-1) -- (1.99,-1) -- (2,-1);